BepiColombo SPICE Kernel Dataset Release Notes v4.3.0 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel Dataset for the given version. This version (4.3.0) provides a tag in the BepiColombo Git repository at the SOCCI Bitbucket: Created by Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA, October 11, 2024. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 or NAIF at JPL: Boris Semenov (818) 354-8136 Notes -------------------------------------------------------- October 11, 2024 v4.3.0 Updated predicted trajectory and attitude kernels accounting for new Mercury arrival date in November 2026. SPK: - bc_mmo_cruise_v02.bsp - bc_mmo_mlt_50038_20261207_20290220_v01.bsp - bc_mmo_slt_extension_20290220_20310220_v01.bsp - bc_mtm_cruise_v02.bsp - bc_mpo_flp_00001_20261117_20290308_v01.bsp - bc_mpo_mlt_50037_20270301_20290516_v01.bsp - bc_mpo_slt_extension_20290516_20310516_v01.bsp CK: - bc_mmo_sc_cruise_v02.bc - bc_mmo_sc_slt_50038_20261207_20290220_f20231129_v01.bc - bc_mtm_sc_cruise_v02.bc - bc_mpo_sc_sct_50041_20230511_20261207_f20181127_v01.bc - bc_mpo_sc_slt_20261117_20270307_f20181127_v01.bc - bc_mpo_sc_slt_20270306_20290307_f20181127_v01.bc Updated end time in Cosmographia config arcs. Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- [SPICEPCR-1486] - Review Mercury trajectories after latest STP update. Release History -------------------------------------------------------- August 9, 2024 v4.2.2 Reprocessed MGA measured CKs with corrected beam angle and added beam mechanism offset in base reference frame. Updated MPO_MERTIS_BASE reference frame alignment angles. Updated 3D models and MPO SA and MGA gimbal positions in structures SPK. June 27, 2024 v4.2.1 Reprocessed HKT measured CKs removing spurious identity quaternions. Reduced invalid 90 degrees field-of-view (half-angle) for MPO_MGNS and MPO_SERENA_MIPA to the 89.99994 degrees limit. Updated reference frames and misalignments for SIMBIO-SYS HRIC, VIHI and STC. March 22, 2024 v4.2.0 Added LTP trajectory SPK for MOI and Mercury phase bc_mpo_flp_20251130_20280321_v01.bsp Updated default attitude CKs for MOI and Mercury phase based on LTP trajectory implementing Nadir pointing. Updated MTM separation date. Updated SIXS-X threshold FoVs shape from ellipse to circle. February 16, 2024 v4.1.4 Renamed reference frames MMO_SPIN_ZERO and MMO_SPIN_AXIS to MMO_SPIN_MEAS and MMO_SPIN_PLAN respectively. Added MMO_TILT_PLAN and MMO_TILT_MEAS reference frames. Updated MMO predicted CKs with new reference frames and fictional SCLK bc_mmo_fict_20231129.tsc. Updated fict SCLK ID to 68999 and added placeholder step SCLK. Updated boresight and reference vectors in MPO_SIXS-X and MPO_SIXS-X_PLAN. Added SIXS-X FoVs definitions for the detector thresholds. November 11, 2023 v4.1.3 Corrected typos referring to former versions BELA names in IK. October 9, 2023 v4.1.2 Added modified version of PCK pck00011_bc_v00.tpc overriding Mercury's shape by a sphere with radius derived from Messenger mission. Added positions and topographic reference frames for JAXA ground stations. Updated BELA reference frames definitions and boresight misalignment. Updated Star Trackers reference frames with in-flight calibration alignment. Added Mio spin axis reference frame MMO_SPIN_ZERO and updated MMO_SSAS reference frame Euler angles. Updated global Mercury DSK adding padding for fixing 360 degrees gap. June 28, 2023 v4.1.1 Updated measured CKs with bulk reprocessing of telemetry. Added new cruise default attitude CK with quasi-inertial Sun Pointing. February 28, 2023 v4.1.0 Updated planetary constants kernel pck00011.tpc implementing Mercury shape and rotation model from 2015 IAU report. Added Mercury global DSK based on MESSENGER elevation data. Updated MMO_SPIN_AXIS descriptions. February 21, 2023 v4.0.0 Corrected formatting and minor typos in text kernels and comments of binary kernels in preparation for first PDS4 Bundle release. Added Digital Shape Kernels (DSKs) to the operational SKD. Added MMO_MGF_BOOM reference frame and corrected descriptions. Corrected MPO_SERENA_STROFIO reference frame center IDs. Removed deprecated MTM_SPACECRAFT_CRUISE frame. Added MMO HEP-ion Field-of-view