SPICE Kernels FTP Server ROSETTA Release Notes v0.4.0 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel FTP directory at the release of the current version. This version names a branch (0.4.0) and a tag (ros_ftp_v0.4.0) in the SPICE_ROSETTA Git repository at the scigit02 server located at ESAC. Created by Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA, August 3, 2017. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file, please contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457 mcosta@sciops.esa.int, esa_spice@sciops.esa.int Notes -------------------------------------------------------- August 3, 2017 v0.4.0 Updated CK Readme file. In preparation for the next increment of the SPICE PDS dataset for the PSA some kernels have been added on the operational respository: -- FK: ROS_V28.TF * BVD has added more target body DSK surface name/ID mappings. * Updated some diagrams' layout. Removed ROSINA DFMS NA references; ROSINS DFMS Wide Angle (WA) is now simply referred as DFMS. Added ID for 67P and updated OSIRIS IDs as well. -- IK: ROS_ROSINA_V12.TI * Removed DFMS Narrow Angle (NA) Field-of-view and parameters for it was never used during the mission as specified by Kathrin Altwegg. DFMS Wide Angle (WA) is now simply referred as DFMS. ROS_MIRO_V11.TI * Final version verified by Mark Hofstadter (JPL). Minor description updates. ROS_VIRTIS_V14.TI * Final version verified by Federico Tosi. Minor description updates. ROS_MIDAS_V11.TI * Verified by the MIDAS Instrument team. Removed Warning from the kernel. ROS_OSIRIS_V14.TI * Several updates to the IK following feedback in between the SGS, ESS, Cecilia Tubiana and Boris Semenov. * Corrected the Overview section by adding a note about optical parameters varying pixel by pixel in non-geometric distortion corrected images and removing the optical parameters from the Summary table. * Added an additional sensor definition for NAC and WAC to account for geometric distortion correction. Updated Optical Parameters and Field-of-View definitions accordingly. * Updated descriptions to better describe the apparent FOV layout. ROS_NAVCAM_V02.TI * Corrected format and added references. Added Optical Distortion information. -- SPK: OUTERPLANETS_V0003.BSP * This kernel has been generated with SPKMERGE using NAIF's generic satellites ephemeris and a New Horizons spk for Pluto's ephemeris. * Coverage is 2003 JAN 01 12:00:00 2017 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- None. Rosetta FTP directory tree -------------------------------------------------------- ftp://spiftp.esac.esa.int/data/SPICE/ROSETTA/kernels/ . |-- aareadme.txt |-- ck | |-- ATNR_P040302093352_00127.BC | |-- ATNR_P040302093352_T6_00127.BC | |-- CATT_DV_257_02_______00344.BC | |-- RATM_DM_001_01____A__00004.BC | |-- RATM_DM_002_01____A__00005.BC | |-- RATM_DM_003_01____A__00008.BC | |-- RATM_DM_004_01____A__00009.BC | |-- RATM_DM_005_01____A__00015.BC | |-- RATM_DM_006_01____A__00020.BC | |-- RATM_DM_006_02____A__00023.BC | |-- RATM_DM_007_01____A__00042.BC | |-- RATM_DM_008_01____A__00057.BC | |-- RATM_DM_008_01____B__00059.BC | |-- RATM_DM_008_01____C__00062.BC | |-- RATM_DM_009_01____A__00072.BC | |-- RATM_DM_010_01____A__00083.BC | |-- RATM_DM_011_01____H__00104.BC | |-- RATM_DM_011_01____P__00101.BC | |-- RATM_DM_012_01____H__00107.BC | |-- RATM_DM_012_01____P__00106.BC | |-- RATM_DM_012_02____H__00113.BC | |-- RATM_DM_013_01____H__00122.BC | |-- RATM_DM_013_01____P__00121.BC | |-- RATM_DM_014_01____H__00131.BC | |-- RATM_DM_014_01____P__00129.BC | |-- RATM_DM_015_01____H__00142.BC | |-- RATM_DM_015_01____P__00140.BC | |-- RATM_DM_016_01____H__00151.BC | |-- RATM_DM_016_01____P__00154.BC | |-- RATM_DM_033_01____P__00310.BC | |-- RATM_DM_034_01____P__00311.BC | |-- RATM_DM_035_01____P__00331.BC | |-- RATM_DM_035_02____P__00336.BC | |-- RATT_DV_257_02_01_T6_00344.BC | |-- RATT_DV_257_02_04____00344.