KPL/IK PEP Instrument Kernel =============================================================================== This instrument kernel (I-kernel) contains the Particle Environment Package (PEP) sensors' parameters and field-of-view (FOV) definitions. Version and Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1 -- May 12, 2016 -- Jorge Diaz del Rio, ODC Space Corrected typos in text. Added missing diagrams. Initial Release. Pending review by the PEP instrument team. Version 0.0 -- April 27, 2016 -- Jorge Diaz del Rio, ODC Space Initial Release. Pending review by the PEP instrument and JUICE Science Operations Working Group teams. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 2. ``C-kernel Required Reading'' 3. JUICE Frames Definition Kernel (FK), latest version. 4. ``JUICE - Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer. Exploring the emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants. Definition Study report,'' ESA/SRE(2014)1, September 2014 (JUICE Red book v1.0) 5. ``JUICE - JUpiter Icy Moons Explorer PEP (Particle Environment Package) Experiment Interface Document - Part B,'' JUI-UBE-PEP-EID-001, Issue 2.1, 3 May 2013 Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457, or NAIF at JPL: Boris Semenov (818) 354-8136 Implementation Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applications that need SPICE I-kernel data must ``load'' the I-kernel file, normally during program initialization. The SPICE routine FURNSH loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below. CALL FURNSH ( 'frame_kernel_name' ) -- FORTRAN furnsh_c ( "frame_kernel_name" ); -- C cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name -- IDL cspice_furnsh( 'frame_kernel_name' ) -- MATLAB Loading the kernel using the SPICELIB routine FURNSH causes the data items and their associated values present in the kernel to become associated with a data structure called the ``kernel pool''. Once the file has been loaded, the SPICE routine GETFOV (getfov_c in C, cspice_getfov in IDL and MATLAB) can be used to retrieve FOV parameters for a given instrument or structure. The application program may obtain the value(s) for any other IK data item using the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, GCPOOL (gdpool_c, gipool_c, gcpool_c in C, cspice_gdpool, cspice_gipool, cspice_gcpool in IDL and MATLAB). See [1] for details. This file was created with, and can be updated with a text editor or word processor. Naming Conventions and Conventions for Specifying Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All names referencing values in this IK file start with the characters `INS' followed by the NAIF JUICE spacecraft ID number (-907) followed by a NAIF three digit ID code for the PEP sensors. This is the full list of names and IDs for the PEP instrument described by this IK file: Name NAIF ID --------------------- --------- JUICE_PEP_JDC -907510 JUICE_PEP_JNA -907520 JUICE_PEP_NIM -907530 JUICE_PEP_JEI -907540 JUICE_PEP_JOEE -907550 JUICE_PEP_JENI -907560 The remainder of the keyword name is an underscore character followed by the unique name of the data item. For example, the NIM boresight direction in the JUICE_PEP_NIM frame is specified by: INS-907530_BORESIGHT The upper bound on the length of the name of any data item is 32 characters. If the same item is included in more than one file, or if the same item appears more than once within a single file, the latest value supersedes any earlier values. Instrument Description and Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEP consists of three major hardware units (see [5]): - Nadir Unit (NU), which carries three sensors (NIM, JDC, JNA) and the related electronics accommodated in the card rack (CR). The CR contains the common power converters (DCC) and data processing unit (DPU), as well. The DPU is redundant. The Baseplate (BP) is the mechanical structure which supports the five sensors and the CR, whereby the latter is bolted to the bottom side and is therefore buried below the S/C panel for optimized radiation protection. The NU has direct electrical I/F to the S/C and is electrically connected to JENI and ZU (TBC). - Zenith Unit (ZU), which carries two sensors (JEI, JoEE), has the same architecture as the NU and therefore shows identical design features. ZU has, as well, direct electrical I/F to the S/C. - JENI is a combined energetic ion sensor and energetic neutral atom (ENA) camera. The sensor consists of a set of large, thin serrated magnesium plates that deflect charged particles via an applied 8kV electric field. Neutral atoms which pass completely through the plates pass through a pair of very thin (1 micro-grams/cm2) foils and strike a large MCP (~44cm2). Secondary electrons from the two foils are steered to a second large MCP (~48cm2). Both MCP sets are mated with position-sensitive anodes and housed in machined Ultem housings. The neutral atoms can instead strike one of eight 100 microns thick solid state detectors. The deflection plate assembly, detector elements, and electrostatic steering wires are mechanically supported by a magnesium structure that is heavily shielded by tungsten copper plates to provide radiation shielding. To optimize radiation protection efficiency the electronics is arranged below the interface plane to the S/C panel. JENI has no electrical interface to the S/C but is connected to NU, which provides power (nominal and survival heaters), data link, and HV inhibit signal. These three hardware units host a set of six sensors that comprise the complete PEP instrument: - The Neutral gas and Ion Mass spectrometer (NIM), which is a time-of-flight (TOF) type mass spectrometer. The sensor consists of a titanium tube, which carries ion source (IS) and detector (DET) on one side and integrated reflectron (IR) on the other. IR and IS are metal-ceramic components joined by vacuum brazing and electron beam or laser welding. The DET consists of a micro channel plate (MCP) with diameter of 10 mm and is heavily shielded with Tantalum and Aluminum to suppress the noise caused by the Jovian radiation environment. The sensor is mounted to the NU baseplate via