definition. Added missing information in MSASI Instrument Kernel. Added MGNS instrument sensors descriptions, field-of-view definitions, and references. Added PHEBUS optical parameters section. Regenerated SPK bc_mpo_mlt_50037_20260314_20280529_v05.bsp with proper interpolation degree to avoid velocity discontinuities at mid-points. January 4, 2023 v3.2.0 Reprocessed 2022 HKT CKs and added 2023 HKT CKs. Corrected MPO_SERENA_STROFIO NAIF body/ID association. Corrected BC_MSM reference frame definition description. Updated ENA boresight vector and field-of-view to Polygon shape. June 1, 2022 v3.1.0 Added Mercury Swing-by #2 MTP CK V02 updating timeline to CA (closest approach) time based on STP 124 trajectory. Removed Mercury Swing-by #2 MTP SPK. Added latest version of NASA Earth Stations SPK and FK. Updated MMO SPK and FK adding sensors positions, improving descriptions and diagrams. Corrected SERENA ELENA IK anodes field-of-view sizes. April 8, 2022 v3.0.0 Added MTP derived kernels including the geometry for the Second Mercury Fly-by. Corrected VIHI parameters in SIMBIO-SYS IK. Updated MPO_ISA_UOAF matrix to be orthogonal. February 7, 2022 v2.9.1 Corrected MCAM reference frames and field-of-view from Earth, Venus and Mercury fly-bys data. January 12, 2022 v2.9.0 CKs: - Added 2021 reprocessed HKT CKs and 2022 CKs. - Improved comments in various CKs. FKs: - Added frame information of MMO_SSAS for MSASI operation simulation. - Corrected various typos for SERENA, SIXS and BELA. - Corrected BC_MSO_AB reference frame angles and typos IKs: - Added IK for SSAS and updated comments in MSASI IK. SPKs: - Improved comments in various SPKs. Cosmographia: - Added high resolution model for MMO and improved various sensor configuration files. September 2, 2021 v2.8.1 - Included Mercury Flyby attitude kernel for FCP 106 trajectory SPK (bc_mpo_fcp_00106_20181020_20251101_v01.bsp) bc_mpo_sc_mercury1flyby_20211001_20211002_s20210901_v01.bc September 1, 2021 v2.8.0 Implemented Phebus scanner misalignment to base frame MPO_PHEBUS_SM relative to MPO_SPACECRAFT. Updated DSKs using high detailed spacecraft 3D models. Aligned estrack kernels with latest version adding Goonhilly station. July 26, 2021 v2.7.1 CKs: - Included Mercury Flyby attitude kernel for FCP 101 trajectory SPK (bc_mpo_fcp_00101_20181020_20251102_v01.bsp) bc_mpo_sc_mercury1flyby_20211001_20211002_s20210618_v01.bc - Included reprocessed CKs for with the House-keeping telemetry of 2020 and added related gap reports. bc_mpo_hga_scm_20200101_20210101_s20210618_v01.bc bc_mpo_mga_scm_20200101_20210101_s20210618_v01.bc bc_mpo_sa_scm_20200101_20210101_s20210618_v01.bc bc_mpo_sc_scc_20200101_20210101_s20210618_v01.bc bc_mpo_sc_scm_20200101_20210101_s20210618_v01.bc bc_mtm_sa_scm_20200101_20210101_s20210618_v01.bc June 14, 2021 v2.7.0 CKs: - Added Phebus and MMO Spin Axis(Cruise phase) zero orientation CKs - Fixed typos in MMO Frames Kernel and in bc_mmo_sc_slt_50038_20251220_20280305_f20170228_v02.bc - Re-generated MTM SEP CK with updated fict SCLK ID -121999 FKs: - Corrected bug in Generic Frame Definition Kernel File ( - Corrected Star Tracker 3 rotation matrix and minor typos - Updated MTM_SEP frame SCLK Id to the current SCLK Fict Id - Corrected BC_MSM reference frame origin to BC_MSM (shifted 479 km North) IKs: - Corrected MPO_PHEBUS_SLIT_75 cross angle aperture SPKs: - Created SPK for defining origin of MSM frame ephemeris point - Corrected SPK bc_mpo_mcp_50034_20251205_20260314_v03.bsp MPO orbit for MOI, trajectory defined with respect to J2000 reference frame. Cosmographia: - Corrected end dates of Cosmographia spacecraft catalog file to match separation events - Updated spacecraft 3D models to high detail models from scifleet May 4, 2021 v2.6.4 Defined reference frames for MPPE MEA, MSA and MIA. Updated ENA and HEP-ele FoVs and defined MIA, MSA, MEA1 and MEA2 Field of views for cruise and unobstructed. Corrected comment of bc_mpo_sa_scm_20181020_20190101_s20200325_v01.bc. April 28, 2021 v2.6.3 Corrected MERTIS pixel FOV definitions, fixed minor typos and defined black bodies reference frames BB3 and BB7. March 30, 2021 v2.6.2 The bc_mpo_sc_slt CK has been updated in order to