KPL/IK Apollo 15 Panoramic Instrument Kernel ======================================================================== This Apollo 15 SPICE instrument kernel (I-kernel) contains the instrument geometric parameters for the Panoramic camera Version and Date -------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 -- September, 12, 2018 - Alfredo Escalante - Correction of the Boresight vector, it was (0,0,0) and it should be (0,0,+1) Version 1.0 -- November 15, 2006 - Jacob Danton Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Apollo 15 Index: Mapping Camera and Panoramic Camera Photographs ( 2. Photographic Systems for Apollo 3. Wu and Moore. "Experimental Photogrammetry of Lunar Images" ( Instrument Overview -------------------------------------------------------- Optical Parameters -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- parameter value ------------------------------------------------- Focal Length, mm 609.752 ( Wu D4) f/ratio 3.5 FOV Angular Size, deg 108 x 10.767 IFOV, deg/pixel 0.0000081508 ------------------------------------------------- The values in the keywords are given in the same units as in the table above except for angles which are given in radians. \begindata INS-915230_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 609.752 ) INS-915230_F/RATIO = ( 3.5 ) INS-915230_FOV_ANGULAR_SIZE = ( 1.8834, 0.18752) INS-915230_IFOV = ( 0.0000081508, 0.0000081508 ) \begintext Detector Parameters -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- parameter value ----------------------------------------------- Pixel size, microns 4.9681 Number of pixels/mm 201.28 Detector Size (physical) 23007 x 231073 [11.43 cm x 114.8 cm] Detector Array Center 11503.5, 115537.5 [no offset] ----------------------------------------------- The values in the keywords are given in the same units as in the table above. \begindata INS-915230_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 4.9865 ) INS-915230_PIXEL_PITCH = ( 0.0049865 ) INS-915230_K = ( 200.54 ) INS-915230_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 239339 ) INS-915230_PIXEL_LINES = ( 25554 ) INS-915230_CCD_CENTER = ( 11557, 0 ) INS-915230_TRANSX = ( 0.0, 0.0049865, 0.0) INS-915230_TRANSY = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0049865) INS-915230_ITRANSS = ( 0.0, 200.54, 0.0) INS-915230_ITRANSL = ( 0.0, 0.0, 200.54) INS-915230_OD_K = ( 0.0 ) \begintext FOV Definition --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Boresight Line & Sample is relative to the scanned pan recieved from JSC I.E. Sideways. \begindata INS-915230_FOV_FRAME = 'A15_PANORAMIC' INS-915230_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-915230_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0 0.0 +1.0 ) INS-915230_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-915230_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( +1.0 0.0 0.0 ) INS-915230_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 5.3833 ) INS-915230_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 54 ) INS-915230_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Platform ID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This number is the NAIF instrument ID of the platform on which the camera is mounted. \begindata INS-915230_PLATFORM_ID = ( -915000 ) \begintext