Remote Sensing Hands-On Lesson (IDL)

October 14, 2004


In this lesson you will develop a series of simple programs that demonstrate the usage of ICY to compute a variety of different geometric quantities applicable to experiments carried out by a remote sensing instrument flown on an interplanetary spacecraft. This particular lesson focuses on a framing camera flying on the Cassini spacecraft, but many of the concepts are easily extended and generalized to other scenarios.



The following SPICE tutorials are referred to by the discussions in this lesson:

   Name             Lesson steps/routines it describes
   ---------------  -----------------------------------------
   Time             Time Conversion
   SCLK and LSK     Time Conversion
   SPK              Obtaining Ephemeris Data
   Frames           Reference Frames
   Using Frames     Reference Frames
   PCK              Planetary Constants Data
   CK               Spacecraft Orientation Data
These tutorials are available from the NAIF ftp server at JPL:

Required Readings

The Required Reading documents are provided with the Toolkit and are located under the ``icy/doc'' directory in the IDL installation tree.

   Name             Lesson steps/routines that it describes
   ---------------  -----------------------------------------
   time.req         Time Conversion
   sclk.req         SCLK Time Conversion
   spk.req          Obtaining Ephemeris Data
   frames.req       Using Reference Frames
   pck.req          Obtaining Planetary Constants Data
   ck.req           Obtaining Spacecraft Orientation Data
   naif_ids.req     Determining Body ID Codes

The Permuted Index

Another useful document distributed with the Toolkit is the permuted index. This is located under the ``icy/doc'' directory in the IDL installation tree. This text document provides a simple mechanism to discover what ICY functions perform a particular function of interest as well as the name of the source module that contains the function.

Source Code Headers

The most detailed specification of a given ICY function is contained in the header section of its source code. The source code is distributed with the Toolkit and is located under ``icy/src/cspice'' in the IDL versions. For example the header of cspice_str2et is contained in the file:


Kernels Used

The programs that are produced in the course of this lesson will compute geometry for the Cassini orbiter. The following CASSINI SPICE kernels will be used:

   #  FILE NAME                 TYPE  DESCRIPTION
   -- ------------------------- ----  ------------------------
   1  naif0007.tls              LSK   Generic LSK
   2  cas00084.tsc              SCLK  Cassini SCLK
   3  sat128.bsp                SPK   Saturnian Satellite Ephemeris
   4  981005_PLTEPH-DE405S.bsp  SPK   Solar System Ephemeris
   5  020514_SE_SAT105.bsp      SPK   Saturnian Satellite Ephemeris
   6  030201AP_SK_SM546_T45.bsp SPK   Cassini Spacecraft SPK
   7                FK    Cassini FK
   8  04135_04171pc_psiv2.bc    CK    Cassini Spacecraft CK
   9  cpck05Mar2004.tpc         PCK   Cassini Project PCK
   10 cas_iss_v09.ti            IK    ISS Instrument Kernel

ICY Modules Used

This section provides a complete summary of the functions, and the kernels that are suggested for usage in each of the exercises in this tutorial. (You may wish to not look at this list unless/until you ``get stuck'' while working on your own.)

   ------- ---------  -------------  ---------      -------
     1     convtm     cspice_furnsh   1,2
     2     getsta     cspice_furnsh  cspice_vnorm   1,3-6
     3     xform      cspice_furnsh  cspice_vsep    1-9
     4     subpts     cspice_furnsh                 1,3-6,9
     5     fovint     cspice_furnsh  cspice_dpr     1-10
     6     angles     cspice_furnsh  cspice_dpr     1-10
Refer to the headers of the various functions listed above, as detailed interface specifications are provided with the source code.

Time Conversion (convtm)

Task Statement

Write a program that prompts the user for an input UTC time string, converts it to the following time systems and output formats:

and displays the results. Use the program to convert "2004 jun 11 19:32:00" UTC into these alternate systems.

Learning Goals

Familiarity with the various time conversion and parsing functions available in the Toolkit. Exposure to source code headers and their usage in learning to call functions.


The solution to the problem can be broken down into a series of simple steps:

You may find it useful to consult the permuted index, the headers of various source modules, and the ``Time Required Reading'' and ``SCLK Required Reading'' documents.