accomodate the flipover maneouvers during the aphelion to be perform at the first possible orbit during the eclipse. Added MTP derived kernels including the geometry for the Second Venus Fly-by. February 22, 2021 v2.6.1 Implement latest updates for Schulte vector in frames kernel. Defined HGA Phase Centers based on Metrological measurements. Consolidate 2020 measured CKs. November 25, 2020 v2.6.0 This release updates the Field-of-views for SERENA PICAM and MIPA following the PI teams reviews. The IDs for ELENA have been updated so to have consistent naming convention with MIPA. IKs: - SERENA PICAM, the FOV aperture angle has been reduced from 70 to 65 degrees so to be consistent with SPOT. Note that the PI team remarked that the FOV will need to be reviewed later. - SERENA MIPA, independent FOVs have been defined for each pixel of the instrument. - SERENA ELENA, the IDs of ELENA has been updated to be consistent with MIPA as: MPO_SERENA_ELENA_AN_NN* -12151NN* FKs: - The science frames FK has been updated for correcting overlapping IDs of the frames. October 22, 2020 v2.5.0 This release is driven by the development and validation of the Schulte Vector implementation and following the Venus first flyby. It includes a re-processing of all HGA CK files. FKs: - MPO: Major review, cleanup and update of the HGA frames and IDs and ISA IDs for the Schulte Vector implementation. Additional minor corrections implemented as well. - MTM: Minor description updates. - MMO: Updates of the MPPE-ENA cruise Field-of-view frame. - Science: Updated BepiColombo Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric (BC_GSM) with latest IGRF model. SPKs: - Schulte Vector ephemeris points updated. - MPO S/C structures separated from HGA Schulte Vector ephemeris points. IKs: - MMO: Updates of the MPPE-ENA cruise Field-of-view. - SIXS: Added Planning FoV for SIXS-X. CKs: - Reprocessed all HGA CKs. July 16, 2020 v2.4.0 This release is driven by the need to publish the various updates done in different levels after the Earth swingby and to support the first Venus swingby. MPO FK: - Added NAIF Body IDs for instrument suites as requested by downlink group. - Updated NAIF Body MPO_SIMBIO-SYS_MU to MPO_SIMBIO-SYS. - Updated orientation of MPO-MAG sensors. MTM FK: - Added NAIF Body IDsMCAM suite. - Updated SA+Y and SA-Y Gimbal NAIF Name/IDs. - Corrected MCAM reference frames from Earth Flyby ESOC report. - Added MCAM IDs for FOV used by Flight Dynamics. - Corrected Solar Arrays frames euler angles so to meet description. - Added description for Solar Electric Propulsion frame usage. MIO FK: - Corrected MPPE reference frames and updated several diagrams and descriptions. - Added MIO and BEPICOLOMBO MIO as MMO synonyms. IKs: - Updated MMO IKs for MSASI and MPPE. - Updated SIMBIO-SYS IK with STC, VIHI and HRIC Optical distortion. - Added Optical parameters for all MERTIS FOVs. SPKs: - Updated MTM and MPO Structures SPKs. May 12, 2020 v2.3.1 The MPO MGA, HGA, SA, S/C attitude and MTM SA CKs from Telemetry have been re-generated and split by year. Gap coverage files are being generated for S/C attitude CKs from telemetry and are available at misc/reports. April 6, 2020 v2.3.0 This release is driven by the need to publish the various updates done in different levels especially to support the First Earth Flyby. MPO FK: - Corrected PHEBUS FOV definitions and descriptions. - Corrected typo in MPO_SIMBIO-SYS_HRIC_FPA frame definition. - Schulte vector intermediate updates (not final). - MERTIS correction for Earth Flyby (misalignment not considered). MTM FK: - Corrected MCAM reference frames from Earth Flyby ESOC report. - Updated SA+Y and SA-Y Gimbal NAIF Name/IDs. MIO FK: - Add frame information of MMO_MSASI for MSASI operation simulation. (As provided by JAXA, not formally reviewed yet). OTHER FK: - Updated GSM frame description in Science Frames. - Updated ESTRACK reference frame with latest location of stations. IKs: - Added first version of MIO MSASI IK. - Added first version of MPO Auxiliary FOV, for HGA. - BELA: Corrected typos and descriptions. - MERTIS: FOV cross-track angles have been corrected following clarification for the Earth Flyby. - PHEBUS: Corrected MPO_PHEBUS_SLIT_100 with Rafael Andres. - SIMBIO-SYS: Corrected MPO_SIMBIO-SYS_VIHI frame. - MTM MCAM: Updated Parameter units from mm to microns. Updated side FOV half angle values. PCK: - Form now on-wards latest version of the High Precision PCK will be included in the SPICE Kernel Dataset (updated on a daily basis). This might be interrupted in the future. SPKs: - Updated MTM and MPO structures SPKs. - Updated MIO and MTM positions w.r.t. MPO during cruise phase. - Updated ESTRACK SPK with latest information on stations. DSKs: - Addition of first version of all required DSK models including: MIO S/C Bus: bc_mmo_sc_bus_v00.bds MPO S/C Bus: bc_mpo_sc_bus_v00.bds MPO S/C HGA: bc_mpo_sc_hga_v00.bds MPO S/C MAG: bc_mpo_sc_mag_v00.bds MPO S/C MGA: bc_mpo_sc_mga_v00.bds MOSIF Body: bc_mpo_sc_mosif_v00.bds MPO S/C SA: bc_mpo_sc_sa_v00.bds MTM S/C Bus: bc_mtm_sc_bus_v00.bds MTM S/C +SA: bc_mtm_sc_sa+y_v00.bds MTM S/C -SA: bc_mtm_sc_sa-y_v00.bds Please note that the OBJ files and their associated textures can now be found in 'misc/models/'. November 29, 2019 v2.2.1 Science Phase and MOI phase SPKs updated due to changes in the IDs of the BC_MME_IAU2009_J2000 science frame. November 22, 2019 v2.2.0 Updated CK, SPK and MK readme files; they now contain a description of the current kernels (as requested in the last DHAWG by Joe Zender). MK: As agreed in the last DHAWG, the contents of the meta-kernels, has been modified in order to avoid confusion. The OPS meta-kernel will contain: - Trajectory: Predicted and reconstructed from Flight Dynamics (FDy); the data is in the same file, typically includes reconstruction and a predicted segment) - Attitude: As-flown orientation data from the Housekeeping (HK_TM) Telemetry and predicted/commanded attitude from FDy. The FDy prediction will be overwritten by the HK_TM - Structures/Payload: As-flown orientation without a default default profile (there might be data gaps) The PLAN meta-kernel will contain: - Trajectory: Predicted and reconstructed from FDy plus the MOI and Science Phase trajectories from Mission Analysis and a test extended mission trajectory. - Attitude: Predicted/commanded attitude from FDy and test attitude for the Cruise phase, MOI and science phase generated by the ESA SPICE Service. - Structures/Payload: Default profile (usage is not recommended). MPO FK: - Corrected MPO_ISA_URF and MPO_ISA_ILS frames definitions. - Updated Names and IDs for the epehemeris objects relevant to the computation of the Schulte vector, major update to the HGA frames. - Corrected and updated SIMBIO-SYS reference frames definitions. - Fixed IDs of science reference frames due to ID clashes with SA. - Updated MPO S/C Diagrams and reference frames centers for DSKs. SPKs: - Updated MTM and MPO structures SPKs. - Added extended SPKs for MPO and MTM (for a theoretical extended science phase). CKs: - Bulk re-processing the Commanded attitude from Telemetry CK: bc_mpo_sc_scc_20181020_20191120_s20191107_v01.bc - Updated test Cruise and MOI Attitude profiles for MPO. - Added test attitude for MMO in the extended science phase. - Re-generated CKs for SA, HGA, MGA, MTM SA, MAGBOOM for canonical (zero or default) position. PCKs: - Added High Precision Earth Orientation (for the Earth flyby). IKs: - Updates derived from the PI contracts. June 13, 2019 v2.1.0 MPO FK: Updated MPO_MIXS_OB following validation from Simon T. Lindsay. Renamed MPO_HGA, SCHULTE and MORE ephemeris objects. Corrected errors in several HGA and MGA frame definitions. Implemented draft pre-launch alignment report for SIMBIO-SYS MERTIS. MTM FK: MCAM reference frames updated with boresights cross checked with Flight Dynamics (Frank Budnik). Corrected Solar Array reference frames definitons and added SA IDs. SPKs: Updated MTM and MPO structures SPKs. CKs: Bulk re-processing all MGA and HGA CK files for MPO. March 20, 2019 v2.0.1 Re-processed MTM and MPO Solar Array Angles CKs to fix bug in angular value. Corrected priority order of SPKs to correct pre-launch incorrect S/C state. December 12, 2018 v2.0.0 General Items: This SKD release is a milestone for the generation of measured orientation data for MPO and MTM has