KPL/IK RPC Instrument kernel =========================================================================== This instrument kernel (I-kernel) contains RPC sensor parameters and field-of-view definitions. Version and Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.9 -- April 6, 2017 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Prachet Mokashi, SRI Corrected headers from table added in previous version. Version 1.8 -- December 14, 2016 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Prachet Mokashi, SRI Added table clarifying the mapping between the sectors and actual steps that are used within RPC-IES data files from P. Mokashi [10]. Corrected Sensor names in Sensor Sector Layout section from ICA/E to ICA_ELECTRON and ICA/I to ICA_ION. Added IK Code examples for C and FORTRAN taken from Mars Express ASPERA instrument kernel [11]. Corrected several minor typos. Version 1.7 -- June 17, 2011 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Updated comments: documented discrepancy between the sector size keyword name for -226521/IES-E and -226530/ICA (_SECTOR_SIZES) the sector size keyword name for -226522/IES-I (_SECTOR_SIZE). Version 1.6 -- May 27, 2011 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Fixed error in INS-226522_SECTOR_SIZE: converted negative size values to positive values. Version 1.5 -- October 18, 2006 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Updated the date of the RPC User Manual release and fixed the typo in the legends of the IES and ICA cross-plane layout ASCII diagrams. Version 1.4 -- September 5, 2006 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Filled in sector layout information for ICA. Version 1.3 -- August 22, 2006 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Updated IES ion and electron sensor out-of-plane sector counts and sector view directions and sizes based on [8]. Version 1.2 -- May 1, 2006 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Filled in sector layout information for IES ion and electron sensors. Version 1.1 -- May 31, 2005 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Updated RPC/MAG instrument names based on the feedback comments from Dr. Ingo Richter [7]. Version 1.0 -- March 15, 2005 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL Version number change for the first official release. Version 0.1 -- September 24, 2004 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL Initial release. Version 0.0 -- September 24, 2004 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL This version number was skipped. References --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 2. ``C-kernel Required Reading'' 3. ``RPC EID, Part B'', ROS-EST-RO-3012/EID B, 2001-05-15 4. Rosetta Frames Definition Kernel (FK), latest version 5. ``RPC User Manual'', RO-RPC-UM, 11-Nov-2005 6. ESA Science and Technology Web Server, Rosetta Instruments Area, 7. E-mail "ROSETTA RPC-MAG FK / IK Comments" from Dr. Ingo Richter, 2005/04/19 8. E-mails from Raymond Goldstein and Aimee Mostella, SWRI, August 2006 9. RPC-ICA-EAICD, November 5, 2003 10. E-mail ''RPC-IES Instrument Kernel'' from Prachet Mokashi, May 2016 11. Mars Express ``ASPERA Instrument Kernel'' Implementation Notes -------------------------------------------------------- Applications that need SPICE I-kernel data must ``load'' the I-kernel file, normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel using the SPICELIB routine FURNSH causes the data items and their associated values present in the kernel to become associated with a data structure called the ``kernel pool''. The application program may then obtain the value(s) for any IK data item using the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, GCPOOL. Routine GETFOV may be used if the file contains instrument field-of-view (FOV) specification. See [1] for details. This file was created with, and can be updated with a text editor or word processor. Conventions for Specifying Data -------------------------------------------------------- Data items are specified using ``keyword=value'' assignments [1]. All keywords referencing values in this I-kernel start with the characters `INS' followed by the NAIF Rosetta instrument ID code, constructed using the spacecraft ID number (-226) followed by the NAIF three digit ID number for RPC sensor or structure. The IDs for RPC are defined in [4] as follows: Instrument name ID -------------------- ------- ROS_RPC -226500 ROS_RPC_LAP1 -226511 ROS_RPC_LAP2 -226512 ROS_RPC_LAP1_URF -226515 ROS_RPC_LAP2_URF -226516 ROS_RPC_IES -226520 ROS_RPC_IES_ELECTRON -226521 ROS_RPC_IES_ION -226522 ROS_RPC_IES_URF -226525 ROS_RPC_IES_QUAD1 -226526 (*) ROS_RPC_IES_QUAD2 -226527 (*) ROS_RPC_IES_QUAD3 -226528 (*) ROS_RPC_IES_QUAD4 -226529 (*) ROS_RPC_ICA -226530 ROS_RPC_ICA_URF -226535 ROS_RPC_ICA_QUAD1 -226536 (*) ROS_RPC_ICA_QUAD2 -226537 (*) ROS_RPC_ICA_QUAD3 -226538 (*) ROS_RPC_ICA_QUAD4 -226539 (*) ROS_RPC_MAG_OB -226541 ROS_RPC_MAG_IB -226542 ROS_RPC_MAG_OB_URF -226545 ROS_RPC_MAG_IB_URF -226546 ROS_RPC_MIP -226550 ROS_RPC_MIP_R1 -226551 ROS_RPC_MIP_T1 -226552 ROS_RPC_MIP_T2 -226553 ROS_RPC_MIP_R2 -226554 ROS_RPC_MIP_URF -226555 ROS_RPC_BOOM1 -226560 ROS_RPC_BOOM2 -226570 (*) The "_QUAD#" names and IDs for IES and ICA do not correspond to any of the sensor's physical structures. They are introduced to make possible an approximation of the sensor's FOV with four rectangular 90 x 90 degrees quadrants. The remainder of the keyword is an underscore character followed by the unique name of the data item. For example, the boresight of the RPC ICA QUAD3 FOV is specified by INS-226538_BORESIGHT The upper bound on the length of all keywords is 32 characters. If a keyword is included in more than one file, or if the same keyword appears more than once within a single file, the last assignment supersedes any earlier assignments. Overview -------------------------------------------------------- From [6]: RPC (Rosetta Plasma Consortium) is a set of five instruments sharing a common electrical and data interface with the Rosetta orbiter. The RPC instruments are designed to make complementary measurements of the plasma environment around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The RPC instruments are: * an Ion Composition Analyser, which measures the three-dimensional velocity distribution and mass distribution of positive ions; * an Ion and Electron Sensor, which will simultaneously measure the flux of electrons and ions in the plasma surrounding the comet,; * a Langmuir Probe, which will measure the density, temperature and flow velocity of the cometary plasma; * a Fluxgate Magnetometer, which will measure the magnetic field in the region where the solar wind plasma interacts with the comet; and * a Mutual Impedance Probe, which will derive the electron gas density, temperature, and drift velocity in the inner coma of the comet. Mounting Alignment -------------------------------------------------------- Refer to the latest version of the Rosetta Frames Definition Kernel (FK) [4] for the RPC reference frame definitions and mounting alignment information. Boom-Mounted Sensor Locations -------------------------------------------------------- The locations of the boom-mounted RPC sensors -- MIP, MAG_OB/MAG_IB, and LAP1/LAP2 -- are provided in the Rosetta structures SPK file. Refer to the comments in that file for specifics of the data stored in it and for recipes for using that data. Sensor Sector Layout -------------------------------------------------------- This section contains assignments specifying the sensor layout by defining individual sector view directions for IES and ICA sensors. The combined aperture of each of the sensors is broken down into a number of equally or unequally spaced sectors to achieve the necessary spatial resolution within the sensor's sensor plane and in the direction normal to it. This table summarizes the individual sensor sector layout (based on [5]): -------------- --------------------- ----------------------- Sensor Number of Sectors Sector size, deg Name in-plane cross-plane in-plane cross-plane -------------- -------- ----------- ---------- ----------- IES_ELECTRON 16 16(2) 22.5 5.0 IES_ION 16 16(2) 45.0/5.0(1) 5.0 ICA 16 16 22.5 4.5 -------------- --------------------- ----------------------- (1) IES/Ion has seven 45 degree sectors and nine 5 degree sectors. (2) While most of the IES documentation puts the number of cross-plane sectors at 18, for engineering reasons the instrument was configured to have have only 16 cross-plane sectors the with center view directions 6 degrees apart ([8]). The parameters from the table are provided for each sensor using the following keywords: NUMBER_OF_SECTORS -- contains two integers for in-plane and cross-plane sector numbers SECTOR_SIZE -- if all sectors have the same size, contains SECTOR_SIZES only two numbers (in-plane and cross-plane sector size in degrees); if sectors have different sizes, contains in-plane and cross-plane sector size in degrees for each sector. SECTOR_SIZES keyword is used for IES_ELECTRON (-226521) and ICA (-226530) SECTOR_SIZE keyword is used for IES_ION (-226522) FRAME -- contains the name of the frame in which the sector view directions are defined SECTOR_DIRECTIONS -- contains sector center view directions for each sector in the sensor symmetry plane. The order of vectors in the SECTOR_DIRECTIONS is different for different sensors. It is described for each particular sensor in that sensor's section of this IK. Section "IK Code Example" provided at the bottom of file includes a example C function and an example FORTRAN subroutine that can be used to retrieve values of these parameters for a specifies sensor. IES/Electron and IES/Ion Mapping The RPC Team has identified that the IES elevations / polar sectors are shown to be identical for the RPC_IES_ION and RPC_IES_ELECTRON sensors, when they should be opposite. Since the Instrument kernel is being used by several users and pipelines RPC has decided not to update the sector directions definitions. Instead the following table should be used in order to clarify the mapping between the sectors and actual steps that are used within IES data files: --------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- SPICE IK Telemetry and Telemetry and Polar Sector Electron Ion Number Step Number Step Number --------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- P0 0 15 P1 1 14 P2 2 13 P3 3 12 P4 4 11 P5 5 10 P6 6 9 P7 7 8 P8 8 7 P9 9 6 P10 10 5 P11 11 4 P12 12 3 P13 13 2 P14 14 1 P15 15 0 -------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- IES/Electron Sector Layout The IES/Electron Sector's 360.0 x 90.0 degrees aperture is split into 256 sectors -- 16 in-plane (azimuthal) by 16 cross-plane (polar). In the in-plane direction the sectors are numbered from 0 to 15, in the cross-plane direction the sectors are also numbered 0 to 15. All 16 in-plane sectors are 22.5 degrees wide with their center view directions 22.5 degrees apart. In the cross-plane direction all sectors have the same size of 5 degrees with their center view directions 6 degrees apart. In-plane the "view direction" of each sector is looking inwards, from the sector position through the center of the aperture. This diagram illustrates in-plane (azimuthal) IES/Electron sector layout: ^ +Yies | A# indicate the azimuthal V12 | V11 sector # position in V13 ....|.... V10 the sensor assembly. .' A4 | A3 `. V14.' A5 | A2`. V9 V# indicate the # sector . A6 | A1. view direction. V15. | . V8 .A7 | A0. For example, for . o--------------> +Xies Sector 2 the view .A8 / +Zies A15. direction is the vector V0 . / . V7 emanating from the .A9 / A14. aperture center through V1 .A10 / A13. V6 the point designated `. / A11 A12 .' by V2. V2 `......... ' V5 / V3 V4 V Azimuthal sector "3" view direction This diagram illustrates cross-plane (polar) IES/Electron Sensor sector layout: +Yies Polar Sector "3" ^ ^ view dir. P# indicate the polar V8 | V7 / sector # position in .----|----. V3 the sensor assembly. V15 ,-' P8|P7 `/. V0 .' | P3 `. `.P15 | / P0.' V# indicate the # sector `. | / .' view direction. `. | / .' `. | / .' For example, for polar `. |/.' Sector 3 the view <-------------`o'+Xies direction is the vector +Zies .' `. emanating from the .' `. aperture center through .' `. the point designated .' `. by V3. .'P15 P0`. `. .' V15 `-. P8 P7 ,-' V0 `---------' V8 V7 In the keywords below the sector sizes and view directions are listed plane-by-plane, i.e. the first 16 vectors in the array are for azimuthal sectors 0 through 15 in polar plane 0, the next 16 vectors -- azimuthal sectors 0 through 15 in polar plane 1, and so on. The sector view direction are defined in the IES frame (ROS_RPC_IES). \begindata INS-226521_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS = ( 16, 16 ) INS-226521_SECTOR_SIZES = ( 22.50000000 5.00000000 ) INS-226521_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_IES' INS-226521_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS = ( -0.69351992 -0.13794969 -0.70710678 -0.58793780 -0.39284748 -0.70710678 -0.39284748 -0.58793780 -0.70710678 -0.13794969 -0.69351992 -0.70710678 0.13794969 -0.69351992 -0.70710678 0.39284748 -0.58793780 -0.70710678 0.58793780 -0.39284748 -0.70710678 0.69351992 -0.13794969 -0.70710678 0.69351992 0.13794969 -0.70710678 0.58793780 0.39284748 -0.70710678 0.39284748 0.58793780 -0.70710678 0.13794969 0.69351992 -0.70710678 -0.13794969 0.69351992 -0.70710678 -0.39284748 0.58793780 -0.70710678 -0.58793780 0.39284748 -0.70710678 -0.69351992 0.13794969 -0.70710678 -0.76221332 -0.15161366 -0.62932039 -0.64617325 -0.43175916 -0.62932039 -0.43175916 -0.64617325 -0.62932039 -0.15161366 -0.76221332 -0.62932039 0.15161366 -0.76221332 -0.62932039 0.43175916 -0.64617325 -0.62932039 0.64617325 -0.43175916 -0.62932039 0.76221332 -0.15161366 -0.62932039 0.76221332 0.15161366 -0.62932039 0.64617325 0.43175916 -0.62932039 0.43175916 0.64617325 -0.62932039 0.15161366 0.76221332 -0.62932039 -0.15161366 0.76221332 -0.62932039 -0.43175916 0.64617325 -0.62932039 -0.64617325 0.43175916 -0.62932039 -0.76221332 0.15161366 -0.62932039 -0.82255575 -0.16361651 -0.54463904 -0.69732909 -0.46594040 -0.54463904 -0.46594040 -0.69732909 -0.54463904 -0.16361651 -0.82255575 -0.54463904 0.16361651 -0.82255575 -0.54463904 0.46594040 -0.69732909 -0.54463904 0.69732909 -0.46594040 -0.54463904 0.82255575 -0.16361651 -0.54463904 0.82255575 0.16361651 -0.54463904 0.69732909 0.46594040 -0.54463904 0.46594040 0.69732909 -0.54463904 0.16361651 0.82255575 -0.54463904 -0.16361651 0.82255575 -0.54463904 -0.46594040 0.69732909 -0.54463904 -0.69732909 0.46594040 -0.54463904 -0.82255575 0.16361651 -0.54463904 -0.87388608 -0.17382675 -0.45399050 -0.74084485 -0.49501670 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-0.82255575 0.16361651 0.54463904 -0.76221332 -0.15161366 0.62932039 -0.64617325 -0.43175916 0.62932039 -0.43175916 -0.64617325 0.62932039 -0.15161366 -0.76221332 0.62932039 0.15161366 -0.76221332 0.62932039 0.43175916 -0.64617325 0.62932039 0.64617325 -0.43175916 0.62932039 0.76221332 -0.15161366 0.62932039 0.76221332 0.15161366 0.62932039 0.64617325 0.43175916 0.62932039 0.43175916 0.64617325 0.62932039 0.15161366 0.76221332 0.62932039 -0.15161366 0.76221332 0.62932039 -0.43175916 0.64617325 0.62932039 -0.64617325 0.43175916 0.62932039 -0.76221332 0.15161366 0.62932039 -0.69351992 -0.13794969 0.70710678 -0.58793780 -0.39284748 0.70710678 -0.39284748 -0.58793780 0.70710678 -0.13794969 -0.69351992 0.70710678 0.13794969 -0.69351992 0.70710678 0.39284748 -0.58793780 0.70710678 0.58793780 -0.39284748 0.70710678 0.69351992 -0.13794969 0.70710678 0.69351992 0.13794969 0.70710678 0.58793780 0.39284748 0.70710678 0.39284748 0.58793780 0.70710678 0.13794969 0.69351992 0.70710678 -0.13794969 0.69351992 0.70710678 -0.39284748 0.58793780 0.70710678 -0.58793780 0.39284748 0.70710678 -0.69351992 0.13794969 0.70710678 ) \begintext IES/Ion Sector Layout The IES/Ion Sector's 360.0 x 90.0 degrees aperture is split into 256 sectors -- 16 in-plane (azimuthal) by 16 cross-plane (polar). In the in-plane direction the sectors are numbered from 0 to 15, in the cross-plane direction the sectors are numbered 0 to 15. Not all 16 in-plane sectors have the same size: seven of them -- sectors 0-2 and 12-15 -- are 45 degrees wide while the other nine -- sectors 3-11 -- are 5 degrees wide. In the cross-plane direction all sectors have the same size of 5 degrees with their center view directions 6 degrees apart. In-plane the "view direction" of each sector is looking inwards, from the sector position through the center of the aperture. This diagram illustrates in-plane (azimuthal) IES/Ion sector layout: +Yies ^ | A# indicate the azimuthal | sector # position in V15 ....|.... V0 the sensor assembly. .' A7 A11 `. .' A3 | A12 `. V# indicate the # sector V14. | . V1 view direction. . A2 | A13 . . | . +Xies For example, for . o--------------> Sector 12 the view . / +Zies . direction is the vector . A1 / A14 . emanating from the V13. / . V2 aperture center through . / . the point designated `.A0 A15.' by V12. V12 ......... ' V3 / V11 V7 V Azimuthal sector "12" view direction This diagram illustrates cross-plane (polar) IES/Ion Sensor sector layout: +Yies Polar Sector "3" ^ ^ view dir. P# indicate the polar V8 | V7 / sector # position in .----|----. V3 the sensor assembly. V15 ,-' P8|P7 `/. V0 .' | P3 `. `.P15 | / P0.' V# indicate the # sector `. | / .' view direction. `. | / .' `. | / .' For example, for polar `. |/.' Sector 3 the view <-------------`o'+Xies direction is the vector +Zies .' `. emanating from the .' `. aperture center through .' `. the point designated .' `. by V3. .'P15 P0`. `. .' V15 `-. P8 P7 ,-' V0 `---------' V8 V7 In the keywords below the sector sizes and view directions are listed plane-by-plane, i.e. the first 16 vectors in the array are for azimuthal sectors 0 through 15 in polar plane 0, the next 16 vectors -- azimuthal sectors 0 through 15 in polar plane 1, and so on. The sector view directions are defined in the IES frame (ROS_RPC_IES). \begindata INS-226522_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS = ( 16, 16 ) INS-226522_SECTOR_SIZE = ( 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 45.00000000 5.00000000 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-0.70710678 0.65328148 0.27059805 -0.70710678 0.65328148 -0.27059805 -0.70710678 0.47771442 -0.52133380 -0.70710678 0.43045933 -0.56098553 -0.70710678 0.37992820 -0.59636781 -0.70710678 0.32650558 -0.62721138 -0.70710678 0.27059805 -0.65328148 -0.70710678 0.21263111 -0.67437972 -0.70710678 0.15304592 -0.69034553 -0.70710678 0.09229596 -0.70105738 -0.70710678 0.03084356 -0.70643377 -0.70710678 -0.27059805 -0.65328148 -0.70710678 -0.65328148 -0.27059805 -0.70710678 -0.65328148 0.27059805 -0.70710678 -0.27059805 0.65328148 -0.70710678 0.29740088 0.71798925 -0.62932039 0.71798925 0.29740088 -0.62932039 0.71798925 -0.29740088 -0.62932039 0.52503220 -0.57297210 -0.62932039 0.47309649 -0.61655134 -0.62932039 0.41756022 -0.65543826 -0.62932039 0.35884607 -0.68933689 -0.62932039 0.29740088 -0.71798925 -0.62932039 0.23369230 -0.74117728 -0.62932039 0.16820517 -0.75872450 -0.62932039 0.10143790 -0.77049737 -0.62932039 0.03389863 -0.77640629 -0.62932039 -0.29740088 -0.71798925 -0.62932039 -0.71798925 -0.29740088 -0.62932039 -0.71798925 0.29740088 -0.62932039 -0.29740088 0.71798925 -0.62932039 0.32094533 0.77483057 -0.54463904 0.77483057 0.32094533 -0.54463904 0.77483057 -0.32094533 -0.54463904 0.56659762 -0.61833280 -0.54463904 0.51055029 -0.66536210 -0.54463904 0.45061737 -0.70732758 -0.54463904 0.38725497 -0.74390988 -0.54463904 0.32094533 -0.77483057 -0.54463904 0.25219310 -0.79985434 -0.54463904 0.18152153 -0.81879073 -0.54463904 0.10946848 -0.83149562 -0.54463904 0.03658230 -0.83787234 -0.54463904 -0.32094533 -0.77483057 -0.54463904 -0.77483057 -0.32094533 -0.54463904 -0.77483057 0.32094533 -0.54463904 -0.32094533 0.77483057 -0.54463904 0.34097343 0.82318269 -0.45399050 0.82318269 0.34097343 -0.45399050 0.82318269 -0.34097343 -0.45399050 0.60195528 -0.65691892 -0.45399050 0.54241040 -0.70688300 -0.45399050 0.47873746 -0.75146728 -0.45399050 0.41142103 -0.79033244 -0.45399050 0.34097343 -0.82318269 -0.45399050 0.26793083 -0.84976803 -0.45399050 0.19284911 -0.86988611 -0.45399050 0.11629969 -0.88338384 -0.45399050 0.03886516 -0.89015848 -0.45399050 -0.34097343 -0.82318269 -0.45399050 -0.82318269 -0.34097343 -0.45399050 -0.82318269 0.34097343 -0.45399050 -0.34097343 0.82318269 -0.45399050 0.35726576 0.86251585 -0.35836795 0.86251585 0.35726576 -0.35836795 0.86251585 -0.35726576 -0.35836795 0.63071779 -0.68830769 -0.35836795 0.56832775 -0.74065915 -0.35836795 0.50161240 -0.78737375 -0.35836795 0.43107947 -0.82809595 -0.35836795 0.35726576 -0.86251585 -0.35836795 0.28073305 -0.89037148 -0.35836795 0.20206379 -0.91145084 -0.35836795 0.12185670 -0.92559352 -0.35836795 0.04072221 -0.93269186 -0.35836795 -0.35726576 -0.86251585 -0.35836795 -0.86251585 -0.35726576 -0.35836795 -0.86251585 0.35726576 -0.35836795 -0.35726576 0.86251585 -0.35836795 0.36964381 0.89239910 -0.25881905 0.89239910 0.36964381 -0.25881905 0.89239910 -0.36964381 -0.25881905 0.65257003 -0.71215522 -0.25881905 0.58801839 -0.76632048 -0.25881905 0.51899157 -0.81465358 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-0.86988611 0.45399050 0.11629969 -0.88338384 0.45399050 0.03886516 -0.89015848 0.45399050 -0.34097343 -0.82318269 0.45399050 -0.82318269 -0.34097343 0.45399050 -0.82318269 0.34097343 0.45399050 -0.34097343 0.82318269 0.45399050 0.32094533 0.77483057 0.54463904 0.77483057 0.32094533 0.54463904 0.77483057 -0.32094533 0.54463904 0.56659762 -0.61833280 0.54463904 0.51055029 -0.66536210 0.54463904 0.45061737 -0.70732758 0.54463904 0.38725497 -0.74390988 0.54463904 0.32094533 -0.77483057 0.54463904 0.25219310 -0.79985434 0.54463904 0.18152153 -0.81879073 0.54463904 0.10946848 -0.83149562 0.54463904 0.03658230 -0.83787234 0.54463904 -0.32094533 -0.77483057 0.54463904 -0.77483057 -0.32094533 0.54463904 -0.77483057 0.32094533 0.54463904 -0.32094533 0.77483057 0.54463904 0.29740088 0.71798925 0.62932039 0.71798925 0.29740088 0.62932039 0.71798925 -0.29740088 0.62932039 0.52503220 -0.57297210 0.62932039 0.47309649 -0.61655134 0.62932039 0.41756022 -0.65543826 0.62932039 0.35884607 -0.68933689 0.62932039 0.29740088 -0.71798925 0.62932039 0.23369230 -0.74117728 0.62932039 0.16820517 -0.75872450 0.62932039 0.10143790 -0.77049737 0.62932039 0.03389863 -0.77640629 0.62932039 -0.29740088 -0.71798925 0.62932039 -0.71798925 -0.29740088 0.62932039 -0.71798925 0.29740088 0.62932039 -0.29740088 0.71798925 0.62932039 0.27059805 0.65328148 0.70710678 0.65328148 0.27059805 0.70710678 0.65328148 -0.27059805 0.70710678 0.47771442 -0.52133380 0.70710678 0.43045933 -0.56098553 0.70710678 0.37992820 -0.59636781 0.70710678 0.32650558 -0.62721138 0.70710678 0.27059805 -0.65328148 0.70710678 0.21263111 -0.67437972 0.70710678 0.15304592 -0.69034553 0.70710678 0.09229596 -0.70105738 0.70710678 0.03084356 -0.70643377 0.70710678 -0.27059805 -0.65328148 0.70710678 -0.65328148 -0.27059805 0.70710678 -0.65328148 0.27059805 0.70710678 -0.27059805 0.65328148 0.70710678 ) \begintext ICA Sector Layout The ICA's 360.0 x 72.00 degrees aperture is split into 256 sectors -- 16 in-plane (azimuthal) by 16 cross-plane (polar). In the in-plane direction the sectors are numbered from 0 to 15, in the cross-plane direction the sectors are also numbered 0 to 15. All 16 in-plane sectors are 22.5 degrees wide with their center view directions 22.5 degrees apart. In the cross-plane direction all sectors have the same size of 4.5 degrees with their center view directions 4.5 degrees apart. In-plane the "view direction" of each sector is looking inwards, from the sector position through the center of the aperture. This diagram illustrates in-plane (azimuthal) ICA sector layout (based on Figures 2 and 3 from [9]): A# indicate the azimuthal V5 V4 sector # position in V6 ......... V3 the sensor assembly. .' A13 A12`. V7 .' A14 A11`. V2 V# indicate the # sector . A15 A10. view direction. V8 . . V1 .A0 A9. For example, for +Xica <--------------o . Sector 11 the view .A1 /|+Zica A8. direction is the vector V9 . / | . V0 emanating from the .A2 / | A7. aperture center through V10 . A3 / | A6 . V15 the point designated `. / A4 | A5 .' by V11. V11 `....|.... ' V14 / V12| V13 V | Azimuthal sector V +Yica "11" view direction This diagram illustrates cross-plane (polar) ICA Sensor sector layout (based on Figure 2 from [9]): +Yica Polar Sector "3" ^ ^ view dir. A# indicate the polar V8 | V7 / sector # position in .----|----. V3 the sensor assembly. V15 ,-' P8|P7 `/. V0 .' | P3 `. `.P15 | / P0.' V# indicate the # sector `. | / .' view direction. `. | / .' `. | / .' For example, for polar `. |/.' Sector 3 the view <-------------`o'+Xica direction is the vector +Zica .' `. emanating from the .' `. aperture center through .' `. the point designated .' `. by V3. .'P15 P0`. `. .' V15 `-. P8 P7 ,-' V0 `---------' V8 V7 In the keywords below the sector sizes and view directions are listed plane-by-plane, i.e. the first 16 vectors in the array are for azimuthal sectors 0 through 15 in polar plane 0, the next 16 vectors -- azimuthal sectors 0 through 15 in polar plane 1, and so on. The sector view directions are defined in the ICA frame (ROS_RPC_ICA). \begindata INS-226530_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS = ( 16, 16 ) INS-226530_SECTOR_SIZES = ( 22.50000000 4.50000000 ) INS-226530_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_ICA' INS-226530_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS = ( -0.81549316 0.16221167 -0.55557023 -0.81549316 -0.16221167 -0.55557023 -0.69134172 -0.46193977 -0.55557023 -0.46193977 -0.69134172 -0.55557023 -0.16221167 -0.81549316 -0.55557023 0.16221167 -0.81549316 -0.55557023 0.46193977 -0.69134172 -0.55557023 0.69134172 -0.46193977 -0.55557023 0.81549316 -0.16221167 -0.55557023 0.81549316 0.16221167 -0.55557023 0.69134172 0.46193977 -0.55557023 0.46193977 0.69134172 -0.55557023 0.16221167 0.81549316 -0.55557023 -0.16221167 0.81549316 -0.55557023 -0.46193977 0.69134172 -0.55557023 -0.69134172 0.46193977 -0.55557023 -0.85573124 0.17021553 -0.48862124 -0.85573124 -0.17021553 -0.48862124 -0.72545392 -0.48473281 -0.48862124 -0.48473281 -0.72545392 -0.48862124 -0.17021553 -0.85573124 -0.48862124 0.17021553 -0.85573124 -0.48862124 0.48473281 -0.72545392 -0.48862124 0.72545392 -0.48473281 -0.48862124 0.85573124 -0.17021553 -0.48862124 0.85573124 0.17021553 -0.48862124 0.72545392 0.48473281 -0.48862124 0.48473281 0.72545392 -0.48862124 0.17021553 0.85573124 -0.48862124 -0.17021553 0.85573124 -0.48862124 -0.48473281 0.72545392 -0.48862124 -0.72545392 0.48473281 -0.48862124 -0.89069346 0.17716994 -0.41865974 -0.89069346 -0.17716994 -0.41865974 -0.75509345 -0.50453731 -0.41865974 -0.50453731 -0.75509345 -0.41865974 -0.17716994 -0.89069346 -0.41865974 0.17716994 -0.89069346 -0.41865974 0.50453731 -0.75509345 -0.41865974 0.75509345 -0.50453731 -0.41865974 0.89069346 -0.17716994 -0.41865974 0.89069346 0.17716994 -0.41865974 0.75509345 0.50453731 -0.41865974 0.50453731 0.75509345 -0.41865974 0.17716994 0.89069346 -0.41865974 -0.17716994 0.89069346 -0.41865974 -0.50453731 0.75509345 -0.41865974 -0.75509345 0.50453731 -0.41865974 -0.92016425 0.18303205 -0.34611706 -0.92016425 -0.18303205 -0.34611706 -0.78007759 -0.52123118 -0.34611706 -0.52123118 -0.78007759 -0.34611706 -0.18303205 -0.92016425 -0.34611706 0.18303205 -0.92016425 -0.34611706 0.52123118 -0.78007759 -0.34611706 0.78007759 -0.52123118 -0.34611706 0.92016425 -0.18303205 -0.34611706 0.92016425 0.18303205 -0.34611706 0.78007759 0.52123118 -0.34611706 0.52123118 0.78007759 -0.34611706 0.18303205 0.92016425 -0.34611706 -0.18303205 0.92016425 -0.34611706 -0.52123118 0.78007759 -0.34611706 -0.78007759 0.52123118 -0.34611706 -0.94396193 0.18776570 -0.27144045 -0.94396193 -0.18776570 -0.27144045 -0.80025228 -0.53471148 -0.27144045 -0.53471148 -0.80025228 -0.27144045 -0.18776570 -0.94396193 -0.27144045 0.18776570 -0.94396193 -0.27144045 0.53471148 -0.80025228 -0.27144045 0.80025228 -0.53471148 -0.27144045 0.94396193 -0.18776570 -0.27144045 0.94396193 0.18776570 -0.27144045 0.80025228 0.53471148 -0.27144045 0.53471148 0.80025228 -0.27144045 0.18776570 0.94396193 -0.27144045 -0.18776570 0.94396193 -0.27144045 -0.53471148 0.80025228 -0.27144045 -0.80025228 0.53471148 -0.27144045 -0.96193977 0.19134172 -0.19509032 -0.96193977 -0.19134172 -0.19509032 -0.81549316 -0.54489511 -0.19509032 -0.54489511 -0.81549316 -0.19509032 -0.19134172 -0.96193977 -0.19509032 0.19134172 -0.96193977 -0.19509032 0.54489511 -0.81549316 -0.19509032 0.81549316 -0.54489511 -0.19509032 0.96193977 -0.19134172 -0.19509032 0.96193977 0.19134172 -0.19509032 0.81549316 0.54489511 -0.19509032 0.54489511 0.81549316 -0.19509032 0.19134172 0.96193977 -0.19509032 -0.19134172 0.96193977 -0.19509032 -0.54489511 0.81549316 -0.19509032 -0.81549316 0.54489511 -0.19509032 -0.97398693 0.19373805 -0.11753740 -0.97398693 -0.19373805 -0.11753740 -0.82570624 -0.55171927 -0.11753740 -0.55171927 -0.82570624 -0.11753740 -0.19373805 -0.97398693 -0.11753740 0.19373805 -0.97398693 -0.11753740 0.55171927 -0.82570624 -0.11753740 0.82570624 -0.55171927 -0.11753740 0.97398693 -0.19373805 -0.11753740 0.97398693 0.19373805 -0.11753740 0.82570624 0.55171927 -0.11753740 0.55171927 0.82570624 -0.11753740 0.19373805 0.97398693 -0.11753740 -0.19373805 0.97398693 -0.11753740 -0.55171927 0.82570624 -0.11753740 -0.82570624 0.55171927 -0.11753740 -0.98002913 0.19493991 -0.03925982 -0.98002913 -0.19493991 -0.03925982 -0.83082858 -0.55514191 -0.03925982 -0.55514191 -0.83082858 -0.03925982 -0.19493991 -0.98002913 -0.03925982 0.19493991 -0.98002913 -0.03925982 0.55514191 -0.83082858 -0.03925982 0.83082858 -0.55514191 -0.03925982 0.98002913 -0.19493991 -0.03925982 0.98002913 0.19493991 -0.03925982 0.83082858 0.55514191 -0.03925982 0.55514191 0.83082858 -0.03925982 0.19493991 0.98002913 -0.03925982 -0.19493991 0.98002913 -0.03925982 -0.55514191 0.83082858 -0.03925982 -0.83082858 0.55514191 -0.03925982 -0.98002913 0.19493991 0.03925982 -0.98002913 -0.19493991 0.03925982 -0.83082858 -0.55514191 0.03925982 -0.55514191 -0.83082858 0.03925982 -0.19493991 -0.98002913 0.03925982 0.19493991 -0.98002913 0.03925982 0.55514191 -0.83082858 0.03925982 0.83082858 -0.55514191 0.03925982 0.98002913 -0.19493991 0.03925982 0.98002913 0.19493991 0.03925982 0.83082858 0.55514191 0.03925982 0.55514191 0.83082858 0.03925982 0.19493991 0.98002913 0.03925982 -0.19493991 0.98002913 0.03925982 -0.55514191 0.83082858 0.03925982 -0.83082858 0.55514191 0.03925982 -0.97398693 0.19373805 0.11753740 -0.97398693 -0.19373805 0.11753740 -0.82570624 -0.55171927 0.11753740 -0.55171927 -0.82570624 0.11753740 -0.19373805 -0.97398693 0.11753740 0.19373805 -0.97398693 0.11753740 0.55171927 -0.82570624 0.11753740 0.82570624 -0.55171927 0.11753740 0.97398693 -0.19373805 0.11753740 0.97398693 0.19373805 0.11753740 0.82570624 0.55171927 0.11753740 0.55171927 0.82570624 0.11753740 0.19373805 0.97398693 0.11753740 -0.19373805 0.97398693 0.11753740 -0.55171927 0.82570624 0.11753740 -0.82570624 0.55171927 0.11753740 -0.96193977 0.19134172 0.19509032 -0.96193977 -0.19134172 0.19509032 -0.81549316 -0.54489511 0.19509032 -0.54489511 -0.81549316 0.19509032 -0.19134172 -0.96193977 0.19509032 0.19134172 -0.96193977 0.19509032 0.54489511 -0.81549316 0.19509032 0.81549316 -0.54489511 0.19509032 0.96193977 -0.19134172 0.19509032 0.96193977 0.19134172 0.19509032 0.81549316 0.54489511 0.19509032 0.54489511 0.81549316 0.19509032 0.19134172 0.96193977 0.19509032 -0.19134172 0.96193977 0.19509032 -0.54489511 0.81549316 0.19509032 -0.81549316 0.54489511 0.19509032 -0.94396193 0.18776570 0.27144045 -0.94396193 -0.18776570 0.27144045 -0.80025228 -0.53471148 0.27144045 -0.53471148 -0.80025228 0.27144045 -0.18776570 -0.94396193 0.27144045 0.18776570 -0.94396193 0.27144045 0.53471148 -0.80025228 0.27144045 0.80025228 -0.53471148 0.27144045 0.94396193 -0.18776570 0.27144045 0.94396193 0.18776570 0.27144045 0.80025228 0.53471148 0.27144045 0.53471148 0.80025228 0.27144045 0.18776570 0.94396193 0.27144045 -0.18776570 0.94396193 0.27144045 -0.53471148 0.80025228 0.27144045 -0.80025228 0.53471148 0.27144045 -0.92016425 0.18303205 0.34611706 -0.92016425 -0.18303205 0.34611706 -0.78007759 -0.52123118 0.34611706 -0.52123118 -0.78007759 0.34611706 -0.18303205 -0.92016425 0.34611706 0.18303205 -0.92016425 0.34611706 0.52123118 -0.78007759 0.34611706 0.78007759 -0.52123118 0.34611706 0.92016425 -0.18303205 0.34611706 0.92016425 0.18303205 0.34611706 0.78007759 0.52123118 0.34611706 0.52123118 0.78007759 0.34611706 0.18303205 0.92016425 0.34611706 -0.18303205 0.92016425 0.34611706 -0.52123118 0.78007759 0.34611706 -0.78007759 0.52123118 0.34611706 -0.89069346 0.17716994 0.41865974 -0.89069346 -0.17716994 0.41865974 -0.75509345 -0.50453731 0.41865974 -0.50453731 -0.75509345 0.41865974 -0.17716994 -0.89069346 0.41865974 0.17716994 -0.89069346 0.41865974 0.50453731 -0.75509345 0.41865974 0.75509345 -0.50453731 0.41865974 0.89069346 -0.17716994 0.41865974 0.89069346 0.17716994 0.41865974 0.75509345 0.50453731 0.41865974 0.50453731 0.75509345 0.41865974 0.17716994 0.89069346 0.41865974 -0.17716994 0.89069346 0.41865974 -0.50453731 0.75509345 0.41865974 -0.75509345 0.50453731 0.41865974 -0.85573124 0.17021553 0.48862124 -0.85573124 -0.17021553 0.48862124 -0.72545392 -0.48473281 0.48862124 -0.48473281 -0.72545392 0.48862124 -0.17021553 -0.85573124 0.48862124 0.17021553 -0.85573124 0.48862124 0.48473281 -0.72545392 0.48862124 0.72545392 -0.48473281 0.48862124 0.85573124 -0.17021553 0.48862124 0.85573124 0.17021553 0.48862124 0.72545392 0.48473281 0.48862124 0.48473281 0.72545392 0.48862124 0.17021553 0.85573124 0.48862124 -0.17021553 0.85573124 0.48862124 -0.48473281 0.72545392 0.48862124 -0.72545392 0.48473281 0.48862124 -0.81549316 0.16221167 0.55557023 -0.81549316 -0.16221167 0.55557023 -0.69134172 -0.46193977 0.55557023 -0.46193977 -0.69134172 0.55557023 -0.16221167 -0.81549316 0.55557023 0.16221167 -0.81549316 0.55557023 0.46193977 -0.69134172 0.55557023 0.69134172 -0.46193977 0.55557023 0.81549316 -0.16221167 0.55557023 0.81549316 0.16221167 0.55557023 0.69134172 0.46193977 0.55557023 0.46193977 0.69134172 0.55557023 0.16221167 0.81549316 0.55557023 -0.16221167 0.81549316 0.55557023 -0.46193977 0.69134172 0.55557023 -0.69134172 0.46193977 0.55557023 ) \begintext FOV Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains definitions for the RPC IES and ICA quadrant FOVs. These definitions are provided in the format required by the SPICE (CSPICE) function GETFOV (getfov_c). The set of assignments in the data section below defines the IES and ICA quadrant FOV as 90 x 90 degrees rectangles centered around +X, +Y, -X, and -Y axes of the corresponding instrument frames. These FOVs do NOT represent actual sensor sector FOVs. Instead the combination of the four quadrant FOVs for each sensor serves as an approximation of the total 90 x 360 degrees toroidal FOV of the sensor. \begindata INS-226526_FOV_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_IES' INS-226526_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-226526_BORESIGHT = ( 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) INS-226526_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-226526_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-226526_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226526_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226526_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-226527_FOV_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_IES' INS-226527_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-226527_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 ) INS-226527_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-226527_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-226527_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226527_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226527_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-226528_FOV_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_IES' INS-226528_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-226528_BORESIGHT = ( -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) INS-226528_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-226528_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-226528_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226528_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226528_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-226529_FOV_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_IES' INS-226529_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-226529_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 ) INS-226529_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-226529_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-226529_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226529_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226529_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-226536_FOV_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_ICA' INS-226536_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-226536_BORESIGHT = ( 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) INS-226536_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-226536_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-226536_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226536_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226536_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-226537_FOV_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_ICA' INS-226537_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-226537_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 ) INS-226537_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-226537_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-226537_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226537_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226537_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-226538_FOV_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_ICA' INS-226538_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-226538_BORESIGHT = ( -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) INS-226538_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-226538_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-226538_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226538_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226538_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-226539_FOV_FRAME = 'ROS_RPC_ICA' INS-226539_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-226539_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 ) INS-226539_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-226539_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-226539_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226539_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 45.0 ) INS-226539_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Platform ID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This number is the NAIF instrument ID of the platform on which the sensors are mounted. For IES and ICA sensors this platform is the spacecraft; for MIP and LAP1 this platform is Boom 1; for MAG_OB, MAG_IB, and LAP2 this platform is Boom 2. \begindata INS-226520_PLATFORM_ID = ( -226000 ) INS-226530_PLATFORM_ID = ( -226000 ) INS-226550_PLATFORM_ID = ( -226560 ) INS-226511_PLATFORM_ID = ( -226560 ) INS-226541_PLATFORM_ID = ( -226570 ) INS-226542_PLATFORM_ID = ( -226570 ) INS-226512_PLATFORM_ID = ( -226570 ) \begintext IK Code Example --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains an example code, in C and FORTRAN, illustrating how geometry parameters the two IES sensor and ICA can be retrieved using appropriate SPICE routine. Both examples are presented as stand-alone functions with SPICE-style header, ready to be cut-n-paste and called from an application (from[11]). C Example /* -Procedure ros_rpc_getik ( Get RPC IK Data ) -Abstract Return IK data for a given RPC sensor. -Required_Reading KERNEL Required Reading (kernel.req) Latest RPC IK File (ROS_RPC_VXX.ti -- version 18 or above) Latest ROSETTA FK File ( -- version 27 or above) */ #include "SpiceUsr.h" #include void ros_rpc_getik( ConstSpiceChar * sensor, SpiceChar * sensnm, SpiceInt * sensid, SpiceInt secnum[2], SpiceDouble * secsiz, SpiceDouble secsis[2], SpiceChar * secfrm, SpiceDouble * secdir ) /* -Brief_I/O Variable I/O Description -------- --- -------------------------------------------- sensor I Sensor acronym -- IES_ELECTRON, IES_ION, ICA sensnm O Full NAIF name of the sensor sensid O NAIF ID of the sensor secnum O Sector grid dimensions (in-plane, cross-plane) secsiz O Sector size, degrees (in-plane, cross-plane) secsis O Sector sizes, degrees (in-plane, cross-plane) secfrm O Frame in this in-plane view directions are defined secdir O Sector center view directions -Detailed Input N/A. -Detailed Output N/A. -Exceptions 1) If NAIF name <-> ID mapping for ROSETTA instruments provided in the ROSETTA FK file have not been loaded, then the error 'NOIDMAPPINGDATA' is signaled. 2) If any of the expected IK keywords provided in the RPC IK file have not been found in the POOL, then the error 'NOIKDATA' is signaled. 3) If not enough space should be provided for the sensnm, secfrm, secdir, then memory violations will occur. -Files ROSETTA FK and RPC IK files must be loaded prior to calling this function. -Particulars ROSETTA FK file loaded prior to calling this routine should contain ROSETTA instrument naif <-> ID mappings. RPC IK file loaded prior to calling this routine should contain the following keywords for each of the sensors: INS#_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS INS#_SECTOR_SIZE or INS#_SECTOR_SIZES INS#_FRAME INS#_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS -Examples In this example the function gets and prints out IK data for ELS. #include #include "SpiceUsr.h" void ros_rpc_getik_example( ConstSpiceChar * sensor, SpiceChar * sensnm, SpiceInt * sensid, SpiceInt secnum[2], SpiceDouble * secsiz, SpiceDouble secsis[2], SpiceChar * secfrm, SpiceDouble * secdir ); int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { SpiceChar sensnm [33]; SpiceInt sensid; SpiceInt secnum [2]; SpiceDouble secsiz [256][2]; SpiceDouble secsis [2]; SpiceChar secfrm [33]; SpiceDouble secdir [256][3]; SpiceInt i; /. Load ROSETTA FK and ROSETTA IK files. ./ furnsh_c( "../ROS_V27.TF" ); furnsh_c( "../ROS_RPC_V18.TI" ); /. Get RPC IK data. ./ ros_rpc_getik( "ICA", sensnm, &sensid, secnum, ( SpiceDouble * ) secsiz, secsis, secfrm, ( SpiceDouble * ) secdir ); /. Report RPC IK data. ./ printf( "SENSOR NAIF NAME: %s \n", sensnm ); printf( "SENSOR NAIF ID: %d \n", sensid ); printf( "NUMBER OF SECTORS: %d %d \n", secnum[0], secnum[1] ); if ( secsis[0] > secsiz[0][0] ) { printf( "SECTOR SIZES: %12.3f %12.3f\n", secsis[0], secsis[1] ); } else { printf( "SECTOR SIZE: \n" ); for ( i = 0; i < secnum[0]*secnum[1]; i++ ) { printf( " %12.9f %12.9f\n", secsiz[i][0], secsiz[i][1] ); } } printf( "REFERENCE FRAME: %s \n", secfrm ); printf( "SECTOR VIEW DIRECTIONS: \n" ); for ( i = 0; i < secnum[0]*secnum[1]; i++ ) { printf( " %12.9f %12.9f %12.9f\n", secdir[i][0], secdir[i][1], secdir[i][2] ); } return(0); } -Restrictions N/A -Literature_References None. -Author_and_Institution M. Costa (ESA) -Version -ros_rpc_getik Version 1.0.0, 12-DEC-2016 (MCS) Initial version. Based on GETIK Version 1.2.0 by B.Semenov and N.Bachman. -Index_Entries None. -& */ { /* Begin "get IK data */ SpiceChar ikkwd [33]; SpiceInt n; SpiceBoolean found; /* Since all IK variable names contain NAIF ID of the instrument, the inputs sensor acronym, NNN, needs to be expanded into its full name, ROS_RPC_NNN, which then can be uses to find the sensor's NAIF ID code. */ strcpy ( sensnm, "ROS_RPC_" ); strcat ( sensnm, sensor ); bodn2c_c ( sensnm, sensid, &found ); if ( ! found ) { setmsg_c ( "Cannot determine NAIF ID for #." ); errch_c ( "#", sensnm ); sigerr_c ( "NOIDMAPPINGDATA" ); } /* Now IK routines can be used to retrieve loaded data. First, retrieve the number of sectors provided in the INS-NNNNNN_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS keyword (here -NNNNNN is the NAIF ID of the sensor.) */ strcpy ( ikkwd, "INS#_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS" ); repmi_c ( ikkwd, "#", *sensid, 33, ikkwd ); gipool_c ( ikkwd, 0, 2, &n, secnum, &found ); if ( ! found ) { setmsg_c ( "Loaded IK does not contain #." ); errch_c ( "#", ikkwd ); sigerr_c ( "NOIKDATA" ); } /* Second, retrieve the sector size provided in the INS-NNNNNN_SECTOR_SIZE or in the INS-NNNNNN_SECTOR_SIZES keyword. */ strcpy ( ikkwd, "INS#_SECTOR_SIZES" ); repmi_c ( ikkwd, "#", *sensid, 33, ikkwd ); gdpool_c ( ikkwd, 0, 2, &n, secsis, &found ); if ( ! found ) { strcpy ( ikkwd, "INS#_SECTOR_SIZE" ); repmi_c ( ikkwd, "#", *sensid, 33, ikkwd ); gdpool_c ( ikkwd, 0, (secnum[0]*secnum[1])*2, &n, secsiz, &found ); } if ( ! found ) { setmsg_c ( "Loaded IK does not contain #." ); errch_c ( "#", ikkwd ); sigerr_c ( "NOIKDATA" ); } /* Third, retrieve the frame in which sector view direction are defined. It is provided in the INS-NNNNNN_FRAME keyword. */ strcpy ( ikkwd, "INS#_FRAME" ); repmi_c ( ikkwd, "#", *sensid, 33, ikkwd ); gcpool_c ( ikkwd, 0, 1, 33, &n, secfrm, &found ); if ( ! found ) { setmsg_c ( "Loaded IK does not contain #." ); errch_c ( "#", ikkwd ); sigerr_c ( "NOIKDATA" ); } /* Last, retrieve the sector view directions provided in the INS-NNNNNN_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS keyword. */ strcpy ( ikkwd, "INS#_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS" ); repmi_c ( ikkwd, "#", *sensid, 33, ikkwd ); gdpool_c ( ikkwd, 0, (secnum[0]*secnum[1])*3, &n, secdir, &found ); if ( ! found ) { setmsg_c ( "Loaded IK does not contain #." ); errch_c ( "#", ikkwd ); sigerr_c ( "NOIKDATA" ); } } /* End of "get IK data" */ FORTRAN Example C$Procedure ROS_RPC_GETIK ( Get RPC IK Data ) SUBROUTINE ROS_RPC_GETIK ( SENSOR, SENSNM, SENSID, SECNUM, . SECSIZ, SECSIS, SECFRM, SECDIR ) C$ Abstract C C Return IK data for a given RPC sensor. C C$ Copyright C C Copyright (2016), European Space Agency. C C$ Required_Reading C C KERNEL Required Reading (kernel.req) C Latest RPC IK File (ROS_RPC_VXX.ti -- version 18 or above) C Latest ROSETTA FK File ( -- version 27 or above) C C$ Keywords C C KERNEL C UTILITY C C$ Declarations IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) SENSOR CHARACTER*(*) SENSNM INTEGER SENSID INTEGER SECNUM ( 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION SECSIZ ( 2, * ) DOUBLE PRECISION SECSIS ( 2 ) CHARACTER*(*) SECFRM DOUBLE PRECISION SECDIR ( 3, * ) C$ Brief_I/O C C VARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION C -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- C SENSOR I Sensor acronym -- IES_ELECTRON, IES_ION, ICA C SENSNM O Full NAIF name of the sensor C SENSID O NAIF ID of the sensor C SECNUM O Sector grid dimensions (in-plane, cross-plane) C SECSIZ O Sector size, degrees (in-plane, cross-plane) C SECSIS O Sector sizes, degrees (in-plane, cross-plane) C SECFRM O Frame in which view directions are defined C SECDIR O Sector center view directions C C$ Detailed_Input C C SENSOR RPC sensor acronym -- IES_ELECTRON, IES_ION, ICA C C$ Detailed_Output C C SENSNM is the full NAIF name of the sensor indicated by C the input argument SENSOR. For example, the C acronym IES_ELECTRON maps to the full name C ROS_RPC_IES_ELECTRON. C C SENSID is the NAIF integer ID code of the sensor. The C association of sensor names and codes is established C in the ROSETTA frame kernel. C C SECNUM is an array of two integers giving the sector grid C dimensions (in-plane, cross-plane). C C SECSIZ is an array of two double precision numbers giving C the sector size in degrees (in-plane, cross-plane). C The number of vectors is SECNUM(1)*SECNUM(2) C The Ith vector resides in array elements C C SECSIZ(J,I) J = 1, 2 C C SECSIS is an array of two double precision numbers giving C the sector size in degrees (in-plane, cross-plane). C C SECFRM the name of the reference frame in which the view C directions are defined. C C SECDIR is an array of in-plane sector center view direction C vectors. The number of vectors is SECNUM(1)*SECNUM(2) C The Ith vector resides in array elements C C SECDIR(J,I) J = 1, 2, 3 C C$ Parameters C C None. C C$ Files C C ROSETTA FK and RPC IK files must be loaded prior to calling this C subroutine. C C$ Exceptions C C 1) If NAIF name <-> ID mapping for ROSETTA instruments provided in C the ROSETTA FK file have not been loaded, then the error C NOIDMAPPINGDATA is signaled. C C 2) If any of the expected IK keywords provided in the RPC IK C file have not been found in the POOL, then the error NOIKDATA C is signaled. C C 3) If not enough space should be provided for the arguments C SENSNM, SECFRM, SECDIR, then memory violations will occur. C C$ Particulars C C The ROSETTA FK file loaded prior to calling this routine should C contain ROSETTA instrument <-> NAIF ID mappings. C C RPC IK file loaded prior to calling this routine should contain C the following keywords for each of the sensors: C C INS#_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS C INS#_SECTOR_SIZE or INS#_SECTOR_SIZES C INS#_FRAME C INS#_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS C C$ Examples C C C In this example the program gets and prints out IK data for C IES_ELECTRON. C C PROGRAM ROS_RPC_GETIK_EXAMPLE C IMPLICIT NONE C C C INTEGER NSEC C PARAMETER ( NSEC = 32 ) C C INTEGER NAMLEN C PARAMETER ( NAMLEN = 32 ) C C CHARACTER*(NAMLEN) SECFRM C CHARACTER*(NAMLEN) SENSNM C C DOUBLE PRECISION SECDIR ( 3, 256 ) C C INTEGER I C INTEGER J C INTEGER SECNUM ( 2 ) C DOUBLE PRECISION SECSIZ ( 2, 256 ) C DOUBLE PRECISION SECSIS ( 2 ) C INTEGER SENSID C C C C C Load ROS FK and RPC IK files. C C C CALL FURNSH ( '../ROS_V27.TF' ) C CALL FURNSH ( '../ROS_RPC_v18.TI' ) C C C C C Get ELS IK data. C C C CALL ROS_RPC_GETIK( 'IES_ELECTRON', SENSNM, SENSID, C . SECNUM, SECSIZ, SECSIS, SECFRM, SECDIR ) C C C C C Report ELS IK data. C C C WRITE ( *, '(1X,2A )' ) 'SENSOR NAIF NAME: ', SENSNM C WRITE ( *, '(1X,A,I9 )' ) 'SENSOR NAIF ID: ', SENSID C WRITE ( *, '(1X,A,2I5 )' ) 'NUMBER OF SECTORS: ', SECNUM C C IF ( SECSIS(1) .GT. SECSIZ(1,1) ) THEN C C WRITE ( *, '(1X,A,2F9.3 )' ) 'SECTOR SIZES: ', SECSIS C C ELSE C C WRITE ( *, '(1X,A )' ) 'SECTOR SIZE:' C C DO I = 1, SECNUM(1)*SECNUM(2) C WRITE ( *, '(1X,3F12.9)' ) ( SECSIZ(J,I), J = 1, 2 ) C END DO C C END IF C C WRITE ( *, '(1X,2A )' ) 'REFERENCE FRAME: ', SECFRM C WRITE ( *, '(1X,A )' ) 'SECTOR VIEW DIRECTIONS:' C C DO I = 1, SECNUM(1)*SECNUM(2) C WRITE ( *, '(1X,3F12.9)' ) ( SECDIR(J,I), J = 1, 3 ) C END DO C C END C C C$ Restrictions C C None. C C$ Author_and_Institution C C M. Costa (ESA) C C$ Literature_References C C None. C C$ Version C C ROS_RPC_GETIK Version 1.0.0, 12-DEC-2016 (MCS) C C Initial version. Based on GETIK Version 1.2.0 by C B.Semenov and N.Bachman. C C-& C C Local parameters C INTEGER NAMLEN PARAMETER ( NAMLEN = 32 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(NAMLEN) IKKWD INTEGER N LOGICAL FOUND C C Since all IK variable names contain NAIF ID of the instrument, C the input sensor acronym, NNN, needs to be expanded into its C full name, ROS_RPC_NNN, which then can be used to find the C sensor's NAIF ID code. C SENSNM = 'ROS_RPC_' CALL SUFFIX ( SENSOR, 0, SENSNM ) CALL BODN2C ( SENSNM, SENSID, FOUND ) IF ( .NOT. FOUND ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'Cannot determine NAIF ID for #.' ) CALL ERRCH ( '#', SENSNM ) CALL SIGERR ( 'NOIDMAPPINGDATA' ) RETURN END IF C C Now IK routines can be used to retrieve loaded data. First, C retrieve the number of sectors provided in the C INS-NNNNNN_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS keyword (here -NNNNNN is the NAIF ID C of the sensor.) C IKKWD = 'INS#_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS' CALL REPMI ( IKKWD, '#', SENSID, IKKWD ) CALL GIPOOL ( IKKWD, 0, 2, N, SECNUM, FOUND ) IF ( .NOT. FOUND ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'Loaded IK does not contain #.' ) CALL ERRCH ( '#', IKKWD ) CALL SIGERR ( 'NOIKDATA' ) RETURN END IF C C Second, retrieve the sector size provided in the C INS-NNNNNN_SECTOR_SIZE or INS-NNNNNN_SECTOR_SIZES keyword. C IKKWD = 'INS#_SECTOR_SIZES' CALL REPMI ( IKKWD, '#', SENSID, IKKWD ) CALL GDPOOL ( IKKWD, 0, 2, N, SECSIS, FOUND ) C C We need to search for INS-NNNNNN_SECTOR_SIZE in the second place C for it woul also be found by INS-NNNNNN_SECTOR_SIZES C IF ( .NOT. FOUND ) THEN IKKWD = 'INS#_SECTOR_SIZE' CALL REPMI ( IKKWD, '#', SENSID, IKKWD ) CALL GDPOOL ( IKKWD, 0, SECNUM(1)*SECNUM(2)*2, N, SECSIZ, . FOUND ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. FOUND ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'Loaded IK does not contain #.' ) CALL ERRCH ( '#', IKKWD ) CALL SIGERR ( 'NOIKDATA' ) RETURN END IF C C Third, retrieve the frame in which sector view direction are C defined. It is provided in the INS-NNNNNN_FRAME keyword. C IKKWD = 'INS#_FRAME' CALL REPMI ( IKKWD, '#', SENSID, IKKWD ) CALL GCPOOL ( IKKWD, 0, 1, N, SECFRM, FOUND ) IF ( .NOT. FOUND ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'Loaded IK does not contain #.' ) CALL ERRCH ( '#', IKKWD ) CALL SIGERR ( 'NOIKDATA' ) RETURN END IF C C Last, retrieve the sector view directions provided in the C INS-NNNNNN_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS keyword. C IKKWD = 'INS#_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS' CALL REPMI ( IKKWD, '#', SENSID, IKKWD ) CALL GDPOOL ( IKKWD, 0, SECNUM(1)*SECNUM(2)*3, N, SECDIR, FOUND ) IF ( .NOT. FOUND ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'Loaded IK does not contain #.' ) CALL ERRCH ( '#', IKKWD ) CALL SIGERR ( 'NOIKDATA' ) RETURN END IF END End of IK file.