KPL/MK Meta-kernel for Gaia Dataset v101 -- Operational 20230509_001 ========================================================================== This meta-kernel lists the Gaia Operational SPICE kernels that provide information for the Studies scenario. The kernels listed in this meta-kernel and the order in which they are listed are picked to provide the best data available and the most complete coverage for the Gaia operational scenario. Usage of the Meta-kernel --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool. The kernels listed below can be obtained from the ESA SPICE Web server: or from the ESA SPICE FTP server: Implementation Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is recommended that users make a local copy of this file and modify the value of the PATH_VALUES keyword to point to the actual location of the Gaia SPICE data set's ``data'' directory on their system. Replacing ``/'' with ``\'' and converting line terminators to the format native to the user's system may also be required if this meta-kernel is to be used on a non-UNIX workstation. ------------------- This file was created on May 9, 2023 by Ricardo Valles Blanco ESA/ESAC. \begindata PATH_VALUES = ( '../..' ) PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'KERNELS' ) KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20131219_20150101_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20150101_20160101_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20160101_20170101_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20170101_20180101_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20180101_20190101_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20190101_20200101_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20200101_20210101_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20210101_20220101_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/gaia_sc_ssp_20220101_20220518_f20191030_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/lsk/naif0012.tls' '$KERNELS/pck/de-403-masses.tpc' '$KERNELS/pck/pck00010.tpc' '$KERNELS/sclk/gaia_fict_20191030.tsc' '$KERNELS/spk/de432s.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/gaia_20131219_20250517_v01.bsp' ) \begintext SPICE Kernel Dataset Version -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SPICE Kernel Dataset version of the kernels present in this meta-kernel is provided by the following keyword (please note that this might not be the last version of the SPICE Kernel Dataset): \begindata SKD_VERSION = 'v101_20230509_001' \begintext The unique identifier for this meta-kernel is provided by the following keyword: \begindata MK_IDENTIFIER = 'gaia_plan_v101_20230509_001' \begintext Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service (ESS) at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429, End of MK file.