started. CK kernels: - Publication of all MPO measured and commanded attitude CK kernels, MPO HGA, MGA and Solar Array measured orientation and MTM Solar Array measure orientation from HK TM up to now. The SPICE Operational Pipeline (ADCSng) will now generate these kernels in a daily basis appending the previous version of the kernel and thus providing full coverage with a single kernel. - Added SERENA and MERTIS zero orientation CKs. FK kernels: - Corrected MTM frames kernel typos. - Corrected MPO STR frame definition. December 4, 2018 v1.1.1 FK kernels: Corrected MTM HGA reference frame. CK kernels: Corrected HGA zero CK. November 28, 2018 v1.1.0 General Items: In order to accommodate the planning CK kernels in the operational meta-kernel and avoid having to use different SCLKs for different data it has been agreed to implement a strategy suggested by Boris Semenov (NAIF/JPL) which consists on the following: An additional S/C bus reference frame is defined in order to accommodate the C-kernels that have been generated with a fictional SCLK kernel. These CK kernels contain predicted data and are used for long and mid term planning. The before-mentioned CKs are generated with a fictional SCLK kernel due to the fact that successive updates of the real SCLK kernel will lead to erroneous results for the predicted data provided by those kernels after the last Time Correlation Packet that the real SCLK contains. The alternative of re-generating the planning CKs with the latest SCLK kernel is not considered. In order to be able to use the planning CKs with the measured CKs the planning CKs are generated with the fictional SCLK and are defined relative to the MPO spacecraft planning reference frame -- MPO_SPACECRAFT_PLAN --. Those planning CKs are then appended with a CK segment generated with the real SCLK that maps the MPO_SPACECRAFT_PLAN to the MPO_SPACECRAFT reference frame thus allowing to use both planning and measured CK files together with correct results. Note that when new SCLK are available the segment boundaries of the planning CKs will be affected. Due to this reason, the mapping segments boundaries are adjusted inwards by a minute on each side to get a better chance of them always being within the original CK segment boundaries. All readme files have been updated. MK kernels: This release includes the generation planning meta-kernels. This kernel follows the same release strategy as the operational meta-kernel. Note that the planning meta-kernel is aimed for LTP, MTP and STP planning, whereas the operational meta-kernel is aimed for Data Analysis. The planning meta-kernel is as follows:, and its corresponding tagged version; SCLK kernels: Updated Fictional SCLK in order to align it with preliminary Step SCLK (due to large offset with previous fictional SCLK). Generated Fictional SCLK for Planning CKs. CK kernels: Re-generated all predicted CKs with the updated fictional SCLK. Added MTM Solar Arrays Zero positions as default. SPK kernels: Added fictional CoG for MTM and MMO in order to avoid an error when users specify 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' or 'MMO_SPACECRAFT' as an ephemeris object. October 20, 2018 v1.0.1 Release for launch preparations. Updated Fictional SCLK in order to align it with preliminary Step SCLK (due to large offset with previous fictional SCLK). Re-generated all predicted CKs with the updated fictional SCLK. Minor edits in non-kernels files including Cosmographia JSON files. ERRATA: In release v1.0.0 it was announced that MPO_STR-1 frame ID had been corrected but the corrected one was MPO_STR-2. October 17, 2018 v1.0.0 This release prepares the SDK for the start of operations. Several files have been renamed, other test SPK, SCLK and CK have been removed. In addition the following updates have been done: - Updated the boresight definition (to unitary) for all STRs in order to avoid an error using GFTFOV with SPICE Toolkit versions earlier than N067. - Corrected MPO_STR-2 frame ID. Updated IDs for MPO-MAG. - Added MPO pre-launch SPK and CK coverage. - Added coordinates of MPO-MAG sensors in the MPO structures SPK. - Regenerated MTM CKs with MPO SCLK for the MTM telemetry