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2004_V0001.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2005_V0001.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2006_V0001.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2007_V0001.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2008_V0019.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2009_V0052.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2010_V0046.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2011_V0018.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2014_V0044.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2015_V0053.BC | |-- ROS_HGA_2016_V0042.BC | |-- ROS_LBOOM_V0.BC | |-- ROS_ORBITER_EXTENSION_V1.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2004_V0001.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2005_V0001.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2006_V0001.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2007_V0001.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2008_V0038.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2009_V0054.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2010_V0052.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2011_V0020.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2014_V0047.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2015_V0042.BC | |-- ROS_SA_2016_V0041.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_050502_060101_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_060101_070101_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_070101_080101_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_080101_090101_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_090101_100101_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_100101_110101_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_110101_110608_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_140120_150101_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_150101_160101_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_MES_160101_160930_V02.BC | |-- ROS_SC_REC_140801_141231_V01.BC | |-- ROS_SC_REC_150101_151231_V01.BC | |-- ROS_SC_REC_160101_160601_V01.BC | |-- ROS_VIRTIS_M_0403_1509_V1.BC | |-- ROS_VIRTIS_M_1509_1609_V1.BC | |-- ROS_VIRTIS_ZERO_V1.BC | `-- aareadme.txt |-- dsk | `-- aareadme.txt |-- ek |-- fk | |-- EARTHFIXEDIAU.TF | |-- EARTHFIXEDITRF93.TF | |-- EARTH_TOPO_050714.TF | |-- ESTRACK_V01.TF | |-- NEW_NORCIA_TOPO.TF | |-- ROS_CGS_AUX_V01.TF | |-- ROS_CHURYUMOV_V01.TF | |-- ROS_LUTETIA_RSOC_V03.TF | |-- ROS_V28.TF | |-- RSSD0002.TF | `-- aareadme.txt |-- ik | |-- ROS_ALICE_V16.TI | |-- ROS_CIVA_V10.TI | |-- ROS_CONSERT_V11.TI | |-- ROS_COSIMA_V14.TI | |-- ROS_DIM_V11.TI | |-- ROS_GIADA_V12.TI | |-- ROS_MIDAS_V10.TI | |-- ROS_MIRO_V11.TI | |-- ROS_NAVCAM_V02.TI | |-- ROS_OSIRIS_V14.TI | |-- ROS_ROLIS_V03.TI | |-- ROS_ROSINA_V12.TI | |-- ROS_RPC_V19.TI | |-- ROS_STR_V11.TI | |-- ROS_VIRTIS_V14.TI | `-- aareadme.txt |-- lsk | |-- NAIF0011.TLS | `-- aareadme.txt |-- mk | |-- ROS_V030.TM | `-- aareadme.txt |-- pck | |-- DE403_MASSES.TPC | |-- EARTH_000101_171020_170801.BPC | |-- PCK00010.TPC | |-- ROS_CGS_RSOC_V03.TPC | |-- ROS_CG_RAD_V10.TPC | |-- ROS_LUTETIA_RSOC_V03.TPC | |-- ROS_STEINS_V05.TPC | `-- aareadme.txt |-- sclk | |-- ROS_160929_STEP.TSC | |-- aareadme.txt | `-- ros_triv.tsc `-- spk |-- C2001Q4.BSP |-- C2002T7.BSP |-- CORB_DV_257_02___T19_00344.BSP |-- CORB_DV_257_02_______00344.BSP |-- CORL_DL_001_02_A_T19_00002.BSP |-- CORL_DL_001_02_B_T19_00002.BSP |-- CORL_DL_001_02_C_T19_00002.BSP |-- CORL_DL_001_02____A__00002.BSP |-- CORL_DL_001_02____B__00002.BSP |-- CORL_DL_001_02____C__00002.BSP |-- CORL_DL_002_01_B_T19_00043.BSP |-- CORL_DL_002_01_C_T19_00045.BSP |-- CORL_DL_002_01____B__00043.BSP |-- CORL_DL_002_01____C__00045.BSP |-- CORL_DL_002_02_A_T19_00040.BSP |-- CORL_DL_002_02____A__00040.BSP |-- CORL_DL_003_01_A_T19_00067.BSP |-- CORL_DL_003_01_C_T19_00068.BSP |-- CORL_DL_003_01____A__00067.BSP |-- CORL_DL_003_01____C__00068.BSP |-- CORL_DL_004_01_H_T19_00076.BSP |-- CORL_DL_004_01_P_T19_00076.BSP |-- CORL_DL_004_01____H__00076.BSP |-- CORL_DL_004_01____P__00076.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_02_H_T19_00116.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_02_P_T19_00114.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_02____H__00116.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_02____P__00114.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_03_H_T19_00137.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_03_P_T19_00136.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_03____H__00137.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_03____P__00136.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_04_P_T19_00167.BSP |-- CORL_DL_005_04____P__00167.BSP |-- CORL_DL_006_01_H_T19_00156.BSP |-- CORL_DL_006_01_P_T19_00166.BSP |-- CORL_DL_006_01____H__00156.BSP |-- CORL_DL_006_01____P__00166.BSP |-- CORL_DL_006_02_P_T19_00176.BSP |-- CORL_DL_006_02____P__00176.BSP |-- CORL_DL_006_03_P_T19_00194.BSP |-- CORL_DL_006_03____P__00194.BSP |-- CORL_DL_007_01_P_T19_00206.BSP |-- CORL_DL_007_01____P__00206.BSP |-- CORL_DL_007_02_P_T19_00220.BSP |-- CORL_DL_007_02____P__00220.BSP |-- CORL_DL_007_03_P_T19_00246.BSP |-- CORL_DL_007_03____P__00246.BSP |-- CORL_DL_008_01_P_T19_00230.BSP |-- CORL_DL_008_01____P__00230.BSP |-- CORL_DL_008_02_P_T19_00252.BSP |-- CORL_DL_008_02____P__00252.BSP |-- CORL_DL_009_01_P_T19_00257.BSP |-- CORL_DL_009_01____P__00257.BSP |-- CORL_DL_009_02_P_T19_00268.BSP |-- CORL_DL_009_02____P__00268.BSP |-- CORL_DL_009_03_P_T19_00292.BSP |-- CORL_DL_009_03____P__00292.BSP |-- CORL_DL_009_04_P_T19_00297.BSP |-- CORL_DL_009_04____P__00297.BSP |-- CORL_DL_010_01_P_T19_00312.BSP |-- CORL_DL_010_01____P__00312.BSP |-- CORL_DL_010_02_P_T19_00329.BSP |-- CORL_DL_010_02____P__00329.BSP |-- CORL_DL_010_03_P_T19_00335.BSP |-- CORL_DL_010_03____P__00335.BSP |-- DE405.BSP |-- EARTHSTNS_FX_050714.BSP |-- EARTHSTNS_ITRF93_050714.BSP |-- ESTRACK_V01.BSP |-- LORB_DV_236_01___T19_00318.BSP |-- LORB_DV_236_01_______00318.BSP |-- LORL_DL_001_02_A_T19_00002.BSP |-- LORL_DL_001_02____A__00002.BSP |-- LORL_DL_003_01_A_T19_00067.BSP |-- LORL_DL_003_01_C_T19_00068.BSP |-- LORL_DL_003_01____A__00067.BSP |-- LORL_DL_003_01____C__00068.BSP |-- LORL_DL_004_01_H_T19_00076.BSP |-- LORL_DL_004_01_P_T19_00076.BSP |-- LORL_DL_004_01____H__00076.BSP |-- LORL_DL_004_01____P__00076.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_02_H_T19_00116.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_02_P_T19_00114.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_02____H__00116.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_02____P__00114.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_03_H_T19_00137.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_03_P_T19_00136.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_03____H__00137.