ROSETTA Flight Dynamics Files =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes the contents of the fdy directory of the ROSETTA Ancillary Data Dataset. It was last modified on September 28, 2021 by Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA. Brief Summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the files generated by the Flight Dynamics group of ESOC that contain position, shape and orientation for the spacecraft and the comet. Most of them are ESOC's DDID Orbit and Attitude files. These files where used to generate the Rosetta SPICE Kernels Dataset SPK and CK files. References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Data Delivery Interface Document (DDID) Appendix H - FD products Issue 3.0 (ROS-ESC-IF-5003) 2. Coordinate Frames for Rosetta (RO-DSS-TN-1081), 17.09.2003 2. Rosetta PLID Annex A (RO-ESC-IF-5507) 4. Rosetta FDy Products Appendix H (RO-ESC-IF-5003-APPENDIXH) ESOC DDID Orbit and Attitude Files Naming Convention -------------------------------------------------------- Naming Covention for the cruise phase: ffff_FDRRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS ffff_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS token description ------------ -------------------------------------------- ffff Source Product Type Identifier: ORHR -- S/C orbit, Cruise, heliocentric ORER -- S/C orbit, 1st Earth swingby ORMR -- S/C orbit, Mars Swingby, Mars Centric ORFR -- S/C orbit, 2nd Earth swingby, Earth Centric ORGR -- S/C orbit, 3rd Earth swingby, Earth Centric ORPR -- S/C orbit, medium term planning, comet centric ORWR -- S/C orbit, comet centric ORHW -- comet orbit, heliocentric ORHO -- 1st asteroid orbit, heliocentric ORHS -- 2nd asteroid orbit, heliocentric ATNR -- Predicted S/C attitude. ATPR -- Medium Term planning S/C attitude. vvvvv version number Naming Covention for the comet phase: ffff_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.ROS token description --------- -------------------------------------------- ffff LORB -- Rosetta lander (Philae) trajectory, VSTP. LORL -- Rosetta lander (Philae) trajectory, LTP. CORB -- comet orbit, VSTP. CORL -- comet orbit, LTP. RORB -- S/C orbit, VSTP. RORL -- S/C orbit, LTP. CATT -- comet attitude, VSTP RATM -- S/C attitude, MTP RATT -- S/C attitude, VSTP c is L for long term products or M for medium term products, S for short term and V for very short term (note that there are currently no FD products associated with the short term cycle). nnn is the planning cycle counter on 3 digits, starting from 001, strictly monotonically increasing per planning cycle type e.g.: - for LTP products 001 for pre-landing operations, 002 for first cycle including lander delivery and first extended monitoring phase part and so on. - for MTP products, the counter as agreed between FD and FCT an documented in FCT timelines (see [FOP]), VSPL file and PTSL. vv is the version within the planning cycle (e.g. in case products have to be re-generated, due to errors). Note that a full set of consistent products shall be delivered for a cycle containing the same vv version. In case redelivery is required, a full set of consistent products shall be delivered, with a new incremented vv version. In the same way, FD expects that deliveries of all input products from the SGS corresponding to a given cycle have the same vv version. ww is: - for VSTP products __. - for MTP products generated by FD the version of the corresponding SGS MTP input products. - for LTP products generated by FD for pre-landing operations __ (no SGS inputs are required by FD for LTP for pre-landing operations). - for LTP products generated by FD for the extended monitoring phase the version of the corresponding SGS LTP input products. a is a character indicating the trajectory type that can take the following values: - For VSTP products _. - For MTP/LTP products in the pre-landing phase 'A', 'B' or 'C'... corresponding to nominal trajectory, first backup trajectory, second backup trajectory... - For MTP/LTP products in the extended monitoring phase 'H' for products that correspond to high activity case trajectories or 'P' for products that corresponds to preferred trajectory. vvvvv version number Current Flight Dynamics Files -------------------------------------------------------- Name Comments -------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ESOC DDID Orbit Files: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ORER_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS Contains Rosetta spacecraft reconstructed ephemeris of 1st Earth flyby. Spans the 1st Earth flyby period. ORMR_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS Contains Rosetta spacecraft reconstructed ephemeris of Mars flyby. Spans the Mars flyby period. ORFR_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS Contains Rosetta spacecraft predicted ephemeris of 2nd Earth flyby. Spans the 2nd Earth flyby period. ORHR_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS ORHR_FDRRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS Contains Rosetta spacecraft predicted and reconstructed cruise ephemeris. Spans the cruise phase, from launch to comet rendezvous maneouver. ORGR_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS ORGR_FDRRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS Contains Rosetta spacecraft predicted ephemeris of 3rd Earth flyby. Spans the 3rd Earth flyby period. ORHO_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS ORHO_FDRRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS Contains ephemeris for the asteroid Steins. ORHS_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS ORHS_FDRRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS Contains ephemeris for the asteroid Lutetia. ORHW__FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS Contains ephemeris data for the Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko/67P. CORB_DV_nnn_vv_______vvvvv.ROS This product defines the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko orbit as result of the navigation process for each VSTP cycle and propagated into the future. RORB_DV_nnn_vv_______vvvvv.ROS This product defines the Rosetta S/C orbit. It is produced as result of the navigation process and trajectory optimisation for each VSTP cycle. This file covers a period in the future "as optimised", for the up-coming operations. RORL_DL_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP This product contains the long term orbit predictions for the Rosetta orbit. CORL_DL_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP This product contains the long term orbit predictions for the comet orbit. ESOC DDID Attitude Files: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATNR_FDLRMA_DAPYYMMDDhhmmss_xxxxx.ROS Contains Rosetta predicted attitude information covering the time span starting at the date YYMMDDhhmmss. RATT_DV_nnn_vv_______vvvvv.ROS Contains spacecraft predicted attitude, very short term plan, as commanded to the S/C in the operations loop in the VSTP cycle. CATT_DV_nnn_vv_______vvvvv.ROS Contains comet attitude, determined as result of the navigation process in the VSTP cycle and propagated into the future. This kernel provides the comet attitude in the frame 67P/C-G_CK. RATM_DM_nnn_vv____a__vvvvv.ROS Contains spacecraft predicted attitude, generated at medium term planning based on the attitude requests provided by the SGS. Other Files: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CSHP_DV_nnn_vv_______vvvvv.ROS CSHP_DV_______IFTEST_00016.ROS CSHP_DV_023_01MAPLET_00036.ROS Contain 67P/C-G shape data based on NAVCAM images produced by ESA using SPC method. CSHP_DV_nnn_vv_HIRES_vvvvv.ROS Contain high-resolution 67P/C-G shape data based on NAVCAM images produced by ESA using SPC method. ROS_COM_DUMP.ROS This file contains the location of the Rosetta Center of Gravity (COG). CLPS_DV_nnn_vv_______vvvvv.ROS Contains Landmark Positions in km in comet fixed frame in a tabular format. CLOS_DV_nnn_vv_______vvvvv.ROS Contains Landmark Observations in km in comet fixed frame in a tabular format based on NAVCAM images. Other directory contents -------------------------------------------------------- aareadme.txt This file. Particulars -------------------------------------------------------- Nothing to report. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this directory or its contents, please contact SPICE support at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429, End of aareadme file.