KPL/SCLK Solar Orbiter SCLK File =========================================================================== This file is a SPICE spacecraft clock (SCLK) kernel containing information required for the Solar Orbiter (SOLAR ORBITER) spacecraft on-board clock to UTC conversion. This file contains the data necessary for converting from ET to ticks for the FICTIONAL SOLAR ORBITER spacecraft clock (clock ID code 144) This is intended for study purposes using test models or for those situations in which a clock is not available for the structure whose orientation will be modelled by a C-kernel. Production/History of this SCLK file -------------------------------------------------------- This file was generated by the NAIF utility program MAKCLK from the most recent SOLAR ORBITER Time Correlation Packet (TCP) data. This SCLK kernel is intended to be used with test CK files with structure IDs listed below on board the spacecraft -144 (SOL): SOL_SPACECRAFT -144000 Usage -------------------------------------------------------- This file must be loaded into the user's program by a call to the FURNSH subroutine CALL FURNSH ( 'this_file_name; ) -- FORTRAN furnsh_c ( "this_file_name" ); -- C cspice_furnsh, 'this_file_name' -- IDL cspice_furnsh( 'this_file_name' ) -- MATLAB in order to use the SPICELIB SCLK family of subroutines to convert SOLAR ORBITER spacecraft on-board clock to ET and vice versa. SCLK Format -------------------------------------------------------- The on-board clock, the conversion for which is provided by this SCLK file, consists of two fields: SSSSSSSSSS:FFFFF where: SSSSSSSSSS -- count of on-board seconds FFFFF -- count of fractions of a second with one fraction being 1/65536 of a second; normally this field value is within 0..65535 range. References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. SCLK Required Reading Document 2. TIME Required Reading Document 3. KERNEL Pool Required Reading Document Inquiries -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457, or the Solar Orbiter Science Operations Center at ESAC: Kernel DATA -------------------------------------------------------- The data used to generate this kernels has been obtained from test data from EDDS for Solar Orbiter and processed in order to insert an additional time correlation packet (TCP) between each pair of original valid TCP records to force continuity between them. Each TCP record inserted has the UTC "validity start time" equal to the time of the second TCP record in each pair minus 60 seconds. The on-board clock (OBT) value for this extra packet is computed using the gradient from the first TCP record in the pair, while the gradient of the extra packet is computed so that the linear function ``passes'' through the extra packet's UTC/OBT point and through the second packet's UTC/OBT point, thus forcing continuity between the two original trends. When such a ``continuous'' data stream is processed by the MAKCLK program, no additional adjustments to the gradients are performed and the correlation function stored in this SPICE SCLK file almost completely matches time correlation in the EDDS (except for short intervals before each TCP record.) \begindata SCLK_KERNEL_ID = ( @2016-09-16/16:28:36.05 ) SCLK_DATA_TYPE_144 = ( 1 ) SCLK01_TIME_SYSTEM_144 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_N_FIELDS_144 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_MODULI_144 = ( 4294967296 65536 ) SCLK01_OFFSETS_144 = ( 0 0 ) SCLK01_OUTPUT_DELIM_144 = ( 2 ) SCLK_PARTITION_START_144 = ( 0.0000000000000E+00 ) SCLK_PARTITION_END_144 = ( 2.8147497671065E+14 ) SCLK01_COEFFICIENTS_144 = ( 0.0000000000000E+00 -4.3135816000000E+04 1.0000000000000E+00 3.4186813902815E+13 5.2160624624600E+08 1.1079702990384E+00 3.4186817451791E+13 5.2160630624600E+08 1.0000013242605E+00 3.4186877246365E+13 5.2160721864000E+08 1.0038021415957E+00 3.4186881163631E+13 5.2160727864000E+08 1.0006030324298E+00 3.4186960802467E+13 5.2160849456500E+08 9.8426393219969E-01 3.4186964797493E+13 5.2160855456500E+08 1.0000008461084E+00 3.4187057164312E+13 5.2160996397200E+08 1.0000012715674E+00 3.4187061096467E+13 5.2161002397200E+08 1.0000009409335E+00 3.4187114040068E+13 5.2161083182800E+08 1.0000005086266E+00 3.4187117972226E+13 5.2161089182800E+08 1.0000009214120E+00 ) \begintext End of SCLK file.