will be received via MPO and therefore it will use the same clock as MPO. The MTM FK has been updated accordingly. September 8, 2018 v0.7.0 This release is aimed to publish the kernels for CReMA 5.4. In terms of other developments (PI contracts and Schulte Vector) it should be considered as an intermediate release. This release includes for the first time the Cosmographia configuration items under the misc/cosmo directories. SPK Kernels: CReMA 5.4 is now available. Corrected a bug in the Long Term Science Mission Analysis trajectories derived from the definition that ESOC uses of MJD2000. This bug is not fixed for previous versions of the CReMA (the ORBNUM file has been re-generated accordingly) All the trajectory files for MMO, MTM and MPO have been updated A first draft of the MPO Center of Gravity history SPK has been generated, it contains theoretical evolution of the CoG during all the mission. Re-named MPO Structures file and updated it. Note that this is a working version -mostly due to on-going Schulte Vector implementation. Generated an SPK for the Operational Rehearsals with Svt-1 data. FK kernels: Although this is an intermediate release in terms of FK, it includes the following incorporations: MPO FK: General correction of the SIMBIO-SYS frames. New and updated definition for the following frames; MPO_SIMBIO-SYS_STC_H and MPO_SIMBIO-SYS_STC_L have been separated from the others 6 filters and one more level of the tree has to be created. The values of the filter offsets have been considered only in the frames kernel and and not in the boresights. Implemented update based on Alignment Test by TAS-I for the MIXS_OB frame the BELA reference frames, the MERTIS frame and for the STR and SA frames. Implemented FoV reference frame for PHEBUS. Improvements for Schulte VEctor computation (still draft). MTM FK: Updated MTM ID, corrected several typos and added SEP frame. Added MTM diagrams. Removed MTM_MCAM_MU frame. SCIOPS FK: Added frame definition to generate MPO MOI attitude. IK kernels: BELA: Updated boresight definitions. MERTIS: Added Optical and Detector parameters. PHEBUS: Corrected reference vectors for all FoVs. SERENA: Minor corrections in ELENA main parameters. SIMBIO-SYS: Updated the split version of the STC focal plane. Change in change the definition of the axes in the drawing since the definition of the offsets of the filters have been considered as a rotation with respect the +Y axis and not the +X axis. STR: First version of the Star Trackers Instrument Kernel. MCAM: Updated MTM ID, corrected and serveral typos. Removed duplicate elements. Added Optical parameters. SCLK kernels: Re-generated the MTM SCLK with the new ID. CK Kernels: Added orientation of Solar Electrical Propulsion MTM frame to be able to determine the periods in which the engines are on. Attitude for the Venus fly-by is no longer available with the current CReMA. Attitude added for the MOI from: MOI Operations and Resources (BC-ASD-TN-00390). What has been implemented is what was indicated by Sara de la Fuente: "I have been investigating in the Bepi documentation what will be the default attitude during MOI and below I include what I understand it should be: The spacecraft is rotating around a sun pointed axis close to +X axis at 120 deg/h defined as follows: Rs = (cos^2(6deg), sin (6deg), sin (6deg)cos(6deg))" Updated most of the CKs in accordance to the SPKs, added HGA and MGA test files for Svt-1a. April 9, 2018 v0.5.1 This release is aimed to fix a but on the SKD identified by Harald Krueger (Max Planck) when using the SPKEZR API. Frame kernels: - Recovered Mercury Mean Equator at J2000 Frame which had been left out. - Updated IDs for several frames. Instrument kernels: In general the feedback from most of the Instrument teams has been implemented in the context of the PI contracts. More specifically: SERENA: Corrected SERENA accronym. March 12, 2018 v0.5.0 General items: - This Kernel Dataset Release (SKD) is a milestone for the BepiColombo for it supports obtaining a subset of the SKD with Bit via Bitbucket. The SKD subset can also be obtained from a permanent link to a zipped file. Frame kernels: - Updated SIMBIO-SYS