KPL/FK Hera Spacecraft Frames Kernel ============================================================================= This frame kernel contains complete set of frame definitions for the Hera (named after the Greek goddess of marriage) including definitions for the Hera fixed and Hera science instrument frames. This kernel also contains NAIF ID/name mapping for the Hera science instruments and s/c structures (see the last section of the file). Version and Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8 -- June 26, 2023 -- Ricardo Valles, ESAC/ESA Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA Rafael Andres Blasco, ESAC/ESA Updated contact information, corrected typos, and corrected text format. Added Star Trackers and SMC reference frames alignment. Added NAIF body/ID associations for SA+Y, SA-Y, LGA+X, LGA-X, STR_OH1 and STR-OH2. Added Hera Solar Array Frames. Added Didymos geometric center. Version 0.7 -- November 8, 2021 -- Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA Updated Thermal Infrared Instrument name from TIRA to TIRI. Added HyperScout Hyperspectral HERA_HSH reference frame. Version 0.6 -- March 17, 2021 -- Alfredo Escalante Lopez, ESAC/ESA Added DIMORPHOS_SHM frame for locating Dart impact site. Updated contact information. Version 0.5 -- July 30, 2020 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated NAIF Body Names and IDs for the binary asteroid system as follows: DIDYMOS_BARYCENTER 2065802 (synonyms: DIDYMOS_BC, DIDYMOS BARYCENTER) DIDYMOS -658030 (synonym: DIDYMAIN) DIMORPHOS -658031 (synonym: DIDYMOON) DART_IMPACT_SITE -999900 (synonyms: DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_SITE, DIDYMOON_IMPACT_SITE) Updated Frame names accordingly: DIDYMOS_FIXED and DIMORPHOS_FIXED. Added Topographic frame for DART impact site DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_TOPO. Version 0.4 -- September 6, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated Hera ID according to standard ESOC provisional numbering: from -667 to -999. Changed DIDYMOS to DIDYMAIN and added the IDs. Added HGA, TIRA and FLAT frame definitions. Version 0.3 -- March 2, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated definitions of DIDYMOS and DIDYMOON reference frames. Minor corrections. Version 0.2 -- January 22, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Added AFC-2 on top of AFC. Version 0.1 -- December 3, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Added Frame Camera IDs, reference frames and enhanced outline. Version 0.0 -- September 21, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Preliminary Version. Only basic ID and frame definitions. References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'' 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'' 4. Hera Mechanical Drawings and CAD model for external structures, May 2023. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 or NAIF at JPL: Boris Semenov +1 (818) 354-8136 Implementation Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below: FORTRAN: (SPICELIB) CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name ) C: (CSPICE) furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name ); IDL: (ICY) cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name MATLAB: (MICE) cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' ) PYTHON: (SPICEYPY)* furnsh( frame_kernel_name ) In order for a program or routine to extract data from the pool, the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, and GCPOOL are used. See [2] for more details. This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. * SPICEPY is a non-official, community developed Python wrapper for the NAIF SPICE toolkit. Its development is managed on Github. It is available at: Hera Mission NAIF ID Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names and NAIF ID codes are assigned to the Hera spacecraft, its structures and science instruments (the keywords implementing these definitions are located in the section "Hera Mission NAIF ID Codes -- Definition Section" at the end of this file): Hera Spacecraft and Spacecraft Structures names/IDs: HERA -999 HERA_SPACECRAFT -999000 (synonym: HERA_SC) HERA_HGA -999070 HERA_LGA+X -999071 HERA_LGA-X -999072 HERA_SA+Y -999011 HERA_SA-Y -999015 HERA_STR-OH1 -999061 HERA_STR-OH2 -999062 Asteroid Framing Cameras 1 and 2 names/IDs: HERA_AFC-1 -999110 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_1 -999111 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_2 -999112 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_3 -999113 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_4 -999114 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_5 -999115 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_6 -999116 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_7 -999117 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_8 -999118 HERA_AFC-2 -999120 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_1 -999121 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_2 -999122 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_3 -999123 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_4 -999124 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_5 -999125 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_6 -999126 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_7 -999127 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_8 -999128 HERA_AFC_RAD -999109 Thermal InfraRed Imager names/IDs: HERA_TIRI -999200 Planetary Altimeter names/IDs: HERA_PALT -999300 HERA_PALT_MIN -999301 HyperScout Hyperspectral Imager names/IDs: HERA_HSH -999400 Small Monitoring Camera names/IDs: HERA_SMC -999500 Asteroid Binary System names/IDs: DIDYMOS_BARYCENTER 2065803 (synonyms: DIDYMOS_BC, DIDYMOS BARYCENTER) DIDYMOS -658030 (synonym: DIDYMAIN) DIMORPHOS -658031 (synonym: DIDYMOON) DART_IMPACT_SITE -999900 (synonyms: DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_SITE, DIDYMOON_IMPACT_SITE) DIDYMOS_GEOMETRIC_CENTER -658032 Hera Mission Frames ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following Hera frames are defined in this kernel file: Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ====================== ======================== ========== ========= Spacecraft frames: ------------------ HERA_SPACECRAFT J2000 CK -999000 HERA_HGA HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999070 HERA_LGA+X HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999071 HERA_LGA-X HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999072 