KPL/FK FILE: This file was created by PINPOINT. PINPOINT Version 3.1.0 --- July 2, 2014 PINPOINT RUN DATE/TIME: 2021-05-18T12:28:15 PINPOINT DEFINITIONS FILE: em16_tgo_relay_locations_v01.txt PINPOINT PCK FILE: pck00010.tpc PINPOINT SPK FILE: em16_tgo_relay_locations_v01.bsp The input definitions file is appended to this file as a comment block. Body-name mapping follows: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += 'MSL' NAIF_BODY_CODE += -76 NAIF_BODY_NAME += 'INSIGHT' NAIF_BODY_CODE += -189 NAIF_BODY_NAME += 'M2020' NAIF_BODY_CODE += -168 \begintext Reference frame specifications follow: Topocentric frame MSL_TOPO The Z axis of this frame points toward the zenith. The Y axis of this frame points North. Topocentric frame MSL_TOPO is centered at the site MSL which has Cartesian coordinates X (km): -0.2489864000000E+04 Y (km): 0.2286206000000E+04 Z (km): -0.2713460000000E+03 and planetodetic coordinates Longitude (deg): 137.4416893405198 Latitude (deg): -4.6438540943152 Altitude (km): -0.4926957870218E+01 These planetodetic coordinates are expressed relative to a reference spheroid having the dimensions Equatorial radius (km): 3.3961900000000E+03 Polar radius (km): 3.3762000000000E+03 All of the above coordinates are relative to the frame IAU_MARS. \begindata FRAME_MSL_TOPO = 999924 FRAME_999924_NAME = 'MSL_TOPO' FRAME_999924_CLASS = 4 FRAME_999924_CLASS_ID = 999924 FRAME_999924_CENTER = -76 OBJECT_-76_FRAME = 'MSL_TOPO' TKFRAME_999924_RELATIVE = 'IAU_MARS' TKFRAME_999924_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_999924_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_999924_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_999924_ANGLES = ( -137.4416893405198, -94.6438540943152, 270.0000000000000 ) \begintext Topocentric frame INSIGHT_TOPO The Z axis of this frame points toward the zenith. The Y axis of this frame points North. Topocentric frame INSIGHT_TOPO is centered at the site INSIGHT which has Cartesian coordinates X (km): -0.2417750000000E+04 Y (km): 0.2365699000000E+04 Z (km): 0.2663591000000E+03 and planetodetic coordinates Longitude (deg): 135.6234382178438 Latitude (deg): 4.5556872599941 Altitude (km): -0.2985413656678E+01 These planetodetic coordinates are expressed relative to a reference spheroid having the dimensions Equatorial radius (km): 3.3961900000000E+03 Polar radius (km): 3.3762000000000E+03 All of the above coordinates are relative to the frame IAU_MARS. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_TOPO = 999811 FRAME_999811_NAME = 'INSIGHT_TOPO' FRAME_999811_CLASS = 4 FRAME_999811_CLASS_ID = 999811 FRAME_999811_CENTER = -189 OBJECT_-189_FRAME = 'INSIGHT_TOPO' TKFRAME_999811_RELATIVE = 'IAU_MARS' TKFRAME_999811_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_999811_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_999811_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_999811_ANGLES = ( -135.6234382178438, -85.4443127400059, 270.0000000000000 ) \begintext Topocentric frame M2020_TOPO The Z axis of this frame points toward the zenith. The Y axis of this frame points North. Topocentric frame M2020_TOPO is centered at the site M2020 which has Cartesian coordinates X (km): 0.7002047000000E+03 Y (km): 0.3140206500000E+04 Z (km): 0.1074398200000E+04 and planetodetic coordinates Longitude (deg): 77.4297993589779 Latitude (deg): 18.6706323344886 Altitude (km): -0.2190344887703E+01 These planetodetic coordinates are expressed relative to a reference spheroid having the dimensions Equatorial radius (km): 3.3961900000000E+03 Polar radius (km): 3.3762000000000E+03 All of the above coordinates are relative to the frame IAU_MARS. \begindata FRAME_M2020_TOPO = 999832 FRAME_999832_NAME = 'M2020_TOPO' FRAME_999832_CLASS = 4 FRAME_999832_CLASS_ID = 999832 FRAME_999832_CENTER = -168 OBJECT_-168_FRAME = 'M2020_TOPO' TKFRAME_999832_RELATIVE = 'IAU_MARS' TKFRAME_999832_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_999832_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_999832_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_999832_ANGLES = ( -77.4297993589779, -71.3293676655115, 270.0000000000000 ) \begintext Definitions file em16_tgo_relay_locations_v01.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begindata SITES = ( 'MSL', 'INSIGHT', 'M2020' ) MSL_CENTER = 499 MSL_FRAME = 'IAU_MARS' MSL_IDCODE = -76 MSL_XYZ = ( -2489.864, 2286.206, -271.346 ) MSL_BOUNDS = ( @2001-JAN-01, @2100-JAN-01 ) MSL_UP = 'Z' MSL_NORTH = 'Y' INSIGHT_CENTER = 499 INSIGHT_FRAME = 'IAU_MARS' INSIGHT_IDCODE = -189 INSIGHT_XYZ = ( -2417.750, 2365.699, 266.3591 ) INSIGHT_BOUNDS = ( @2001-JAN-01, @2100-JAN-01 ) INSIGHT_UP = 'Z' INSIGHT_NORTH = 'Y' M2020_CENTER = 499 M2020_FRAME = 'IAU_MARS' M2020_IDCODE = -168 M2020_XYZ = ( 700.2047, 3140.2065, 1074.3982 ) M2020_BOUNDS = ( @2001-JAN-01, @2100-JAN-01 ) M2020_UP = 'Z' M2020_NORTH = 'Y' begintext begintext [End of definitions file]