a tubular structure. Two hoods are foreseen to mechanically protect the ion optical components and at the same time prevent direct exposure of high voltages. - The Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition analyzer (JDC), which is a reflectron type time-of-flight (TOF) ion mass spectrometer with full hemisphere coverage. The sensor consists of a elevation steering unit, an electrostatic analyzer, a time-of-flight (TOF) section using particle - surface interaction to generate start and stop signals, and a reflectron. The TOF section uses channel electron multipliers to generate start pulses and an MCP for stop pulses. The section is also equipped with an anti-coincidence solid state detector Both start and stop detectors are strongly shielded with graded shielding using Al and Pb/Ta to reduce noise generated by penetrating energetic radiation. By switching HV polarity JDC is capable of measuring both positive and negative ions and electrons. - The Jovian Electrons and Ions (JEI) analyzer, which measures the thermal and hot electron and ion distributions without mass resolution in all regions traversed by JUICE. JEI covers the energy range from 1eV to 20 keV with full hemispheric coverage and 20 kev and 50 keV with a limited field-of-view. Sweeping voltage across the entrance deflector system allows determination of the particle arrival direction. The deflector is followed by a spherical electrostatic analyzer to determine the particle energy. Switching between the electron and ion mode is achieved by switching of the positive voltages from inner to outer ESA sphere. All deflectors use only positive voltages to simplify the high voltage power supply. To further reduce the background count rate due to penetrating radiation an anti-coincidence solid state detector (SSD) below the CCEM plane is introduced. The SSD is of annular shape with three 120-degree sectors covering the entrance cones of the respective CEM blocks. - The Jovian Energetic Electrons (JoEE) spectrometer, which is a compact medium-high energy electron spectrometer, in which electrons are deflected onto a set of pie-shaped solid state detectors via 16 radially aligned permanent magnets configured in a self-closing field. The sensor elements are housed in a magnesium structure that is heavily shielded by tungsten copper plates to provide radiation shielding. - The Jovian Neutrals Analyzer (JNA), which a surface interaction energetic neutral atom (ENA) instrument. The sensor consists of a half-disk shaped entrance system protruding through the baseplate and a combined detector and electronics box below the baseplate. Incident ENAs are ionized on a conversion surface, energy analyzed and post accelerated to the time-of- flight (TOF) section located in the detector and electronics box. Start and stop signal for the TOF measurements are both provided by microchannel plates (MCP). An equivalent of 20mm of Al shielding consisting of a layering of Al/Pb/Ta/Al is used to protect the MCP from penetrating energetic radiation in the Jovian environment. The instrument has all electronics integrated in its own electronics box and interfaces only with power and telemetry to the common electronics rack. - The Jovian Energetic Neutrals and Ions (JENI) instrument, which is a low mass, foil-based slit camera. ENAs are isolated using 8 kV deflection plate bias effectively removing charged particles with energies below 400 keV/q from the aperture. At zero plate bias, JENI operates as a sensitive imaging ion spectrometer (low voltage on the plates also removes a significant fraction of foreground low energy ions/electrons in ion mode). Primary particles (ions or ENAs) enter either of two slits and penetrates a ~1 microgr/cm2 start foil. Because the foils are not used as UV filters, the design is very tolerant to loss of foil grid cells. This low thickness minimizes angular scattering and energy loss and enables detection down to 500 eV. The following ToF section uses MCPs for high-sensitivity imaging, and smaller pixelated SSDs for enhanced mass resolution. The particle produces a stop timing and 2D position pulse in the stop MCP, or a 1D position and energy in the pixelated SSD. Electrons backscattered from the foil are accelerated up to the coincidence MCP, which provides a coincidence timing pulse 2-4 ns after the Stop, and 1D position that must match the stop position. Using start and stop positions and ToF, JENI computes the velocity and direction of the primary particle. A small rotating cylindrical section carrying multiple apertures (1) protects the very thin foils from air disturbances and helps hold the purge gas in the sensor during the AIV phase on the ground, (2) protects the foils from acoustics and launch pressure differentials during launch, (3) independently introduces a sunlight-blocking UV filter for either aperture under direct sunlight (raising the minimum energy threshold), and (4) provides geometrical factor control to ensure that sensitivity is optimized in either ion or ENA mode. Mounting Alignment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refer to the latest version of the JUICE Frames Definition Kernel (FK) [3] for the PEP reference frame definitions and mounting alignment information. Sensors Sector Layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains assignments specifying the sensors layout by defining individual sector view directions for each of the PEP sensors. The combined aperture of each of the sensors is broken down into a number of equally spaced sectors to achieve the necessary spatial resolution within the sensor's sensor plane and in the direction normal to it. This table summarizes the individual sensor sector layout (based on [5]): --------- --------------------- --------------------- Sensor Number of Sectors Sector size, deg Name in-plane cross-plane in-plane cross-plane --------- -------- ----------- ---------- ----------- JDC 18 16 19.5 5.5 JNA 2 6 7.0 150.0 NIM 4(1) 1 90.0 10.0 JEI 36 4 10.0 20.0 JOEE 1 8 12.0 22.0 JENI 45 60 2.0 2.0 --------- --------------------- --------------------- (1) Currently, there's no information about