JUICE SPICE Kernel Dataset Release Notes v4.5.3 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel Dataset for the given version. This version (4.5.3) provides a tag in the JUICE Git repository at the SOCCI Bitbucket: https://repos.cosmos.esa.int/socci/projects/SPICE_KERNELS/ Created by Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA, January 16, 2025. Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ January 16, 2025 v4.5.3 Updated UVS descriptions, diagrams and boresight alignment. Added ANGLE_SEP_TOLERANCE keyword to some science dynamic frames preventing two-vector definition degeneration. Issues fixed for this release ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [SPICEPCR-1482] - Increase tolerance of dynamic frame JUICE_MOON_NOA and review others. [SPICEPCR-1535] - UVS FK and IK update. Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== October 25, 2024 v4.5.2 Updated Jupiter minor moons ephemeris to jup344_19900101_20500101.bsp. Added JMC Optical Distortion model and FOV definitions for optical distortion. Updated NAVCAM pixel values and NAVCAM-1 misalignment based on in-flight image calibration. Added MAJIS definitions and descriptions from PI and defined field-of-view JUICE_MAJIS_EXTENDED. Corrected rotation of Solar Array ZERO frames. July 31, 2024 v4.5.1 Added orbnum files for Options A3 and B2 for 150lb CReMA 5.1 Jupiter Tour. Updated DSN kernels to latest version: - earth_topo_201023.tf - earthstns_fx_201023.bsp Added ANGLE_SEP_TOLERANCE keyword to RAM frames for JUPITER, CALLISTO, GANYMEDE, IO, EARTH, MOON and VENUS preventing two-vector definition degeneration. April 4, 2024 v4.5.0 Added meta-kernels for Options A3 and B2 for 150lb CReMA 5.1 Jupiter Tour including trajectory and default attitude kernels. - juice_crema_5_1_150lb_23_1_a3.tm - juice_crema_5_1_150lb_23_1_b2.tm Added structures SPK for spacecraft internal components. Added topocentric kernels for JUICE-specific ground stations. February 12, 2024 v4.4.1 Added Cruise Default Attitude frames (JUICE_CRUISE_HOT_, and JUICE_CRUISE_COLD_). Added bodies and topocentric frames for PRIDE antennas. Corrected JUICE_PEP_JEI sectors and boresight directions. Updated PEP_JENI_PY and PEP_JENI_MY and added new field-of-views, PEP_JENI_PH_PINHOLE, PEP_JENI_PH_SLIT, PEP_JENI_E_PINHOLE, and PEP_JENI_E_SLIT. Added JUICE_PEP_JNA_CONVERSION field-of-view. Corrected PEP_JOEE sector sizes and added FoV definitions JUICE_PEP_JOEE_SNN for all 9 sectors. Updated JUICE_RADEM IDs. December 20, 2023 v4.4.0 Updated spacecraft components DSKs with latest CAD model geometry. Updated JUICE_RADEM IDs and descriptions for ops frames. Added NOA, NPO, and RAM frames for IO, EARTH, MOON, and VENUS. Removed MARS frames and fixed CLASS_ID parameters of some frames. December 4, 2023 v4.3.6 Updated body fixed reference frame for RIME, RWI and SCM DSKs. Corrected PEP reference frames centers. Updated alignment and position for JUICE_RPWI_SCM_U and JUICE_RPWI_SCM_W. September 18, 2023 v4.3.5 Updated definition of JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA reference frame and added JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA_SCI, JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS_SCI, and JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS_SCI reference frames and body definition. Updated alignment of JUICE_GALA_BASE and JUICE_SPACECRAFT_NADIR reference frames from last alignment report before launch. Renamed JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EX, JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EY, JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EZ to JUICE_RPWI_RWI_U, JUICE_RPWI_RWI_V, JUICE_RPWI_RWI_W respectively. Renamed JUICE_RPWI_SCM_EX, JUICE_RPWI_SCM_EY, JUICE_RPWI_SCM_EZ to JUICE_RPWI_SCM_U, JUICE_RPWI_SCM_V, JUICE_RPWI_SCM_W