M-Matisse SPICE Kernel Dataset Release Notes v0.0.1 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel Dataset for the given version. This version (0.0.1) provides a tag in the M-Matisse Git repository at the SOCCI Bitbucket: https://repos.cosmos.esa.int/socci/projects/SPICE_KERNELS/ Created by Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA, June 20, 2024. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 spice@cosmos.esa.int Notes -------------------------------------------------------- June 20, 2024 v0.0.1 Added preliminary versions of Instrument Kernels. Added default attitude CK based on altitude profile for RAM and Sun pointing modes. Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- [SPICEPCR-1415] - Add instrument kernels for baseline instruments (placeholder). Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== March 27, 2024 v0.0.0 First draft of the SKD that includes basic frame definitions and ID assignments in order to be able to use the mission analysis trajectory data and visualize it with Cosmographia. This includes the following M-Matisse SPKs: henri_ipo1.bsp henri_ipo2.bsp marguerite_ipo1.bsp marguerite_ipo2.bsp End of aareadme.txt