KPL/FK BepiColombo MTM Spacecraft Frames Kernel ============================================================================= This frame kernel contains complete set of frame definitions for the BepiColombo Mercury Transfer Module Spacecraft (MTM) including definitions for the MTM fixed and MTM instrument frames. This kernel also contains NAIF ID/name mapping for the MTM science instruments and S/C structures (see the last section of the file). Version and Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.6 -- July 13, 2020 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA Added ID for MCAM suite. Updated SA+Y and SA-Y Gimbal NAIF Name/IDs. Corrected MCAM reference frames from Earth Flyby ESOC report. Added MCAM IDs for FOV used by Flight Dynamics. Corrected Solar Arrays frames euler angles so to meet description. Added description for Solar Electric Propulsion frame usage. Version 0.5 -- April 6, 2020 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Corrected MCAM reference frames from Earth Flyby ESOC report. Updated SA+Y and SA-Y Gimbal NAIF Name/IDs. Added MCAM IDs for FOV used by Flight Dynamics. Version 0.4 -- May 29, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Joe Zender, ESTEC/ESA MCAM reference frames updated with boresights cross checked with Flight Dynamics (Frank Budnik). Corrected Solar Array reference frames definitons and added SA IDs. Version 0.3 -- December 7, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated typo in MTM frames description. Version 0.2 -- December 4, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated MTM SCLK: MTM uses MPO to send the Housekeeping Telemetry and therefore uses the MPO SCLK. Corrected MTM Solar Arrays frames. Version 0.1 -- September 6, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated MTM ID, corrected several typos and added SEP frame. Added MTM diagrams. Removed MTM_MCAM_MU frame. Version 0.0 -- October 2, 2017 -- Michele Zusi, INAF James Windsor, ESTEC/ESA Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Initial prototype release. References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'' 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'' 4. ``BepiColombo - System Design Description'', BC-ASD-DD-00004, Airbus DS GmbH, Issue 2, 29th November 2014 5. ``AOCS Study Assumptions for BepiColombo'', BC-ASD-TN-00051, Issue 11, Revision 1, Airbus DS GmbH, 3rd June 2016 6. ``CAM HEAD Assembly'', BC-ASD-DW-00912, Airbus DS GmbH, 9th September 2016 7. ``BepiColombo Earth Swing-By attitude definition'', BC-ESC-TN-50021, A. Martinez de Albeniz Ausin, ESOC/ESA, Issue 1, Revision 1, 30th January 2020 8. ``BepiColombo - SfC Monitoring Camera System Operations Overview'', BC-ASD-MA-00036, Issue 2, 9th March 2018 9. ``Alignment measurement test report'', BC-ALS-TR-00096, V. Cuarto, Thales Alenia Space, 12th February 2018. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457, or the MCAM Principal Investigator at ESTEC: Joe Zender (+31) 71-565-4919 or NAIF at JPL: Boris Semenov (818) 354-8136 Implementation Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below: FORTRAN: (SPICELIB) CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name ) C: (CSPICE) furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name ); IDL: (ICY) cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name MATLAB: (MICE) cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' ) PYTHON: (SPICEYPY)* furnsh( frame_kernel_name ) In order for a program or routine to extract data from the pool, the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, and GCPOOL are used. See [2] for more details. This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. * SPICEPY is a non-official, community developed Python wrapper for the NAIF SPICE toolkit. Its development is managed on Github. It is available at: BepiColombo MTM Mission NAIF ID Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names and NAIF ID codes are assigned to the MTM spacecraft, its structures and science instruments (the keywords implementing these definitions are located in the section "BepiColombo Mission NAIF ID Codes -- Definition Section" at the end of this file): MTM Spacecraft and Spacecraft Structures names/IDs: MTM -652 (synonyms: BEPICOLOMBO MTM, MERCURY TRANSFER MODULE) MTM_SPACECRAFT -652000 (synonym: MTM_SC) MTM_SA+X_GIMBAL -652010 MTM_SA+X -652010 MTM_SA+X_P-1 -652111 MTM_SA+X_P-2 -652112 MTM_SA+X_P-3 -652113 MTM_SA+X_P-4 -652114 MTM_SA-X_GIMBAL -652012 MTM_SA-X -652013 MTM_SA-X_P-1 -652121 MTM_SA-X_P-2 -652122 MTM_SA-X_P-3 -652123 MTM_SA-X_P-4 -652124 MTM_SEP -652020 MTM_SEPT-1 -652021 MTM_SEPT-2 -652022 MTM_SEPT-3 -652023 MTM_SEPT-4 -652024 