respectively. Corrected origin of JUICE_EPT frame. Added model descriptions and reference for both EPT and IPT. Corrected alignment of JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA_MEAS and JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA_PLAN reference frames. June 29, 2023 v4.3.4 Updated Langmuir Probes CK with actual deployment dates. Added JUICE_SPACECRAFT_CHARGING reference frame and body definition. Updated JMC-1 reference frame alignment. Reduced invalid 90 degrees Field-of-view half angles in MAJIS and RADEM IKs to 89.99994 degrees limit. Updated generic PCK to version pck00011.tpc. May 17, 2023 v4.3.3 Corrected JUICE_PEP_JNA boresight direction. Reduced JUICE_PEP_JEI and JUICE_PEP_JDC FOV_REF_ANGLE from 90 to 85 degrees to avoid FOV angular radius limit error. May 5, 2023 v4.3.2 Added JUICE_SWI_SCANNER_PLAN, JUICE_SWI_SCANNER_MEAS, JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN_PLAN, JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN_MEAS and defined JUICE_SWI_SCANNER and JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN as switch frames. Added JUICE_RPWI_LPBx_PLAN, JUICE_RPWI_LPBx_MEAS and defined JUICE_RPWI_LPBx as switch frames. May 4, 2023 v4.3.1 Added Moon Principal Axes defined by INPOP19a planetary ephemeris (MOON_PA_INPOP) reference frame definition. Added IMCCE ephemeris "NOE-5-2021" of the inner jovian and Galilean moons. Updated JANUS detector parameters and added filter wheels keywords. Defined JUICE_MAG_BOOM and JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA as switch frames. Re-processed MGA measured CK with corrected elevation angles from telemetry. Added Earth reconstructed binary PCK. Added plan SPK for CReMA 150lb23_1 with start date trim to match the reconstructed trajectory from Flight Dynamics after launch. The step SCLK has been removed from the PLAN meta-kernel. April 13, 2023 v4.3.0 Added operational SCLK from first received TCP before launch. March 9, 2023 v4.2.3 Added Nadir direction definition through the JUICE_SPACECRAFT_NADIR reference frame. Added Events Frames Kernels for some Crema's. Added JANUS filters from Luca Penasa. Added new Minor Moons and new jup365 ephemerides. Added proper comments in the DSKs. Added Solar Arrays and Medium Gain Antenna default attitude CKs for 'baseline' and 'plan' CKs. January 30, 2023 v4.2.2 Renamed CReMA 5.1 150lb kernels from *crema_5_1_150lb* to *crema_5_1_150lb_23_1* (please note that the contents of these files have not changed). January 10, 2023 v4.2.1 Implemented instrument misalignment measured after mechanical tests. Corrected JUICE_SUN_EQU_RTN frame definition. Added ANGLE_SEP_TOLERANCE keyword to JUICE_EUROPA_RAM frame preventing two-vector definition degeneration. Fixed typo in JUICE_UVS_SP boundary corners keyword. December 12, 2022 v4.2.0 Renamed JUICE_JUP_THE_EXT_RING to JUICE_JUP_THE_RING_EXT. Updated ring reference frame base from from IAU_JUPITER to JUICE_JUPITER_IF_J2000. Added OBJECT_*_FRAME field for Plasma Tori and Jupiter Rings reference frames. Added DSKs for RWI and SCM based on CAD models and defined reference frames for RWI and SCM dipoles. Multiple updates for JMAG, UVS, RPWI and MAJIS IKs. Updated SCLK output string delimiter to ":" and parallel time system to Terrestrial Dynamical Time. Updated Cosmographia sensor catalogs to be centered at instrument locations instead of spacecraft center. November 9, 2022 v4.1.0 Removed meta-kernels related to previous CReMAs. Note only CReMAs 5.0, 5.0b23.1, and 5.1 have been kept. Operational meta-kernels juice_ops.tm and juice_plan.tm have been added. Updated zero attitude MGA and SA CKs implementing switch frames. Updated date in kernel filenames to format YYMMDD and removed reference to fictional SCLK in CKs. Note only reference to step