Mars-Express SPICE Kernel Dataset Release Notes v3.2.4 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel Dataset for the given version. This version (3.2.4) provides a tag in the Mars-Express Git repository at the SOCCI Bitbucket: Created by Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA, May 23, 2024. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file, please contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 Notes -------------------------------------------------------- May 23, 2024 v3.2.4 Updated Mars global DSK surface name to MARS_M005_MOL_V03 and surface ID to 49903. Added surface ID/name association for Mars global surface. Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- [SPICEPCR-1382] - Correct reference altitude for Mars global DSK. Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== May 15, 2024 v3.2.3 Corrected global Mars DSK with updated source DEM with elevation data referred to the datum ellipsoid. Removed mission end date from Cosmographia configuration. Updated Cosmographia 3D model with separated bus and solar arrays for visualization of rotation from telemetry. May 12, 2023 v3.2.2 Added updated Deimos DSK correcting shape model rotation. May 2, 2022 v3.2.1 Removed clock partition as it was caused by an irregular correlation solution instead of clock restart. February 16, 2022 v3.2.0 CK: - Added reprocessed SA CKs (MEX_SA_YYYY_VVVV.BC) for years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021. DSK: - Added DSKs to the Mars-Express SPICE Kernel Dataset and also included in the Meta-Kernel. DEIMOS_K005_THO_V??.BDS MARS_M005_MOL_V??.BDS MEX_SC_BUS_V??.BDS MEX_SC_SAMY_V??.BDS MEX_SC_SAPY_V??.BDS PHOBOS_M157_GAS_V??.BDS - Included Cosmographia scenario for loading DSKs. July 15, 2021 v3.1.0 Added Zhurong Rover ID, coordinates and topocentric frame definition to the Relay Locations kernels. July 13, 2021 v3.0.0 Implemented changes for Mars Express PDS3 release version 2.0 CK: - Corrected typos in the MEX_VVV.TF description at the 'Related SPICE kernels' section in the comments of the MEX_SA_YYYY_VVVV.BC files from 2003 to 2015 both included. - Removed MEX_PFS_ZERO_V01.BC from SKD because its referring to a deprecated and removed frame. FK: - Corrected typo in MEX Siding Spring Mars Direction Frame of MEX_SCI_V01.TF kernel file. - Corrected typos for Mars Express PDS3 V2.0 release of MEX_V16.TF kernel file. - Improved descriptions for EARTHSTNS_RU_20210706.TF - Corrected surface IDs definitions in MEX_DSK_SURFACES_V02.TF IK: - Corrected typos and added or updated contact information for instrument kernel files: MEX_ASPERA_V09.TI, MEX_HRSC_V09.TI, MEX_OMEGA_V03.TI, MEX_PFS_V06.TI, MEX_SPICAM_V03.TI, MEX_STR_V02.TI, MEX_VMC_V04.TI and MEX_MARSIS_V02.TI. - Added proper documentation and descriptions to MEX_MELACOM_V01.TI file. DSK: - Updated MEX_SC_BUS_V01.BDS, MEX_SC_SAMY_V01.BDS and MEX_SC_SAPY_V01.BDS to include proper documentation and sections following Venus Express descriptions and also included DSKBRIEF full information. SPK: - Improved comment section in EARTHSTNS_RU_20210706.BSP May 10, 2021 v2.2.2 Added Goonhilly GHY-6 station to Estrack kernels and added Russian ground stations including Kalyazin. Added Mars2020 Perseverance Rover location to MEX_RELAY_LOCATIONS. Added comet Siding-Spring SPK to the SKD. February 17, 2021 v2.2.1 IK: - Added missing MELACOM models to support TGO-MEX coordinated observations. (MEX_MELACOM_V00.TI). SPK: - Added missing MEX_SPACECRAFT to structures spk (MEX_STRUCT_V01.BSP) February 16, 2021 v2.2.0 Updated CK, SCLK and SPK aareadme.txt files, and corrected typos in Solar Array description for PDS3 release. Removed references to Git LFS and updated contact email from FK: - Update SPICAM boresights after PI review (MEX_V15.TF). IK: - Update SPICAM boresights after PI review (MEX_SPICAM_V02.TI) - Added MELACOM models to support TGO-MEX coordinated observations. (MEX_MELACOM_V00.TI). Also created MELACOM sensor for Cosmographia. SPK: - Added MEX_SPACECRAFT to structures spk (MEX_STRUCT_V01.BSP) CK Kernels: - Reprocessed or included the Measured Spacecraft Attitude Kernels and the Measured Solar Array Attitude Kernels. Reprocessed are the ones for 2017 and 2018. And the newly included are the ones for 2019 and 2020. Please note that the published files now cover the full year. Since this release is expected that mentioned CKs will released with a monthly basis instead of yearly. The published files were: ATNM_MEASURED_170101_171231_V01.BC ATNM_MEASURED_180101_181231_V01.BC ATNM_MEASURED_190101_191231_V01.BC ATNM_MEASURED_200101_201231_V01.BC MEX_SA_2017_V0002.BC MEX_SA_2018_V0010.BC MEX_SA_2019_V0001.BC MEX_SA_2020_V0001.BC August 7, 2020 v2.1.2 Added Jezero Crater ROI (MEX_PFS_ROI9_JEZERO). February 21, 2020 v2.1.1 Corrected PFS Regions of Interest, Relay Rovers and Landers and ESTRACK SPK and FKs. For