HERA_SA+Y_ZERO HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999010 HERA_SA+Y HERA_SA+Y_ZERO SWITCH -999011 HERA_SA+Y_PLAN HERA_SA+Y_ZERO CK -999012 HERA_SA+Y_MEAS HERA_SA+Y_ZERO CK -999013 HERA_SA-Y_ZERO HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999014 HERA_SA-Y HERA_SA-Y_ZERO SWITCH -999015 HERA_SA-Y_PLAN HERA_SA-Y_ZERO CK -999016 HERA_SA-Y_MEAS HERA_SA-Y_ZERO CK -999017 HERA_STR-OH1 HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999061 HERA_STR-OH2 HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999062 Asteroid Framing Camera Frames: ------------------------------- HERA_AFC-1 HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999110 HERA_AFC-2 HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999120 Thermal InfraRed Imager Frames: ------------------------------- HERA_TIRI HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999210 Planetary Altimeter Frames: --------------------------- HERA_PALT HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999310 HyperScout Hyperspectral Imager Frames: --------------------------------------- HERA_HSH HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999410 Small Monitoring Camera Frames: ------------------------------- HERA_SMC HERA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -999500 In addition, the following frames, in use by the BepiColombo mission, are defined in other kernels or `built into' the SPICE system: Hera mission specific science frame: ------------------------------------------- DIDYMOS_FIXED J2000 PCK -658030000 DIMORPHOS_FIXED DIDYMOS_FIXED DYNAMIC -658031000 DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_TOPO DIMORPHOS_FIXED DYNAMIC -999900 SPICE 'Built-in' PCK frames in use by BepiColombo (3): ------------------------------------------------------ IAU_EARTH J2000 PCK built-in (3) Data for these frames is loaded using either the PCK file "pckVVVVV.tpc" (VVVVV is the version number) Hera Frames Hierarchy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the Hera spacecraft and its structures frame hierarchy (not including science instrument frames.) "J2000" INERTIAL +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | |<-pck | |<-pck | | | V | V "EARTH_FIXED" | "DIDYMOS_FIXED" ------------- | --------------- | | |<-ck |<-dynamic | | V V "HERA_SPACECRAFT" "DIMORPHOS_FIXED" +---------------------------------+ ----------------- | . | |<-fixed . |<-dynamic | . | V . V "HERA_HGA" . "DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_TOPO" ---------- . ---------------------- . V Individual instrument frame trees are provided in the corresponding sections of this file Hera Target Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the body-fixed frame definition for one of the Hera mission targets: asteroid Didymos and Dimorphos. A body-fixed frame is defined for Didymos using standard body-fixed, PCK-based frame formation rules: - +Z axis is toward the North pole; - +X axis is toward the prime meridian; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of this frame is at the center of the body. The orientation of this frame is computed by evaluating corresponding rotation constants provided in the PCK file(s). \begindata FRAME_DIDYMOS_FIXED = -658030 FRAME_-658030_NAME = 'DIDYMOS_FIXED' FRAME_-658030_CLASS = 2 FRAME_-658030_CLASS_ID = -658030 FRAME_-658030_CENTER = -658030 OBJECT_-658030_FRAME = 'DIDYMOS_FIXED' \begintext For Dimorphos we use a preliminary dynamic reference frame and we assume that the spin is equivalent to the orbital period for Dimorphos. \begindata FRAME_DIMORPHOS_FIXED = -658031 FRAME_-658031_NAME = 'DIMORPHOS_FIXED' FRAME_-658031_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-658031_CLASS_ID = -658031 FRAME_-658031_CENTER = -658031 FRAME_-658031_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-658031_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-658031_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-658031_PRI_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-658031_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-658031_PRI_OBSERVER = 'DIMORPHOS' FRAME_-658031_PRI_TARGET = 'DIDYMOS' FRAME_-658031_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-658031_SEC_AXIS = 'Y' FRAME_-658031_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-658031_SEC_OBSERVER = 'DIMORPHOS' FRAME_-658031_SEC_TARGET = 'DIDYMOS' FRAME_-658031_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-658031_SEC_FRAME = 'J2000' \begintext Dimorphos Shape Model reference frame is a rotated frame from its body-fixed frame. It is used for the crater position by GMV. \begindata FRAME_DIMORPHOS_SHM = -6580310 FRAME_-6580310_NAME = 'DIMORPHOS_SHM' FRAME_-6580310_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-6580310_CLASS_ID = -6580310 FRAME_-6580310_CENTER = -658031 TKFRAME_-6580310_RELATIVE = 'DIMORPHOS_FIXED' TKFRAME_-6580310_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-6580310_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-6580310_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-6580310_ANGLES = ( 0, 180, 0 ) \begintext For the Dimorphos impact site (DART impact site) we use a preliminary dynamic reference frame for the generation of a topographic frame with the PINPOINT utility is not possible due to a non equal equatorial radii. \begindata FRAME_DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_TOPO = -999900 FRAME_-999900_NAME = 'DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_TOPO' FRAME_-999900_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-999900_CLASS_ID = -999900 FRAME_-999900_CENTER = -999900 FRAME_-999900_RELATIVE = 'DIMORPHOS_FIXED' FRAME_-999900_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-999900_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-999900_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-999900_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'CONSTANT' FRAME_-999900_PRI_FRAME = 'DIMORPHOS_FIXED' FRAME_-999900_PRI_SPEC = 'RECTANGULAR' FRAME_-999900_PRI_VECTOR = ( 1, 0, 0 ) FRAME_-999900_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-999900_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-999900_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'CONSTANT' FRAME_-999900_SEC_FRAME = 'DIMORPHOS_FIXED' FRAME_-999900_SEC_SPEC = 'RECTANGULAR' FRAME_-999900_SEC_VECTOR = ( 0, 0, 1 ) FRAME_-999900_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' \begintext Hera Spacecraft and Spacecraft Structures Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the spacecraft and spacecraft structures frames. Hera Spacecraft Frame -------------------------------------- The Hera spacecraft frame is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the nominal boresight direction of the asteroid framing camera; - +X axis is along the nominal boresight direction of the HGA; - +Y axis completes the right-hand frame; - the origin of this frame is the launch vehicle interface point. These diagrams illustrate the HERA_SPACECRAFT frame: +X s/c side (HGA side) view: ---------------------------- ^ | toward asteroid | Science Deck .