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_03____P__00136.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_04_P_T19_00167.BSP |-- LORL_DL_005_04____P__00167.BSP |-- LORL_DL_006_01_H_T19_00156.BSP |-- LORL_DL_006_01_P_T19_00166.BSP |-- LORL_DL_006_01____H__00156.BSP |-- LORL_DL_006_01____P__00166.BSP |-- LORL_DL_006_02_P_T19_00176.BSP |-- LORL_DL_006_02____P__00176.BSP |-- LORL_DL_006_03_P_T19_00194.BSP |-- LORL_DL_006_03____P__00194.BSP |-- LORL_DL_007_01_P_T19_00206.BSP |-- LORL_DL_007_01____P__00206.BSP |-- LORL_DL_007_02_P_T19_00220.BSP |-- LORL_DL_007_02____P__00220.BSP |-- LORL_DL_007_03_P_T19_00246.BSP |-- LORL_DL_007_03____P__00246.BSP |-- LORL_DL_008_01_P_T19_00230.BSP |-- LORL_DL_008_01____P__00230.BSP |-- LORL_DL_008_02_P_T19_00252.BSP |-- LORL_DL_008_02____P__00252.BSP |-- LORL_DL_009_01_P_T19_00257.BSP |-- LORL_DL_009_01____P__00257.BSP |-- LORL_DL_009_02_P_T19_00268.BSP |-- LORL_DL_009_02____P__00268.BSP |-- LORL_DL_009_03_P_T19_00292.BSP |-- LORL_DL_009_03____P__00292.BSP |-- LORL_DL_009_04_P_T19_00297.BSP |-- LORL_DL_009_04____P__00297.BSP |-- LORL_DL_010_01_P_T19_00312.BSP |-- LORL_DL_010_01____P__00312.BSP |-- LORL_DL_010_02_P_T19_00329.BSP |-- LORL_DL_010_02____P__00329.BSP |-- LORL_DL_010_03_P_T19_00335.BSP |-- LORL_DL_010_03____P__00335.BSP |-- NEW_NORCIA.BSP |-- ORER_______________00031.BSP |-- ORFR_______________00067.BSP |-- ORGR_______________00096.BSP |-- ORHO_______________00077.BSP |-- ORHR___________T19_00122.BSP |-- ORHR_______________00122.BSP |-- ORHS_______________00109.BSP |-- ORHW_______________00122.BSP |-- ORMR_______________00052.BSP |-- OUTERPLANETS_V0003.BSP |-- RORB_DV_257_02___T19_00344.BSP |-- RORB_DV_257_02_______00344.BSP |-- RORL_DL_001_02_A_T19_00002.BSP |-- RORL_DL_001_02_B_T19_00002.BSP |-- RORL_DL_001_02_C_T19_00002.BSP |-- RORL_DL_001_02____A__00002.BSP |-- RORL_DL_001_02____B__00002.BSP |-- RORL_DL_001_02____C__00002.BSP |-- RORL_DL_002_01_B_T19_00043.BSP |-- RORL_DL_002_01_C_T19_00045.BSP |-- RORL_DL_002_01____B__00043.BSP |-- RORL_DL_002_01____C__00045.BSP |-- RORL_DL_002_02_A_T19_00040.BSP |-- RORL_DL_002_02____A__00040.BSP |-- RORL_DL_003_01_A_T19_00067.BSP |-- RORL_DL_003_01_C_T19_00068.BSP |-- RORL_DL_003_01____A__00067.BSP |-- RORL_DL_003_01____C__00068.BSP |-- RORL_DL_004_01_H_T19_00076.BSP |-- RORL_DL_004_01_P_T19_00076.BSP |-- RORL_DL_004_01____H__00076.BSP |-- RORL_DL_004_01____P__00076.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_02_H_T19_00116.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_02_P_T19_00114.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_02____H__00116.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_02____P__00114.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_03_H_T19_00137.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_03_P_T19_00136.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_03____H__00137.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_03____P__00136.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_04_P_T19_00167.BSP |-- RORL_DL_005_04____P__00167.BSP |-- RORL_DL_006_01_H_T19_00156.BSP |-- RORL_DL_006_01_P_T19_00166.BSP |-- RORL_DL_006_01____H__00156.BSP |-- RORL_DL_006_01____P__00166.BSP |-- RORL_DL_006_02_P_T19_00176.BSP |-- RORL_DL_006_02____P__00176.BSP |-- RORL_DL_006_03_P_T19_00194.BSP |-- RORL_DL_006_03____P__00194.BSP |-- RORL_DL_007_01_P_T19_00206.BSP |-- RORL_DL_007_01____P__00206.BSP |-- RORL_DL_007_02_P_T19_00220.BSP |-- RORL_DL_007_02____P__00220.BSP |-- RORL_DL_007_03_P_T19_00246.BSP |-- RORL_DL_007_03____P__00246.BSP |-- RORL_DL_008_01_P_T19_00230.BSP |-- RORL_DL_008_01____P__00230.BSP |-- RORL_DL_008_02_P_T19_00252.BSP |-- RORL_DL_008_02____P__00252.BSP |-- RORL_DL_009_01_P_T19_00257.BSP |-- RORL_DL_009_01____P__00257.BSP |-- RORL_DL_009_02_P_T19_00268.BSP |-- RORL_DL_009_02____P__00268.BSP |-- RORL_DL_009_03_P_T19_00292.BSP |-- RORL_DL_009_03____P__00292.BSP |-- RORL_DL_009_04_P_T19_00297.BSP |-- RORL_DL_009_04____P__00297.BSP |-- RORL_DL_010_01_P_T19_00312.BSP |-- RORL_DL_010_01____P__00312.BSP |-- RORL_DL_010_02_P_T19_00329.BSP |-- RORL_DL_010_02____P__00329.BSP |-- RORL_DL_010_03_P_T19_00335.BSP |-- RORL_DL_010_03____P__00335.BSP |-- ROS_ORBITER_EXTENSION_V1.BSP |-- ROS_STRUCT_V5.BSP |-- TEMPEL1_9P_DI_P.BSP `-- aareadme.txt 10 directories, 323 files The FTP directory tree is done using the following command in the spiftp.esac.esa.int server: /home/esaspice/ftp/data/SPICE/ROSETTA/kernels/ > tree --charset ISO-8859 -I 'former_versions' Please note that the 'former_versions' directories are omitted. Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== March 30, 2017 v0.3.0 Updated Readme files for the mission, PCK, CK and SPK directories. In preparation for the next increment of the SPICE PDS dataset for the PSA some kernels have been added on the operational respository. Updated ROSETTA FK with more target body DSK surface and ROSINA_COPS name/ID mappings. Updated some diagrams' layout. Removed ROSINA DFMS NA references; ROSINS DFMS Wide Angle (WA) is now simply referred as DFMS. fk/ROS_V27.TF Added ROSETTA Orbiter state extension until 2017-01-01: spk/ROS_ORBITER_EXTENSION_V1.BSP ck/ROS_ORBITER_EXTENSION_V1.BC Updated ROSINA IK by removing unused DFMS Narrow Angle (NA) sensor Field-of-View and parameters: ik/ROS_ROSINA_V12.TI Updated text and description for RPC and CONSERT IKs: ik/ROS_RPC_V18.TI ik/ROS_CONSERT_V11.TI December 21, 2016 v0.2.0 In preparation for the next increment of the SPICE PDS dataset for the PSA some kernels have been added on the operational respository: ck/ROS_VIRTIS_ZERO_V1.BC ck/ROS_VIRTIS_M_0403_1509_V1.BC ck/ROS_VIRTIS_M_1509_1609_V1.BC ck/ATNR_P040302093352_T6_00127.BC ck/former_versions/RATT_DV_145_01_01_T6_00216.BC ck/former_versions/RATT_DV_223_01_01_T6_00302.BC ck/RATT_DV_257_02_01_T6_00344.BC spk/ORHR___________T19_00122.BSP mk/ROS_V020.TM As you can see there is a set of cks with a modified filename which includes 'T6' you can find that update reflected in the corresponding aareadme files -same applies to the VIRTIS CKs-. 'T6' in particular indicates that the CK is a Type 6 CK kernel and requires at least the SPICE Toolkit N to be used. If used, a significant performance boost will be experienced! A Meta-kernel has also been added to the operational FTP -the aareadme file in the mk directory contains more information-. On top of the additions the following files have been "updated" spk/ORHO_______________00077.BSP has been updated in order to cor the text in the Comment Area of the binary kernel. TEMPEL1-9P-DI-P.BSP has been moved to the former_versions/ directory and has been 'substituted' by spk/TEMPEL1_9P_DI_P.BSP DE403-MASSES.TPC has been moved to the former_versions/ directory and has been 'substituted' by pck/DE403_MASSES.TPC December 1, 2016 v0.1.0 This is the first SPICE kernel dataset release for Rosetta within the context of the new ESA SPICE Service. The documented upates apply from the start of the Service work on December 2017. Any update prior that date is not considered in this notes. A new SPICE dedicated FTP server is now operational. The Rosetta Kernel dataset is mirrored and is available in the following link: ftp://spiftp.esac.esa.int/data/SPICE/ROSETTA/ End of aareadme.txt