sectorial division of the NIM sensor. The toroidal FoV of 360x10degrees have been split in four quadrants in order to support its description. The parameters from the table are provided for each sensor using the following keywords: NUMBER_OF_SECTORS -- contains two integers for in-plane and cross-plane sector numbers SECTOR_SIZE -- contains only two numbers for in-plane and cross-plane sector size in degrees FRAME -- contains the name of the frame in which the sector view directions are defined SECTOR_DIRECTIONS -- contains sector center view directions for each sector in the sensor symmetry plane. The order of vectors in the SECTOR_DIRECTIONS is different for different sensors. It is described for each particular sensor in that sensor's section of this IK. JDC sensor layout and Field-of-View definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition (JDC) analyzer sensor layout and field-of-view (FoV) definitions. The JDC full field of view is 360x90degrees, split in 288 sectors -- 18 in-plane (azimuthal) by 16 cross-plane cross-plane (polar) direction. In the in-plane direction the sectors are numbered from 0 to 17, in the cross-plane direction the sectors are numbered 0 to 15. All of the in-plane sectors are 19.5 degrees wide with their center view directions 20.0 degrees apart. In the cross-plane direction all sectors have the same size of 5.5 degrees with their center view directions ~5.52424 degrees apart. This diagram illustrates in-plane (azimuthal) JDC sector layout: : \ / \ s5 : s4 . s3 \ \ / .- : \ . : ' ^ +Yjdc - --. s6 -- \ | : s2 -- : \ | : / - -- \ ' | : / .-- s7 --. \ \ | / : -- s1 -- : \ | : : .-- ..... --. : . | / - -- ---- ..... -- -- \| / / -- ---- ...... -- : \| / .-- ----- s8 ..... - \ |/ / -- ---- s0 ..... + \| + ----- -------------------------------o---------------------------> +Xjdc --- +/\ + ... s9 .----' .- :/ \- ..... s17 ---- -- / : : : '-. `..... .----' .-- / / \ : -- ..... ---- -- : : \ \ --. `..... --' -- : : - \ -- .. s10 .-- -- / \ : -- s16 -- : : \ -- '-. .-- : / . - -- -- / / \ : --. -- s11 / . \ \ s15 -- : / . \ -- / \ : : . \ : : s12 / s13 : s14 +Zjdc / \ is out of the page. This diagram illustrates cross-plane (polar) JDC sector layout: ^ +Zjdc | . | . s10 - s9 | s8 - . s11 \ . | - s7 ' . \ - | . / s6 : s12 . : - | - . - - - : . | - : . - s13 ': - \ - | . / . s5 : .. . - \ - | - / . :- s4 .. -- . : . | - : - : .. s14 '.. : '. : - | . / - .' .. . .. : . \ - | - / - .- ..' s3 '-.. '. - . : - | - . . : .. .-- -.. '.. : - - - | . : .. :' . .--. s15 '-. .. : - '. | - / .. -- ..' .--. s2 `-. '. - '- \ - | - / . : .. ..-- ... ``... ' -. `.. : '.:- | '' - : .' .--. ...'' s16 ```... `-....`.:-.::'|' /- - .'..-- ...''' s1 --... ``... `.---.:-.\'|'./-/ ..-- .....'' ....----- s17 '..-----........'--...\\\\|////...--.'.......-----'' s0 +Xjdc -----------------------------------o-----------------------------------> +Yjdc is out of the page In the keywords below the sector sizes and view directions are listed plane-by-plane, i.e. the first 18 vectors in the array are for azimuthal sectors 0 to 17 in polar plane 0, the next 18 vectors -- azimuthal sectors 0 to 17 in polar plane 1, and so on. The sector view directions are defined in the JDC frame (JUICE_PEP_JDC). \begindata INS-907510_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS = ( 18, 16 ) INS-907510_SECTOR_SIZE = ( 19.50000000 5.50000000 ) INS-907510_FRAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JDC' INS-907510_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS = ( 0.983673635094114 0.173448202078665 0.047978128521344 0.865028077225064 0.499424193242475 0.047978128521344 0.642047366787918 0.765162255985154 0.047978128521344 0.341626268306196 0.938610458063819 0.047978128521344 0.000000000000000 0.998848386484951 0.047978128521344 -0.341626268306196 0.938610458063819 0.047978128521344 -0.642047366787918 0.765162255985154 0.047978128521344 -0.865028077225064 0.499424193242475 0.047978128521344 -0.983673635094114 0.173448202078665 0.047978128521344 -0.983673635094114 -0.173448202078665 0.047978128521344 -0.865028077225065 -0.499424193242475 0.047978128521344 -0.642047366787918 -0.765162255985154 0.047978128521344 -0.341626268306196 -0.938610458063819 0.047978128521344 0.000000000000000 -0.998848386484951 0.047978128521344 0.341626268306195 -0.938610458063819 0.047978128521344 0.642047366787918 -0.765162255985154 0.047978128521344 0.865028077225064 -0.499424193242476 0.047978128521344 0.983673635094114 -0.173448202078665 0.047978128521344 0.974556480470994 0.171840601731319 0.143911340653219 0.857010586004365 0.494795292527979 0.143911340653219 0.636096566736423 0.758070368644975 0.143911340653219 0.338459913734571 0.929910970376293 0.143911340653219 0.000000000000000 0.989590585055958 0.143911340653219 -0.338459913734571 0.929910970376294 0.143911340653219 -0.636096566736423 0.758070368644975 0.143911340653219 -0.857010586004365 0.494795292527979 0.143911340653219 -0.974556480470994 0.171840601731318 0.143911340653219 -0.974556480470994 -0.171840601731318 0.143911340653219 -0.857010586004365 -0.494795292527979 0.143911340653219 -0.636096566736423 -0.758070368644975 0.143911340653219 -0.338459913734571 -0.929910970376294 0.143911340653219 0.000000000000000 -0.989590585055958 0.143911340653219 0.338459913734571 -0.929910970376294 0.143911340653219 0.636096566736423 -0.758070368644975 0.143911340653219 0.857010586004365 -0.494795292527979 0.143911340653219 0.974556480470994 -0.171840601731319 0.143911340653219 0.956386779775833 0.168636793267364 0.238507776448720 0.841032419369263 0.485570293720046 0.238507776448720 0.624237136870198 0.743936850495783 0.238507776448720 0.332149642905635 0.912573643763147 0.238507776448720 0.000000000000000 0.971140587440092 0.238507776448720 -0.332149642905634 0.912573643763147 0.238507776448720 -0.624237136870198 0.743936850495783 0.238507776448720 -0.841032419369263 0.485570293720046 0.238507776448720 -0.956386779775833 0.168636793267364 0.238507776448720 -0.956386779775833 -0.168636793267364 0.238507776448720 -0.841032419369263 -0.485570293720046 0.238507776448720 -0.624237136870199 -0.743936850495782 0.238507776448720 -0.332149642905634 -0.912573643763147 0.238507776448720 0.000000000000000 -0.971140587440092 0.238507776448720 0.332149642905634 -0.912573643763147 0.238507776448720 0.624237136870198 -0.743936850495783 0.238507776448720 0.841032419369262 -0.485570293720047 0.238507776448720 0.956386779775833 -0.168636793267364 0.238507776448720 0.929333309324784 0.163866536505045 0.330888740203239 0.817241996721311 0.471834886800116 0.330888740203239 0.606579238105931 0.722892986205802 0.330888740203239 0.322754071218853 0.886759522710847 0.330888740203239 0.000000000000000 0.943669773600232 0.330888740203239 -0.322754071218853 0.886759522710847 0.330888740203239 -0.606579238105931 0.722892986205802 0.330888740203239 -0.817241996721311 0.471834886800116 0.330888740203239 -0.929333309324784 0.163866536505045 0.330888740203239 -0.929333309324784 -0.163866536505045 0.330888740203239 -0.817241996721311 -0.471834886800116 0.330888740203239 -0.606579238105931 -0.722892986205802 0.330888740203239 -0.322754071218853 -0.886759522710847 0.330888740203239 0.000000000000000 -0.943669773600232 0.330888740203239 0.322754071218852 -0.886759522710847 0.330888740203239 0.606579238105931 -0.722892986205802 0.330888740203239 0.817241996721311 -0.471834886800117 0.330888740203239 0.929333309324784 -0.163866536505045 0.330888740203239 0.893647365776967 0.157574141825526 0.420196115483991 0.785860304633796 0.453716658425764 0.420196115483991 0.583286892688921 0.695134249875135 0.420196115483991 0.310360473088046 0.852708391700661 0.420196115483991 0.000000000000000 0.907433316851527 0.420196115483991 -0.310360473088046 0.852708391700661 0.420196115483991 -0.583286892688921 0.695134249875135 0.420196115483991 -0.785860304633796 0.453716658425764 0.420196115483991 -0.893647365776968 0.157574141825526 0.420196115483991 -0.893647365776968 -0.157574141825526 0.420196115483991 -0.785860304633796 -0.453716658425763 0.420196115483991 -0.583286892688921 -0.695134249875135 0.420196115483991 -0.310360473088046 -0.852708391700661 0.420196115483991 0.000000000000000 -0.907433316851527 0.420196115483991 0.310360473088046 -0.852708391700661 0.420196115483991 0.583286892688921 -0.695134249875135 0.420196115483991 0.785860304633796 -0.453716658425764 0.420196115483991 0.893647365776967 -0.157574141825526 0.420196115483991 0.849660431867931 0.149818058578723 0.505600336077523 0.747178844132194 0.431383906792516 0.505600336077523 0.554576460608804 0.660918489298724 0.505600336077523 0.295083971259126 0.810736547877446 0.505600336077523 0.000000000000000 0.862767813585032 0.505600336077523 -0.295083971259126 0.810736547877446 0.505600336077523 -0.554576460608804 0.660918489298724 0.505600336077523 -0.747178844132194 0.431383906792516 0.505600336077523 -0.849660431867931 0.149818058578723 0.505600336077523 -0.849660431867931 -0.149818058578722 0.505600336077523 -0.747178844132194 -0.431383906792516 0.505600336077523 -0.554576460608805 -0.660918489298724 0.505600336077523 -0.295083971259126 -0.810736547877446 0.505600336077523 0.000000000000000 -0.862767813585032 0.505600336077523 0.295083971259126 -0.810736547877447 0.505600336077523 0.554576460608804 -0.660918489298724 0.505600336077523 0.747178844132194 -0.431383906792516 0.505600336077523 0.849660431867931 -0.149818058578723 0.505600336077523 0.797781097303615 0.140670332153832 0.586308091737417 0.701556922973768 0.405044078330751 0.586308091737417 0.520714629855821 0.620563530847039 0.586308091737417 0.277066467447794 0.761233863000872 0.586308091737417 0.000000000000000 0.810088156661501 0.586308091737417 -0.277066467447793 0.761233863000872 0.586308091737417 -0.520714629855821 0.620563530847039 0.586308091737417 -0.701556922973768 0.405044078330751 0.586308091737417 -0.797781097303615 0.140670332153832 0.586308091737417 -0.797781097303615 -0.140670332153832 0.586308091737417 -0.701556922973768 -0.405044078330751 0.586308091737417 -0.520714629855822 -0.620563530847039 0.586308091737417 -0.277066467447793 -0.761233863000872 0.586308091737417 0.000000000000000 -0.810088156661501 0.586308091737417 0.277066467447793 -0.761233863000872 0.586308091737417 0.520714629855821 -0.620563530847039 0.586308091737417 0.701556922973768 -0.405044078330751 0.586308091737417 0.797781097303615 -0.140670332153833 0.586308091737417 0.738491263416310 0.130215934757778 0.661569697154382 0.649418318078028 0.374941840759023 0.661569697154382 0.482015939185927 0.574444227212501 0.661569697154382 0.256475324230382 0.704660161970279 0.661569697154382 0.000000000000000 0.749883681518047 0.661569697154382 -0.256475324230382 0.704660161970279 0.661569697154382 -0.482015939185927 0.574444227212501 0.661569697154382 -0.649418318078028 0.374941840759023 0.661569697154382 -0.738491263416310 0.130215934757777 0.661569697154382 -0.738491263416310 -0.130215934757777 0.661569697154382 -0.649418318078028 -0.374941840759023 0.661569697154382 -0.482015939185927 -0.574444227212501 0.661569697154382 -0.256475324230382 -0.704660161970279 0.661569697154382 0.000000000000000 -0.749883681518047 0.661569697154382 0.256475324230382 -0.704660161970279 0.661569697154382 0.482015939185927 -0.574444227212501 0.661569697154382 0.649418318078027 -0.374941840759024 0.661569697154382 0.738491263416310 -0.130215934757778 0.661569697154382 0.672341666837112 0.118551976117885 0.730686055699189 0.591247339110352 0.341356810393012 0.730686055699189 0.438839856405490 0.522988975444770 0.730686055699189 0.233501810431622 0.641540951562655 0.730686055699189 0.000000000000000 0.682713620786023 0.730686055699189 -0.233501810431622 0.641540951562655 0.730686055699189 -0.438839856405490 0.522988975444771 0.730686055699189 -0.591247339110352 0.341356810393012 0.730686055699189 -0.672341666837112 0.118551976117885 0.730686055699189 -0.672341666837112 -0.118551976117884 0.730686055699189 -0.591247339110352 -0.341356810393012 0.730686055699189 -0.438839856405491 -0.522988975444770 0.730686055699189 -0.233501810431622 -0.641540951562655 0.730686055699189 0.000000000000000 -0.682713620786023 0.730686055699189 0.233501810431622 -0.641540951562655 0.730686055699189 0.438839856405490 -0.522988975444771 0.730686055699189 0.591247339110352 -0.341356810393012 0.730686055699189 0.672341666837112 -0.118551976117885 0.730686055699189 0.599946763765002 0.105786801440497 0.793015153253007 0.527584329783716 0.304600954820856 0.793015153253007 0.391587439315072 0.466675737618504 0.793015153253007 0.208359324449930 0.572462539059001 0.793015153253007 0.000000000000000 0.609201909641713 0.793015153253007 -0.208359324449930 0.572462539059002 0.793015153253007 -0.391587439315072 0.466675737618504 0.793015153253007 -0.527584329783716 0.304600954820856 0.793015153253007 -0.599946763765002 0.105786801440497 0.793015153253007 -0.599946763765002 -0.105786801440497 0.793015153253007 -0.527584329783716 -0.304600954820856 0.793015153253007 -0.391587439315072 -0.466675737618504 0.793015153253007 -0.208359324449930 -0.572462539059002 0.793015153253007 0.000000000000000 -0.609201909641713 0.793015153253007 0.208359324449929 -0.572462539059002 0.793015153253007 0.391587439315072 -0.466675737618504 0.793015153253007 0.527584329783715 -0.304600954820857 0.793015153253007 0.599946763765002 -0.105786801440497 0.793015153253007 0.521979022351977 0.092038985004480 0.847978021804704 0.459020648666414 0.265015695071151 0.847978021804704 0.340697610328403 0.406027601097137 0.847978021804704 0.181281412023573 0.498066586101617 0.847978021804704 0.000000000000000 0.530031390142301 0.847978021804704 -0.181281412023573 0.498066586101617 0.847978021804704 -0.340697610328403 0.406027601097137 0.847978021804704 -0.459020648666414 0.265015695071151 0.847978021804704 -0.521979022351977 0.092038985004480 0.847978021804704 -0.521979022351977 -0.092038985004480 0.847978021804704 -0.459020648666414 -0.265015695071150 0.847978021804704 -0.340697610328403 -0.406027601097137 0.847978021804704 -0.181281412023573 -0.498066586101617 0.847978021804704 0.000000000000000 -0.530031390142301 0.847978021804704 0.181281412023573 -0.498066586101617 0.847978021804704 0.340697610328403 -0.406027601097137 0.847978021804704 0.459020648666414 -0.265015695071151 0.847978021804704 0.521979022351977 -0.092038985004480 0.847978021804704 0.439162676221658 0.077436228738014 0.895064117419900 0.386193176118508 0.222968734191217 0.895064117419900 0.286643079371212 0.341607919632909 0.895064117419900 0.152519596850446 0.419044148370923 0.895064117419900 0.000000000000000 0.445937468382435 0.895064117419900 -0.152519596850446 0.419044148370923 0.895064117419900 -0.286643079371212 0.341607919632909 0.895064117419900 -0.386193176118508 0.222968734191217 0.895064117419900 -0.439162676221658 0.077436228738014 0.895064117419900 -0.439162676221658 -0.077436228738014 0.895064117419900 -0.386193176118508 -0.222968734191217 0.895064117419900 -0.286643079371212 -0.341607919632909 0.895064117419900 -0.152519596850446 -0.419044148370923 0.895064117419900 0.000000000000000 -0.445937468382435 0.895064117419900 0.152519596850446 -0.419044148370923 0.895064117419900 0.286643079371212 -0.341607919632909 0.895064117419900 0.386193176118508 -0.222968734191217 0.895064117419900 0.439162676221658 -0.077436228738014 0.895064117419900 0.352266997144216 0.062114176009677 0.933836062626431 0.309778398381445 0.178850641694658 0.933836062626431 0.229925952931626 0.274015080436913 0.933836062626431 0.122341044212590 0.336129256446590 0.933836062626431 0.000000000000000 0.357701283389317 0.933836062626431 -0.122341044212590 0.336129256446590 0.933836062626431 -0.229925952931626 0.274015080436913 0.933836062626431 -0.309778398381445 0.178850641694658 0.933836062626431 -0.352266997144216 0.062114176009677 0.933836062626431 -0.352266997144216 -0.062114176009677 0.933836062626431 -0.309778398381445 -0.178850641694658 0.933836062626431 -0.229925952931626 -0.274015080436913 0.933836062626431 -0.122341044212590 -0.336129256446590 0.933836062626431 0.000000000000000 -0.357701283389317 0.933836062626431 0.122341044212590 -0.336129256446590 0.933836062626431 0.229925952931626 -0.274015080436913 0.933836062626431 0.309778398381445 -0.178850641694659 0.933836062626431 0.352266997144216 -0.062114176009677 0.933836062626431 0.262099149356997 0.046215151652376 0.963933709164736 0.230486123773071 0.133071225604856 0.963933709164736 0.171073070049207 0.203876945827263 0.963933709164736 0.091026079307790 0.250092097479639 0.963933709164736 0.000000000000000 0.266142451209711 0.963933709164736 -0.091026079307790 0.250092097479639 0.963933709164736 -0.171073070049207 0.203876945827263 0.963933709164736 -0.230486123773071 0.133071225604856 0.963933709164736 -0.262099149356997 0.046215151652376 0.963933709164736 -0.262099149356997 -0.046215151652376 0.963933709164736 -0.230486123773071 -0.133071225604856 0.963933709164736 -0.171073070049207 -0.203876945827263 0.963933709164736 -0.091026079307790 -0.250092097479639 0.963933709164736 0.000000000000000 -0.266142451209711 0.963933709164736 0.091026079307790 -0.250092097479639 0.963933709164736 0.171073070049207 -0.203876945827263 0.963933709164736 0.230486123773070 -0.133071225604856 0.963933709164736 0.262099149356997 -0.046215151652376 0.963933709164736 0.169496691906261 0.029886839923904 0.985077483364734 0.149052889357611 0.086055725794108 0.985077483364734 0.110631108566070 0.131845021086294 0.985077483364734 0.058865583340191 0.161731861010198 0.985077483364734 0.000000000000000 0.172111451588217 0.985077483364734 -0.058865583340191 0.161731861010198 0.985077483364734 -0.110631108566070 0.131845021086295 0.985077483364734 -0.149052889357611 0.086055725794108 0.985077483364734 -0.169496691906261 0.029886839923904 0.985077483364734 -0.169496691906261 -0.029886839923904 0.985077483364734 -0.149052889357611 -0.086055725794108 0.985077483364734 -0.110631108566070 -0.131845021086294 0.985077483364734 -0.058865583340191 -0.161731861010198 0.985077483364734 0.000000000000000 -0.172111451588217 0.985077483364734 0.058865583340191 -0.161731861010198 0.985077483364734 0.110631108566070 -0.131845021086295 0.985077483364734 0.149052889357611 -0.086055725794108 0.985077483364734 0.169496691906261 -0.029886839923904 0.985077483364734 0.075319798654946 0.013280912684396 0.997070983074348 0.066235119335321 0.038240863978054 0.997070983074348 0.049161507097603 0.058588402700915 