__ __..___________. .__________________ .___________..__ ___. | / / || |\ | ____ | /| || / / | | / / || | \ . .' `. . / | || \ \ | | \ \ || | \ | / | \ | / | || / / | | / / || | o| | _ O | |o | || \ \ | | \ \ || | / | +Zsc ^ \ / | \ | || / / | | / / || | / | `._|__.' | \ | || / / | .__\ \_..___________./ ._________|________. \.___________..__\ \__. /\ | /\ o-------> +Ysc +Xsc +Xsc is out of the page. +Z s/c side (science deck side) view: ------------------------------------- .________________. | | | +Ysc | o==/ /==-=============---o| +Zsc o-----> |o---===============-=/ /==o -Y Solar Array | | | +Y Solar Array .________|_______. .--V +Xsc HGA .' `. /___________\ `.|.' +Zsc is out of the page. Since the orientation of the HERA_SPACECRAFT frame is computed on-board, sent down in telemetry, and stored in the s/c CK files, it is defined as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_HERA_SPACECRAFT = -999000 FRAME_-999000_NAME = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-999000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-999000_CLASS_ID = -999000 FRAME_-999000_CENTER = -999 CK_-999000_SCLK = -999 CK_-999000_SPK = -999 \begintext Hera High Gain Antenna Frame -------------------------------------- The Hera High Gain Antenna is rigidly attached to the +X side of the S/C bus. Therefore, the Hera HGA frame, HERA_HGA, is defined as a fixed offset frame with its orientation given relative to the HERA_SPACECRAFT frame and is defined as follows: - +Z axis is in the antenna boresight direction (nominally 5 degrees off the S/C -X axis towards the S/C +Z axis); - +Y axis is in the direction of the S/C +Y axis ; - +X completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the HGA dish outer rim circle. This diagram illustrates the HERA_HGA frame: +Z s/c side (science deck side) view: ------------------------------------- .________________. | | | +Ysc | o==/ /==-=============---o| +Zsc o-----> |o---===============-=/ /==o -Y Solar Array | | | +Y Solar Array .________|_______. .--V +Xsc HGA +Xhga `. /_____o-----> `.|.' +Yhga +Zsc and +Xhga are | out of the page. | V +Zhga Nominally a single rotation of 90 degrees about the +Y axis is needed to co-align the S/C frame with the HGA frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_HERA_HGA = -999070 FRAME_-999070_NAME = 'HERA_HGA' FRAME_-999070_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999070_CLASS_ID = -999070 FRAME_-999070_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999070_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999070_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999070_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999070_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999070_ANGLES = ( 0.0, -90.0, 0.0 ) \begintext Hera Solar Array Frames Tree -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the Hera Solar Array frames hierarchy: "HERA_SPACECRAFT" +---------------------------------------+ | | fixed->| |<-fixed | | v v "HERA_SA+Y_ZERO" "HERA_SA-Y_ZERO" +-------------------+ +-------------------+ | | | | ck->| ck->| ck->| ck->| | | | | v v v v "HERA_SA+Y_PLAN" "HERA_SA+Y_MEAS" "HERA_SA-Y_PLAN" "HERA_SA-Y_MEAS" ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | v v v v +-------------------+ +-------------------+ | | switch->| switch->| | | v v "HERA_SA+Y" "HERA_SA-Y" ----------- ----------- HERA_SA+Y_ZERO and HERA_SA-Y_ZERO are two ``fixed-offset'' frames, defined with respect to HERA_SPACECRAFT as follows: - +Y is parallel to the longest side of the array, positively oriented from the yoke to the end of the wing; - +Z is aligned to the spacecraft bus +Z, pointing on the nominal direction of nadir; - +X completes the right-handed frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the yoke geometric center. The rest of Solar Array frames -- HERA_SA+Y, HERA_SA+Y_PLAN, HERA_SA+Y_MEAS, HERA_SA-Y, HERA_SA-Y_PLAN, HERA_SA-Y_MEAS -- are defined as follows: - +Y is parallel to the longest side of the array, positively oriented from the yoke to the end of the wing; - +Z is normal to the solar array plane, the solar cells facing +Z; - +X completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the yoke geometric center. The axis of rotation is parallel to the Y axis of the spacecraft and the solar array frames. Please note that in all the diagrams of this file the Solar Arrays are rotated 90 degrees. The solar array frames HERA_SA-Y and HERA_SA+Y are implemented as Switch frame and their orientation is provided by either HERA_SA+Y_MEAS and HERA_SA-Y_MEAS when measured orientation is available or otherwise, by HERA_SA+Y_PLAN and HERA_SA-Y_PLAN when predicted orientation is available (see Section ``Hera Spacecraft Frame'' and [1] for more information). This diagram illustrates the HERA_SA+Y and HERA_SA-Y frames: +X s/c side (HGA side) view: ---------------------------- ^ | toward asteroid | Science Deck +Zsa-y_zero ^ ^ +Zsa+y_zero .__ __.._____________. | ._________________.| ._____________..__ ___. | / / || |\ || ____ || /| || / / | | / / || | \ |. .' `. .| / | || \ \ | | \ \ || +Ysa-y_zero | \|| / | \ ||/ | || / / | | / / || <--------x| | _ O | |o-------> || \ \ | | \ \ || | / | +Zsc ^ \ / | \ | +Ysa+y_zero || / / | | / / || | / | `._|__.' | \ | || / / | .__\ \_.._____________./ ._________|________. \._____________..