# Mars Express Measured Attitude Gap Report # Generated with ADCSng v3.2.0 at 2021-11-19T06:00:58 by the ESA SPICE Service # # Gap Report for: ATNM_MEASURED_211101_211114_V01.BC # # Coverage Start: '2021-11-01T00:00:03.433' UTC # Coverage Stop: '2021-11-14T15:03:23.480' UTC # # Gaps: 8 # # Gaps duration: 75728.00s # Data duration: 1177400.05s # Gaps/Data: 6.43% # # gap_start gap_stop gap_duration_sec gap_duration_string # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021-11-02T23:59:55 2021-11-03T00:00:03 8.000000 0:00:00:08.000000 2021-11-06T22:10:51 2021-11-06T22:23:55 783.999122 0:00:13:03.999122 2021-11-08T06:10:27 2021-11-08T06:44:19 2032.000058 0:00:33:52.000058 2021-11-08T07:37:55 2021-11-08T10:38:19 10824.000311 0:03:00:24.000311 2021-11-08T14:40:43 2021-11-09T00:00:27 33583.999471 0:09:19:43.999471 2021-11-09T22:58:35 2021-11-10T00:00:27 3712.000107 0:01:01:52.000107 2021-11-14T01:51:15 2021-11-14T06:04:11 15176.001004 0:04:12:56.001004 2021-11-14T09:54:27 2021-11-14T12:34:35 9608.000137 0:02:40:08.000137