When completing the ``calendar format'' step above, consider using one of two possible methods: cspice_etcal or cspice_timout.


Solution Meta-Kernel

The meta-kernel we created for the solution to this exercise is named ''. Its contents follow:

   This is the meta-kernel used in the solution of the ``Time
   Conversion'' task in the Remote Sensing Hands On Lesson.
      KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'kernels/lsk/naif0007.tls',
                          'kernels/sclk/cas00084.tsc' )

Solution Source Code

A sample solution to the problem follows:

   PRO convtm
      ;; Local Parameters
      METAKR = ""
      SCLKID = -82
      STRLEN = 50
      utctim = ''
      ;; Load the kernels his program requires.
      ;; Both the spacecraft clock kernel and a
      ;; leapseconds kernel should be listed in
      ;; the meta-kernel.
      cspice_furnsh, METAKR
      ;; Prompt the user for the input time string.
      read, utctim, PROMPT="Input UTC Time: "
      print, "Converting UTC Time: ", utctim
      ;; Convert utctim to et.
      cspice_str2et, utctim, et
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "   ET Seconds Past 2000: ", et
      ;; Now convert ET to a formal calendar time
      ;; string.  This can be accomplished in two
      ;; ways.
      cspice_etcal, et, calet
      print, "   Calendar ET (cspice_etcal): ", calet
      ;; Or use cspice_timout for finer control over the
      ;; output format.  The picture below was built
      ;; by examining the header of cspice_timout.
      cspice_timout, et   , "YYYY-MON-DDTHR:MN:SC ::TDB", $
                    STRLEN, calet
      print, "   Calendar ET (cspice_timout): ", calet
      ;; Convert ET to spacecraft clock time.
      cspice_sce2s, SCLKID, et, sclkst
      print, "   Spacecraft Clock Time: ", sclkst
      cspice_unload, METAKR

Solution Sample Output

After compiling the program, execute it:

   Converting UTC Time: 2004 jun 11 19:32:00
      ET Seconds Past 2000:    140254384.185
      Calendar ET (cspice_etcal): 2004 JUN 11 19:33:04.184
      Calendar ET (cspice_timout): 2004-JUN-11T19:33:04
      Spacecraft Clock Time: 1/1465674964.105

Obtaining Target States and Positions (getsta)

Task Statement

Write a program that prompts the user for an input UTC time string, computes the following quantities at that epoch:

and displays the results. Use the program to compute these quantities at "2004 jun 11 19:32:00" UTC.

Learning Goals

Understand the anatomy of an cspice_spkezr call. Discover the difference between cspice_spkezr and cspice_spkpos. Familiarity with the Toolkit utility ``brief''. Exposure to unit conversion with ICY.


The solution to the problem can be broken down into a series of simple steps:

You may find it useful to consult the permuted index, the headers of various source modules, and the ``SPK Required Reading'' document.

When deciding which SPK files to load, the Toolkit utility ``brief'' may be of some use.

``brief'' is located in the ``icy/exe'' directory for IDL toolkits. Consult its user's guide available in ``icy/doc/'' for details.


Solution Meta-Kernel

The meta-kernel we created for the solution to this exercise is named ''. Its contents follow:

   This is the meta-kernel used in the solution of the
   ``Obtaining Target States and Positions'' task in the
   Remote Sensing Hands On Lesson.
      KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'kernels/lsk/naif0007.tls',
                          'kernels/spk/030201AP_SK_SM546_T45.bsp' )

Solution Source Code

A sample solution to the problem follows:

