# Mars Express Measured Attitude Gap Report
# Generated with ADCSng v4.4.5 at 2025-03-07T06:01:02 by the ESA SPICE Service
# Gap Report for: ATNM_MEASURED_250301_250304_V01.BC
#   Coverage Start:  '2025-02-28T23:55:00.641' UTC
#   Coverage Stop:   '2025-03-04T15:08:36.691' UTC
# Gaps: 4
#    Gaps duration: 121064.02s
#    Data duration: 314016.05s
#    Gaps/Data:     38.55%
# gap_start         gap_stop              gap_duration_sec   gap_duration_string
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2025-03-01T01:19:32 2025-03-02T00:01:00       81688.013131     0:22:41:28.013131
2025-03-03T23:59:56 2025-03-04T06:09:00       22144.002354     0:06:09:04.002354
2025-03-04T07:07:32 2025-03-04T10:49:32       13320.002049     0:03:42:00.002049
2025-03-04T11:27:48 2025-03-04T12:33:00        3912.000568     0:01:05:12.000568