KPL/MK Meta-kernel for EnVision Dataset v051 -- Study 20241011_001 ========================================================================== VERSION: 3.1 CREATION_DATE: 2020/07/31 ORIGINATOR: ESA/ESOC (P. Munoz) CONTENT: Trajectory files in OEM (*.oem) and Spice Kernel (*.bsd) formats covering the full mission duration consistent to the latest mission baseline: - ESC_T2_2032_SouthVOI: backup 2032 (short) interplanetary transfer with Venus Orbit Insertion over the Southern hemisphere NOTES: - Trajectory data is consistent with JPL planetary ephemerides DE-432. - Aerobraking phase is not realistically modelled. Drag effect is emulated as several impulsive delta-Vs distributed throughout the aerobraking duration. - Venus gravity field expansion to 40x40 degree and order used for propagation of the science orbit. - Science orbit time span cover the nominal mission duration of 6 Venus cycles: o Backup transfer T2_2032_S: 2035/10/20 - 2039/10/19 Edited by ESAC: Removed information on additional scenario provided in the same release. Note that T2_2032_S was renamed to T1_2032_S in the Mission Analysis Guidelines v.2.4. ------------------- This file was created on October 11, 2024 by Alfredo Escalante ESAC/ESA. \begindata PATH_VALUES = ( '..' ) PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'KERNELS' ) KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/ik/envision_venspec_v02.ti' '$KERNELS/lsk/naif0012.tls' '$KERNELS/sclk/envision_200715_fict.tsc' '$KERNELS/pck/pck00010.tpc' '$KERNELS/pck/de-403-masses.tpc' '$KERNELS/pck/earth_200101_990628_predict.bpc' '$KERNELS/spk/EnVision_ESC_T2_2032_SouthVOI_v02.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/de432s.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/estrack_v04.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp' '$KERNELS/ck/EnVision_ESC_T2_2032_SouthVOI_v02.bc' ) \begintext SPICE Kernel Dataset Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The version of this SPICE Kernel Dataset is provided by the following keyword: \begindata SKD_VERSION = 'v051_20241011_001' \begintext Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service (ESS) at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 End of MK file.