0.997070983074348 0.026158291557343 0.071869315385311 0.997070983074348 0.000000000000000 0.076481727956109 0.997070983074348 -0.026158291557343 0.071869315385311 0.997070983074348 -0.049161507097603 0.058588402700915 0.997070983074348 -0.066235119335321 0.038240863978054 0.997070983074348 -0.075319798654946 0.013280912684396 0.997070983074348 -0.075319798654946 -0.013280912684396 0.997070983074348 -0.066235119335321 -0.038240863978054 0.997070983074348 -0.049161507097603 -0.058588402700915 0.997070983074348 -0.026158291557343 -0.071869315385311 0.997070983074348 0.000000000000000 -0.076481727956109 0.997070983074348 0.026158291557343 -0.071869315385311 0.997070983074348 0.049161507097603 -0.058588402700915 0.997070983074348 0.066235119335321 -0.038240863978054 0.997070983074348 0.075319798654946 -0.013280912684396 0.997070983074348 ) \begintext JNA sensor layout and Field-of-View definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the Jovian Neutrals Analyzer (JNA) sensor layout and field-of-view (FoV) definitions. The JNA full field of view is 15x150degrees, split in 12 sectors -- 2 in-plane (azimuthal) by 6 cross-plane cross-plane (polar) direction. In the in-plane direction the sectors are numbered from 0 to 1, in the cross-plane direction the sectors are numbered 0 to 5. The two in-plane sectors are 7.0 degrees wide with their center view directions 8.0 degrees apart. In the cross-plane direction all sectors have the same size of 25.0 degrees with their center view directions 25 degrees apart. This diagram provides the +Z JNA sector layout view (from [5]): ^ +Yjna +Zjna | is out of | the page .-----------------------|-----------------------. 1 | | | | | | | |=======================|=======================| 0 | | | | | | | '-----------------------o-----------------------------> 5 4 3 2 1 0 +Xjna This diagram provides the +Y JNA sector layout view (from [5]): ^ +Zjna | | | . 3 | 2 . | ' | ' 4 . | . 1 . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . 5 ..|.. 0 ----------------------o-------------------> +Xjna In the keywords below the sector sizes and view directions are listed plane-by-plane, i.e. the first 2 vectors in the array are for azimuthal sectors 0 and 1 in polar plane 0, the next 2 vectors -- azimuthal sectors 0 and 1 in polar plane 1, and so on. The sector view directions are defined in the JNA frame (JUICE_PEP_JNA). \begindata INS-907520_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS = ( 2, 6 ) INS-907520_SECTOR_SIZE = ( 7.00000000 25.00000000 ) INS-907520_FRAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JNA' INS-907520_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS = ( 0.8853563791723575 0.061048539534857 0.460887358992927 0.869203828697645 0.199367934417197 0.452478873433418 0.607625966230627 0.061048539534857 0.791873576388909 0.596540363505925 0.199367934417197 0.777426537644837 0.216035910428615 0.061048539534857 0.974475018266729 0.212094524756542 0.199367934417197 0.956696576399496 -0.216035910428615 0.061048539534857 0.974475018266729 -0.212094524756542 0.199367934417197 0.956696576399496 -0.607625966230627 0.061048539534857 0.791873576388909 -0.596540363505925 0.199367934417197 0.777426537644837 -0.8853563791723575 0.061048539534857 0.460887358992927 -0.869203828697645 0.199367934417197 0.452478873433418 ) \begintext NIM sensor layout and Field-of-View definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the Neutral gas and Ion Mass (NIM) spectrometer sensor layout and field-of-view (FoV) definitions. The NIM full field of view is 360x10degrees. It has beem modeled as if it was split in 4 sectors, all of them in the in-plane (azimuthal) direction. The sectors are numbered 0 to 3 and correspond to each of the toroidal quadrants. All 4 sectors have, in the cross-plane direction their centre view in the X/Y plane and are 10.0 degrees wide. In the in-plane direction all sectors have the same size of 90.0 degrees with their center view directions 90 degrees apart. This diagram provides the +Y NIM sector layout view: +Znim ^ .. | || | .----------------------------------------------. +Xnim | | || | <--------o '----------------------------------------------' +Ynim 0 (out of page) || 1 (out of page) 3 (into page) '' 2 (into page) +Ynim is out of the page This diagram provides the +Z NIM sector layout view: ^ +Ynim +Znim is out | the page | | | | sector 1 | sector 0 | | | | ------------------------o----------------------> +Xnim | | | | | sector 2 | sector 3 | | | | \begindata INS-907530_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS = ( 4, 1 ) INS-907530_SECTOR_SIZE = ( 90.00000000 10.00000000 ) INS-907530_FRAME = 'JUICE_PEP_NIM' INS-907530_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS = ( 0.707106781186548 0.707106781186547 0.000000000000000 -0.707106781186547 0.707106781186548 0.000000000000000 -0.707106781186548 -0.707106781186547 0.000000000000000 0.707106781186548 -0.707106781186547 0.000000000000000 ) \begintext JEI sensor layout and Field-of-View definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the Jovian Electrons and Ions (JEI) analyzer sensor layout and field-of-view (FoV) definitions. The JEI full field of view is 360x90degrees, split in 144 sectors -- 36 in-plane (azimuthal) by 4 cross-plane cross-plane (polar) direction. In the in-plane direction the sectors are numbered from 0 to 35, in the cross-plane direction the sectors are numbered 0 to 3. All of the in-plane sectors are 10.0 degrees wide with their center view directions 10.0 degrees apart. In the cross-plane direction all sectors have the same size of 20.0 degrees with their center view directions ~23.333 degrees apart. This diagram illustrates in-plane (azimuthal) JEI sector layout: ^ +Yjei | . | . s10 - s9 | s8 - . s11 \ . | - s7 ' . \ - | . / s6 : s12 . : - | - . - - - : . | - : . - s13 ': - \ - | . / . s5 : .. . - \ - | - / . :- s4 .. -- . : . | - : - : .. s14 '.. : '. : - | . / - .' .. . .. : . \ - | - / - .- ..' s3 '-.. '. - . : - | - . . : .. .-- -.. '.. : - - - | . : .. :' . .--. s15 '-. .. : - '. | - / .. -- ..' .--. s2 `-. '. - '- \ - | - / . : .. ..-- ... ``... ' -. `.. : '.:- | '' - : .' .