Hera SPICE Kernel Dataset Release Notes v1.7.0 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel Dataset for the given version. This version (1.6.1) provides a tag in the Hera Git repository at the SOCCI Bitbucket: https://repos.cosmos.esa.int/socci/projects/SPICE_KERNELS/ Created by Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA, June 7, 2024. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file, please contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 spice@cosmos.esa.int Notes -------------------------------------------------------- June 7, 2024, v1.7.0 Added default attitude CK for CReMA 2.0 trajectories including Mars fly-by attitude. Added SPK and DSK for Phobos and Deimos. Updated PCK version to pck00011.tpc. Defined HERA_SPACECRAFT as a switch frame (requires Toolkit N0067) and created HERA_SPACECRAFT_PLAN and HERA_SPACECRAFT_MEAS for predicted and measured attitude respectively. Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- [SPICEPCR-1344] - Process new trajectory CReMA 2.1. [SPICEPCR-1401] - Update AFC IK with latest information from PI. Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== September 29, 2023, v1.6.1 Added updated trajectories for CReMA 2.1 covering interplanetary cruise and ECP, PDP and DCP phases. - LPO: Launch Period Open, hera_crema_2_1_LPO_ECP_PDP_DCP.tm - LPM: Launch Period Middle, hera_crema_2_1_LPM_ECP_PDP_DCP.tm - LPC: Launch Period Close, hera_crema_2_1_LPC_ECP_PDP_DCP.tm Added default attitude CK for CReMA 2.1 trajectories including Mars fly-by attitude. Updated AFC IK with latest calibration data. Added fictional SCLKs for Milani and Juventas. Added cruise position and attitude for Milani and Juventas. September 22, 2023, v1.6.0 Updated Hera ID from default -999 to final -91 assigned by DSN in all kernels entries. Added CReMA 2.0 trajectories for Hera covering the interplanetary cruise, ECP and PDP. Added CReMA 2.0 trajectories for Didymos system for the ECP and PDP. Added draft IK for Milani and Juventas star trackers. September 19, 2023, v1.5.1 Corrected Hera CK in meta-kernel hera_study_PO_EMA_2024.tm. August 23, 2023, v1.5.0 DSK - Added latest shape models based on DRACO and LICIA images of Didymos and Dimorphos. PCK - Updated radii for Didymos and Dimorphos after Dart impact. SPK - Updated DART_IMPACT_SITE after Dart impact. July 31, 2023, v1.4.0 FK - Added reference frames for Hera Solar Arrays, Low Gain Antennas, Star Trackers and Small Monitoring Camera. - Added reference frames for Milani VISTA, NAVCAM, LIDAR and MLRH. - Added reference frames for Juventas JURA, GRASS, NAVCAM and LIDAR. IK - Added Hera Star Trackers and SMC instrument kernel. - Added Milani VISTA, NAVCAM, LIDAR and MLRH instrument kernel. - Added Juventas JURA, GRASS, NAVCAM and LIDAR. SPK - Added Hera structures SPK with components and instruments positions. - Added ephemeris point for Didymos geometric center. Updated Hera 3D model and instrument configuration for Cosmographia. June 29, 2022, v1.3.0 FK - Added Juventas spacecraft frames kernel. - Added reference frames for Milani ASPECT. IK - Added Milani ASPECT instrument kernel. SPK - Added Juventas trajectory for PO EMA. Added Cosmographia configuration and 3D model for Juventas spacecraft. May 24, 2022, v1.2.0 CK - Added Hera default attitude for the cruise phase including Mars fly-by and for the science phase. - Added Milani attitude for trajectory V3. FK - Added Milani spacecraft frames kernel. IK - Updated TIRI field-of-view aperture angles. SCLK - Added Milani fictional SCLK. SPK - Added Milani trajectories V3 and V6 for PO EMA. PCK - Corrected descriptions in Didymos system PCK. Added Cosmographia configuration and 3D model for Milani spacecraft. Nov 8, 2021, v1.1.0 FK - Added lastest version of ESTRACK kernels. - Defined HyperScout Hyperspectral Imager body and frame. IK - Created draft version hera_hsh_v00.ti of HyperScout Hyperspectral Imager Instrument Kernel. SPK - Added latest Proximity Operations SPKs generated by GMV. - HERA_sc_PO_LPO_EMA_2024_v04.bsp - HERA_sc_PO_LPO_EA_2026_v04.bsp - didymos_gmv_260901_311001_v01.bsp - Updated DART Impact site position. - Added latest version of ESTRACK kernels. PCK - Corrected Didymos spin axis direction pointing towards Ecliptic South and corrected Didymos radii values. Added Cosmographia configuration for HyperScout Hyperspectral Imager Sensor. Jul 1, 2021, v1.0.3 Dimorphos radii updated in the PCK to match Hera Didymos reference model and latest DSK. Added DSK from radar g_06650mm_rdr_obj_didb_0000n00000_v001.bds. Added body association DIDYMOS_BARYCENTER to DIDYMOS allowing using Didymos fixed reference frame with Horizons ephemerides for Didymos. May 20, 2021, v1.0.2 Corrected Didymos pole declination to be quasi-parallel to orbital spin pole (close to ECLIPTIC Z-axis). Corrected Didymos 3D model orientation in Cosmographia. Added detailed Hera spacecraft 3D model. April 15, 2021, v1.0.1 Implemented latest trajectory from GMV removing one extra close fly-by during EXP phase. March 17, 2021, v1.0.0 Implemented latest trajectory from GMV. COP has been rotated 30 degrees around the Sun direction to improve the visibility windows of Dimorphos. Generated CK for provisional Attitude profile for trajectory HERA_sc_PO_LPO_EMA_2024 . January 21, 2021, v0.9.0 Added latest Proximity Operations SPKs generated by GMV. HERA_sc_PO_LPO_EMA_2024_v01.bsp HERA_sc_PO_LPO_EA_2026_v01.bsp August 25, 2020, v0.8.1 Extended Didymos barycenter coverage with JPL/HORIZONS data. July 30, 2020, v0.8.0 Added latest Proximity Operations SPKs generated by GMV. Generated test DART impact site SPK and Topocentric frame. Updated NAIF Body Names and IDs for the binary asteroid system as follows: DIDYMOS_BARYCENTER 2065802 (synonyms: DIDYMOS_BC, DIDYMOS BARYCENTER) DIDYMOS -658030 (synonym: DIDYMAIN) DIMORPHOS -658031 (synonym: DIDYMOON) DART_IMPACT_SITE -999900 (synonyms: DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_SITE, DIDYMOON_IMPACT_SITE) Updated Frame names accordingly: DIDYMOS_FIXED and DIMORPHOS_FIXED. Added Topographic frame for DART impact site DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_TOPO. Propoagated those updates to the surfaces FK and to the Cosmoraphia configuration files. March 26, 2020, v0.7.0 Added new shape models for Didymos and updated PCKs correspondingly. Incorporated new filename scheme for DSKs, moved old files with old filenames to the misc/deprecated_kernels/dsk directory. New files are: Didymain: g_50677mm_rad_obj_dida_0000n00000_v001.bds Didymoon: g_08438mm_lgt_obj_didb_0000n00000_v002.bds Added kernels for ESTRACK groundstations and Earth rotation. Added readme files in all directories and provided coverage report for SPKs. January 10, 2020, v0.6.0 Added CReMA 1.2 trajectories from Mission Analysis, the 2024 LPO ones: HERA_sc_LPO_EMA_2024c.bsp has been added to the meta-kernel. Please note that the original name has been slightly modified. September 20, 2019, v0.5.1 Updated Hera Cosmographia configuration files. Added TIRA Sensor configuration and configuration for Didymoon for all sensors. September 9, 2019, v0.5.0 Updated Hera ID according to standard ESOC provisional numbering: from -667 to -999. Changed DIDYMOS to DIDYMAIN and added the IDs. Added HGA, TIRA and PALT frame definitions and IKs. Re-generated DSKs with proper radii for Didymoon. Included latest trajectory files from GMV: HERA_sc_DCP1_v01.bsp HERA_didymain_DCP1_v01.bsp HERA_didymoon_DCP1_v01.bsp HERA_sc_DCP3_v01.bsp HERA_didymain_DCP3_v01.bsp HERA_didymoon_DCP3_v01.bsp HERA_sc_DCP3VCF_v01.bsp HERA_didymoon_DCP3VCF_v01.bsp HERA_didymain_DCP3VCF_v01.bsp HERA_sc_ECP_v01.bsp HERA_didymain_ECP_v01.bsp HERA_didymoon_ECP_v01.bsp June 13, 2019, v0.4.0 Corrected Didymoon orbital period and added an ellipsoidal shape model. March 1, 2019, v0.3.0 Updated definitions of Didymos and Didymoon reference frames. Added first draft of PCK file for Didymos, added shape model for Didymos and corresponding Surface FK. Added SPKs for new trajectories: HERA_NomTrajDCP1_v01.bsp HERA_NomTrajDCP3_v01.bsp HERA_NomTrajDCP3VCF_v01.bsp HERA_NomTrajECP_v01.bsp January 22, 2019, v0.2.0 Hera SPICE Kernel Dataset in Bitbucket now public, kernels published in the FTP. Hera included in WebGeocalc. Cosmos page added: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/spice/spice-for-hera Added Asteriod Framing Camera 2 (AFC-2 and refractored AFC to AFC-1). Moved science operations frames from Hera FK to Hera OPS FK. December 3, 2018 v0.1.0 Updated Hera FK and added instrument kernel for the Asteroid Framing Camera, added a fictional SCLK. September 21, 2018 v0.0.0 First draft of the SKD that includes basic frame definitions and ID assignments in order to be able to use the mission analysis trajectory data and visualize it with Cosmographia. This includes the following Hera SPKs: AIM_DCP_trajectory_inertial.bsp Z_shape_trajectory_inertial.bsp End of aareadme.txt