__\ \__. /\ | /\ o-------> +Ysc +Xsc +Xsc is out of the page. +Xsa-y_zero is into the page +Xsa+y_zero is out of the page These sets of keywords define solar array frames: \begindata FRAME_HERA_SA+Y_ZERO = -999010 FRAME_-999010_NAME = 'HERA_SA+Y_ZERO' FRAME_-999010_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999010_CLASS_ID = -999010 FRAME_-999010_CENTER = -999011 TKFRAME_-999010_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999010_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999010_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999010_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-999010_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_SA+Y = -999011 FRAME_-999011_NAME = 'HERA_SA+Y' FRAME_-999011_CLASS = 6 FRAME_-999011_CLASS_ID = -999011 FRAME_-999011_CENTER = -999011 FRAME_-999011_ALIGNED_WITH = ( 'HERA_SA+Y_PLAN' 'HERA_SA+Y_MEAS' ) FRAME_HERA_SA+Y_PLAN = -999012 FRAME_-999012_NAME = 'HERA_SA+Y_PLAN' FRAME_-999012_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-999012_CLASS_ID = -999012 FRAME_-999012_CENTER = -999011 CK_-999012_SCLK = -999999 CK_-999012_SPK = -999011 FRAME_HERA_SA+Y_MEAS = -999013 FRAME_-999013_NAME = 'HERA_SA+Y_MEAS' FRAME_-999013_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-999013_CLASS_ID = -999013 FRAME_-999013_CENTER = -999011 CK_-999013_SCLK = -999 CK_-999013_SPK = -999011 FRAME_HERA_SA-Y_ZERO = -999014 FRAME_-999014_NAME = 'HERA_SA-Y_ZERO' FRAME_-999014_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999014_CLASS_ID = -999014 FRAME_-999014_CENTER = -999015 TKFRAME_-999014_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999014_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999014_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999014_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-999014_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 180.0, 180.0 ) FRAME_HERA_SA-Y = -999015 FRAME_-999015_NAME = 'HERA_SA-Y' FRAME_-999015_CLASS = 6 FRAME_-999015_CLASS_ID = -999015 FRAME_-999015_CENTER = -999015 FRAME_-999015_ALIGNED_WITH = ( 'HERA_SA-Y_PLAN' 'HERA_SA-Y_MEAS' ) FRAME_HERA_SA-Y_PLAN = -999016 FRAME_-999016_NAME = 'HERA_SA-Y_PLAN' FRAME_-999016_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-999016_CLASS_ID = -999016 FRAME_-999016_CENTER = -999015 CK_-999016_SCLK = -999999 CK_-999016_SPK = -999015 FRAME_HERA_SA-Y_MEAS = -999017 FRAME_-999017_NAME = 'HERA_SA-Y_MEAS' FRAME_-999017_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-999017_CLASS_ID = -999017 FRAME_-999017_CENTER = -999015 CK_-999017_SCLK = -999 CK_-999017_SPK = -999015 \begintext Hera Star Trackers Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two Star Trackers Optical Heads (STR-OHs) mounted in the +Z s/c Panel (Instrument Deck). The STRs are nominally oriented with their boresights with a given azimuth and elevation angles with respect to the s/c reference frame as follows from [4]: | Azimuth (degrees) | Elevation (degrees) ----------+-------------------+-------------------- STR-OH1 | 90.0 | 63.0 STR-OH2 | 270.0 | 63.0 The X and Y axis of the STR frames are aligned with the sensors Active Pixel Sensor (APS) rows and columns respectively. The Star Tracker STR-OH1 and STR-OH2 frames -- JUICE_STR-OH1 and JUICE_STR-OH2 -- are defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the Star Tracker boresight; - +X axis is nominally parallel to the APS sensor rows; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the Star Tracker focal point. Nominally, the following rotations, first about +X, then about +Y and then about +Z, are required in order to align each of the HERA_STR-OHx frames to the s/c frame. Rotation Rotation Rotation `To' frame about +Z about +Y about +X -------------- --------- --------- --------- HERA_STR-OH1 -63.0 deg 0.0 deg 0.0 deg HERA_STR-OH2 63.0 deg 0.0 deg 180.0 deg Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_HERA_STR-OH1 = -999061 FRAME_-999061_NAME = 'HERA_STR-OH1' FRAME_-999061_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999061_CLASS_ID = -999061 FRAME_-999061_CENTER = -999061 TKFRAME_-999061_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999061_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999061_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999061_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999061_ANGLES = ( -63.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_STR-OH2 = -999062 FRAME_-999062_NAME = 'HERA_STR-OH2' FRAME_-999062_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999062_CLASS_ID = -999062 FRAME_-999062_CENTER = -999062 TKFRAME_-999062_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999062_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999062_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999062_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999062_ANGLES = ( 63.0, 0.0, 180.0 ) \begintext AFC Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the Asteroid Framing Cameras (AFC-1 and AFC-2) frames. AFC Frame Tree -------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the AFC frame hierarchy. "J2000" INERTIAL +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | |<-pck | |<-fixed | | | V | V "EARTH_FIXED" | "DIDYMOS_FIXED" ------------- | --------------- | |<-ck | V "HERA_SPACECRAFT" +---------------------+ | | |<-fixed |<-fixed | | V V "HERA_AFC-1" "HERA_AFC-2" ----------- ----------- | | |<-fixed |<-fixed | | V V "HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_[1..8]" "HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_[1..8]" -------------------------- -------------------------- AFC Frames -------------------------------------- The Asteroid Framing Camera frames -- HERA_AFC-1 and HERA_AFC-2 -- are defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the camera boresight; - +X axis is parallel to the apparent image lines; it is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right handed frame; it is nominally parallel to the apparent image columns and co-aligned with the s/c +Y axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the camera focal point. The Framing Cameras filter frames -- HERA_AFC-[1,2]_FILTER_[1..8] -- are defined to be nominally co-aligned with the corresponding camera frame. This diagram illustrates the AFC-1 and AFC-2 camera frames: +Z s/c side (science deck side) view: ------------------------------------- .________________. | o------> +Yafc | | +Ysc | o==/ /==-=============---o| | o-----> |o---===============-=/ /==o -Y Solar Array | V | | +Y Solar Array ._ +Xafc |_______. .--V +Xsc HGA .' `. /___________\ `.