M-CAM names/ID: MTM_MCAM -652900 MTM_MCAM1 -652950 MTM_MCAM1_APERTURE -652951 MTM_MCAM2 -652960 MTM_MCAM2_APERTURE -652961 MTM_MCAM3 -652970 MTM_MCAM3_APERTURE -652971 BepiColombo MTM Mission Frames ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following MTM frames are defined in this kernel file: Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ====================== ===================== ============ ========= Spacecraft frames: ------------------ MTM_SPACECRAFT J2000 CK -652000 MTM_SPACECRAFT_CRUISE MPO_SPACECRAFT CK -652001 MTM_SA+X_ZERO MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652010 MTM_SA+X MTM_SA+X_ZERO CK -652011 MTM_SA-Y_ZERO MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652012 MTM_SA-X MTM_SA-X_ZERO CK -652013 MTM_SEP J2000 CK -652020 MTM_SEPT-1 MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652021 MTM_SEPT-2 MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652022 MTM_SEPT-3 MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652023 MTM_SEPT-4 MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652024 MCAM Frames: ------------------ MTM_MCAM1 MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652950 MTM_MCAM2 MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652960 MTM_MCAM3 MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652970 MTM_MCAM_MU MTM_SPACECRAFT FIXED -652980 SPICE 'Built-in' PCK frames in use by BepiColombo (3): ------------------------------------------------------ IAU_MERCURY J2000 PCK built-in IAU_EARTH J2000 PCK built-in IAU_VENUS J2000 PCK built-in (3) Data for these frames is loaded using either the PCK file "pckVVVVV.tpc" (VVVVV is the version number) BepiColombo MTM Frames Hierarchy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the BepiColombo MTM spacecraft and its structures frame hierarchy: "J2000" INERTIAL +----------------------------------+ | | | |<-ck | |<-ck | | | v | v "MPO_SPACECRAFT" | "MTM_SEP" ---------------- | --------- | | | | | | v | "MTM_SPACECRAFT_CRUISE" | ----------------------- | | | ck(*)->| ck->| | | v v "MTM_SPACECRAFT" +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | |<-fixed |<-fixed fixed->| | | fixed->| | | | | | | | | | | | | v | v | | v | | | "MTM_SA+X_ZERO" | "MTM_MCAM1" | | "MTM_SEPT-1" | | | --------------- | ----------- | | ------------ | | | | | | | | | | |<-ck v fixed->| | fixed->| | | | "MTM_SA-X_ZERO" | | | | | v --------------- v | v | | "MTM_SA+X" | "MTM_MCAM2" | "MTM_SEPT-2" | | ---------- |<-ck ----------- | ----------- | | | | | | v fixed->| fixed->| | "MTM_SA-X" | | | ---------- v v | "MTM_MCAM3" "MTM_SEPT-3" | ----------- ----------- | | v "MTM_SEPT-4" ------------ (*) In these cases transformation is fixed but it has to be stored in a CK to make SPICE "traverse" appropriate frame tree branch based on the time of interest and/or loaded kernels. Implementation of Frame Chains for Different Mission Phases ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Different routes along the branches of the MTM frame hierarchy are implemented for different mission phases depending on the availability of the orientation data and the source, format and type of the data. This subsection summaries mission phase specific implementations. Cruise ------ "J2000" Inertial ---------------- | | <----------- CK segment containing telemetry data | v "MPO_SPACECRAFT" ------------ | | <----------- Fixed rotation based on frame definitions | V "MTM_SPACECRAFT_CRUISE" ----------------------- | | <----------- CK segment representing fixed rotation defined | for MTM to make SPICE "transverse" to the V appropriate frame chain "MTM_SPACECRAFT" ---------------- Mercury Orbit Insertion (after MPO separation) ---------------------------------------------- "J2000" Inertial ---------------- | | <----------- CK segment containing telemetry data V "MTM_SPACECRAFT" ---------------- MTM Spacecraft and Spacecraft Structures Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section of the file contains the definitions of the spacecraft and spacecraft structures frames. WARNING: The origin of the frames specified in the following definitions are not implemented. The ``true'' origin of all frames is in the center of the MTM_SPACECRAFT frame, the center of which is defined by the position given by the SPK (ephemeris) kernel in use. MTM Spacecraft Bus Frame ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MTM spacecraft frame -- MTM_SPACECRAFT --, is defined by the S/C design as follows [4]: - +Z axis is perpendicular to the launch vehicle interface plane and points toward the payload side; representing the spacecraft line of sight toward Mercury during science operation; - +X axis is parallel to the Solar Arrays hinges axes; - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of this frame is the Mercury Transfer Module/MTM interface point on the separation plane. These diagram(s) illustrate the MTM_SPACECRAFT frame: +Z S/C side view: ----------------- () || -- +X Solar Array __ || || . || / ' | / ' . / ^ +Xsc ' . / __ | __ ' / / \|/ \ | / +Ysc \__/|\__/ | \ <-------o __ | \ / \ / \ | \ \__/ \__/ . \ . \ . ' \ . ' ' ' | || +Zsc is out of || the page. || -- -- || () -X Solar Array -Y S/C side view: ----------------- .