BepiColombo CK files =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes the contents of the kernels/ck directory of the BepiColombo SPICE data server. It was last modified on June 16, 2021 by Ricardo Valles Blanco, ESAC/ESA. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this directory or its contents, please contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 References and required readings -------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'', NAIF Document 2. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'', NAIF Document 3. ``SCLK Required Reading'', NAIF Document 4. ``TIME Required Reading'', NAIF Document 5. ``BepiColombo SCLK file naming conventions,'' aareadme.txt file in kernels/sclk directory. Brief Summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE C-Kernel files for the BepiColombo (MPO, MMO, MTM, MCS) spacecrafts, their structures, and science instruments. File naming conventions -------------------------------------------------------- BepiColombo spacecraft CK: The naming scheme for the BepiColombo spacecrafts CKs is: bc_SC_INST_TYPE[_ID][_DESC]_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_SCLK_vNN.bc where SC accronym of the spacecraft: mpo: for the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) spacecraft; mmo: for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MPO) spacecraft; mtm: for the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) spacecraft; mcs: for the Mercury Composite Spacecraft (MCS) it is the union of the previous three. INST instrument/structure/sensor identifier (required): sc: for the MPO/MMO/MTM spacecraft frame; hga: for the MPO High Gain Antenna frames; mga: for the MPO Medium Gain Antenna frames; sa: for the MPO/MTM Solar Arrays frames; magboom: for the Magnetometer Boom frames; mertis: for the MERTIS flip mirror frame; phebus: for the PHEBUS scanner frames; serena: for the SERENA Strofio flip mirror frame; sep: for the MTM Solar Electric Propulsion frames. TYPE Data type, where a reference to the originator of the data, the type of data and the and the reference period is provided. This is a three letter acronym. The first letter defines the file originator: s: Science Operations Center; m: Mission Analysis; f: Flight Dynamics; the second letter defines the reference period of the data: c: Cruise phase reference; l: Science phase Long term reference; m: Science phase Medium term reference; s: Science phase Short term reference; o: Undefined reference; the third letter indicates the type of data p: Predicted data; r: Reconstructed data; t: Test data; c: Commanded data (from Housekeeping Telemetry) m: Measured data (from Housekeeping Telemetry) ID mapping to the original file product IDs as defined per an ICD document (optional); DESC description of the original reference file of any particular of the original file (optional); YYYYMMDD coverage start and stop times in TDB (required); SCLK reference to SCLK used to created the CK (required): sYYMMDD: SCLK version YYMMDD for type ``step'' tYYMMDD: SCLK version YYMMDD for type ``stretch'' fYYMMDD: SCLK version YYMMDD for type ``fictional'' NN CK version number -- 2 digits (required). If multiple versions of a C-Kernel file are provided, always use the latest version (unless earlier version is needed for some special reasons.) Current CK Kernels Set -------------------------------------------------------- bc_mpo_sc_fsp_NNNNN_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MPO predicted attitude, for short term planning and as commanded to the S/C in the operations loop. The source data is originated by Flight Dynamics. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sc_scc_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MPO commanded attitude as provided by the quaternions on the housekeeping telemetry during the cruise phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sc_scm_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MPO measured attitude as provided by the quaternions on the housekeeping telemetry during the cruise phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sc_sat_venus_flyby_N_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_fYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MPO test attitude for the Venus Flyby number N (where N can be either 1 or 2). This attitude is defined by the BepiColombo SGS and is generated by the ESA SPICE Service. The attitude is aimed to study the feasibility of science during the flybys by MPO's MERTIS and PHEBUS and by MMO's HEP-ele, ENA, MPPE-LEP. The coverage is limited to the surroundings of the flyby. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sc_sct_50041_20181019_20251219_f20181127_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MPO test attitude for the cruise phase. This attitude should not be considered consolidated for the phasing of the spin around the S/C spin axis and the SEP periods are not defined accurately. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sc_sct_50034_20251205_20260314_f20181127_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MPO test attitude for the Mercury Orbit Insertion phase. This attitude should not be considered consolidated for the phasing of the spin around the S/C spin axis and the definitions for the attitude are not accurate enough. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sc_slt_NNNNN_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_fYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MPO test attitude for the science phase. The attitude is basically Nadir Power Optimised and it contains peri- and apoherm flipover maneouvers. These flipovers are performed in eclipse close to the apsis extremes of Mercury. They consist of a 180 degree slew about the +Z axis and are expected to take on the order of 20 minutes. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sc_prelaunch_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MPO attitude for before the launch in order to have coverage before launch. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sa_zero_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains canonical orientation of the MPO Solar Array Frames (zero rotation). Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_sa_scm_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains measured orientation of the MPO Solar Array Frames during cruise phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_hga_zero_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains canonical orientation of the MPO High Gain Antenna Frames (zero rotation). Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_hga_scm_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains measured orientation of the MPO High Gain Antenna Frame during cruise phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_hga_schulte_vector_test_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains test orientation of the MPO High Gain Antenna Frame for Schulte Vector computation testing. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_mga_scm_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains measured orientation of the MPO Medium Gain Antenna Frame during cruise phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_mga_zero_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains canonical orientation of the MPO Medium Gain Antenna Frames (zero rotation). Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_phebus_zero_s20210408_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains canonical orientation of the MPO Probing of Hermean Exosphere By Ultraviolet Spectroscopy (PHEBUS) frame relative to the PHEBUS Scanner Mechanism (zero rotation). Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_magboom_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains the default orientation of the MAG Boom. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_mertis_zero_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains canonical position of the MERTIS flip mirror. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_serena_zero_s20191207_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains canonical position of the SERENA STROFIO flip mirror. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mmo_sc_cruise_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains Mercury Magnetosphetic Spacecraft (MMO) attitude in order to bind MMO to the MPO attitude. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mmo_sc_slt_50038_20251220_20280305_f20170228_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MMO test attitude for the science phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mmo_sc_slt_extension_20280305_20300305_f20170228_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains MMO test attitude for the extended science phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mtm_sc_cruise_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) attitude in order to bind MTM to the MPO attitude. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mtm_sa_zero_s20210922_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains canonical orientation of the MTM Solar Arrays Frames (zero rotation). Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mtm_sa_scm_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_sYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains measured orientation of the MTM Solar Arrays Frames during the cruise phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mtm_sep_scp_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_fYYYYMMDD_vNN.bc SPICE CK file that contains Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) Frame providing information of engine turn-on/off times. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). Other directory contents -------------------------------------------------------- aareadme.txt This file. Particulars -------------------------------------------------------- Nothing to report. Kernel File Details -------------------------------------------------------- The most detailed description of the data in a binary CK file is provided in metadata included inside the comment area of the file. This information can be viewed using the utility programs COMMNT and SPACIT included in the NAIF Toolkit. End of aareadme file.