|.' +Zsc and +Zafc are out of the page. Nominally, the AFC frames are co-aligned with the s/c frame: \begindata FRAME_HERA_AFC-1 = -999110 FRAME_-999110_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1' FRAME_-999110_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999110_CLASS_ID = -999110 FRAME_-999110_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999110_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999110_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999110_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999110_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999110_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2 = -999120 FRAME_-999120_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2' FRAME_-999120_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999120_CLASS_ID = -999120 FRAME_-999120_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999120_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999120_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999120_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999120_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999120_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext The keywords below define the AFC filter frames to be co-aligned with the corresponding camera frames. \begindata FRAME_HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_1 = -999111 FRAME_-999111_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_1' FRAME_-999111_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999111_CLASS_ID = -999111 FRAME_-999111_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999111_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-1' TKFRAME_-999111_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999111_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999111_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999111_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_2 = -999112 FRAME_-999112_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_2' FRAME_-999112_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999112_CLASS_ID = -999112 FRAME_-999112_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999112_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-1' TKFRAME_-999112_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999112_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999112_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999112_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_3 = -999113 FRAME_-999113_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_3' FRAME_-999113_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999113_CLASS_ID = -999113 FRAME_-999113_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999113_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-1' TKFRAME_-999113_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999113_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999113_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999113_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_4 = -999114 FRAME_-999114_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_4' FRAME_-999114_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999114_CLASS_ID = -999114 FRAME_-999114_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999114_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-1' TKFRAME_-999114_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999114_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999114_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999114_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_5 = -999115 FRAME_-999115_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_5' FRAME_-999115_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999115_CLASS_ID = -999115 FRAME_-999115_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999115_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-1' TKFRAME_-999115_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999115_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999115_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999115_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_6 = -999116 FRAME_-999116_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_6' FRAME_-999116_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999116_CLASS_ID = -999116 FRAME_-999116_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999116_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-1' TKFRAME_-999116_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999116_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999116_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999116_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_7 = -999117 FRAME_-999117_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_7' FRAME_-999117_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999117_CLASS_ID = -999117 FRAME_-999117_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999117_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-1' TKFRAME_-999117_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999117_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999117_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999117_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_8 = -999118 FRAME_-999118_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_8' FRAME_-999118_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999118_CLASS_ID = -999118 FRAME_-999118_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999118_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-1' TKFRAME_-999118_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999118_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999118_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999118_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_1 = -999121 FRAME_-999121_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_1' FRAME_-999121_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999121_CLASS_ID = -999121 FRAME_-999121_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999121_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-2' TKFRAME_-999121_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999121_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999121_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999121_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_2 = -999122 FRAME_-999122_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_2' FRAME_-999122_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999122_CLASS_ID = -999122 FRAME_-999122_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999122_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-2' TKFRAME_-999122_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999122_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999122_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999122_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_3 = -999123 