------------. | | '/\/\/\/\/\/\' /\/\/\/\/\/\ | | | | -X Solar Array ================ \\ // .------\\--//--. | \\// |\ | () | \ | | \ |--------------| \ | +Ysc | | |x------------> +Zsc | || | |--------------|| / | || / | () ||/ +Ysc is into | //\\ || the page. '------//--\\--'v // \\ +Xsc ================ | | | | +X Solar Array \/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ | | '------------' +X S/C side view: ----------------- V V .--------------. | | | | | | | | | | | +Xsc o------------> +Zsc | || | =======()======= | || +Xsc is out | || of the page. | ||'. '--------------'|--' v +Ysc Since the S/C bus attitude with respect to an inertial frame is provided by a C-kernel (see [3] for more information), this frame is defined as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_MTM_SPACECRAFT = -652000 FRAME_-652000_NAME = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-652000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-652000_CLASS_ID = -652000 FRAME_-652000_CENTER = -652000 CK_-652000_SCLK = -121 CK_-652000_SPK = -652 \begintext MTM Spacecraft Cruise Frame ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MMO Spacecraft Cruise frame -- MMO_SPACECRAFT_CRUISE -- is a special frame used in cruise in order to "attach" the MTM spacecraft to MPO during the cruise phase, it is defined as follows (from [4]): - +Z axis is parallel to MPO's +Z axis; - +X axis is parallel to MPO's +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of this frame is the Mercury Transfer Module/MPO interface point on the separation plane. This frame is defined a fixed-offset frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_MTM_SPACECRAFT_CRUISE = -652001 FRAME_-652001_NAME = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT_CRUISE' FRAME_-652001_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652001_CLASS_ID = -652001 FRAME_-652001_CENTER = -652 TKFRAME_-652001_RELATIVE = 'MPO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652001_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-652001_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-652001_AXES = ( 1, 3, 1 ) TKFRAME_-652001_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext MTM Solar Array Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTM solar arrays are articulated (having one degree of freedom), therefore the Solar Array frames, MTM_SA+X and MTM_SA-X, are defined as CK frames with their orientation given relative to MTM_SA+X_ZERO and MTM_SA-X_ZERO respectively. MTM_SA+X_ZERO and MTM_SA-X_ZERO are two ``fixed-offset'' frames, defined with respect to MTM_SPACECRAFT, as follows: - +X is parallel to the longest side of the array, positively oriented from the yoke to the end of the wing for SA+X and negatively for SA-X; - +Y is anti-parallel to the S/C bus +Zsc; - +Z completes the right-handed frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the yoke geometric center. Both Solar Array frames (MTM_SA+X and MTM_SA-X) are defined as follows: - +X is parallel to the longest side of the array, positively oriented from the yoke to the end of the wing for SA+X and negatively for SA-X; - +Z is normal to the solar array plane, the solar cells facing +X; - +Y completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the yoke geometric center. The axis of rotation is parallel to the X axis of the spacecraft and the solar array frames. This diagram illustrates the MTM_SA+X_ZERO, MTM_SA+X, MTM_SA-X_ZERO and MTM_SA-X frames: -Y S/C side view: ----------------- .------------. | | -X Solar Array '/\/\/\/\/\/\' /\/\/\/+Xsa-x | ^ +Xsa-x0 | | | =======|======== \\ | // .