the relays, MER-1 has been removed and for MSL landing site and current position have been defined. February 19, 2020 v2.1.0 Added PFS Regions of Interest SPK and FK. Added Mars Express Relay Rovers and Landers (MER-1, MSL and INSIGHT). Updated ESTRACK stations SPK and FK kernels. January 24, 2019 v2.0.1 Several updates in the MEX FK from Boris Semenov (NAIF) including a correction of the VMC frame definition. Updated Cosmographia configuration files. January 17, 2019 v2.0.0 General items: - ORBNUM files are now available for the SKD subset at the Bitbucket repository. This version also incorporates the automatic generation of ORBNUM files by ADCSng (SPICE Operational Pipeline). - SPICE-Enhanced Cosmographia configuration files have been added to the Bitbucket repository. DSK: Added Digital Shape Kernels for Phobos, Deimos and a test Mars MOLA low resolution shape model. An additional FK including the surface definitions for the new DSKs has also been generated. Please note that for now (due to some ESS dependencies with Toolkit N065) those BDS files will not be included in the meta-kernels. The added files are: PHOBOS_K137_DLR_V01.BDS Contains Phobos shape data based on Mars Express HRSC images. PHOBOS_M001_GAS_V01.BDS Contains Phobos shape data by Robert Gaskell based on Viking Orbiter 1 VIS-A and VIS-B camera images. DEIMOS_K002_THO_V01.BDS Contains Deimos shape data by Peter Thomas based on Viking Orbiter images. MARS_M129_MOL_V01.BDS Contains Mars shape data based on Mars Global Surveyor MOLA downsized to 1 pixel per degree data processed and generated by Nat Bachman. FK: - Updated Mars Express FK in accordance to the updates of the IKs. - Added MEX Surfaces frames kernel for DSK Kernels, MEX Science frames kernel (containing only Comet SIDING-SPRING frames). IK: PFS: Replicated SWC and LWC Field-of-View definitions for MEX_PFS_25_LEFT, MEX_PFS_12_LEFT, MEX_PFS_NADIR, MEX_PFS_12_RIGHT, MEX_PFS_25_RIGHT and MEX_PFS_COLD_SPACE frames. Updated the boresight definition (to unitary) for all FoVs in order to avoid an error using GFTFOV with SPICE Toolkit versions earlier than N067. ASPERA IK: Removed label from IK corrected several format issues. SPICAM IK: First draft. MARSIS IK: First draft. STR IK: First draft (and final, based on Rosetta STR IK) CK: Added default position of the PFS scanner. SPK: Added reduced version of the Martian moons ephemeris. January 24, 2018 v1.0.0 General items: - This Kernel Dataset Release (SKD) is a milestone for the Mars Express for it supports obtaining a subset of the SKD with Bit via Bitbucket including the latset ORBNUM file. The SKD subset can also be obtained from a permanent link to a zipped file. - All the release notes have been updated. CK Kernels: - Last 20th November 2017 the generation of Type 6 CKs was started for Mars Express. This basically means that you will be able to work with the complete Predicted MEX Attitude without overloading the available segments in SPICE (not using Type 6 meant that using the operational meta-kernel was not really possible). Please note that this only applies to the following CK files: ATNM_PYYMMDDhhmmss_xxxxx.BC And the generated Type 6 kernels have the following filename schema and description: ATNM_T6_PYYMMDDhhmmss_xxxxx.BC - Last 17th November 2017 an update for the Measured Spacecraft Attitude Kernels was published. Please note that the published files cover until the 31st of October 2017 and that from that date on-wards these files will be generated periodically. The published file were: ATNM_MEASURED_030602_040101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_040101_050101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_050101_060101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_060101_070101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_070101_080101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_080101_090101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_090101_100101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_100101_110101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_110101_120101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_120101_130101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_130101_140101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_140101_150101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_150101_160101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_160101_170101_V03.BC ATNM_MEASURED_170101_171031_V03.BC MK kernels: - MK include now a SPICE variable that indicates their extended versions. May 5, 2017 v0.2.0 - Meta-kernels are now being generated for MEX. Meta-kernels (also known as ``FURNSH kernel'') are used to name a collection of kernels that are to be loaded into a user's application at run-time in this particular case the MK includes the latest predicted/reconstructed trajectory data and the latest