   PRO getsta
      ;; Local Parameters
      METAKR = ""
      STRLEN = 50
      utctim = ''
      ;; Load the kernels that this program requires.  We
      ;; will need a leapseconds kernel to convert input
      ;; UTC time strings into ET.  We also will need the
      ;; necessary SPK files with coverage for the bodies
      ;; in which we are interested.
      cspice_furnsh, METAKR
      ;; Prompt the user for the input time string.
      read, utctim, PROMPT = "Input UTC Time: "
      print, "Converting UTC Time: ", utctim
      ;; Convert utctim to et.
      cspice_str2et, utctim, et
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "   ET Seconds Past 2000: ", et
      ;; Compute the apparent state of Phoebe as seen from
      ;; CASSINI in the J2000 frame.  All of the ephemeris
      ;; readers return states in units of kilometers and
      ;; kilometers per second.
      cspice_spkezr, "PHOEBE" , et   , "J2000", "LT+S", $
                     "CASSINI", state, ltime
      print, "   Apparent State of Phoebe as seen " +$
             "from CASSINI in the J2000 "
      print, "      frame (km, km/s): "
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      X = ", state[0]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Y = ", state[1]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Z = ", state[2]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "     VX = ", state[3]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "     VY = ", state[4]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "     VZ = ", state[5]
      ;; Compute the apparent position of Earth as seen from
      ;; CASSINI in the J2000 frame.  Note: We could have
      ;; continued using cspice_spkezr and simply ignored the
      ;; velocity components.
      cspice_spkpos, "EARTH"  , et , "J2000", "LT+S", $
                     "CASSINI", pos, ltime
      print, "   Apparent position of Earth as "  +$
                  "seen from CASSINI in the J2000 "
      print, "      frame (kilometers):  "
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      X = ", pos[0]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Y = ", pos[1]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Z = ", pos[2]
      ;; We need only display LT, as it is precisely the
      ;; light time in which we are interested.
      print, "   One way light time between CASSINI and " +$
             "the apparent position"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      of Earth (seconds): ", $
      ;; Compute the apparent position of the Sun as seen
      ;; from Phoebe in the J2000 frame.
      cspice_spkpos, "SUN"   , et , "J2000", "LT+S", $
                     "PHOEBE", pos, ltime
      print, "   Apparent position of Sun as seen " +$
                  "from Phoebe in the "
      print, "      J2000 frame (kilometers): "
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      X = ", pos[0]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Y = ", pos[1]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Z = ", pos[2]
      ;; Now we need to compute the actual distance between
      ;; the Sun and Phoebe.  The above SPKPOS call gives us
      ;; the apparent distance, so we need to adjust our
      ;; aberration correction appropriately.
      cspice_spkpos, "SUN"   , et , "J2000", "NONE", $
                     "PHOEBE", pos, ltime
      ;; Compute the distance between the body centers in
      ;; kilometers.
      dist = cspice_vnorm ( pos )
      ;; Convert this value to AU using cspice_convrt.
      ;; Recall, cspice_convrt cannot overwrite the
      ;; input with the output. Use 'dist_au' for the
      ;; output value.
      cspice_convrt, dist, "KM", "AU", dist_au
      print, "   Actual distance between Sun and Phoebe"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      (AU): ", dist_au
      cspice_unload, METAKR

Solution Sample Output

After compiling the program, execute it:

   Converting UTC Time: 2004 jun 11 19:32:00
      ET Seconds Past 2000:    140254384.185
      Apparent State of Phoebe as seen from CASSINI in the J2000
         frame (km, km/s):
         X =         -119.921
         Y =         2194.139
         Z =          -57.639
        VX =           -5.980
        VY =           -2.119
        VZ =           -0.295
      Apparent position of Earth as seen from CASSINI in the J2000
         frame (kilometers):
         X =    353019393.123
         Y =  -1328180352.140
         Z =   -568134171.697
      One way light time between CASSINI and the apparent position
         of Earth (seconds):         4960.427
      Apparent position of Sun as seen from Phoebe in the
         J2000 frame (kilometers):
         X =    376551465.272
         Y =  -1190495630.303
         Z =   -508438699.110
      Actual distance between Sun and Phoebe
         (AU):            9.012

Spacecraft Orientation and Reference Frames (xform)

Task Statement

Write a program that prompts the user for an input time string, computes the following at the epoch of interest:

and displays the results. Use the program to compute these quantities at the epoch "2004 jun 11 19:32:00" UTC.

Learning Goals

Familiarity with the different types of kernels involved in chaining reference frames together, both inertial and non-inertial. Discover some of the matrix and vector math functions. Understand the difference between cspice_pxform and cspice_sxform.