------\\|-//--. | \|// |\ +Ysa-x | x-----------> +Ysa-x0 | | \ |----------+Xsa+x0 \ | ^ +Xsa+x | | | |x-------> +Zsc | | || | |--------|-----|| / | | |v +Xsc | x-----------> +Ysa+x +Ysc, +Ysa+x0, | //\\ || +Ysa+x0 +Ysa+x, +Ysa-y0 '------//--\\--'' and +Zsa-x are // \\ into the page. ================ | | \/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ | | +X Solar Array '------------' These sets of keywords define solar array frames: \begindata FRAME_MTM_SA+X_ZERO = -652010 FRAME_-652010_NAME = 'MTM_SA+X_ZERO' FRAME_-652010_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652010_CLASS_ID = -652010 FRAME_-652010_CENTER = -652011 TKFRAME_-652010_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652010_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-652010_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-652010_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-652010_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) FRAME_MTM_SA+X = -652011 FRAME_-652011_NAME = 'MTM_SA+X' FRAME_-652011_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-652011_CLASS_ID = -652011 FRAME_-652011_CENTER = -652011 CK_-652011_SCLK = -121 CK_-652011_SPK = -652 FRAME_MTM_SA-X_ZERO = -652012 FRAME_-652012_NAME = 'MTM_SA-X_ZERO' FRAME_-652012_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652012_CLASS_ID = -652012 FRAME_-652012_CENTER = -652013 TKFRAME_-652012_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652012_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-652012_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-652012_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-652012_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) FRAME_MTM_SA-X = -652013 FRAME_-652013_NAME = 'MTM_SA-X' FRAME_-652013_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-652013_CLASS_ID = -652013 FRAME_-652013_CENTER = -652013 CK_-652013_SCLK = -121 CK_-652013_SPK = -652 \begintext Solar Electrical Propulsion Frames: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section describes several frames for the Solar Electrical Propulsion System. The Solar Electrical Propulsion frame -- MTM_SEP -- is aimed to provide a mechanism to obtain the time intervals during which the Solar Electrical Propulsion (SEP) thrusters are activated. This frame is defined as follows: - MTM_SEP is co-aligned with the S/C reference frame -- MTM_SPACECRAFT -- if the Thrusters are off. - MTM_SEP +Z axis is anti-parallel to the +Z axis of the S/C reference frame -- MTM_SPACECRAfT -- if the Thursters are on. Two examples of how to use the MTM_SEP frame are provided at the end of this file in the section ``Solar Electric Propulsion Event Code Example'' In addition a reference frame is defined for each Solar Electrical Propulsion Thruster: MTM_SEPT-1, MTM_SEPT-2, MTM_SEPT-3. Each thruster is mounted individually on its own Thruster Pointing Mechanism (TPM), with four thrusters in total, each located at the corner of a square centred on the MTM_SPACECRAFT +Z axis. MTM_SEPT-1 is co-aligned with the MTM_SPACECRAFT reference frame whilst the others are rotated around the +Z axis as follows: SEPT-1 = 90 deg SEPT-3 = 180 deg SEPT-4 = 270 deg The following diagram illustrates the Solar Electrical Propulsion Frames: -Z S/C side view: ----------------- () || -- -X Solar Array __ || || . || / +Ys4 | +Xs3 / ^ ' ^. / | | ' . / |__ __| ' +Xs4 <---x 4\ /3 x--> +Ys3 / +Ysc \__/ \__/ | \ <-------x __ | \ /2 \|/1 \ | +Ys2 <---x_/|\_x---> +Xs1 \ | | | . \ | v | . ' +Xs2 v+Xsc v +Ys1 ' ' | || +Zsc and +Zsi are || into the page. || -- -- || () +X Solar Array These sets of keywords define Solar Electrical Propulsion frames: \begindata FRAME_MTM_SEP = -652020 FRAME_-652020_NAME = 'MTM_SEP' FRAME_-652020_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-652020_CLASS_ID = -652020 FRAME_-652020_CENTER = -652020 CK_-652020_SCLK = -121 CK_-652020_SPK = -652020 FRAME_MTM_SEPT-1 = -652021 FRAME_-652021_NAME = 'MTM_SEPT-1' FRAME_-652021_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652021_CLASS_ID = -652021 FRAME_-652021_CENTER = -652 TKFRAME_-652021_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652021_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-652021_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-652021_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-652021_ANGLES = ( -90.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_MTM_SEPT-2 = -652022 FRAME_-652022_NAME = 'MTM_SEPT-2' FRAME_-652022_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652022_CLASS_ID = -652021 FRAME_-652022_CENTER = -652 TKFRAME_-652022_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652022_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-652022_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-652022_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-652023_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_MTM_SEPT-3 = -652023 FRAME_-652023_NAME = 'MTM_SEPT-3' FRAME_-652023_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652023_CLASS_ID = -652023 FRAME_-652023_CENTER = -652 TKFRAME_-652023_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652023_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-652023_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-652023_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-652023_ANGLES = ( 180.