Names, ids and added frames for filters. - Fixed SIXS detector numbering in drawings. Updated SIXS axis definitions and rotation matrices. Updated SIXS-P elevation and azimuth angles. - Corrected IDs for BELA Receiver and Transmitter. - Updated MPO_MAG ids. - Updated Science Frames with inputs from the HEWG and MPO-MAG. Please note that the updates still have to be reviewed. Instrument kernels: In general the feedback from most of the Instrument teams has been implemented in the context of the PI contracts. More specifically: BELA: Corrected several typos and made updates to the instrument description. Updated Receiver and Transmitter IDs. MERTIS: Added Optical and Detector parameters. SIMBIO-SYS: Updates on FoV names an ids, instrument descriptions and FoV definitions have been performed. SIXS: Updated elevation and azimuth angles. Updated SIXS-X FoVs. July 28, 2017 v0.4.4 SPK kernels: - Re-generated Cruise trajectory bc_mcs_mct_50034_20181005_20251219_v03.bsp due to a bug which caused two segments to be excluded - Generated Mercury Orbit Insertion trajectory from information provided by Mission Analysis: bc_mpo_mlt_50034_20251205_20260314_v01.bsp July 17, 2017 v0.4.3 General items: - First implementation of the Schulte Vector calculation with SPICE. Frame kernels: - Incorporated HGA frame definitions, MORE and ISA ephemeris objects for the computation of the so-called "Schulte vector"; indications on how to compute it are provided in the MORE section. Updated MIXS reference frames. Updated MERTIS Base Frame with missalignments from. Updated ISA Unit Opical Aligment Frame definition and several typos in the ISA frames. Instrument kernels: MIXS: Updated IK according to feedback provided by MIXS. SPK kernels: - Re-generated Cruise trajectory bc_mcs_mct_50034_20181005_20251219_v02.bsp as indicated by CReMA 5.3 delivery by Mission Analysis. Fly-by distances and interpolation issues are fixed. - Corrected bug in MMO Cruise trajectory (fixed offset w.r.t MPO) CK kernels: - Generated MMO default attitude for the Science Phase as indicated by SGS: Rotation Axis points to Mercury North Pole with a velocity of 4 seconds per rotation. April 3, 2017 v0.4.2 Updated the MPO frames kernel: - Corrected error in MPO_MIXS-T frame definition. - Updated and added ISA reference frames definitions. - Added draft Schulte Vector reference frame for MORE. March 2, 2017 v0.4.1 General items: - Updated several aareadme files from several kernel specific directories as suggested by Joe Zender. - Added a first sample of an ORBNUM file under the ../misc/orbnum directory. Find more information on the relevant aareadme file. Frame kernels: - Added a STROFIO frame in order to implement CK dependency for the FoV. Corrected several typos. - Extended MMO frames kernel with basic S/C frame definitions and added draft MPPE frames for Venus flyby studies. Instrument kernels: MPPE: Generated draft kernel for Venus flyby studies. SERENA: Added FOV definition for STROFIO CK dependent frame. SPK kernels: - Re-generated Cruise trajectory by smoothing interpolation errors in the first Venus flyby. The input file from Mission Analysis has been processed in order to mantain a constant step during the flyby. CK kernels: - Generated a CK for each study case of the Venus flyby studies. Find more information in the comment area of the kernels. February 16, 2017 v0.4.0 This is a major release that implements important changes and represents a milestone in the BepiColombo SPICE kernel dataset. It can be understood as the first consolidated release. General items: - Moved kernels from the misc directory to the 'kernels' directory. From: to: Pre-operational kernels were placed originaly in the misc directory to account for their "draft" nature and emphasize the message that the kernels were not operational. Since this dataset is already used for science operations and considering that a consolidated and peer-reviewed kernel dataset will be published in the PSA, the ESA SPICE Services sees no use un not having them in the nominal directory of the SPICE FTP Server. - Removed 'former_versions' directories. In order to facilitate a more one-to-one correspondance with SPICE