KPL/MK Meta-kernel for HERA Dataset v172 -- Study Launch 2024 Earth-Mars-Asteroid 20250310_001 ============================================================================ This meta-kernel lists the HERA Study Launch 2024 Earth-Mars-Asteroid SPICE kernels that provide information for the Study Launch 2024 Earth-Mars-Asteroid scenario. - Launch on October, 7th 2024 - Hera study trajectory from launch to end of mission The kernels listed in this meta-kernel and the order in which they are listed are picked to provide the best data available and the most complete coverage for the HERA Study Launch 2024 Earth-Mars-Asteroid scenario. The scenario is based on the study OEM files provided by Mission Analysis. This meta-kernel was generated with the Auxiliary Data Conversion System version: ADCSng v4.4.5. Usage of the Meta-kernel --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This metakernel is only for science operations analysis at this stage. Note that a default Attitude profile has been implemented for the whole mission by the following C-Kernels: hera_sc_crema_2_1_LPO_241007_270303_f181203_v??.bc Reading the comments of the binary C-Kernels is very helpful to understand the implemented attitude. You can use the following NAIF command line utility to extract that information from the kernels: > commnt -r hera_sc_*.bc This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool. The kernels listed below can be obtained from the ESA SPICE Web server: or from the ESA SPICE FTP server: Implementation Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Please note that the current kernels are pre-operational and they are subject to change. It is recommended that users make a local copy of this file and modify the value of the PATH_VALUES keyword to point to the actual location of the HERA SPICE data set's ``data'' directory on their system. Replacing ``/'' with ``\'' and converting line terminators to the format native to the user's system may also be required if this meta-kernel is to be used on a non-UNIX workstation. ------------------- This file was created on March 10, 2025 by Alfredo Escalante Lopez ESA/ESAC. The original name of this file was \begindata PATH_VALUES = ( '..' ) PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'KERNELS' ) KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( '$KERNELS/ck/hera_sc_LPO_EMA_default_241008_261228_f181203_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/hera_sc_PO_EMA_270209_270724_f181203_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/hera_milani_sc_V3_20270326_20270618_f20210101_v02.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/hera_juventas_sc_PO_EMA_20270326_20270604_f20250123_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/dsk/deimos_k005_tho_v02.bds' '$KERNELS/dsk/phobos_m003_gas_v01.bds' '$KERNELS/dsk/g_01165mm_spc_obj_didy_0000n00000_v003.bds' '$KERNELS/dsk/g_00243mm_spc_obj_dimo_0000n00000_v004.bds' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_afc_v05.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_hsh_v02.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_palt_v02.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_tiri_v03.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_smc_v01.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_str_v01.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_juventas_jura_v00.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_juventas_navcam_v00.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_juventas_ccam_v00.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_juventas_lidar_v00.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_juventas_str_v01.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_milani_aspect_v01.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_milani_vista_v01.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_milani_navcam_v01.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_milani_lidar_v01.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_milani_mlrh_v02.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/hera_milani_str_v00.ti' '$KERNELS/lsk/naif0012.tls' '$KERNELS/pck/pck00011.tpc' '$KERNELS/pck/de-403-masses.tpc' '$KERNELS/pck/hera_didymos_v06.tpc' '$KERNELS/sclk/hera_fict_181203_v01.tsc' '$KERNELS/sclk/hera_juventas_fict_250123_v01.tsc' '$KERNELS/sclk/hera_milani_fict_250123_v01.tsc' '$KERNELS/spk/de432s.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/estrack_v04.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/mar097_20160314_20300101.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/didymos_hor_000101_500101_v01.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/didymos_gmv_260901_311001_v01.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_dart_impact_site_v04.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_sci_v01.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_struct_v02.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_juventas_struct_v00.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_juventas_cruise_v03.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_milani_cruise_v03.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_sc_LPO_EMA_2024c_v01.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_sc_PO_LPO_EMA_2024_v05.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_milani_V3_270326_270618_v02.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/hera_juventas_V0_270323_270604_v01.bsp' ) \begintext SPICE Kernel Dataset Version -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SPICE Kernel Dataset version of the kernels present in this meta-kernel is provided by the following keyword (please note that this might not be the last version of the SPICE Kernel Dataset): \begindata SKD_VERSION = 'v172_20250310_001' \begintext The unique identifier for this meta-kernel is provided by the following keyword: \begindata MK_IDENTIFIER = 'hera_study_PO_EMA_2024_v172_20250310_001' \begintext Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service (ESS) at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429, End of MK file.