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_MTM_SEPT-4 = -652024 FRAME_-652024_NAME = 'MTM_SEPT-4' FRAME_-652024_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652024_CLASS_ID = -652024 FRAME_-652024_CENTER = -652 TKFRAME_-652024_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652024_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-652024_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-652024_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-652024_ANGLES = ( 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext Miniaturised Micro-Cameras Frames: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MCAM frames -- MTM_MCAM1, MTM_MCAM2 and MTM_MCAM3 -- are defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the MCAM boresight; - +X axis is parallel to the mounting alignment of the MCAM in the MTM lower tanker floor; - +Y axis completes the right handed frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the camera focal point. The following diagram illustrates the MCAM imager boresights: -Y S/C side view: ----------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\ +Zmcam2 +Zmcam1 | <. ^ | -X Solar Array ======='. \==== \\ '.\ .------\\--/ '\. | \\// xx|\ | () | \ | | \ |--------------| \ | | | | |x------------> +Zsc | || | |--------------|| / | || / | () ||/ +Ysc is into | //\\ x|| the page. '------//--\\/-'v // /\ +Xsc =========/====== | V | | +Zmcam3 | +X Solar Array \/\/\/\/\/\/ The MCAM orientation in the MTM S/C frame (MTM_SPACECRAFT) are defined in [7] as rotation matrices that are implemented hereafter. \begindata FRAME_MTM_MCAM1 = -652950 FRAME_-652950_NAME = 'MTM_MCAM1' FRAME_-652950_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652950_CLASS_ID = -652950 FRAME_-652950_CENTER = -652950 TKFRAME_-652950_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652950_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-652950_MATRIX = ( -0.0872, -0.9962, 0.0, -0.173, 0.0151, 0.9848, -0.9811, 0.0858, -0.1736 ) FRAME_MTM_MCAM2 = -652960 FRAME_-652960_NAME = 'MTM_MCAM2' FRAME_-652960_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652960_CLASS_ID = -652960 FRAME_-652960_CENTER = -652960 TKFRAME_-652960_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652960_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-652960_MATRIX = ( 0.4226, -0.9063, 0.0, -0.6943, -0.3237, 0.6428, -0.5826, -0.2717, -0.766 ) FRAME_MTM_MCAM3 = -652970 FRAME_-652970_NAME = 'MTM_MCAM3' FRAME_-652970_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-652970_CLASS_ID = -652970 FRAME_-652970_CENTER = -652970 TKFRAME_-652970_RELATIVE = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-652970_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-652970_MATRIX = ( 0.7071, 0.7071, 0.0, 0.5417, -0.5417, 0.6428, 0.4545, -0.4545, -0.766 ) \begintext BEPICOLOMBO MTM NAIF ID Codes to Name Mapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the BepiColombo MTM mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL, these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use names instead of ID code in the high level SPICE routine calls. Spacecraft: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This table presents the BepiColombo Spacecraft and its main structures' names and --------------------- ------- -------------------------- Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- -------------------------- MTM -652 BEPICOLOMBO MTM, MERCURY TRANSFER MODLE MTM_SPACECRAFT -652000 MTM_SC MTM_SA+X_GIMBAL -652010 MTM_SA+X -652011 MTM_SA+X_P-1 -652111 MTM_SA+X_P-2 -652112 MTM_SA+X_P-3 -652113 MTM_SA+X_P-4 -652114 MTM_SA-X_GIMBAL -652012 MTM_SA-X -652013 MTM_SA-X_P-1 -652121 MTM_SA-X_P-2 -652122 MTM_SA-X_P-3 -652123 MTM_SA-X_P-4 -652124 MTM_SEP -652020 MTM_SEPT-1 -652021 MTM_SEPT-2 -652022 MTM_SEPT-3 -652023 MTM_SEPT-4 -652024 --------------------- ------- -------------------------- Notes: -- 'MTM', 'BEPICOLOMBO MTM' and 'MERCURY TRANSFER MODULE' are synonyms and all map to the BepiColombo MTM spacecraft ID (-652); -- 'MTM_SC' and 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' are synonyms and all map to the BepiColombo MTM S/C bus structure ID (-652000); \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'BEPICOLOMBO MTM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MERCURY TRANSFER MODULE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA+X_GIMBAL' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652010 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA+X' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652011 