The solution to the problem can be broken down into a series of simple steps:

HINT: Several of the steps above may be compressed into a single using ICY functions with which you are already familiar. The ``long-way'' presented above is intended to facilitate the introduction of the functions cspice_pxform and cspice_sxfo

You may find it useful to consult the permuted index, the headers of various source modules, and the following toolkit documentation:

This particular example makes use of many of the different types of SPICE kernels. You should spend a few moments thinking about which kernels you will need and what data they provide.


Solution Meta-Kernel

The meta-kernel we created for the solution to this exercise is named ''. Its contents follow:

   This is the meta-kernel used in the solution of the ``Spacecraft
   Orientation and Reference Frames'' task in the Remote Sensing
   Hands On Lesson.
      KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'kernels/lsk/naif0007.tls',
                          'kernels/pck/cpck05Mar2004.tpc' )

Solution Source Code

A sample solution to the problem follows:

   PRO xform
      ;; Local Parameters
      METAKR = ""
      STRLEN = 50
      utctim = ''
      ;; Load the kernels that this program requires.  We
      ;; will need:
      ;;    A leapseconds kernel
      ;;    A spacecraft clock kernel for CASSINI
      ;;    The necessary ephemerides
      ;;    A planetary constants file (PCK)
      ;;    A spacecraft orientation kernel for CASSINI (CK)
      ;;    A frame kernel (TF)
      cspice_furnsh, METAKR
      ;; Prompt the user for the input time string.
      read, utctim, PROMPT = "Input UTC Time: "
      print, "Converting UTC Time: ", utctim
      ;; Convert utctim to et.
      cspice_str2et, utctim, et
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "   ET Seconds Past 2000: ", et
      ;; Compute the apparent state of Phoebe as seen from
      ;; CASSINI in the J2000 frame.  All of the ephemeris
      ;; readers return states in units of kilometers and
      ;; kilometers per second.
      cspice_spkezr, "PHOEBE" , et   , "J2000", "LT+S", $
                     "CASSINI", state, ltime
      ;; Now obtain the transformation from the inertial
      ;; J2000 frame to the non-inertial body-fixed IAU_PHOEBE
      ;; frame.  Since we want the apparent position, we
      ;; need to subtract ltime from et.
      cspice_sxform, "J2000", "IAU_PHOEBE", et-ltime, sform
      ;; Now rotate the apparent J2000 state into IAU_PHOEBE
      ;; with the following matrix multiplication:
      bfixst = transpose(sform) # state
      ;; Display the results.
      print, "   Apparent state of Phoebe as seen " +$
                  "from CASSINI in the IAU_PHOEBE"
      print, "      body-fixed frame (kilometers "  +$
                  "and kilometers per second):"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "      X = ", bfixst[0]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "      Y = ", bfixst[1]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "      Z = ", bfixst[2]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "     VX = ", bfixst[3]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "     VY = ", bfixst[4]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "     VZ = ", bfixst[5]
      ;; It is worth pointing out, all of the above could
      ;; have been done with a single use of cspice_spkezr:
      cspice_spkezr, "PHOEBE" , et    , "IAU_PHOEBE", "LT+S", $
                     "CASSINI",  state, ltime
      ;; Display the results.
      print, "   Apparent state of Phoebe as seen " +$
                  "from CASSINI in the IAU_PHOEBE"
      print, "      body-fixed frame (kilometers "  +$
                  "and kilometers per"
      print, "      second) obtained using " +$
                  "cspice_spkezr directly:"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "      X = ", state[0]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "      Y = ", state[1]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "      Z = ", state[2]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "     VX = ", state[3]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "     VY = ", state[4]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F19.6)", "     VZ = ", state[5]
      ;; Now we are to compute the angular separation between
      ;; the apparent position of the Earth as seen from the
      ;; orbiter and the nominal boresight of the high gain
      ;; antenna.  First, compute the apparent position of
      ;; the Earth as seen from CASSINI in the J2000 frame.
      cspice_spkpos, "EARTH"  , et,  "J2000", "LT+S", $
                     "CASSINI", pos,  ltime
      ;; Now compute the location of the antenna boresight
      ;; at this same epoch.  From reading the frame kernel
      ;; we know that the antenna boresight is nominally the
      ;; +Z axis of the CASSINI_HGA frame defined there.
      bsight = [ 0.D0, 0.D0, 1.D0]
      ;; Now compute the rotation matrix from CASSINI_HGA into
      ;; J2000.
      cspice_pxform, "CASSINI_HGA", "J2000", et, pform
      ;; And multiply the result to obtain the nominal
      ;; antenna boresight in the J2000 reference frame.
      cspice_mxv, pform, bsight, bsight
      ;; Lastly compute the angular separation.
      cspice_convrt, cspice_vsep(bsight, pos), "RADIANS", $
                    "DEGREES", sep
      print, "   Angular separation between the " +$
                  "apparent position of"
      print, "      Earth and the CASSINI high "  +$
                  "gain antenna boresight (degrees):"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      ", sep
      ;; Or alternatively we can work in the antenna
      ;; frame directly.
      cspice_spkpos, "EARTH"  , et , "CASSINI_HGA", "LT+S", $
                     "CASSINI", pos, ltime
      ;; The antenna boresight is the Z-axis in the
      ;; CASSINI_HGA frame.
      bsight = [ 0.D0, 0.D0, 1.D0]
      ;; Lastly compute the angular separation.
      cspice_convrt, cspice_vsep(bsight, pos), "RADIANS", $
                    "DEGREES", sep
      print, "   Angular separation between the "      +$
                  "apparent position of"
      print, "      Earth and the CASSINI high "       +$
                  "gain antenna boresight computed"
      print, "      using vectors in the CASSINI_HGA " +$
                  "frame (degrees):"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      ", sep
      cspice_unload, METAKR

