ExoMarsRSP SPICE Kernel Dataset Release Notes v0.3.0 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel Dataset for the given version. This version (0.3.0) provides a tag in the ExoMarsRSP Git repository at the SOCCI Bitbucket: https://repos.cosmos.esa.int/socci/projects/SPICE/ Created by Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA, February 14, 2018. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file, please contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457 mcosta@sciops.esa.int, esa_spice@sciops.esa.int or ROCC at Altec Space: Federico Salvioli +1 (818) 354-8136 federico.salvioli@altecspace.it Notes -------------------------------------------------------- February 14, 2019 v0.3.0 Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for the drill, MaMiss, WISDOM and CLUPI in the RM FK and generated corresponding draft IKs. Added test CK and SPK for the Drill, with this the simulation scenario becomes: 2020 NOV 01 00:00:00 TDB - Lander Disposal 2020 NOV 01 00:00:01 TDB - Drive 5 meters 2020 NOV 01 00:01:42 TDB - Turn Right 2020 NOV 01 00:02:43 TDB - Drive 5 meters 2020 NOV 01 00:04:06 TDB - Turn Left 2020 NOV 01 00:04:34 TDB - Drive 3.7 meters 2020 NOV 01 00:05:46 TDB - Stop at ( -1.3e-02 -2.e-03 0 ) [km] 2020 NOV 01 01:04:22 UTC - Start PTR Pan to 20 degrees 2020 NOV 01 01:04:40 UTC - PTR Pan at 20 degrees 2020 NOV 01 01:04:41 UTC - Start PTR Tilt to 10 degrees 2020 NOV 01 01:04:42 UTC - PTR Tilt at 10 degrees 2020 NOV 01 10:04:50 UTC - Start PTR Tilt to 0 degrees 2020 NOV 01 10:10:04 UTC - PTR Tilt at 0 degrees 2020 NOV 01 10:10:07 UTC - Start PTR Pan to 0 degrees 2020 NOV 02 10:10:19 UTC - PTR Pan at 0 degrees 2020 NOV 02 12:00:00 UTC - Drill to LIFTING PHASE [TRA=130, ROT=0] 2020 NOV 02 12:30:00 UTC - Drill to VERTICAL ALIGN. [TRA=130, ROT=90] 2020 NOV 02 13:00:00 UTC - Drill to LOWERING PHASE [TRA=-240, ROT=90] 2020 NOV 02 13:30:00 UTC - Drill to LIFTING PHASE [TRA=130, ROT=90] 2020 NOV 02 14:00:00 UTC - Drill to HOR. ALIGN. [TRA=135, ROT=180] 2020 NOV 02 14:30:00 UTC - Drill to SAMPLE DISCH. [TRA=130, ROT=150] 2020 NOV 02 15:00:00 UTC - Drill to STOWED POSITION [TRA=0, ROT=0] 2020 NOV 02 00:00:00 TDB - End of test scenario Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- [SPICEMNGT-53] - EMRSP SKD 0.3.0 DRAFT - MaMiss, WISDOM and CLUPI Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== February 9, 2019 v0.2.0 Updated RM IDs all across the SKD from -999 to -174. Added LOCCAM, ISEM and ADRON-RM frame and ID definitions in RM Frames Kernel and generated corresponding draft IKs. June 10, 2018 v0.1.0 This is the first release of the ExoMarsRSP SPICE Kernel Dataset it is in draft state and it is aimed to provide the ROCC the capability to start testing SPICE in their systems. It includes a basic set of reference frames defined for the RM structures and PanCam and includes sample IKs for NavCam and PanCam, it also includes an example of an structures SPKs and several sample SPKs and CKs. The scenario that this release covers simulates a first travel of the rover and a first observation by moving the payload bench on top of the mast by a given pan and tilt set of angles. The travel of the rover can be depicted as follows (XY plane): .----------------. . . . . +Ydisp | | ^ | | | Rover Disposal | . | | '.__________________o-----> | +Xdisp | | | X End Point The timeline of the scenario is as follows: 2020 NOV 01 00:00:00 TDB - Lander Disposal 2020 NOV 01 00:00:01 TDB - Drive 5 meters 2020 NOV 01 00:01:42 TDB - Turn Right 2020 NOV 01 00:02:43 TDB - Drive 5 meters 2020 NOV 01 00:04:06 TDB - Turn Left 2020 NOV 01 00:04:34 TDB - Drive 3.7 meters 2020 NOV 01 00:05:46 TDB - Stop at ( -1.3e-02 -2.e-03 0 ) [km] 2020 NOV 01 01:04:22 UTC - Start PTR Pan to 20 degrees 2020 NOV 01 01:04:40 UTC - PTR Pan at 20 degrees 2020 NOV 01 01:04:41 UTC - Start PTR Tilt to 10 degrees 2020 NOV 01 01:04:42 UTC - PTR Tilt at 10 degrees 2020 NOV 01 10:04:50 UTC - Start PTR Tilt to 0 degrees 2020 NOV 01 10:10:04 UTC - PTR Tilt at 0 degrees 2020 NOV 01 10:10:07 UTC - Start PTR Pan to 0 degrees 2020 NOV 02 10:10:19 UTC - PTR Pan at 0 degrees 2020 NOV 02 00:00:00 TDB - End of test scenario End of text file.