Archives, following the advice from NAIF and in order to improve and make the meta-kernel management easier: earlier versions of files which have or have not been included in a meta-kernel will NOT be moved to the former_versions directory in the FTP as they used to. Instead all files will be kept in the directory and file management will be done solely via the meta-kernel. This change is applied retroactively. This does not apply to the meta-kernel directory. MPO frames: - Major update in MPO frames kernel. Implementation summary follows. Corrected diagrams and descriptions. Updated all instrument frames and added MPO_SERENA, MPO_PHEBUS and MPO_ISA frames. Added references to MPO Science Operations frames. Replaced SIMBIOSYS references to SIMBIO-SYS. Removed MMO ID and frame definitions from the MPO frames kernel - Added the following frame kernels: Initial draft of the frame kernel for MMO. Frame (FK) SPICE kernel file for BC. Science operations frames kernel file for MPO Spacecraft Mercury-Nadir Power Optimized Instrument kernels: BELA: Added instrument description and corrected FOV definitions. MERTIS: Updated instrument description and added main parameters table. MIXS: Updated instrument description and added main parameters table. PHEBUS: Generated first version of the IK. SERENA: Generated first version of the IK. SIMBIO-SYS: Updated instrument description. Added FOV and sensor definitions for STC-L and STC-H filters and updated the rest of the definitions. Replaced SIMBIOSYS references by SIMBIO-SYS. SIXS: Updated instrument description and added Detector Layouts section. Corrected boresight definitions of the FOVs to align it with MPO frames kernel. SPK kernels: - Updated filename scheme by simplifying the reference to the MAn original file. - Added latest MPO and MMO trajectories delivered by Man. CK kernels: - Generated attitude timeline for MPO for the latest cruise phase and for the science phase. December 14, 2016 v0.3.1 This release is motivated by an interpolation issue found on the latest generated SPK by Luciano Iess ( bc_mcs_mct_esc_df_50034_6863_20181016_20251205_v01.bsp Since the original OEM file has segments with different origins (Sun, Venus, Earth...) and the file OEM has a coarse resolution this has lead to interpolation issues. A new version of the SPK has been produced using an ASCII Table provided by Mission Analysis of the same trajectory. Updated MPO FK with corrected and updated MPO_SIMBIOSYS and MPO_SIXS frames. Updated SIXS instrument kernel accordingly. November 25, 2016 v0.3.0 Updated MPO frames kernel with corrected diagrams and minor edits. Updated and added MPO_SIMBIOSYS and MPO_BELA, MPO_MERTIS frame definitions. Added MPO_PHEBUS frame definitions. Changed filenames for the SPKs removing the MPO, MCS, MMO refernence from the name and adding MCS to the spacecraft accronym list. Added latest trajectory with an October 2018 launch: bc_mcs_mct_esc_df_50034_6863_20181016_20251205_v01.bsp IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This invalidates the default attitude profile for the Cruise Phase provided by: bc_mpo_sct_mcs_cruise_20180417_20241218_f20150124_v02.bc November 3, 2016 v0.2.0 Updated diagrams for MPO Spacecraft frame. Added description for SA frame and corrected its definition. Completed MPO HGA frames and added new definitions. Added MPO Medium Gain Antenna frames. Added MPO Low Gain Antenna frames and MPO Star Tracker frames. Updated minor edits as well. Added corresponding NAIF ID definitions. Generated default CKs for MAG Boom, MGA boom, MGA and HGA. September 22, 2016 v0.1.0 This first release includes the last snapshot of the BepiColombo dataset in Since the file name update includes a change in the versioning strategy the former version of the FK files and the IK files have been also modified. The dataset has been updated with the new ID for BEPICOLOMBO MPO from -69 to -121. The new file name convention has also been applied. A 'bug' has been discovered in the MPO SPK. The problem was caused by my SPK production script considering the fractional seconds part of time-tag as milli-seconds instead of micro-seconds. This has been corrected. End of text file.