#/usr/bin/python #################################################################################### # # # SpiceSync Utility v1 # # # #################################################################################### # This utility is designed to download SPICE kernels based on a metakernel provided. # It has a config file, spicesync.ini that contains all the neccessary paths and # variables to specify prior to launch. # # Once launched, it: # - downloads the metakernel from SPICE FTP # - generates a list of kernel files mentioned in it # - syncs from remote to local only files mentioned in metakernel with the server, # comparing modification time and size # # Based on settings set in the .ini file, it can also: # - purge the local SPICE directory before work # - edit the metakernel locally to add the local path to PATH_VALUES # - log activities on debug or info level # # The following python libraries are required: # - configparser # - ftplib # - ftputil # - urllib # - os # - re # - logging # They must be installed in python (with pip or other tool) # # Changelog at the end of this file. def readConfig(path): import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(path) return config def getMK(server, serverPath): from ftplib import FTP from urllib.parse import urlparse import os.path try: ftp = FTP(urlparse(server).netloc) ftp.login() ftp.cwd(urlparse(server).path+os.path.dirname(serverPath)) lines = [] ftp.retrlines('RETR '+os.path.split(serverPath)[1], lines.append) logging.info("Success fetching %s with %d lines in it", serverPath, len(lines)) return lines except BaseException: logging.exception("Could not download MK file") return 0 def parseFileList(lines): import re try: m = re.search(r"PATH_SYMBOLS += +\( +\'(.+)\' +\)", lines) files = re.findall(r"\'\$"+m.group(1)+r"\/(.+?)\'", lines) logging.info("Metakernel parsed, %d kernel files found", len(files)) return files except BaseException: logging.exception("Could not parse MK file") return 0 def doSync(fileList, localPath, remotePath): from urllib.parse import urlparse from ftputil.host import FTPHost import os logging.info("Start Syncing from %s to %s", remotePath, localPath) count = 0 try: #create neccessary dirs dirs = [] for file in fileList: if (os.path.dirname(file) not in dirs): dirs.append(os.path.dirname(file)) if (not os.path.exists(localPath+dirs[-1])): if 'former_versions' in dirs[-1] and not os.path.exists(localPath+dirs[-1].split('former_versions')[0]): os.mkdir(localPath+dirs[-1].split('former_versions')[0]) os.mkdir(localPath+dirs[-1]) ftp = FTPHost(urlparse(remotePath).netloc, "anonymous") for file in fileList: rFile = urlparse(remotePath).path+file lFile = localPath+file logging.debug("Processing %s", rFile) if ftp.path.exists(rFile): rStat = ftp.lstat(rFile) if os.path.exists(lFile): lStat = os.stat(lFile) if (rStat[os.path.stat.ST_MTIME] > lStat[os.path.stat.ST_MTIME] or rStat[os.path.stat.ST_SIZE] != lStat[os.path.stat.ST_SIZE]): ftp.download(rFile, lFile) os.utime(lFile, (int(rStat[os.path.stat.ST_MTIME]), int(rStat[os.path.stat.ST_MTIME]))) logging.debug("Updated %s locally, a change compared with server detected", lFile) count += 1 else: logging.debug("Local file %s up to date", lFile) else: ftp.download(rFile, lFile) os.utime(lFile, (int(rStat[os.path.stat.ST_MTIME]), int(rStat[os.path.stat.ST_MTIME]))) logging.debug("Downloaded %s no such file found locally", rFile) count += 1 else: logging.error("%s not found on server", rFile) logging.info("Done syncing. %d files updated locally.", count) return 1 except BaseException: logging.exception("Could not sync the files on a list") return 0 def updateMK(destDir, kernel): logging.info("Updating MK with the local dir variable") try: fp = open(destDir+kernel, 'r') lines = fp.read() fp.close() import re, os a = destDir.rstrip(os.sep) if '\\\\' in destDir: a = re.escape(a) lines = re.sub(r"(PATH_VALUES += +\( +\')(..)(\' +\))", r"\1"+a+r"\3", lines) fp = open(destDir+kernel, 'w') fp.write(lines) fp.close() except BaseException: logging.exception("Could not sync the files on a list") return 0 return 1 import sys config_file = sys.argv[1] configs = readConfig(config_file) #Setup logging import logging logging.basicConfig(filename=configs['LOCAL']['WorkDir']+'spicesync.log', format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] in %(funcName)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', level=int(configs['LOCAL']['LogLevel'])) logging.info("Starting SpiceSync") #Purge directories if needed if configs['LOCAL']['Purge'] == '1' : import shutil, os shutil.rmtree(configs['LOCAL']['DestDir']) os.mkdir(configs['LOCAL']['DestDir']) logging.info("Purged %s", configs['LOCAL']['DestDir']) #Get metakernel files list for download files = getMK(configs['SERVER']['SpiceFTP'], configs['SERVER']['kernel']) if files == 0: logging.error("Quitting due to errors during getMK()") exit(0) #Parsing MK file to list files = ';'.join(files) files = parseFileList(files) if files == 0: logging.error("Quitting due to errors during parseFileList()") exit(0) #add mk file itself to filelist files.append(configs['SERVER']['kernel']) #Finally sync the files ret = doSync(files, configs['LOCAL']['DestDir'], configs['SERVER']['SpiceFTP']) if ret == 0: logging.error("Quitting due to errors during doSync()") exit(0) #Edit MK if needed ret = updateMK(configs['LOCAL']['DestDir'],configs['SERVER']['kernel']) if ret == 0: logging.error("Could not update the MK.") logging.info("Execution complete\n") logging.shutdown() exit(0) #################################################################################### # # # CHANGELOG # # # #################################################################################### # v1 2017-02-08 First Release # v2 2017-03-06 defined spicesync as a function with the config file as in input