The events requested for the Mission Analysis activities WP. The format is: keyword start-time-utc end-time-utc For the events where it is a single event (as opposed to window), start-time and end-time are the same. These are the events and peculiarities of how they have been computed: 1) ROI fly-over at Ganymede, with a constraint on distance < 200,000km 2) Terminator Crossing at Ganymede, with a constraint on distance < 200,000km 3) Solar conjunction, both considering Jupiter and JUICE (this one was not requested but it interesting for planning communications). 4) Full occultation of Jupiter by Ganymede, without distance constraints. 5) Distance to target for Io (500,000km), Europa (200,000km), Callisto (200,000km), Ganymede (200,000km) and Jupiter (3,000,000km). 6) Full Earth occultation by target, with a constraint on distance from 5) 7) Full Eclipse (Sun occultation), with a constraint on distance from 5) 8) Star occultations, for the 1004 stars provided, by target, with a constraint on distance from 5) 9) Closest approach, with a constraint on distance from 5). Note that this removes all the local minima for the cruise phase and some instances during the Jupiter phases, i.e. closest approach is not computed outside the windows where the distance criteria is met. This does not remove the local minima events with respect to Jupiter for the Ganymede phase. 10) Apocentre, with a constraint on distance from 5). Note that same situation applies as for 9) with the difference that for non-bound orbits, the apocentre is not computed. 11) Latitude crossing with a constraint on distance from 5) 12) Phase angle crossing with a constraint on distance from 5)