JUICE FK files ============================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes the contents of the kernels/fk directory of the JUICE SPICE data server. It was last modified on April 1, 2024 by Rafael Andres Blasco, ESAC/ESA. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service (ESS) at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 spice@sciops.esa.int or the JUICE Science Operations Center at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 646-746-711 Marc.Costa@ext.esa.int References and required readings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'', NAIF Document 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'', NAIF 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'', NAIF Brief Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE Frames Definition Kernel files for the JUICE spacecraft, its structures, and science instruments, as well as for the Ground Earth Stations. Moreover, it contains frame definitions for science operations and for data analysis and scientific investigations. File naming conventions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table provides information on which file contains which frames, their file naming conventions and some particular details: File Contents ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------ earth_topo_YYMMDD.tf NASA DSN Ground Stations topocentric frames. earthfixediau.tf Makes the IAU_EARTH frame coincide with the Earth fixed reference frame. estrack_vNN.tf ESA Ground Stations topocentric frames juice_dsk_surfaces_vNN.tf JUICE mission digital shape kernel surfaces and ID definitions. juice_events_CREF_vNN.tf JUICE mission events specific for each crema scenario. juice_roi_vNN.tf JUICE mission regions of interest topocentric frames juice_sc_cruise_PHASE_vNN.tf Mapping/overwrite of JUICE_SPACECRAFT to the cruise default attitude for the hot or cold cruise phases and for positive or negative +Y axis polarity frames juice_sc_plan_vNN.tf Mapping/overwrite of JUICE_SPACECRAFT to JUICE_SPACECRAFT_PLAN frame juice_sc_meas_vNN.tf Mapping/overwrite of JUICE_SPACECRAFT to JUICE_SPACECRAFT_MEAS frame juice_sc_TARGET_noa_vNN.tf Mapping/overwrite of JUICE_SPACECRAFT to TARGET (Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede) Nadir-Orbit-Aligned frame juice_sc_TARGET_npo_vNN.tf Mapping/overwrite of JUICE_SPACECRAFT to TARGET (Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Io) Nadir-Power-Optimized frame juice_sci_vNN.tf JUICE mission science frames juice_stations_topo_vNN.tf JUICE Specific Stations topocentric frames juice_vNN.tf JUICE spacecraft, structures, instruments and sensors frames rssd00NN.tf Cross-mission frames kernel that defines frames of interest not ``built'' in the SPICE toolkit. where PHASE Cruise phase identified (required): hot_p: Hot Cruise Positive +Y Polarity hot_n: Hot Cruise Positive -Y Polarity cold_p: Cold Cruise Positive +Y Polarity cold_n: Cold Cruise Positive -+Y Polarity TARGET target identifier (required): cal: Callisto eur: Europa gan: Ganymede jup: Jupiter io: Io ear: Earth mn: Moon ven: Venus NN version number -- two digits (required) If multiple versions of a Frames Kernel file are provided, always use the latest version (unless earlier version is needed for some special reasons.) CREF crema reference (required) Other directory contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- aareadme.txt This file. Particulars ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important information about the Mapping/overwrite frame definition kernels (juice_sc_TARGET_noa_vNN.tf, juice_sc_TARGET_npo_vNN.tf, juice_sc_plan_vNN.tf, and juice_sc_meas_vNN.tf): These frames have been implemented to overwrite the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame definition provided in the JUICE Frames Definitions kernel (juice_vNN.tf) and map it to the JUICE_target_NPO/JUICE_target_NOA frames defined in the JUICE Science Operations Frames Definitions kernel (juice_ops_vNN.tf) and JUICE_SPACECRAFT_PLAN or JUICE_SPACECRAFT_MEAS frames defined in the JUICE Frames Definitions kernel (juice_vNN.tf) In order to make use of these frames' kernel, ONLY ONE of these files MUST BE LOADED AFTER the JUICE frames definition kernel and the JUICE Science Operations Frames Definition kernel. NOTE THAT BY USING ANY OF THESE KERNEL, THE JUICE_SPACECRAFT FRAME WILL BE MAPPED TO THE CORRESPONDING SCIENCE OPERATIONS FRAME, AND ANY CK PROVIDING ORIENTATION FOR THE JUICE_SPACECRAFT FRAME WILL NOT BE USED BY THE APPLICATION SOFTWARE, EVEN IF IT IS LOADED IN THE KERNEL POOL. Kernel File Details ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most detailed description of the data in an FK file is provided in metadata included inside the descriptive text areas of the file. This information can be viewed using any text editor. End of aareadme file.