Solution Sample Output

After compiling the program, execute it:

   Converting UTC Time: 2004 jun 11 19:32:00
      ET Seconds Past 2000:    140254384.185
      Apparent state of Phoebe as seen from CASSINI in the IAU_PHOEBE
         body-fixed frame (kilometers and kilometers per second):
         X =        -1982.639762
         Y =         -934.530471
         Z =         -166.562595
        VX =            3.970729
        VY =           -3.812531
        VZ =           -2.371665
      Apparent state of Phoebe as seen from CASSINI in the IAU_PHOEBE
         body-fixed frame (kilometers and kilometers per
         second) obtained using cspice_spkezr directly:
         X =        -1982.639762
         Y =         -934.530471
         Z =         -166.562595
        VX =            3.970729
        VY =           -3.812531
        VZ =           -2.371665
      Angular separation between the apparent position of
         Earth and the CASSINI high gain antenna boresight (degrees):
      Angular separation between the apparent position of
         Earth and the CASSINI high gain antenna boresight computed
         using vectors in the CASSINI_HGA frame (degrees):

Computing Sub-spacecraft and Sub-solar Points (subpts)

Task Statement

Write a program that prompts the user for an input UTC time string, computes the following quantities at that epoch:

and displays the results. Use the program to compute these quantities at "2004 jun 11 19:32:00" UTC.

Learning Goals

Discover higher level geometry calculation functions in ICY and their usage as it relates to CASSINI.


This particular problem is more of an exercise in searching the permuted index to find the appropriate functions and then reading their headers to understand how to call them.

One point worth considering: Which method do you want to use to compute the sub-solar (or sub-observer) point?


Solution Meta-Kernel

The meta-kernel we created for the solution to this exercise is named ''. Its contents follow:

   This is the meta-kernel used in the solution of the
   ``Computing Sub-spacecraft and Sub-solar Points'' task
   in the Remote Sensing Hands On Lesson.
      KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'kernels/lsk/naif0007.tls',
                          'kernels/pck/cpck05Mar2004.tpc' )

Solution Source Code

A sample solution to the problem follows:

   PRO subpt
      ;; Local Parameters
      METAKR = ""
      STRLEN = 50
      utctim = ''
      ;; Load the kernels that this program requires.  We
      ;; will need:
      ;;    A leapseconds kernel
      ;;    The necessary ephemerides
      ;;    A planetary constants file (PCK)
      cspice_furnsh, METAKR
      ;; Prompt the user for the input time string.
      read, utctim, PROMPT = "Input UTC Time: "
      print, "Converting UTC Time: ", utctim
      ;; Convert utctim to et.
      cspice_str2et, utctim, et
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "   ET Seconds Past 2000: ", et
      ;; Compute the apparent sub-observer point of CASSINI
      ;; on Phoebe.
      cspice_subpt, "NEAR POINT", "PHOEBE", et,  "LT+S", $
                    "CASSINI"   , spoint  , alt
      print, "   Apparent Sub-Observer point of CASSINI " +$
                  "on Phoebe in IAU_PHOEBE"
      print, "      (kilometers):"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      X = ", spoint[0]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Y = ", spoint[1]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Z = ", spoint[2]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "    ALT = ", alt
      ;; Compute the apparent sub-solar point on Phoebe
      ;; as seen from CASSINI.
      cspice_subsol, "NEAR POINT", "PHOEBE", et, "LT+S", $
                     "CASSINI"   , spoint
      print, "   Apparent Sub-Solar point on Phoebe " +$
                  "as seen from CASSINI in IAU_PHOEBE"
      print, "      (kilometers):"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      X = ", spoint[0]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Y = ", spoint[1]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Z = ", spoint[2]

Solution Sample Output

After compiling the program, execute it:

   Converting UTC Time: 2004 jun 11 19:32:00
      ET Seconds Past 2000:    140254384.185
      Apparent Sub-Observer point of CASSINI on Phoebe in IAU_PHOEBE
         X =          104.498
         Y =           45.269
         Z =            7.383
       ALT =         2084.116
      Apparent Sub-Solar point on Phoebe as seen from CASSINI in IAU_PHOEBE
         X =           78.681
         Y =           76.879
         Z =          -21.885

Intersecting Vectors with a Triaxial Ellipsoid (fovint)

Task Statement

Write a program that prompts the user for an input UTC time string and computes the intersection of the CASSINI ISS NAC camera boresight with the surface of Phoebe and presents it in the following coordinates:

If this intersection is found, the program displays the results of the above computations, otherwise it indicates no intersection has occurred. Use this program to compute values at the following epochs:

Learning Goals

Understand how field of view parameters are retrieved from instrument kernels. Learn how various standard planetary constants are retrieved from text PCKs. Discover how to compute the intersection of field of view vectors with triaxial ellipsoidal target bodies.


This problem can be broken down into several simple, small steps:

It may be useful to consult the CASSINI ISS instrument kernel to determine the name of the NAC camera as well as its configuration. This exercise may make use of some of the concepts and (loosely) code from the ``Spacecraft Orientation and Reference Frames'' task.


Solution Meta-Kernel

The meta-kernel we created for the solution to this exercise is named ''. Its contents follow:

   This is the meta-kernel used in the solution of the
   ``Intersecting Vectors with a Triaxial Ellipsoid'' task
   in the Remote Sensing Hands On Lesson.
      KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'kernels/lsk/naif0007.tls',
                          'kernels/ik/cas_iss_v09.ti' )

Solution Source Code

A sample solution to the problem follows:

