PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2021-12-14 NOTE = "This file describes the files in the EXTRAS/MK directory of this archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Meta-kernels for the Rosetta mission ==================================== This directory contains the meta-kernel (MK) files (a.k.a "furnsh" files) that provide lists of the archived kernels included in this data set suitable for loading into a SPICE-based application via the high level SPICE data loader routine FURNSH. Using these MKs makes it easy to load, with one call, a comprehensive SPICE data collection for a given period. Like the text kernels archived in this data set, these MKs are UNIX text files that have lines terminated with a line feed character, LF (ASCII 10). The names of the MKs provided in this directory follow this pattern: ROS_Vvv.TM where ``vv'' is the file version. Multiple versions of an MK for the data set may exist if new kernels were added to the archive in a later release and the MK had to be updated to incorporate them. The reasons for adding new kernels include (but are not limited to) adding new kinds of kernels, adding new versions of existing kernels containing more complete or more accurate data, and adding new versions of existing kernels superseding any existing kernels that had errors. If more than one MK is present, then the file with the latest version number supersedes all earlier versions. Although the MKs were created such that on a UNIX workstation they can be loaded into a SPICE-based application directly from the root directory of the data set -- because the PATH_VALUES keyword is set to './DATA' and '/' is used as the path delimiter -- it is recommended that users make local copies of these files and update the PATH_VALUES keyword in each of them to point to the actual location of the data set's 'data' directory on their system. Additional changes including replacing '/' and '\' in all path specifications and converting UNIX line terminator to terminators native to the user's system may be required to use these MKs on non-UNIX workstation. The following guidelines were followed to pick and set priority -- determined by the order in which the kernel files are listed, with the latest one taking precedence -- for the kernel files included in these MKs (in the file name patterns below "?" represents one character): LSKs: - the latest archived generic LSK (NAIF????.TLS) SCLKs: - the latest archived ROS SCLK (ROS_??????_STEP.TSC) - the latest archived ROS LANDER SCLK (LANDER_??????_STEP.TSC) PCKs: - the latest archived generic PCK (PCK?????.TPC) - the DE 403 masses PCK (DE403_MASSES.TPC) - the latest archived high-precision Earth orientation binary PCK (EARTH_??????_??????_??????.BPC) - the latest archived Lutetia RSOC PCK (ROS_LUTETIA_RSOC_V??.TPC) - the latest archived Steins PCK (ROS_STEINS_V??.TPC) - the latest archived 67P/C-G radii PCK (ROS_CG_RAD_V??.TPC) FKs: - the EARTH_FIXED-to-ITRF93 mapping FK (EARTHFIXEDITRF93.TF) - the latest archived DSN station topocentric frames FK (EARTH_TOPO_??????.TF) - the latest archived ESA station topocentric frames FK (ESTRACK_V??.TF) - the New Norcia station topocentric frame FK (NEW_NORCIA_TOPO.TF) - the latest archived Lutetia body-fixed frame FK (ROS_LUTETIA_RSOC_V??.TF) - the latest archived ESA dynamic frames FK (RSSD????.TF) - the latest archived project FK (ROS_V??.TF) - the latest archived DSK surfaces FK (ROS_DSK_SURFACES_V??.TF) IKs: - the latest archived IK for each of the orbiter and lander instruments (ROS_*_V??.TI) SPKs: - the DE405 planetary ephemeris SPK (DE405.BSP) - the latest archived outer planet centers SPK (OUTERPLANETS_V????.BSP) - the latest archived ITRF93 DSN station locations SPK (EARTHSTNS_ITRF93_??????.BSP) - the latest archived ESA station locations SPK (ESTRACK_V??.BSP) - the New Norcia station location SPK (NEW_NORCIA.BSP) - the nominal comet 9P/Tempel 1 SPK (TEMPEL1_9P_DI_P.BSP) - relevant comet, asteroid, and Mars system SPKs (C2002_T7_LINEAR_HOR_V01.BSP, C2004_Q2_MACHHOLZ_HOR_V01.BSP, C2010_A2_LINEAR_HOR_V01.BSP, VESTA_HOR_V01.BSP, MAR097_030101_170101_V0001.BSP) - the nominal long-term asteroid 21 Lutetia SPK (21_LUTETIA_2004_2016.BSP, lower