SPICE Kernels FTP Server JUICE Release Notes v1.3.0 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel FTP directory at the release of the current version. This version names a branch (1.3.1) and a tag (juice_ftp_1.3.1) in the SPICE_JUICE Git repository at the scigit02 server located at ESAC. Created by Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA, December 5, 2016. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file, please contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457 mcosta@sciops.esa.int, esa_spice@sciops.esa.int Notes -------------------------------------------------------- December 5, 2016 v1.3.1 Added jup310.bsp Jupiter System ephemeris in order to include Adrastea and Metis data as requested by Thomas Roatsch. Updated SWI frame definitions and added Channel 1 and Channel 2 FOVs. Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- None. JUICE FTP directory tree -------------------------------------------------------- ftp://spiftp.esac.esa.int/data/SPICE/JUICE/ . |-- aareadme.txt |-- ck | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- former_versions | | |-- juice_lpbooms_v00.bc | | |-- juice_magboom_f160326_v02.bc | | |-- juice_magboom_v00.bc | | |-- juice_magboom_v01.bc | | |-- juice_majis_scan_zero_v00.bc | | |-- juice_majis_scan_zero_v01.bc | | |-- juice_rime_sat_141a_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v01.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_141a_comms_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v01.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_141a_default_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v03.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_141a_default_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v04.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_141a_default_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v05.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_141a_default_220601_330604_f160326_v01.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_141a_default_220601_330604_f160326_v02.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_141a_flybys_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v01.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_141a_flybys_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v02.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_c141_n45_comms_20220601_20330911_f20160326_v01.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_c141_n45_default_20220601_20330911_f20160326_v01.bc | | |-- juice_sc_sat_c141_n45_flybys_20220601_20330911_f20160326_v01.bc | | |-- juice_swi_scan_zero_v00.bc | | `-- juice_swi_scan_zero_v01.bc | |-- juice_lpbooms_f20160326_v01.bc | |-- juice_magboom_f20160326_v03.bc | |-- juice_majis_scan_zero_f20160326_v02.bc | |-- juice_mga_zero_f20160326_v01.bc | |-- juice_sc_sat_crema_3_0_comms_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v01.bc | |-- juice_sc_sat_crema_3_0_default_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v01.bc | |-- juice_sc_sat_crema_3_0_flybys_20220601_20330604_f20160326_v01.bc | |-- juice_sc_sat_crema_3_1_comms_20220601_20330911_f20160326_v01.bc | |-- juice_sc_sat_crema_3_1_default_20220601_20330911_f20160326_v01.bc | |-- juice_sc_sat_crema_3_1_flybys_20220601_20330911_f20160326_v01.bc | `-- juice_swi_scan_zero_f20160326_v02.bc |-- dsk | |-- juice_sa+y_v03.bds | |-- juice_sa-y_v03.bds | `-- juice_spacecraft_v03.bds |-- fk | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- earth_topo_050714.tf | |-- earthfixediau.tf | |-- earthfixeditrf93.tf | |-- estrack_v01.tf | |-- former_versions | | |-- juice_ops_v00.tf | | |-- juice_ops_v01.tf | | |-- juice_sci_v00.tf | | |-- juice_sci_v01.tf | | |-- juice_sci_v02.tf | | |-- juice_sci_v03.tf | | |-- juice_sci_v04.tf | | |-- juice_v00-draft.tf | | |-- juice_v00.tf | | |-- juice_v01.tf | | |-- juice_v02.tf | | |-- juice_v03.tf | | |-- juice_v04.tf | | |-- juice_v05.tf | | |-- juice_v06.tf | | |-- juice_v07.tf | | |-- juice_v08.tf | | `-- juice_v09.tf | |-- juice_ops_v02.tf | |-- juice_sc_cal_noa_v01.tf | |-- juice_sc_cal_npo_v01.tf | |-- juice_sc_eur_noa_v01.tf | |-- juice_sc_eur_npo_v01.tf | |-- juice_sc_gan_noa_v01.tf | |-- juice_sc_gan_npo_v01.tf | |-- juice_sc_io_npo_v01.tf | |-- juice_sc_jup_noa_v01.tf | |-- juice_sc_jup_npo_v01.tf | |-- juice_sci_v05.tf | |-- juice_v10.tf | |-- juice_v11.tf | `-- rssd0002.tf |-- ik | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- former_versions | | |-- juice_gala_v00.ti | | |-- juice_gala_v01.ti | | |-- juice_gala_v02.ti | | |-- juice_janus_v00.ti | | |-- juice_janus_v01.ti | | |-- juice_janus_v02.ti | | |-- juice_janus_v03.ti | | |-- juice_janus_v04.ti | | |-- juice_majis_v00.ti | | |-- juice_majis_v01.ti | | |-- juice_majis_v02.ti | | |-- juice_majis_v03.ti | | |-- juice_pep_v00.ti | | |-- juice_pep_v01.ti | | |-- juice_pep_v02.ti | | |-- juice_pep_v03.ti | | |-- juice_rime_v00.ti | | |-- juice_rime_v01.ti | | |-- juice_rime_v02.ti | | |-- juice_rime_v03.ti | | |-- juice_rpwi_v00.ti | | |-- juice_rpwi_v01.ti | | |-- juice_swi_v00.ti | | |-- juice_swi_v01.ti | | |-- juice_swi_v02.ti | | |-- juice_swi_v03.ti | | |-- juice_swi_v04.ti | | |-- juice_uvs_v00.ti | | |-- juice_uvs_v01.ti | | `-- juice_uvs_v02.ti | |-- juice_gala_v03.ti | |-- juice_janus_v05.ti | |-- juice_jmag_v00.ti | |-- juice_jmc_v00.ti | |-- juice_majis_v04.ti | |-- juice_navcam_v00.ti | |-- juice_pep_v04.ti | |-- juice_rime_v04.ti | |-- juice_rpwi_v02.ti | |-- juice_str_v00.ti | |-- juice_swi_v05.ti | |-- juice_swi_v06.ti | `-- juice_uvs_v03.ti |-- lsk | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- former_versions | | |-- naif0007.tls | | |-- naif0008.tls | | |-- naif0009.tls | | `-- naif0010.tls | |-- naif0011.tls | `-- naif0012.tls |-- mk | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- former_versions | | |-- juice_140_sciops_studies_v01.tm | | |-- juice_140_sciops_studies_v02.tm | | |-- juice_140_sciops_studies_v03.tm | | |-- juice_140_sciops_studies_v100.tm | | |-- juice_140_sciops_studies_v110.tm | | |-- juice_141_consolidated_trajectory_v01.tm | | |-- juice_141_consolidated_trajectory_v02.tm | | |-- juice_141_consolidated_trajectory_v03.tm | | |-- juice_141_consolidated_trajectory_v04.tm | | |-- juice_141_consolidated_trajectory_v110.tm | | |-- juice_c141_n41_project_analysis_v01.tm | | |-- juice_c141_n41_project_analysis_v02.tm | | |-- juice_c141_n41_project_analysis_v03.tm | | |-- juice_c141_n41_project_analysis_v100.tm | | |-- juice_c141_n45_project_analysis_v01.tm | | |-- juice_c141_n45_project_analysis_v02.tm | | |-- juice_c141_n45_project_analysis_v03.tm | | |-- juice_c141_n45_project_analysis_v100.tm | | |-- juice_consolidated_trajectory_141a_v00.tm | | |-- juice_consolidated_trajectory_141a_v01.tm | | |-- juice_consolidated_trajectory_141a_v02.tm | | |-- juice_consolidated_trajectory_141a_v03.tm | | |-- juice_consolidated_trajectory_141a_v100.tm | | |-- juice_crema_2_0_v120.tm | | |-- juice_crema_3_0_v120.tm | | |-- juice_crema_3_1_v120.tm | | `-- juice_europa_fb_Jup_eq_gan500_v00.tm | |-- juice_crema_2_0_v130.tm | |-- juice_crema_2_0_v131.tm | |-- juice_crema_3_0_v130.tm | |-- juice_crema_3_0_v131.tm | |-- juice_crema_3_1_v130.tm | `-- juice_crema_3_1_v131.tm |-- pck | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- de-403-masses.tpc | |-- earth_070425_370426_predict.bpc | |-- gm_de431.tpc | |-- juice_jup000.tpc | `-- pck00010.tpc |-- sclk | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- former_versions | | |-- juice_fake_v00.tsc | | |-- juice_fake_v00_old.tsc | | `-- juice_fict_v01.tsc | `-- juice_fict_20160326.tsc `-- spk |-- aareadme.txt |-- commnt.out |-- de430.bsp |-- earthstns_fx_050714.bsp |-- earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp |-- estrack_v01.bsp |-- former_versions | |-- GCO200_Extension.bsp | |-- GCO500_102.bsp | |-- GEO_b20_120.bsp | |-- ORJF______________0003.bsp | |-- de405.bsp | |-- de432s.bsp | |-- juice_mat_140a_lau_fin_bet_500_20220604_20330705_v01.bsp | |-- juice_mat_140a_lau_inc_20220604_20311015_v01.bsp | |-- juice_mat_141a_lau_c5e_016_20220601_20330604_v01.bsp | |-- juice_mat_a5d_141a_201603_r30_c7_LF_N41_20220601_20301030_v01.bsp | |-- juice_mat_c141a_201603_r30_c7_lf_n41_20220601_20301030_v01.bsp | |-- juice_mat_c141a_201603_r30_c7_lf_n45_20220531_20330911_v01.bsp | |-- juice_struct_v00.bsp | |-- juice_struct_v01.bsp | |-- juice_struct_v02.bsp | |-- juice_struct_v03.bsp | |-- mantra.jgo_2020_001_ipc_cal_pso_res_e40_562_200.bsp | |-- mantra.jgo_2020_002_ipc_eur_001.bsp | |-- mantra.juice_2022_ipc_eur_inc_gan_003.bsp | |-- mantra.jup_a5d_140a_lau_fin_bet_500.bsp | |-- mantra.jup_a5d_140a_lau_inc.bsp | |-- mantra.jup_a5d_C141a_201603_r30_c7_LF_N41.bsp | `-- mantra_juice_jup_a5d_141a_lau_c5e_016.bsp |-- juice_mat_crema_2_0_20220604_20330705_v01.bsp |-- juice_mat_crema_3_0_20220601_20330604_v01.bsp |-- juice_mat_crema_3_1_20220531_20330911_v01.bsp |-- juice_struct_v04.bsp |-- jup230.bsp |-- jup282.bsp |-- jup310.bsp |-- mar085.bsp `-- noe-5-2010-gal-a2.bsp 16 directories, 207 files The FTP directory tree is generated using the following command in the spiftp.esac.esa.int server: /home/esaspice/ftp/data/SPICE/JUICE/kernels/ > tree --charset ISO-8859 Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== October 25, 2016 v1.3.0 The SWI and PEP Instrument kernel have been updated. More concretely for PEP the Field-of-views for JENI and NIM have been corrected. Consequently the JUICE frames kernel has been updated. Frames and instrument kernels for the Medium Gain Antenna, Star Trackers, JUICE Monitoring Cameras and NavCams have been generated. Updated the definition of the Solar Array Frames. Downgraded the epehemeris used for non-Jovian Solar System bodies from de423.bsp to de430.bsp in order to be aligned with the trajectories provided by Arnaud Boutonnet from MAn (Arnaud.Boutonnet@esa.int). October 7, 2016 v1.2.0 The names for the Meta-kernels, C-kernels and SP-kernels has been updated as agreed with Project and Mission Analysis. They now refer to CReMa releases. Default orientation for the CReMa Issue 3 Revision 1 has been corrected. SWI Instrument kernel has been updated. September 29, 2016 v1.1.0 Default orientation for the 141a Consolidated Trajectory has been updated for the transitions from Hot to Cold -and viceversa- transfer periods were wrong. Added default orientation for the c141_n45 trajectory. Which is consolidated as per the latest CReMA report: JUICE - Jupiter Icy moons Explorer Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis (CReMA), Issue 3, Revision 1. Updated Meta-Kernel name convention and version number -they match the Kernel Dataset version now, as consolidated with ExoMars 2016 Kernel Dataset-. August 19, 2016 v1.0.0 First release of the JUICE Pre-Operational Kernel dataset. The dataset includes the initial draft version of the kernels by ODC Space which were reviewed and updated by the ESA SPICE Service. The main focus of these kernels is to support the studies of the 141 Consolidated Trajectory and to support the studies of the JUICE WG3. End of aareadme.txt