COSMOGRAPHIA-SPICE ESA Planetary Missions JSON Files =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes the contents of the missions directory of the ESA Planetary Missions Cosmographia package. It was last modified on August 18 by Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this directory or its contents, please contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457, Introduction -------------------------------------------------------- This set of Cosmographia JSON files and templates was prepared by Marc Costa Sitja (ESAC/ESA) based on Michelle Park and Farhan Alam files generated in July 2014 and revised by NAIF in August 2014. This directory contains a few subdirectories with mission-specific JSON and supporting files. COSMOGRAPHIA-SPICE Mission specific JSON files -------------------------------------------------------- The set of files under each mission subdirectory includes the following directories JSON and supporting files: config -- subdirectory containing configuration JSON catalog files spice_*.json and spacecraft_*.json files. config/spice_*.json -- JSON file defining the SPICE kernels set to be loaded. Normally all mission MKs and, for some missions, the latest generic PCK provided under "kernels" are listed in this file. The SPICE name of the mission is normally the only token following "spice_" in the JSON file name. config/spacecraft_*.json -- JSON file(s) defining spacecraft(s). One or more of these files can be present. The SPICE name of the spacecraft is the first or only token following "spacecraft_". The additional suffix "_arcs" indicates that the JSON file defines the spacecraft trajectory with more than one arc. config/body_*.json -- JSON file(s) defining natural body(es). One or more of these files can be present. The SPICE name of the body is the first or only token after "body_". The additional suffix "_arcs" indicates that the JSON file defines the body trajectory with more than one arc, normally as a SPICE-based arc only during the SPICE archive coverage and as Cosmographia built-in arcs before and after that. kernels -- subdirectory containing meta-kernels from the mission SPICE archive. These MKs have absolute paths set that need to be set up as indicated later in this document. For some missions this subdirectory also contains the latest text PCK file that is needed to supersede older PCK files provided in the mission archive. models -- subdirectory containing spacecraft and/or body 3D models pointed to by spacecraft and body JSON files. observations -- subdirectory containing JSON files defining observations. These observations are defined by the Science Ground Segments of every mission. observations/obs_*.json -- JSON files defining observations (stored in a subdirectory named observations). The SPICE name of the sensor carrier is the first token after "obs_". The SPICE name of the sensor is the second token after "obs_". The SPICE name of the sensor's target body is the third token separated from the first one by "_". The starting and end date of the observation in YYYMMDD format is the third token also separated by "-". The last token is an index number. sensors -- subdirectory containing JSON files defining sensors. sensors/sensor_*.json -- JSON files defining sensors. The SPICE name of the sensor carrier is the first token after "sensor_". The SPICE name of the sensor is the second one and the target body of the senser is the last one. scenarios -- subdirectory containing JSON files defining scenarios loadable by Cosmographia. scenarios/load_*.json -- JSON files that load multiple JSON files together in the right order to make a set of relevant objects available in Cosmographia at once. The "load_" JSON files that have only the mission name in the file name load only the "spice_" JSON, one of the "spacecraft_" JSONs, and one or more "body_" JSONs. The "load_" JSON files that have ALL_SENSORS in the file name load all "sensors_" JSONs in addition to "spice_", "spacecraft_", and "body_" JSONs but do not load any observations. scripts -- subdirectory containing python scripts executable by Unix and iOS versions of Cosmographia. scripts/run_*.py -- Python script that loads a Cosmographia scenario and automatically manipulates and navigates through Cosmographia. Typically the name of the script refers directly to the scenario name. Important Note about SPICE Kernels and Meta-kernels -------------------------------------------------------- This package does not include SPICE kernels listed in the meta-kernels provided under /kernels subdirectories. In order for the example mission setups to work, the SPICE archives containing these kernels should be downloaded from the SPICE holdings available on the ESA server: Preferably the whole SPICE archive for a given mission should be downloaded. Information about how to download the whole SPICE archive is provided on this help page You can install the kernels in any location of your computer because of this all meta-kernels will have to be edited to replace the path in the PATH_VALUES keyword with the actual absolute path to the archive's data directory. Some of the SPICE archives are accumulating and their current version may include more data than the version that was used at the time when these example mission setups were prepared. To make use of all the data available is the archive latest version, the meta-kernels provided under /kernels subdirectories will need to be replaced with the latest whole-mission or yearly meta-kernels from the archives mk directory and the PATH_VALUES keywords in the copied latest meta-kernels from the archives will need to be updated to contain the actual absolute path to the archive's data directory. In addition to that, the mission's spice_*.json JSON file will need to be changed to list the latest meta-kernels instead of those originally provided in this package and the "startTime" and "endTime" values defining object lifetime spans for the bodies, spacecraft, instruments, and observations in the corresponding JSON files will need to be extended to match the coverage of the latest archive versions. In any mission's spice_*.json JSON file including the latest PCK, this PCK that should be kept as the last entry in the list. A very short introduction to Cosmographia Setup -------------------------------------------------------- In order to use Cosmographia from scratch you should follow this steps: - Download the version that suits your OS from: - Follow the installation instructions. Preferably place it under a directory called cosmographia. - Download you prefered ESA Planetary Mission -or all alternatively- from - Unzip the directory and place the missions directory under the cosmographia directory. - Download all the kernels from the ESA SPICE FTP -you can skip the former_versions subdirectory in all the directories-: You might want to use an FTP client such as FileZilla or WinSCP. - Install the kernels in your preferred directory in your computer. If you are not a user of SPICE I would recommend to use: cosmographia/missions//kernels - Open the meta-kernel in cosmographia/missions//kernels and modify the following variable: PATH_VALUES = ( '..' ) with the directory that you have chosen to store the kernels. - Open Cosmographia. - Go to File > Open Catalog ... and browse your file system for the catalog that you want to load which will be in the following directory: cosmographia/mission//scenarios Alternatively you can run a Python script by goint to: File > Run Script ... and browsing the following directory: cosmographia/mission//scripts Explore and Enjoy Cosmographia! Appendix: Document Revision History =========================================================================== August 19, 2016 V1.0.0 First version of the Cosmographia package for ESA Planetary Missions. Contains EM16 and JUICE JSON configuration files corresponding to the following versions: ExoMars 2016: em16_ftp_v1.0.0 JUICE: juice_ftp_v1.0.0 End of aareadme.txt