KPL/FK FILE: kernels/fk/ This file was created by PINPOINT. PINPOINT Version 3.2.0 --- September 6, 2016 PINPOINT RUN DATE/TIME: 2019-11-01T14:57:09 PINPOINT DEFINITIONS FILE: ground_stations/ground_stations.def PINPOINT PCK FILE: kernels/pck/pck00010.tpc PINPOINT SPK FILE: kernels/spk/ground_stations_bl_klz_20191031.bsp The input definitions file is appended to this file as a comment block. Body-name mapping follows: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += 'BEAR_LAKES' NAIF_BODY_CODE += 399603 NAIF_BODY_NAME += 'KALYAZIN' NAIF_BODY_CODE += 399604 \begintext Reference frame specifications follow: Topocentric frame BL_TOPO The Z axis of this frame points toward the zenith. The X axis of this frame points North. Topocentric frame BL_TOPO is centered at the site BEAR_LAKES, which at the epoch 2005 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 TDB has Cartesian coordinates X (km): 0.2828547498000E+04 Y (km): 0.2206064086000E+04 Z (km): 0.5256395991000E+04 and planetodetic coordinates Longitude (deg): 37.9516746689565 Latitude (deg): 55.8682066148442 Altitude (km): 0.2097967323084E+00 These planetodetic coordinates are expressed relative to a reference spheroid having the dimensions Equatorial radius (km): 6.3781366000000E+03 Polar radius (km): 6.3567519000000E+03 All of the above coordinates are relative to the frame ITRF93. \begindata FRAME_BL_TOPO = 1399603 FRAME_1399603_NAME = 'BL_TOPO' FRAME_1399603_CLASS = 4 FRAME_1399603_CLASS_ID = 1399603 FRAME_1399603_CENTER = 399603 OBJECT_399603_FRAME = 'BL_TOPO' TKFRAME_1399603_RELATIVE = 'ITRF93' TKFRAME_1399603_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_1399603_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_1399603_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_1399603_ANGLES = ( -37.9516746689565, -34.1317933851558, 180.0000000000000 ) \begintext Topocentric frame KLZ_TOPO The Z axis of this frame points toward the zenith. The X axis of this frame points North. Topocentric frame KLZ_TOPO is centered at the site KALYAZIN, which at the epoch 2005 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 TDB has Cartesian coordinates X (km): 0.2731191749000E+04 Y (km): 0.2126199292000E+04 Z (km): 0.5339538091000E+04 and planetodetic coordinates Longitude (deg): 37.9003203524384 Latitude (deg): 57.2230158501456 Altitude (km): 0.1814397680015E+00 These planetodetic coordinates are expressed relative to a reference spheroid having the dimensions Equatorial radius (km): 6.3781366000000E+03 Polar radius (km): 6.3567519000000E+03 All of the above coordinates are relative to the frame ITRF93. \begindata FRAME_KLZ_TOPO = 1399604 FRAME_1399604_NAME = 'KLZ_TOPO' FRAME_1399604_CLASS = 4 FRAME_1399604_CLASS_ID = 1399604 FRAME_1399604_CENTER = 399604 OBJECT_399604_FRAME = 'KLZ_TOPO' TKFRAME_1399604_RELATIVE = 'ITRF93' TKFRAME_1399604_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_1399604_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_1399604_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_1399604_ANGLES = ( -37.9003203524384, -32.7769841498544, 180.0000000000000 ) \begintext Definitions file ground_stations/ground_stations.def -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antennas definition according to EXOMARS 2016 Navigation ICD ESOC/RKPNI (EXM-GS-ICD-ESC-50005). Created by Stanislav Bober, IKI begindata SITES = ('BEAR_LAKES', 'KALYAZIN') BEAR_LAKES_TOPO_FRAME = 'BL_TOPO' BEAR_LAKES_FRAME = 'ITRF93' BEAR_LAKES_IDCODE = 399603 BEAR_LAKES_XYZ = ( 2828.547498, 2206.064086, 5256.395991 ) BEAR_LAKES_EPOCH = @2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 BEAR_LAKES_TOPO_EPOCH = @2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 BEAR_LAKES_DXYZ = ( -1.4E-2, 1.7E-2, 1.2E-2 ) BEAR_LAKES_CENTER = 399 BEAR_LAKES_BOUNDS = ( @2005-01-01T00:00:00.0, @2040-01-01T00:00:00.0 ) BEAR_LAKES_UP = 'Z' BEAR_LAKES_NORTH = 'X' KALYAZIN_TOPO_FRAME = 'KLZ_TOPO' KALYAZIN_FRAME = 'ITRF93' KALYAZIN_IDCODE = 399604 KALYAZIN_XYZ = ( 2731.191749, 2126.199292, 5339.538091 ) KALYAZIN_EPOCH = @2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 KALYAZIN_TOPO_EPOCH = @2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 KALYAZIN_DXYZ = ( -1.4E-2, 1.7E-2, 1.2E-2 ) KALYAZIN_CENTER = 399 KALYAZIN_BOUNDS = ( @2005-01-01T00:00:00.0, @2040-01-01T00:00:00.0 ) KALYAZIN_UP = 'Z' KALYAZIN_NORTH = 'X' begintext [End of definitions file]