ExoMarsRSP MK files =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes the contents of the kernels/mk directory of the ExoMarsRSP SPICE Kernel Dataset. It was last modified on January 11, 2023 by Ricardo Valles, ESAC/ESA. Brief Summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE Meta-Kernel files for the ExoMarsRSP mission. Meta-kernels (also known as ``FURNSH kernel'') are used to name a collection of kernels that are to be loaded into a user's application at run-time. Meta-kernels are appropriate to group kernels that correspond to a certain study group, phase or kernel state of the mission. File naming conventions -------------------------------------------------------- Naming Scheme for ExoMarsRSP rover MKs: The naming scheme for the ExoMarsRSP rover MKs is: emrsp_rm[_test]_TYPE_XXXX_vNNN.tm where TYPE: This description field is a variable char tag that specifies the type of information which is collected by the metakernel. The value could assume the following values: tlm: this value is used to tag MK collecting the spatiotemporal data as downlinked from the rover. rec: this value is used to tag MK files collecting on-ground reconstructed spatiotemporal data. test: This file include data that is used for test or rehearsal (optional). XXXX: Kernel generation sol number, this corresponds to the end sol of its telemetry coverage. This number is 4 digits long and left padded with 0s starting from 0. This field is optional in case of kernels of type test. This number corresponds to the one appearing in the OEM filename. NNN: 3 digit version number, incremental, starting from 0. Other directory contents -------------------------------------------------------- aareadme.txt This file. Particulars -------------------------------------------------------- Meta-Kernel file management is a critical element of any SPICE dataset. For ESA Planetary Missions the Meta-Kernels of the operational SPICE repositories are also used to control the version of the SPICE dataset. In general missions in operations will have an "operational" Meta-Kernel. This MK will contain the latest SPICE kernels available for the mission including those kernels generated by the operational pipeline in a periodical basis (namely SPK, CK and SCLK files). This MK should be used for Data Analysis. For what concerns dataset version kernels, they are generated when a new version of the kernel dataset is released. In parallel a new operational version is made available. New kernel datasets are typically released when new text kernels are added, updateed or modified, when there is a change in the directory structure, etc. Kernel File Details -------------------------------------------------------- Name Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------- emrsp_rm_rec_XXXX_vNNN.tm Contains the latest available operational kernels generated by the SPICE operational pipeline. emrsp_rm_tlm_XXXX_vNNN.tm Contains the latest available kernels generated only from telemetry. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file, please contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 spice@sciops.esa.int or ROCC at Altec Space: Federico Salvioli +39 011 7430 097 federico.salvioli@altecspace.it References and required readings -------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Kernel Required Reading'', NAIF Document End of aareadme file.