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA+X_P-1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652111 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA+X_P-2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652112 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA+X_P-3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652113 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA+X_P-4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652114 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA-X_GIMBAL' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652012 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA-X' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652013 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA-X_P-1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652121 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA-X_P-2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652122 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA-X_P-3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652123 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SA-X_P-4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652124 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SEP' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652020 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SEPT-1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652021 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SEPT-2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652022 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SEPT-3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652023 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_SEPT-4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652024 ) \begintext MCAM: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This table summarizes MCAMs IDs: ------------------------- -------- Name ID ------------------------- -------- MTM_MCAM -652900 MTM_MCAM1 -652950 MTM_MCAM1_APERTURE -652951 MTM_MCAM2 -652960 MTM_MCAM2_APERTURE -652961 MTM_MCAM3 -652970 MTM_MCAM3_APERTURE -652971 ------------------------- -------- Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_MCAM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652900 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_MCAM1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652950 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_MCAM1_APERTURE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652951 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_MCAM2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652960 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_MCAM2_APERTURE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652961 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_MCAM3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652970 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MTM_MCAM3_APERTURE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -652971 ) \begintext Solar Electric Propulsion Event Code Example --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains a WebGeocalc usage guidelane and an example code in Python illustrating how to use the MTM Solar Electric Propulsion frame MTM_SEP to compute the time windows when the Solar Electric Propulsion is activated (propulsion arc), this allows the user to compute other quantities during these events. WebGeocalc example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Access either the ESA SPICE Service or the NAIF Webgeocalc (WGC) instance: Choose the ``Angular Separation Fider'' from the Geometric Event Finder Calculations. Alternatively you can directly access the calculation: In kernel select the appropriate BepiColombo meta-kernel (note that the operational and/or archived kernels will be available depending on the WGC instance used). and select the appropriate BepiColombo meta-kernel. Using WebGeocalc the following input values need to be provided to the Calculation type ``Angular Separation Event Finder'': Input | Value ------------------------------------------- Target 1 | MTM_SEP Target 1 shape | Point Target 2 | MPO_SPACECRAFT Target 2 shape | Point Observer | MTM_SPACECRAFT Light propagation | No correction Time system | Preferred by the user Time format | Preferred by the user Time range | Preferred by the user Step | 1 hours (recommended) Event condition | is greater than 1 These inputs will result into Result Windows that can then be saved as a Saved Value which can be used as input for a Time range for any other calculation. Please note