priority) - the latest archived ROS project asteroid 21 Lutetia SPK for the flyby period (ORHS_______________?????.BSP, higher priority) - the nominal long-term asteroid 2867 Steins SPK (2867_STEINS_2004_2016.BSP, lower priority) - the latest archived ROS project asteroid 2867 Steins SPK for the flyby period (ORHO_______________?????.BSP, higher priority) - the latest archived nominal ROS project 67P/C-G SPKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (ORHW_______________?????.BSP, lower priority) - the latest archived orbital mission ROS project 67P/C-G SPKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (CORB_DV_???_??____T19_?????.BSP, higher priority) - the latest archived ROS spacecraft structures SPK (ROS_STRUCT_V?.BSP) - the latest archived ROS lander SPKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (LORB_ROS_SC_PRESEP_V???.BSP, LORB_SUN_J2000_SDL_V???.BSP, LORB_C_G_FIXED_RBD_?_V???.BSP, SPICE_PHILAE_CFF_SONC_V???.BSP) - the latest archived ROS cruise phase orbiter SPK (ORHR_______________?????.BSP, lower priority) - the latest archived ROS orbital phase orbiter SPKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (RORB_DV_???_??___T19_?????.BSP, higher priority) - extended orbiter trajectory to provide coverage until the end of 2016 (ROS_ORBITER_EXTENSION_V?.BSP) - the latest archived Rosetta Center of Gravity SPK (ROS_COG_V?.BSP) CKs: - the latest archived ROS RPC boom 2 orientation CK (ROS_LBOOM_V?.BC) - the latest archived ROS HGA orientation yearly CKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (ROS_HGA_????_V????.BC) - the latest archived ROS Solar Arrays orientation yearly CKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (ROS_SA_????_V????.BC) - the latest archived merged VIRTIS orientation CKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (ROS_VIRTIS_M_????_????_V?.BC) - the latest archived ROS cruise phase orbiter orientation CK (ATNR_?????????????_T6_?????.BC, lower priority) - the latest archived ROS orbital phase orbiter orientation CKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (RATT_DV_???_??_??_T6_?????.BC, higher priority) - extended orbiter orientation to provide coverage until the end of 2016 (ROS_ORBITER_EXTENSION_V?.BC) - the latest archived 67P/C-G orientation CKs, multiple files to provide complete coverage (CATT_DV_???_??_??_T6_?????.BC) - the latest archived ROS LANDER orientation CKs, mutliple files to provide complete coverage (LATT_CFF2LDR_FSS_V???.BC, LATT_EME2LDR_SDL_V???.BC, LATT_ROS2LDR_PRESEP_V???.BC, LATT_ROS2LDR_SDL_ROMAP_V???.BC) - the best estimate of the NAC and WAC frames 'ROS_OSIRIS_NAC' and 'ROS_OSIRIS_WAC' orientation (ROS_OSIRIS_V?.BC) - the latest archived comet attitude for a limited period of time as provided by the PCK that contains the "Cheops reference frame" orientation information (CATT_CHEOPS__??????_??????.BC) The following kernels were intentionally not included in the standard meta-kernels: PCKs: - 67P/C-G orientation PCK because they have limited time applicability; instead the comet orientation should be computed using CKs containing data for the 67P/C-G_CK reference frame. However, there are now MK versions (ROS_WITH_DSK_V??.TM) that contain DSKs for each of the six targets and for the Rosetta orbiter and lander: DSKs: - the latest archived shape data for the Rosetta orbiter spacecraft surfaces (ROS_SC_???_V??.BDS) - the latest archived shape data for the Rosetta lander spacecraft surfaces (ROS_LR_?_V??.BDS) - the latest archived 67P/C-G shape data based on NAVCAM images produced by ESA using SPC method (ROS_CG_M???_NSPCESA_N_V?.BDS) - the latest archived Steins shape data based on OSIRIS images produced by LAM using SPC method (ROS_ST_K???_OSPCLAM_N_V?.BDS) - the latest archived Lutetia shape data based on OSIRIS images produced by LAM using SPC method (ROS_LU_M???_OSPCLAM_N_V?.BDS) - the latest archived Phobos shape data based on Mars-Express HRSC images (PHOBOS_M???_GAS_V??.BDS) - the latest archived Deimos shape data by Peter Thomas based on Viking Orbiter images (DEIMOS_K???_THO_V??.BDS) - the latest archived 9P/Tempel 1 comet shape data by Peter Thomas based on Deep Impact and Stardust spacecraft data (TEMPEL1_9P_K???_THO_V??.BDS)