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|                                                                             |
| The Rosetta SPICE Kernel Dataset                                            |

   Last update: January 30, 2018


   This document describes the Mars Express SPICE kernel dataset (SKD)
   containing observation geometry and other ancillary data in the form of
   SPICE System kernel files for the ROS spacecraft, the Philae lander and
   its instruments and targets. It describes the dataset directory structure,
   kernels included in the dataset, their naming conventions, and provides
   pointers to the SPICE software and documentation.

Table of Contents

   Table of Contents
   Archive Contents
   Kernel Types
   Kernel Details
      SPK Files
      PCK Files
      IK Files
      CK Files
      CK Files
      LSK Files
      SCLK Files
      FK Files
      MK Files
   SKD Latest Release Notes
   SPICE Software and Documentation
   Contact Information


   This archive includes the complete set of Rosetta SPICE data files
   (kernel files), which can be accessed using SPICE software. The
   SPICE data contain geometric and other ancillary information needed
   to recover the full value of science instrument data. In particular
   SPICE kernels provide spacecraft and planetary ephemeris,
   spacecraft and instrument orientation, instrument mounting
   alignments, and data needed for relevant time conversions. Data in
   the SPICE kernel files must be accessed using the software called
   the SPICE Toolkit produced and distributed by the Navigation and
   Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) Node of the Planetary Data

   This archive includes data covering from Rosetta launch, 2004-03-02,
   through the end time of the latest spacecraft orientation file
   supplied in the archive. Until the end of the spacecraft lifespan
   this archive will be accumulating with new data added according to
   the project archiving plan.

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Errata ====== None.

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SPICE Kernel Dataset Contents ============================= Files in this archive are organized into a set of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following diagram shows the structure and content of these directories. The directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]). [ROSETTA] Top-level directory | |- README.md SPICE Kernel Dataset Git subset top-level readme file. | |-[kernels] Directory containing SPICE kernels. | | | |- aareadme.txt SPICE Kernel Dataset top-level readme file. | | | |-[ck] Directory containing CK files. | | | | | |-- *.bc Binary CK files. | | +-- *.txt CK readme file. | | | |-[dsk] Directory containing DSK files. | | | | | |-- *.bc Binary DSK files. | | +-- *.txt DSK readme file. | | | |-[fk] Directory containing FK files. | | | | | |-- *.tf Text FK files. | | +-- *.txt FK readme file. | | | |-[ik] Directory containing IK files. | | | | | |-- *.ti Text IK files. | | +-- *.txt IK readme file. | | | |-[lsk] Directory containing LSK files. | | | | | |-- *.tls Text LSK files. | | +-- *.txt LSK readme file. | | | |--[mk] Directory containing MK files. | | | | | |-- *.tm Text Meta-kernel files. | | +-- *.txt MK readme file. | | | |-[pck] Directory containing PCK files. | | | | | |-- *.tpc Text PCK files. | | +-- *.txt PCK readme file. | | | |-[sclk] Directory containing SCLK files. | | | | | |-- *.tsc Text SCLK files. | | +-- *.txt SCLK readme file. | | | +-[spk] Directory containing SPK files. | | | |-- *.bsp Binary SPK files. | +-- *.txt SPK readme file. | +-[misc] Directory containing miscellaneous documents. | |-[sclk] Directory containing release notes. | | | +-- *.txt Release notes files. | +- Mars-Express.xml This file.

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Kernel Types ============ Different SPICE kernel types are used to store different kinds of ancillary data. SPK (Spacecraft Planet Kernel) files contain ephemerides (position and velocity) for spacecraft, planets, satellites, comets and asteroids as well as for moving or fixed spacecraft and instrument structures. SPK files are located under the kernels/spk directory of this archive. PCK (Planetary Constants Kernel) files contain certain physical, dynamical and cartographic constants for target bodies, such as size and shape specifications, and orientation of the spin axis and prime meridian. PCK files are located under the kernels/pck directory of this archive. IK (Instrument Kernel) files contain instrument parameters relevant for computing an instrument's geometry such as field-of-view definitions, CCD and optical distortion characteristics, and internal timing parameters. IK files are located under the kernels/ik directory of this archive. CK (C-matrix Kernel) files contain time varying orientations for spacecraft, spacecraft structures, and articulating science instruments. CK files are located under the kernels/ck directory of this archive. DSK (Digital Shape Kernel) allows various digital shape representations, such as triangular plate models or digital elevation models, to be combined under a common file format and accessed by a common set of subroutines. DSK files are located under the kernels/dsk directory of this archive. LSK (Leapseconds Kernel) files contain the leapseconds and the values of other constants required to perform a transformation between Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Ephemeris time (ET), which is also known as Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB). LSK files are located under the kernels/lsk directory of this archive. SCLK (Spacecraft Clock Kernel) files contain on-board clock calibration data required to perform a transformation between Ephemeris time (ET) and spacecraft on-board time (SCLK). SCLK files are located under the kernels/sclk directory of this archive. FK (Frame definitions Kernel) files contain information required to define reference frames, sources of frame orientation data and connections between these frames and other frames supported within the SPICE system. The science instrument frame definitions provided in the FK files include mounting alignment information for the instruments. FK files are located under the kernels/fk directory of this archive. MK (Meta-Kernel) files list sets of related SPICE kernels that should be used together, providing an easy way to make data from these kernel sets available to a SPICE-based application by loading meta-kernels into the program using the high level SPICE data loader routine FURNSH. MK files are located the kernels/mk directory of this archive. Kernel Details ============== The subsections below provide details, such as file naming conventions and specific details, for each of the kernel types included in this archive.

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SKD Latest Release Notes ======================== This section provides the latest release notes of the ROSETTA SPICE Kernel Dataset

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SPICE Software and Documentation ================================ The latest SPICE Toolkit for a variety of computer platforms, additional utility programs, documentation, tutorials, and hands-on lessons are available at the NAIF Node of the PDS: http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov specifically: Toolkit: http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/toolkit.html Utilities: http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/utilities.html Tutorials: http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/tutorials.html Lessons: http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/lessons.html

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Contact Information =============================== If you have any questions regarding this directory or its contents, please contact the ESA SPICE Service: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457 mcosta@sciops.esa.int, esa_spice@sciops.esa.int or NAIF at JPL: Boris Semenov (818) 354-8136 Boris.Semenov@jpl.nasa.gov End of ROSETTA SPICE Kernel Dataset description.

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