predicted orientation data. It is highly recommended to use meta-kernels for any kind of computation that involves MEX operational data. The included files are as follow: MEX_OPS_Vvvv_yyyymmdd_nnn.TM File that contains a list the latest available operational kernels. where: vvv Version number linked with the SPICE dataset release. yyyymmdd Release date. nnn Version number linked with an vvvv_yyyymmdd instance. MEX_OPS.TM Duplicate of the previous file that acts as a ``permanent link'' to it. - Measured Orientation CKs have been included from the start of the mission until end of 2016. It is to be agreed which will be the periodicity of the generation of this files for 2017 onwards. The spacecraft orientation CK files contain MEASURED data. These files contain the attitude obtained from the quaternions extracted from the housekeeping telemetry data. In some occasions the measured quaternions may be of reduced quality. For example if the number of stars tracked by the star tracker is not sufficient and the attitude is controlled only based on gyro-information for a period of time, the on-board estimated quaternions can drift. In such cases the available information would have to be analysed specifically. The files are as follows: ATNM_MEASURED_YYMMDD_yymmdd_Vvv.BC Contains Mars Express measured attitude information covering the time span starting at the date YYMMDD and finishing at the date yymmdd. vv indicates the file version. - WebGeocalc and Cosmographia instances of MEX are now available. October 5, 2016 v0.1.0 This is the first SPICE kernel dataset release for Mars Express within the context of the new ESA SPICE Service. The documented updates apply from the start of the Service work on January 2016. Any update prior that date is not considered in this notes. A new SPICE dedicated FTP server is now operational. The Mars Express Kernel dataset is mirrored and is available in the following link: New leap-seconds kernel for 2017 has been added: NAIF0012.TLS The HRSC instrument kernel has been updated. In order to close Action AI-SOWG#54-11, the following new SPK files have been added to the SPICE Dataset: ORMF___________T19_xxxxx.BSP Contains MEX spacecraft long term planning operational Mars centric ephemeris. This product is a Type 19 SPK kernel and requires at least the SPICE Toolkit N0065 to be used. This file is generated by merging the previous version of the kernel with the one generated from the latest ephemeris from the ESOC orbit file named: ORMF_FDLMMA_DA______________xxxxx.MEX where xxxxx designates the version number. This is the file that should be used for planning. For data analysis you have to use the ORMM files below. ORMF_yymmdd_yymmdd_xxxxx.BSP Contains MEX spacecraft long term planning operational Mars centric ephemeris. This ephemeris corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named: ORMF_FDLMMA_DA______________xxxxx.MEX where xxxxx designates the version number and yymmddyymmdd designate start and end dates. This is the file that should be used for planning. For data analysis you have to use the ORMM files below. ORMF_T19_yymmdd_yymmdd_xxxxx.BSP Contains MEX spacecraft long term planning operational Mars centric ephemeris. This product is a Type 19 SPK kernel and requires at least the SPICE Toolkit N0065 to be used. This ephemeris corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named: ORMF_FDLMMA_DA______________xxxxx.MEX where xxxxx designates the version number. This is the file that should be used for planning. For data analysis you have to use the ORMM files below. ORMM_T19_yymmdd000000_xxxxx.BSP Contains a MEX predicted and reconstructed ephemeris after orbit insertion, starting from 20yy-mm-dd. This product is a Type 19 SPK kernel and requires at least the SPICE Toolkit N0065 to be used. This ephemeris corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named: ORMM_FDLMMA_DA_yymmdd000000_xxxxx.MEX where xxxxx designates the version number. These are the files that should be used for data analysis. Also the definition of ORMF_______________xxxxx.BSP files has been corrected. The corresponding aareadme.txt file has been updated as well. The latest High precision SPK kernels for Mars Express, created by the Royal Observatory of Belgium have been added in order to close AI-SOWG#55-04. The Long Term Planning orbit files (ORFM) previous to ``ORMF_______________01216.BSP'' had a bug in a segment where the time bounds were incorrect: The segment descriptor reports time bounds 2003-DEC-30 08:07:57.020834 (TDB) 2003-DEC-30 09:00:00.000000 (TDB) while the segment coverage interval defined by the first and last time tags is 2003-DEC-30 08:07:57.020834 (TDB) 2000-JAN-01 12:00:06.000000 (TDB) This is corrected for the 2017 LTP reference trajectories and onwards: ``ORMF_______________01273.BSP'', ``ORMF_______________01279.BSP'' End of aareadme.txt