FRAME_-999123_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_3' FRAME_-999123_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999123_CLASS_ID = -999123 FRAME_-999123_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999123_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-2' TKFRAME_-999123_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999123_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999123_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999123_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_4 = -999124 FRAME_-999124_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_4' FRAME_-999124_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999124_CLASS_ID = -999124 FRAME_-999124_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999124_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-2' TKFRAME_-999124_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999124_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999124_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999124_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_5 = -999125 FRAME_-999125_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_5' FRAME_-999125_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999125_CLASS_ID = -999125 FRAME_-999125_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999125_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-2' TKFRAME_-999125_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999125_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999125_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999125_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_6 = -999126 FRAME_-999126_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_6' FRAME_-999126_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999126_CLASS_ID = -999126 FRAME_-999126_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999126_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-2' TKFRAME_-999126_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999126_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999126_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999126_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_7 = -999127 FRAME_-999127_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_7' FRAME_-999127_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999127_CLASS_ID = -999127 FRAME_-999127_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999127_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-2' TKFRAME_-999127_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999127_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999127_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999127_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_8 = -999128 FRAME_-999128_NAME = 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_8' FRAME_-999128_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999128_CLASS_ID = -999128 FRAME_-999128_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999128_RELATIVE = 'HERA_AFC-2' TKFRAME_-999128_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999128_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999128_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999128_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext TIRI Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the Thermal InfraRed Imager (TIRI) frames. TIRI Frame Tree -------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the TIRI frame hierarchy. "J2000" INERTIAL +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | |<-pck | |<-pck | | | V | V "EARTH_FIXED" | "DIDYMOS_FIXED" ------------- | --------------- | |<-ck | V "HERA_SPACECRAFT" ----------------- | |<-fixed | V "HERA_TIRI" ----------- TIRI Frames -------------------------------------- The the Thermal InfraRed Imager frame -- HERA_TIRI -- is defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the camera boresight; - +X axis is parallel to the apparent image lines; it is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right handed frame; it is nominally parallel to the apparent image columns and co-aligned with the s/c +Y axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the camera focal point. This diagram illustrates the TRA camera frames: +Z s/c side (science deck side) view: ------------------------------------- .________________. | o------> +Ytiri | | +Ysc | o==/ /==-=============---o| | o-----> |o---===============-=/ /==o -Y Solar Array | V | | +Y Solar Array . +Xtiri |_______. .--V +Xsc HGA .' `. /___________\ `.|.' +Zsc and +Ztiri are out of the page. Nominally, the TIRI frames are co-aligned with the s/c frame: \begindata FRAME_HERA_TIRI = -999210 FRAME_-999210_NAME = 'HERA_TIRI' FRAME_-999210_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999210_CLASS_ID = -999210 FRAME_-999210_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999210_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999210_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999210_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999210_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999210_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext PALT Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the Planetary Altimeter (PALT) frames. PALT Frame Tree -------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the PALT frame hierarchy. "J2000" INERTIAL +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | |<-pck | |<-pck | | | V | V "EARTH_FIXED" | "DIDYMOS_FIXED" ------------- | --------------- | |<-ck | V "HERA_SPACECRAFT" ----------------- | |<-fixed | V "HERA_PALT" ----------- PALT Frames -------------------------------------- The Planetary Altimeter frame -- HERA_PALT -- is defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the camera boresight; - +X axis is parallel to the apparent image lines; it is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right handed frame; it is nominally parallel to the apparent image columns and co-aligned with the s/c +Y axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the camera focal point. This diagram illustrates the PALT camera frames: +Z s/c side (science deck side) view: ------------------------------------- .________________. | o------> +Ypalt | | +Ysc | o==/ /==-=============---o| | o-----> |o---===============-=/ /==o -Y Solar Array | V | | +Y Solar Array . +Xpalt |_______. .--V +Xsc HGA .' `. /___________\ `.