--. ...'' s16 ```... `-....`.:-.::'|' /- - .'..-- ...''' s1 --... ``... `.---.:-.\'|'./-/ ..-- .....'' ....----- s17 '..-----........'--...\\\\|////...--.'.......-----'' s0 +Xjei -----------------------------------o-----------------------------------> s18 ..------.-'''///:|:\\\'''-.------.. s35 ..----''''' ...'' -: :////|\\\\\: :- '' '''''----.. '''''' ...'' .--' .- :./.|.\.: -...--. `... '''''' s19 ..''' --' ..'. - /- |- \-. :-.. '.. ` ```.. s34 ...''' .--' ..' - - : - |- : . - '.. `.. ```... --' .. .: ' ' ' | ` ' . '- `. `.. ``.. s20 .--' ..' : .' / ' | | \ - ': '.. `. .. - . / - | . \ - -: '. `.. s33 s21 .' .: - : . | \ : - :- `. .. ..' : - : - | | : . :. `.. ` .. -- - / - | . \ .. : '. s32 s22 : - / . | \ \ . :- `.. . .' ' - | | ' ' :. s23. / - | . : - -: s31 . / . | \ \ - s30 s24 . - | | : . s25 - | . s28 . s29 . s26 | s27 \ +Zjei is out of the page This diagram illustrates cross-plane (polar) JEI sector layout: ^ +Zjei | | | | sector 2 | sector 1 .. | : '.. | .' .. | .- '. | : '.. | :' .. 45 deg | 45 deg -- '.. _ .|. _ : sector 0 sector 3 '. .' | '. : './ | -. 45 deg / -. | - \ 45 deg : '. | / : +Xjei -----------------------------------o-----------------------------------> +Yjei is out of the page In the keywords below the sector sizes and view directions are listed plane-by-plane, i.e. the first 36 vectors in the array are for azimuthal sectors 0 to 35 in polar plane 0, the next 36 vectors -- azimuthal sectors 0 to 35 in polar plane 1, and so on. The sector view directions are defined in the JDC frame (JUICE_PEP_JEI). \begindata INS-907540_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS = ( 36, 4 ) INS-907540_SECTOR_SIZE = ( 19.50000000 5.50000000 ) INS-907540_FRAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JEI' INS-907540_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS = ( 0.981060262190407 0.085831651177431 0.173648177666930 0.951251242564198 0.254887002244179 0.173648177666930 0.892538935289030 0.416197740726783 0.173648177666930 0.806707284111599 0.564862521463623 0.173648177666930 0.696364240320019 0.696364240320019 0.173648177666930 0.564862521463623 0.806707284111599 0.173648177666930 0.416197740726783 0.892538935289030 0.173648177666930 0.254887002244179 0.951251242564198 0.173648177666930 0.085831651177431 0.981060262190407 0.173648177666930 -0.085831651177431 0.981060262190407 0.173648177666930 -0.254887002244179 0.951251242564198 0.173648177666930 -0.416197740726783 0.892538935289030 0.173648177666930 -0.564862521463623 0.806707284111599 0.173648177666930 -0.696364240320019 0.696364240320019 0.173648177666930 -0.806707284111599 0.564862521463624 0.173648177666930 -0.892538935289030 0.416197740726783 0.173648177666930 -0.951251242564198 0.254887002244179 0.173648177666930 -0.981060262190407 0.085831651177431 0.173648177666930 -0.981060262190407 -0.085831651177431 0.173648177666930 -0.951251242564198 -0.254887002244179 0.173648177666930 -0.892538935289030 -0.416197740726783 0.173648177666930 -0.806707284111599 -0.564862521463623 0.173648177666930 -0.696364240320019 -0.696364240320019 0.173648177666930 -0.564862521463624 -0.806707284111599 0.173648177666930 -0.416197740726784 -0.892538935289030 0.173648177666930 -0.254887002244179 -0.951251242564198 0.173648177666930 -0.085831651177431 -0.981060262190407 0.173648177666930 0.085831651177431 -0.981060262190407 0.173648177666930 0.254887002244178 -0.951251242564198 0.173648177666930 0.416197740726784 -0.892538935289030 0.173648177666930 0.564862521463623 -0.806707284111599 0.173648177666930 0.696364240320019 -0.696364240320019 0.173648177666930 0.806707284111599 -0.564862521463624 0.173648177666930 0.892538935289030 -0.416197740726784 0.173648177666930 0.951251242564198 -0.254887002244179 0.173648177666930 0.981060262190407 -0.085831651177431 0.173648177666930 0.832308528049843 0.072817560760310 0.549508978070806 0.807019254593486 0.216240157544691 0.549508978070806 0.757209109457752 0.353092406564877 0.549508978070806 0.684391548697443 0.479216121484967 0.549508978070806 0.590779097048795 0.590779097048795 0.549508978070806 0.479216121484967 0.684391548697442 0.549508978070806 0.353092406564877 0.757209109457752 0.549508978070806 0.216240157544691 0.807019254593486 0.549508978070806 0.072817560760310 0.832308528049843 0.549508978070806 -0.072817560760310 0.832308528049843 0.549508978070806 -0.216240157544691 0.807019254593486 0.549508978070806 -0.353092406564876 0.757209109457752 0.549508978070806 -0.479216121484967 0.684391548697442 0.549508978070806 -0.590779097048795 0.590779097048795 0.549508978070806 -0.684391548697442 0.479216121484967 0.549508978070806 -0.757209109457752 0.353092406564877 0.549508978070806 -0.807019254593486 0.216240157544691 0.549508978070806 -0.832308528049843 0.072817560760310 0.549508978070806 -0.832308528049843 -0.072817560760310 0.549508978070806 -0.807019254593486 -0.216240157544691 0.549508978070806 -0.757209109457752 -0.353092406564876 0.549508978070806 -0.684391548697442 -0.479216121484967 0.549508978070806 -0.590779097048795 -0.590779097048795 0.549508978070806 -0.479216121484967 -0.684391548697442 0.549508978070806 -0.353092406564877 -0.757209109457752 0.549508978070806 -0.216240157544691 -0.807019254593486 0.549508978070806 -0.072817560760310 -0.832308528049843 0.549508978070806 0.072817560760310 -0.832308528049843 0.549508978070806 0.216240157544691 -0.807019254593486 0.549508978070806 0.353092406564877 -0.757209109457752 0.549508978070806 0.479216121484967 -0.684391548697443 0.549508978070806 0.590779097048795 -0.590779097048795 0.549508978070806 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0.315185401384758 0.835487811412936 -0.498024265872123 0.232232529123192 0.835487811412936 -0.530784913696305 0.142223388979548 0.835487811412936 -0.547417930507950 0.047892863130268 0.835487811412936 -0.547417930507950 -0.047892863130268 0.835487811412936 -0.530784913696305 -0.142223388979548 0.835487811412936 -0.498024265872123 -0.232232529123192 0.835487811412936 -0.450131402741856 -0.315185401384758 0.835487811412936 -0.388561524716757 -0.388561524716757 0.835487811412936 -0.315185401384758 -0.450131402741856 0.835487811412936 -0.232232529123193 -0.498024265872123 0.835487811412936 -0.142223388979548 -0.530784913696305 0.835487811412936 -0.047892863130268 -0.547417930507950 0.835487811412936 0.047892863130268 -0.547417930507950 0.835487811412936 0.142223388979548 -0.530784913696305 0.835487811412936 0.232232529123192 -0.498024265872123 0.835487811412936 0.315185401384758 -0.450131402741856 0.835487811412936 0.388561524716757 -0.388561524716757 0.835487811412936 0.450131402741856 -0.315185401384758 0.835487811412936 0.498024265872123 -0.232232529123193 0.835487811412936 0.530784913696305 -0.142223388979548 0.835487811412936 0.547417930507950 -0.047892863130268 0.835487811412936 0.172987393925090 0.015134435901339 0.984807753012208 0.167731259496521 0.044943455527548 0.984807753012208 0.157378695624263 0.073386891000038 0.984807753012208 0.142244259722924 0.099600502925051 0.984807753012208 0.122787803968973 0.122787803968973 0.984807753012208 0.099600502925051 0.142244259722924 0.984807753012208 0.073386891000038 0.157378695624263 0.984807753012208 0.044943455527548 0.167731259496521 0.984807753012208 0.015134435901339 0.172987393925090 0.984807753012208 -0.015134435901339 0.172987393925090 0.984807753012208 -0.044943455527548 0.167731259496521 0.984807753012208 -0.073386891000038 0.157378695624263 0.984807753012208 -0.099600502925051 0.142244259722924 0.984807753012208 -0.122787803968973 0.122787803968973 0.984807753012208 -0.142244259722924 0.099600502925051 0.984807753012208 -0.157378695624263 0.073386891000038 0.984807753012208 -0.167731259496521 0.044943455527548 0.984807753012208 -0.172987393925090 0.015134435901339 0.984807753012208 -0.172987393925090 -0.015134435901339 0.984807753012208 -0.167731259496521 -0.044943455527548 0.984807753012208 -0.157378695624263 -0.073386891000038 0.984807753012208 -0.142244259722924 -0.099600502925051 0.984807753012208 -0.122787803968973 -0.122787803968973 0.984807753012208 -0.099600502925051 -0.142244259722924 0.984807753012208 -0.073386891000038 -0.157378695624263 0.984807753012208 -0.044943455527548 -0.167731259496521 0.984807753012208 -0.015134435901339 -0.172987393925090 0.984807753012208 0.015134435901339 -0.172987393925090 0.984807753012208 0.044943455527548 -0.167731259496521 0.984807753012208 0.073386891000038 -0.157378695624263 0.984807753012208 0.099600502925051 -0.142244259722924 0.984807753012208 0.122787803968973 -0.122787803968973 0.984807753012208 0.142244259722924 -0.099600502925051 0.984807753012208 0.157378695624263 -0.073386891000038 0.984807753012208 0.167731259496521 -0.044943455527548 0.984807753012208 0.172987393925090 -0.015134435901339 0.984807753012208 ) \begintext JoEE sensor layout and Field-of-View definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the Jovian Energetic Electrons (JoEE) spectrometer sensor layout and field-of-view (FoV) definitions. The JoEE full field of view is 12x180degrees, split in 8 sectors, all of them in the cross-plane (polar) direction. The sectors are numbered 0 to 7. All 8 sectors have, in the in-plane direction their centre view in the Y/Z plane and are 12.0 degrees wide. In the cross-plane direction all sectors have the same size of 22.0 degrees with their center view directions ~22.57143 degrees apart. This diagram provides the +Z JoEE sector layout view (from [5]): +Xjoee ^ .. | || | .----------------------------------------------. +Yjoee | | || || || || || || || | <--------o '----------------------------------------------' +Zjoee 7 6 5 4 || 3 2 1 0 '' This diagram provides the +Y JoEE sector layout view (from [5]): ^ +Zjoee | . | . . 4 | 3 . 5 | 2 . . | . . . . | . . . | . 1 6 . | . . . . . | . . . ' . | . . . . | . . . 7 . | . 0 ----------------o-------------------> +Xjoee \begindata INS-907550_NUMBER_OF_SECTORS = ( 1, 8 ) INS-907550_SECTOR_SIZE = ( 12.00000000 22.00000000 ) INS-907550_FRAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JOEE' INS-907550_SECTOR_DIRECTIONS = ( 0.981627183447664 0.000000000000000 0.190808995376545 0.833197094412449 0.000000000000000 0.552976131367939 0.557124105270572 0.000000000000000 0.830429245225904 0.195701638804591 0.000000000000000 0.980663483856311 -0.195701638804591 0.000000000000000 0.980663483856311 -0.557124105270572 0.000000000000000 0.830429245225904 -0.826366438671088 0.000000000000000 0.563132763243325 -0.981627183447664 0.000000000000000 0.190808995376545 ) \begintext JENI sensor layout and Field-of-View definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the Jovian Energetic Neutrals and Ions (JENI) instrument sensor layout and field-of-view (FoV) definitions. The JENI full field of view is 120x126degrees, split in 7620 ``pixels'' -- 60 (in the JENI +X axis direction) by 73 (in the JENY +Y axis direction) This diagram illustrates the JENI FoV in the JENI instrument frame: (72,0) (72,59) .-----------------------------------------. ----------- | | ^ | | | | | | | ^ +Yjeni | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | o----------> | | 126 degrees | +Zjeni +Xjeni | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v '-----------------------------------------' ----------- (0,0) (0,59) | | |<--------------------------------------->| | 120 degrees | The pixel resolution is 2 degrees. The set of assignments in the data section below defines the JENI FOV with respect to the JUICE_PEP_JENI frame to be a rectangle with the corners defined by the first and last ``pixels'' of the spatial, cross-track line and the boresight along the +Z axis. This FOV definition use angular extent style specification with the cross and along track angular sizes taken for the description above. \begindata INS-907550_FOV_FRAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JENI' INS-907550_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-907550_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ) INS-907550_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-907550_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 ) INS-907550_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 63.0 ) INS-907550_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 60.0 ) INS-907550_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext