M-Matisse CK files =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes the contents of the kernels/ck directory of the M-Matisse SPICE Kernel Dataset. It was last modified on May 23, 2024 by Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA. Brief Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE C-Kernel files for the M-Matisse mission, including mission analysis, nominal and operational spacecraft attitude CKs. File naming conventions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no agreed naming Scheme for M-Matisse spacecraft CKs. Current CK Kernels Set ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mmatisse_SC_DESCR_YYMMDD_YYMMDD_fYYMMDD_vVV.bc SPICE CK file that contains M-Matisse spacecraft attitude covering from arrival to Mars until end of mission for the following scenario. Where: SC - henri - marguerite DESCR - IPO: Proximity Operations based on the trajectories reported on RD27. YYYYMMDD coverage start and stop times in TDB (required); SCLK reference to SCLK used to create the CK (required): sYYMMDD: SCLK version YYMMDD for type ``step'' fYYMMDD: SCLK version YYMMDD for type ``fictional'' NN CK version number -- 2 digits (required). Other directory contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- aareadme.txt This file. coverage.txt File that contains a summary of the coverage of all the CK files present in the directory. Kernel File Details ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most detailed description of the data in a binary CK file is provided in metadata included inside the comment area of the file. This information can be viewed using the utility programs COMMNT and SPACIT included in the NAIF Toolkit. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this directory or its contents, please contact SPICE support at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 spice@cosmos.esa.int or NAIF at JPL: Boris Semenov (818) 354-8136 Boris.Semenov@jpl.nasa.gov References and required readings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``CK Required Reading'', NAIF Document End of aareadme file.