that you can also use the WGC API, available for the following WGC instances: More details on how to use the API are provided in the following link: Python example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What follows is an example of a Python script to compute the SEP intervals for the time interval 2018-11-19 - 2019-05-01: import spiceypy import spiceypy.utils.support_types as stypes # # We load the appropriate meta-kernel # spiceypy.furnsh('BEPICOLOMBO/kernels/mk/') # # Initialize the "confinement" window with the interval # over which we'll conduct the search. # interval = [spiceypy.utc2et('2018-11-19T00:00:00'), spiceypy.utc2et('2019-05-01T00:00:00')] # # We define the parameters for the "confinement" window # MAXIVL = 10000 MAXWIN = 2 * MAXIVL TDBFMT = 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### (TDB) ::TDB' cnfine = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(2) spiceypy.wninsd(interval[0], interval[1], cnfine) # # In the call below, the maximum number of window # intervals gfsep can store internally is set to MAXIVL. # We set the cell size to MAXWIN to achieve this. # riswin = stypes.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(MAXWIN) # # We will use the Geometry Function GSEP to compute time intervals when # the angular separation between the position vectors of two target # bodies relative to an observer satisfies a numerical relationship. # # Variable I/O Description # -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- # SPICE_GF_CNVTOL # P Convergence tolerance. # targ1 I Name of first body # shape1 I Name of shape model describing the first body # frame1 I The body-fixed reference frame of the first body # targ2 I Name of second body # shape2 I Name of the shape model describing the second body # frame2 I The body-fixed reference frame of the second body # abcorr I Aberration correction flag # obsrvr I Name of the observing body # relate I Operator that either looks for an extreme value # (max, min, local, absolute) or compares the # angular separation value and refval # refval I Reference value # adjust I Absolute extremum adjustment value # step I Step size in seconds for finding angular separation # events # nintvls I Workspace window interval count # cnfine I-O SPICE window to which the search is restricted # result O SPICE window containing results targ1 = 'MTM_SEP' shape1 = 'POINT' frame1 = 'MTM_SEP' targ2 = 'MPO_SPACECRAFT' shape2 = 'POINT' frame2 = 'MPO_SPACECRAFT' abcorr = 'NONE' obsrvr = 'MTM_SPACECRAFT' relate = '>' refval = 1 step = 60 * 60 nintvls = 1000 adjust = 0.0 spiceypy.gfsep(targ1, shape1, frame1, targ2, shape2, frame2, abcorr, obsrvr, relate, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine, riswin) # # The function wncard returns the number of intervals # in a SPICE window. # winsiz = spiceypy.wncard(riswin) dist_list = [] x, y, z = [], [], [] if winsiz == 0: print('No events were found.') else: for i in range(winsiz): # # Fetch the start and stop times of the ith interval from the # search result window riswin. # sep_time = spiceypy.wnfetd(riswin, i) # # Generate a Time Window with the rise and set times # utc_start = spiceypy.et2utc(sep_time[0], 'ISOC', 3) utc_finish = spiceypy.et2utc(sep_time[1], 'ISOC', 3) # # We print the resulting intervals # print(f'SEP interval {i} from {utc_start} to {utc_finish}') The result of the script using the meta-kernel available on July 14, 2020 is as follows: SEP interval 0 from 2018-11-19T11:41:30.000 to 2018-11-19T16:43:10.000 SEP interval 1 from 2018-11-20T11:37:56.000 to 2018-11-20T16:39:36.000 SEP interval 2 from 2018-11-21T11:34:24.000 to 2018-11-21T16:36:04.000 SEP interval 3 from 2018-11-29T11:07:12.000 to 2018-11-29T19:09:30.000 SEP interval 4 from 2018-11-30T11:03:58.000 to 2018-11-30T19:04:41.000 SEP interval 5 from 2018-12-01T11:00:44.000 to 2018-12-01T19:04:53.000 SEP interval 6 from 2018-12-02T10:57:33.000 to 2018-12-02T19:02:39.000 SEP interval 7 from 2018-12-07T10:42:03.000 to 2018-12-07T18:52:14.000 SEP interval 8 from 2018-12-17T12:41:09.000 to 2018-12-27T04:04:58.000 SEP interval 9 from 2018-12-27T18:27:39.000 to 2019-01-03T03:39:13.000 SEP interval 10 from 2019-01-03T18:15:40.000 to 2019-01-10T03:18:52.000 SEP interval 11 from 2019-01-10T19:12:47.000 to 2019-01-17T17:26:00.000 SEP interval 12 from 2019-01-18T09:20:54.000 to 2019-01-24T02:43:47.000 SEP interval 13 from 2019-01-24T18:50:56.000 to 2019-01-31T02:33:22.000 SEP interval 14 from 2019-01-31T18:38:16.000 to 2019-02-07T02:27:47.000 SEP interval 15 from 2019-02-07T18:22:23.000 to 2019-02-14T02:22:50.000 SEP interval 16 from 2019-02-28T23:32:35.000 to 2019-03-05T21:54:26.000 End of FK file.