|.' +Zsc and +Zpalt are out of the page. Nominally, the PALT frames are co-aligned with the s/c frame: \begindata FRAME_HERA_PALT = -999310 FRAME_-999310_NAME = 'HERA_PALT' FRAME_-999310_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999310_CLASS_ID = -999310 FRAME_-999310_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999310_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999310_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999310_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999310_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999310_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext HSH Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the HyperScout Hyperspectral Imager (HSH) frames. HSH Frame Tree -------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the HSH frame hierarchy. "J2000" INERTIAL +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | |<-pck | |<-pck | | | V | V "EARTH_FIXED" | "DIDYMOS_FIXED" ------------- | --------------- | |<-ck | V "HERA_SPACECRAFT" ----------------- | |<-fixed | V "HERA_HSH" ---------- HSH Frames -------------------------------------- The HyperScout Hyperspectral frame -- HERA_HSH -- is defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the camera boresight; - +X axis is parallel to the apparent image lines; it is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right handed frame; it is nominally parallel to the apparent image columns and co-aligned with the s/c +Y axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the camera focal point. This diagram illustrates the HSH frames: +Z s/c side (science deck side) view: ------------------------------------- .________________. | o------> +Yhsh | | +Ysc | o==/ /==-=============---o| | o-----> |o---===============-=/ /==o -Y Solar Array | V | | +Y Solar Array . +Xhsh |_______. .--V +Xsc HGA .' `. /___________\ `.|.' +Zsc and +Zhsh are out of the page. Nominally, the HSH frames are co-aligned with the s/c frame: \begindata FRAME_HERA_HSH = -999410 FRAME_-999410_NAME = 'HERA_HSH' FRAME_-999410_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999410_CLASS_ID = -999410 FRAME_-999410_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999410_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999410_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999410_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999410_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999410_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext SMC Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the Small Monitoring Camera (SMC) frames. SMC Frame Tree -------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the SMC frame hierarchy. "J2000" INERTIAL +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | |<-pck | |<-pck | | | V | V "EARTH_FIXED" | "DIDYMOS_FIXED" ------------- | --------------- | |<-ck | V "HERA_SPACECRAFT" ----------------- | |<-fixed | V "HERA_SMC" ---------- SMC Frames -------------------------------------- The Small Monitoring Camera frame -- HERA_SMC -- is defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the camera boresight; - +X axis is parallel to the apparent image lines; it is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right handed frame; it is nominally parallel to the apparent image columns and co-aligned with the s/c +Y axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the camera focal point. This diagram illustrates the SMC frames: +Z s/c side (science deck side) view: ------------------------------------- .________________. | o------> +Ysmc | | +Ysc | o==/ /==-=============---o| | o-----> |o---===============-=/ /==o -Y Solar Array | V | | +Y Solar Array . +Xsmc |_______. .--V +Xsc HGA .' `. /___________\ `.|.' +Zsc and +Zsmc are out of the page. Nominally, the following rotations, first about +X, then about +Y and then about +Z, are required in order to align the HERA_SMC frame to the s/c frame. Rotation Rotation Rotation `To' frame about +Z about +Y about +X -------------- --------- --------- --------- HERA_SMC -40.02 deg 49.24 deg 42.05 deg \begindata FRAME_HERA_SMC = -999500 FRAME_-999500_NAME = 'HERA_SMC' FRAME_-999500_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-999500_CLASS_ID = -999500 FRAME_-999500_CENTER = -999 TKFRAME_-999500_RELATIVE = 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-999500_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-999500_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-999500_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-999500_ANGLES = ( -40.01923108 49.23842601 42.0522522 ) \begintext Hera NAIF ID Codes to Name Mapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the Hera mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL, these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use names instead of ID code in the high level SPICE routine calls. Spacecraft: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This table presents the Hera Spacecraft and its main structures' names. --------------------- ------- -------------------------- Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- -------------------------- HERA -999 HERA_SPACECRAFT -999000 HERA_SC HERA_HGA -999070 HERA_LGA+X -999071 HERA_LGA-X -999072 HERA_SA+Y -999011 HERA_SA-Y -999015 HERA_STR-OH1 -999061 HERA_STR-OH2 -999062 --------------------- ------- -------------------------- Notes: -- 'HERA_SC' and 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' are synonyms and all map to the Hera s/c bus structure ID (-999000); \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_SC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_SPACECRAFT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_HGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999070 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_LGA+X' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999071 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_LGA-X' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999072 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_SA+Y' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999011 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_SA-Y' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999015 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_STR-OH1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999061 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_STR-OH2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999062 ) \begintext AFC: ---- This table summarizes AFCs IDs: ---------------------- -------- Name ID ---------------------- -------- HERA_AF-1 -999110 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_1 -999111 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_2 -999112 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_3 -999113 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_4 -999114 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_5 -999115 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_6 -999116 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_7 -999117 HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_8 -999118 HERA_AF-2 -999120 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_1 -999121 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_2 -999122 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_3 -999123 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_4 -999124 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_5 -999125 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_6 -999126 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_7 -999127 HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_8 -999128 HERA_AFC_RAD -999109 ---------------------- -------- Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999110 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999111 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999112 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999113 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999114 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_5' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999115 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_6' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999116 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_7' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999117 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-1_FILTER_8' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999118 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999120 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999121 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999122 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999123 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999124 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_5' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999125 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_6' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999126 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_7' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999127 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC-2_FILTER_8' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999128 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_AFC_RAD' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999109 ) \begintext Thermal InfraRed Imager: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This table summarizes TIRI IDs: --------------------- ------- -------------------------- Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- -------------------------- HERA_TIRI -999200 Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_TIRI' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999200 ) \begintext Planetary Altimeter: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This table summarizes PALT IDs: --------------------- ------- -------------------------- Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- -------------------------- HERA_PALT -999300 HERA_PALT_MIN -999301 Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_PALT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999300 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_PALT_MIN' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999301 ) \begintext HyperScout Hyperspectral Imager: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This table summarizes HSH IDs: --------------------- ------- -------------------------- Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- -------------------------- HERA_HSH -999400 Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_HSH' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999400 ) \begintext Small Monitoring Camera: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This table summarizes SMC IDs: --------------------- ------- -------------------------- Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- -------------------------- HERA_SMC -999500 Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'HERA_SMC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999500 ) \begintext Asteroid Binary System: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This table presents the Hera target names. ------------------------- ------- -------------------------- Name ID Synonyms ------------------------- ------- -------------------------- DIDYMOS_BARYCENTER 2065803 DIDYMOS_BC, DIDYMOS BARYCENTER DIDYMOS -658030 DIDYMAIN DIMORPHOS -658031 DIDYMOON DART_IMPACT_SITE -999900 DIDYMOON_IMPACT_SITE, DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_SITE DIDYMOS_GEOMETRIC_CENTER -658032 ------------------------- ------- -------------------------- \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIDYMOS BARYCENTER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 2065803 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIDYMOS_BC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 2065803 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIDYMOS_BARYCENTER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 2065803 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIDYMAIN' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -658030 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIDYMOS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -658030 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIDYMOON' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -658031 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIMORPHOS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -658031 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIDYMOON_IMPACT_SITE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999900 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIMORPHOS_IMPACT_SITE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999900 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DART_IMPACT_SITE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -999900 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIDYMOS_GEOMETRIC_CENTER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -658032 ) \begintext End of FK file.