SCLK will be kept in the filename of the CKs. Updated Jupiter Rings DSKs to implement a tubular form instead of tori. Names and dimensions have been updated and the Thebe Extension Ring has been added. Updated DSKs of various spacecraft components based on information from spacecraft CAD model. Updated Jupiter Rings body name/ID and improve descriptions of minor moons. Corrected JUICE_JMC-2 fixed frame rotation. Added DD Background FOV in RADEM IK. Added Jupiter Rings models in Jupiter PCK. Added RWI and SCM dipoles tips in structures SPK. October 20, 2022 v4.0.0 Implemented switch frame type for JUICE_SPACECRAFT reference frame. This frame will provide the orientation of the new reference frame JUICE_SPACECRAFT_MEAS when measured attitude is available for a given time or the attitude of JUICE_SPACECRAFT_PLAN otherwise. Implemented switch frame type for JUICE_SA+Y and JUICE_SA-Y reference frames. These frames will provide the orientation of the new reference frames JUICE_SA+Y_MEAS or JUICE_SA-Y_MEAS when measured attitude is available for a given time or the attitude of JUICE_SA+Y_PLAN or JUICE_SA-Y_PLAN otherwise. Implemented switch frame type for JUICE_MGA_AZ and JUICE_MGA_EL reference frames. These frames will provide the orientation of the new reference frames JUICE_MGA_AZ_MEAS or JUICE_MGA_EL_MEAS when measured attitude is available for a given time or the attitude of JUICE_MGA_AZ_PLAN or JUICE_MGA_EL_PLAN otherwise. IMPORTANT NOTE: This implementation requires using the SPICE Toolkit version N0067 Updated various RPWI, GALA, MAJIS and Langmuir probes reference frames. Added reference frames for JACS-X and JACS-y coils segments. Implemented SPK and default attitude CKs for CReMA 5.1 end-to-end trajectory 150lb (baseline) and trajectory 150la (backup) up to 2G2. Regenerated Magnetometer Boom and Langmuir Probes Booms with updated orientation and using the step SCLK. Updated spacecraft components DSKs from latest CAD model. Updated RPWI and JMAG positions from latest CAD model. Added definitions and positions for JACS-X and JACS-Y corners. Implemented various corrections for GALA, JMAG and PEP IKs. Added FKs for mapping JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame to the _PLAN or _MEAS frames. Updated filenaming convention for SCLKs, CKs, and SPKs. Most specifically dates now have YYMMDD format and references to fictional clocks are dropped. July 25, 2022 v3.2.0 Implemented various corrections for GALA, JANUS, PEP and UVS IKs. Updated minor moons PCK removing Name and ID definitions (moved to the JUICE Science Frames kernel). Updated and added orientation placeholders. Updated minor moons SPKs extending coverage start date to 1990-01-01 and added jup344-s2003_j24_19900101_20500101.bsp for moon S/2003 J 24. Removed science bodies from structures SPK and moved to new JUICE science SPK juice_sci_v01.bsp. Updated Jupiter Rings DSKs to be centered at their body fixed frames. Added Cosmographia configuration files for Jupiter Magnetic field visualization and cleaned-up 3D models. May 17, 2022 v3.1.0 Added MGA default attitude CKs providing Earth pointing. Corrected Europa Plasma Torus position. March 10, 2022 v3.0.0 Implemented SPK and default attitude CKs for CReMA 5.0b23.1 Updated list and definition of Regions of Interest SPK, FK and PCK. Updated MGA field-of-view for Ka and X bands and phase center position. Corrected Europa Plasma Torus DSK improving number of triangles. January 20, 2022 v2.9.2 Implemented JUICE_SPACECRAFT_PLAN reference frame for predicted attitude and implemented SPACECRAFT_PLAN to SPACECRAFT mapping in the CReMAs CKs using the step SCLK. Added DSKs for the Jupiter Rings and defined JUICE_JUP_HALO_RING, JUICE_JUP_MAIN_RING, JUICE_JUP_AMALTHEA_RING and JUICE_JUP_THEBE_RING reference frames and body/ID associations. December 10, 2021 v2.9.1 Corrected CReMA 5.0 Flybys CK improving pointing tolerance. Corrected PEP JEI sectors size, directions and IDs. Included latest version of ESTRACK kernels. Added Europa Plasma Torus DSK. Added preliminary version of RADEM IK. June 24, 2021 v2.9.0 Implemented SPK and default attitude CKs for CReMA 5.0 for baseline 150l0a. Added IK providing aperture of HGA and MGA beams. - juice_aux_v00.ti May 5, 2021 v2.8.2 Corrected JMC reference frame orientation. Added Optical and Detector parameters sections for JMC, NAVCAM and STR and updated Field of View definitions and layout diagrams. March 30, 2021 v2.8.1 Generated SPKs and corresponding default, flyby, conjunction and default solar array attitude CKs for: juice_mat_150l0a_20220904_20310717_v01.bsp February 11, 2021 v2.8.0 Generated SPKs and corresponding default, flyby, conjunction, comms and default solar array attitude CKs for: juice_mat_crema_3_2_20220601_20330626_v01.bsp Superseding the Ganymede phase by the trajectory in: juice_mat_crema_4_1_N56_Pp5_Q19_v01.bsp Updated ROI IDs applying the sub-category 0 when no sub-category is provided. Updated boresights and field of view of PEP and JANUS. Updated the Europa DSK Torus increasing the number of triangles to avoid spurious solutions for ray tracing. Also added double sided normals. December 10, 2020 v2.7.1 Fixed typos in minor Moons PCK juice_jup005.tpc and implement object to frame association for bodies with IDs greater than 527. Regenerated minor Moons SPK jup343_20200101_20500101.bsp fixing Philophrosyne 558 ephemeris. November 13, 2020 v2.7.0 Generated SPKs and corresponding default, flyby, conjunction, comms and default solar array attitude CKs for: JUICE_C150l0a_Option_D_Tour_v2.oem Corrected JUICE_IO_PLASMA_TORUS implementation. Corrected and cleaned-up Minor Moons SPKs and PCK. Updated CReMA nomenclature and descriptions according to indications by Nicolas Altobelli. Please note that CReMA 4_0 has been removed because is equivalent to 3_2 (same for 4_1). July 20, 2020 v2.6.0 Generated SPKs and corresponding default and comms attitude CKs for: JUICE_CReMA4d1_Baseline_0001_GCO_N54_Pp5_Q19_v2.oem JUICE_CReMA4d1_Baseline_0001_GCO_N56_Pn5_Q19_v2.oem JUICE_CReMA4d1_Baseline_0001_GCO_N56_Pp5_Q19_v2.oem Updated flybys CKs with lower tolerance (1 mdeg) to corrrect a glitch at closest approach. Corrected comms attitude CKs for all trajectories. Implemented Regions of Interest (ROIs) for Ganymede and Callisto. A brief example on how to use the ROIs is provided in juice_roi_v00.tf. Generated new DSK files for MAG, MGA APM and MGA Dish. All the OBJ and PNG files have now been moved to the misc/models directory. May 5, 2020 v2.5.0 Generated SPKs and corresponding default and comms attitude CKs for: JUICE_CReMA4d1_Baseline_0001_GCO_N54_Pp5_Q19.oem JUICE_CReMA4d1_Baseline_0001_GCO_N56_Pn5_Q19.oem JUICE_CReMA4d1_Baseline_0001_GCO_N56_Pp5_Q19.oem Because of this, three new meta-kernels have been added to the family: juice_crema_4_2_gco_n54_pp5_q19_ops.tm juice_crema_4_2_gco_n56_pn5_q19_ops.tm juice_crema_4_2_gco_n56_pp5_q19_ops.tm March 4, 2020 v2.4.0 - Updated S/C Digital Shape Kernels and Structures SPK to support PEP NIM FoV obstruction study. - Added ephemeris for additional minor Jovian Moons (jup343). - Updated ESTRACK Ground stations FK and SPK. December 17, 2019 v2.3.2 - Fixed typo in the Operational Frames Kernel. - Added temporary names of minor Jovian Moons. - Duplicated CReMA 4.0 as 4.1. November 18, 2019 v2.3.1 - Added latest minor moon's JPL ephemeris as requested by the Cartography Working Group. November 18, 2019 v2.3.0 - Updated SWI and MAJIS IKs, the FK has been updated accordingly. - Incorporated Solar Array rotation in Cosmographia, as taken from Marcel Stefko's work, configuration available here: https://github.com/esaSPICEservice/ESA-Mapps2Cosmographia) October 29, 2019 v2.2.0 - Generated default Solar Array attitude in accordance with SOC indications. Solar Arrays are power-optimised all times except for the Orbit Aligned attitude during Close Flybys when the arrays are at the XY plane (SADM=0) - Corrected JUICE COMMS attitude with downlink management during occultations; now downlink is not removed unless the occultation shortens it more than 3h 10min. - Corrected JUICE FLYBYS attitude with Hot/Cold attitude profiles (+Y S/C direction is inverted to keep the cold deck not illuminated). - Fixed interpolation error son trajectory for CrEMA 4.1 - Enhanced extended body modelling for S/C Bus and Solar Arrays. This has been used in the computation of the PEP NIM FoV obstruction. October 16, 2018 v2.1.0 - Updated center for the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame for DSK to work - Added Solar Arrays Default Attitude. - Added Io Plasma Torus DSK generated by Rafael Andres (ESAC/ESA) and its corresponding SPK (embedded in the JUICE structures SPK). The Io Plasma Torus model is also available in Cosmographia. - Added an FK to define the DSK Surfaces. - Corrected PEP NIM description typos. October 10, 2018 v2.0.0 - This Kernel Dataset Release (SKD) is a milestone for the JUICE SPICE Kernel Dataset for it supports obtaining a subset of the SKD with Bit via Bitbucket. The SKD subset can also be obtained from a permanent link to a zipped file. - Generated scenarios for CReMA 4.0 Baseline and Backup solutions. - Corrected bug in Attitude for Fly-bys for the CReMA 3.0 and 3.1 scenarios. - Removed the Solar Conjunction default attitudes from the Default Attitude CK and generated a Superior Solar Conjunction only CK for CReMAs 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.0b those files are available in the MK. - Updated JUICE mission-specific Planetary Constants (juice_jup001.tpc) Added placeholder IDs, radii, prime meridian, pole and longitudinal axis for a series of small moons required by the JUICE SOC. - Added reduced versions of the planetary ephemeris to avoid oversizing of the SKD as much as possible. - Updated structures SPK to include MGA hinge and MGA Phase Center positions. The JUICE Center of Gravity information is now in a specific SPK. - The Cosmographia configuration files are now also available in the SKD. November 6, 2017 v1.6.0 Updated IK and FK due to updates in PEP NIM FOV and description. October 5, 2017 v1.5.2 Bug corrected in the the CKs that provide Default and Earth Communications attitude for the CReMA issue 3_2. Added jup300.bsp files that superseeds jup282.bsp for it includes the ephemeris of 55074, 55075 and 55076 bodies. July 19, 2017 v1.5.1 Bug corrected in the the CKs that provide default attitude for the full mission for all the CReMA issues: 3_0, 3_1 and 3_2. Added Solar Array default orientation as an auxiliary reference frame JUICE_SA_DEFAULT. June 14, 2017 v1.5.0 CReMa Issue 3 Revision 2 (3_2) Released with the corresponding SPK and CK files generated. Including updated ephemeris for Jovian Moons. The CKs that provide default attitude for the full mission have been updated for all the CReMA issues: 3_0, 3_1 and 3_2 with the following changes: - Implements Solar Conjunction Attitude for the Cruise phase and for the Jupiter Tour Phase. For the Jupiter Tour Phase, -X (HGA) points to Earth and +Y to the normal of the Jupiter Mean Equator plane. - The Planetarty swing-bys have been moved to the Flyby Attitude CK. The Fly-by Attitude CK now includes the Planetay swing-bys. April 3, 2017 v1.4.1 Created SOC Operational Scenario that includes the studies of the GCO500 and the Europa Flyby scenario generated for Project and Industry. Theses scenarios are included in a new metakernel: juice_crema_3_1_soc_ops_study_v141.tm This scenario has been added to te WebGeocalc instance and to the SPICE-Enhanced Cosmographia Configuration. Added CKs delviered by SOC that correspond to the operational studies. Added SPK for New Norcia as requested by Nicolas Altobelli. February 13, 2017 v1.4.0 Added JUICE__RAM frame definitions as requested by Christian Erd. Added diagram for the PEP Nadir Unit frames definition. Added PEP NIM Thermal and Neutral/ion references, corrected PEP JNA reference frame. Added JUICE__RAM frames references. The full list of PEP IDs is now included in the PEP IK (from version 05) and only a reference is provided in this FK. This has been done in order to avoid overloading of this FK. As indicated by Gabriella Stenberg Weiser: updated JDC and JNA Sector definitions and added FOV for JDC pixels and JNA sectors. Updated NIM FOV definitions by adding the NIM neutral/ion mode and the thermal mode FOVs as indicated by Andre Galli. In order to facilitate a more one-to-one correspondance with SPICE Archives, following the advice from NAIF and in order to improve and make the meta-kernel management easier: earlier versions of files which have or have not been included in a meta-kernel will NOT be moved to the former_versions directory in the FTP as they used to. Instead all files will be kept in the directory and file management will be done solely via the meta-kernel. This change is applied retroactively. This does not apply to the meta-kernel directory. December 5, 2016 v1.3.1 Added jup310.bsp Jupiter System ephemeris in order to include Adrastea and Metis data as requested by Thomas Roatsch. Updated SWI frame definitions and added Channel 1 and Channel 2 FOVs. October 25, 2016 v1.3.0 The SWI and PEP Instrument kernel have been updated. More concretely for PEP the Field-of-views for JENI and NIM have been corrected. Consequently the JUICE frames kernel has been updated. Frames and instrument kernels for the Medium Gain Antenna, Star Trackers, JUICE Monitoring Cameras and NavCams have been generated. Updated the definition of the Solar Array Frames. Downgraded the epehemeris used for non-Jovian Solar System bodies from de423.bsp to de430.bsp in order to be aligned with the trajectories provided by Arnaud Boutonnet from MAn (Arnaud.Boutonnet@esa.int). October 7, 2016 v1.2.0 The names for the Meta-kernels, C-kernels and SP-kernels has been updated as agreed with Project and Mission Analysis. They now refer to CReMa releases. Default orientation for the CReMa Issue 3 Revision 1 has been corrected. SWI Instrument kernel has been updated. September 29, 2016 v1.1.0 Default orientation for the 141a Consolidated Trajectory has been updated for the transitions from Hot to Cold -and viceversa- transfer periods were wrong. Added default orientation for the c141_n45 trajectory. Which is consolidated as per the latest CReMA report: JUICE - Jupiter Icy moons Explorer Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis (CReMA), Issue 3, Revision 1. Updated Meta-Kernel name convention and version number -they match the Kernel Dataset version now, as consolidated with ExoMars 2016 Kernel Dataset-. August 19, 2016 v1.0.0 First release of the JUICE Pre-Operational Kernel dataset. The dataset includes the initial draft version of the kernels by ODC Space which were reviewed and updated by the ESA SPICE Service. The main focus of these kernels is to support the studies of the 141 Consolidated Trajectory and to support the studies of the JUICE WG3. Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service (ESS) at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 spice@sciops.esa.int or the JUICE Science Operations Center at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 646-746-711 Marc.Costa@ext.esa.int End of aareadme.txt