   PRO fovint
      ;; Local Parameters
      METAKR = ""
      STRLEN = 50
      BCVLEN = 4
      utctim = ''
      ;; Load the kernels that this program requires.  We
      ;; will need:
      ;;    A leapseconds kernel.
      ;;    A SCLK kernel for CASSINI.
      ;;    Any necessary ephemerides.
      ;;    The CASSINI frame kernel.
      ;;    A CASSINI C-kernel.
      ;;    A PCK file with Phoebe constants.
      ;;    The CASSINI ISS I-kernel.
      cspice_furnsh, METAKR
      ;; Prompt the user for the input time string.
      read, utctim, PROMPT = "Input UTC Time: "
      print, "Converting UTC Time: ", utctim
      ;; Convert utctim to et.
      cspice_str2et, utctim, et
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "   ET Seconds Past 2000: ", et
      ;; Now we need to obtain the FOV configuration of
      ;; the ISS NAC camera. To do this we will need the
      ;; ID code for CASSINI_ISS_NAC.
      cspice_bodn2c, "CASSINI_ISS_NAC", nacid, found
      ;; Stop the program if the code was not found.
      if ( NOT found ) then begin
         print, "Unable to locate the ID code for " +$
      ;; Now retrieve the field of view parameters.
      cspice_getfov, nacid, BCVLEN, shape, frame, bsight, $
      ;; Call srfxpt to determine coordinates of the
      ;; intersection of this vector with the surface
      ;; of Phoebe.
      cspice_srfxpt, "Ellipsoid", "PHOEBE",  et, "LT+S", $
                    "CASSINI", frame, bsight, point,     $
                    dist, trgepc, obspos, found
      ;; Check the found flag.  Display a message if the
      ;; point of intersection was not found and stop.
      if ( NOT found ) then begin
         print, "No intersection point found at this epoch."
      ;; Now, we have discovered a point of intersection.
      ;; Start by displaying the position vector in the
      ;; IAU_PHOEBE frame of the intersection.
      print, "   Position vector of CASSINI NAC camera " +$
                  "boresight surface intercept"
      print, "      in the IAU_PHOEBE frame "            +$
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      X = ", point[0]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Y = ", point[1]
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      Z = ", point[2]
      ;; Now express the coordinates of this point in
      ;; planetocentric latitude and longitude.
      cspice_reclat, point, radius, lon, lat
      ;; Convert the angles to degrees for displaying.
      print, "   Planetocentric coordinates of the " +$
                  "intercept (degrees):"
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      LAT = ", lat * cspice_dpr()
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "      LON = ", lon * cspice_dpr()

Solution Sample Output

After compiling the program, execute it:

   Converting UTC Time: 2004 jun 11 19:32:00
      ET Seconds Past 2000:    140254384.185
      Position vector of CASSINI NAC camera boresight surface intercept
         in the IAU_PHOEBE frame (kilometers):
         X =           86.390
         Y =           72.089
         Z =            8.255
      Planetocentric coordinates of the intercept (degrees):
         LAT =            4.196
         LON =           39.844

Computing Illumination Angles and Local Time (angles)

Task Statement

Write a program that prompts the user for an input time string and computes the intersection of the CASSINI NAC camera boresight and field of view boundary vectors with the surface of Phoebe. At these points of intersection, if they exist, compute the following:

Additionally compute the local solar time at the intercept of the camera boresight with the surface of Phoebe.

Display the results of the above computations if an intersection occurs, otherwise indicate the absence of an intersection. Use this program to compute values at the epoch "2004-01-12T4:15.24.000" UTC.

Learning Goals

Discover another high level geometry function and another time conversion function in ICY. Reinforce the concepts introduced in the previous task.


Making use of the code you wrote for the previous task is probably the fastest means to an end. A significant percentage of the task is devoted to similar computations.

This problem can be broken down into several steps:

For each vector in the set of boundary corner vectors, and for the boresight vector, perform the following operations:

At this point, if a boresight intercept was located, then proceed.


Solution Meta-Kernel

The meta-kernel we created for the solution to this exercise is named ''. Its contents follow:

   This is the meta-kernel used in the solution of the
   ``Computing Illumination Angles and Local Time'' task
   in the Remote Sensing Hands On Lesson.
      KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'kernels/lsk/naif0007.tls',
                          'kernels/ik/cas_iss_v09.ti' )

Solution Source Code

A sample solution to the problem follows:

   PRO angles
      ;; Local Parameters
      METAKR     = ""
      STRLEN     = 50
      BCVLEN     = 5
      utctim     = ''
      scan_vecs = dblarr( 3, BCVLEN )
      vecnam  = ["Boundary Corner 1", $
                 "Boundary Corner 2", $
                 "Boundary Corner 3", $
                 "Boundary Corner 4", $
                 "Boresight" ]
      ;; Load the kernels that this program requires.  We
      ;; will need:
      ;;    A leapseconds kernel.
      ;;    A SCLK kernel for CASSINI.
      ;;    Any necessary ephemerides.
      ;;    The CASSINI frame kernel.
      ;;    A CASSINI C-kernel.
      ;;    A PCK file with Phoebe constants.
      ;;    The CASSINI ISS I-kernel.
      cspice_furnsh, METAKR
      ;; Prompt the user for the input time string.
      read, utctim, PROMPT = "Input UTC Time: "
      print, "Converting UTC Time: ", utctim
      ;; Convert utctim to et.
      cspice_str2et,  utctim, et
      print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "   ET Seconds Past 2000: ", et
      ;; Now we need to obtain the FOV configuration of
      ;; the ISS NAC camera.  To do this we will need the
      ;;ID code for CASSINI_ISS_NAC.
      cspice_bodn2c, "CASSINI_ISS_NAC", nacid, found
      ;; Stop the program if the code was not found.
      if ( NOT found ) then begin
         print, "Unable to locate the ID code for " +$
      ;; Now retrieve the field of view parameters.
      cspice_getfov, nacid, BCVLEN, shape, frame, bsight, bounds
      ;; Rather than treat 'bsight' as a separate vector,
      ;; copy it and 'bounds to 'scan_vecs'.
      scan_vecs[ 0:11] = bounds[0:11]
      scan_vecs[12:14] = bsight[0:2]
      ;; Now perform the same set of calculations for each
      ;; vector listed in the 'bounds' array.
      for i=0, 4 do begin
         ;; Call srfxpt to determine coordinates of the
         ;; intersection of this vector with the surface
         ;; of Phoebe.
         cspice_srfxpt, "Ellipsoid", "PHOEBE",  et, "LT+S", $
                       "CASSINI", frame, scan_vecs[*,i],    $
                       point, dist, trgepc, obspos, found
         ;; Check the found flag.  Display a message if
         ;; the point of intersection was not found,
         ;; otherwise continue with the calculations.
         print, "Vector: ", vecnam[i]
         if ( NOT found ) then begin
            print, "No intersection point found at "  +$
                        "this epoch for this vector."
         endif else begin
            ;; Display the planetocentric latitude and longitude
            ;; of the intercept.
            cspice_reclat, point, radius, lon, lat
            print, "   Planetocentric coordinates of " +$
                   "the intercept (degrees):"
            print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "    LAT = ", $
                   lat * cspice_dpr()
            print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", "    LON = ", $
                   lon * cspice_dpr()
            ;; Compute the illumination angles at this
            ;; point.
            cspice_illum, "PHOEBE", et, "LT+S", "CASSINI", $
                           point, phase, solar, emissn
            print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", $
                   "   Phase angle (degrees):           ", $
                   phase * cspice_dpr()
            print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", $
                   "   Solar incidence angle (degrees): ", $
                   solar * cspice_dpr()
            print, FORMAT="(A,F16.3)", $
                   "   Emission angle (degrees):        ", $
                   emissn * cspice_dpr()
      cspice_unload, METAKR

Solution Sample Output

After compiling the program, execute it:

   Converting UTC Time: 2004 jun 11 19:32:00
      ET Seconds Past 2000:    140254384.185
   Vector: Boundary Corner 1
      Planetocentric coordinates of the intercept (degrees):
       LAT =            1.028
       LON =           36.433
      Phase angle (degrees):                     28.110
      Solar incidence angle (degrees):           16.121
      Emission angle (degrees):                  14.627
   Vector: Boundary Corner 2
      Planetocentric coordinates of the intercept (degrees):
       LAT =            7.492
       LON =           36.556
      Phase angle (degrees):                     27.894
      Solar incidence angle (degrees):           22.894
      Emission angle (degrees):                  14.988
   Vector: Boundary Corner 3
      Planetocentric coordinates of the intercept (degrees):
       LAT =            7.373
       LON =           43.430
      Phase angle (degrees):                     28.171
      Solar incidence angle (degrees):           21.315
      Emission angle (degrees):                  21.977
   Vector: Boundary Corner 4
      Planetocentric coordinates of the intercept (degrees):
       LAT =            0.865
       LON =           43.239
      Phase angle (degrees):                     28.385
      Solar incidence angle (degrees):           13.882
      Emission angle (degrees):                  21.763
   Vector: Boresight
      Planetocentric coordinates of the intercept (degrees):
       LAT =            4.196
       LON =           39.844
      Phase angle (degrees):                     28.140
      Solar incidence angle (degrees):           18.247
      Emission angle (degrees):                  17.858