SPICE Kernels FTP Server BepiColombo Release Notes v0.2.0 =========================================================================== This release notes file describes the status of the mission's SPICE Kernel FTP directory at the release of the current version. This version names a branch (0.2.0) and a tag (bc_ftp_v0.2.0) in the SPICE_BEPI Git repository at the scigit02 server located at ESAC. Created by Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA, November 3, 2016. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file, please contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457 mcosta@sciops.esa.int, esa_spice@sciops.esa.int Notes -------------------------------------------------------- September 22, 2016 v0.1.0 This first release includes the last snapshot of the BepiColombo dataset in ftp://ssols01.esac.esa.int/pub/data/SPICE/BEPI/misc/kernels/ Since the file name update includes a change in the versioning strategy the former version of the FK files and the IK files have been also modified. The dataset has been updated with the new ID for BEPICOLOMBO MPO from -69 to -121. The new file name convention has also been applied. A ‘bug’ has been discovered in the MPO SPK. The problem was caused by my SPK production script considering the fractional seconds part of time-tag as milli-seconds instead of micro-seconds. This has been corrected. Issues fixed for this release -------------------------------------------------------- None. BepiColombo FTP directory tree -------------------------------------------------------- ftp://spiftp.esac.esa.int/data/SPICE/BEPICOLOMBO/misc/kernels . |-- aareadme.txt |-- ck | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- bc_mpo_sct_mcs_cruise_20180417_20241218_f20150124_v01.bc | |-- bc_mpo_slt_mpo_nominal_20250327_20270612_f20150124_v01.bc | `-- former_versions | |-- BC-ESC-DF-500027_9217MPO_NADIR_001.bc | |-- bc_mcs_DF50010_6034MJD_cruise_att_20140331.bc | |-- bc_mpo_DF50011_8848MJD_nadir_orbit_att_20140211.bc | |-- bepi_mcs_cruise_180417_241218_v01.bc | `-- bepi_mpo_nom_270325_120627_v01.bc |-- fk | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- bc_mpo_v04.tf | |-- bc_sci_v01.tf | |-- earth_topo_050714.tf | |-- earthfixediau.tf | |-- earthfixeditrf93.tf | |-- estrack_v01.tf | |-- former_versions | | |-- bc_mpo_v01.tf | | |-- bc_mpo_v02.tf | | |-- bc_mpo_v03.tf | | `-- bc_sci_v00.tf | `-- new_norcia_topo.tf |-- ik | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- bc_mpo_bela_v02.ti | |-- bc_mpo_mertis_v01.ti | |-- bc_mpo_mgns_v01.ti | |-- bc_mpo_mixs_v01.ti | |-- bc_mpo_simbio_v01.ti | |-- bc_mpo_sixs_v02.ti | `-- former_versions | |-- bc_mpo_bela_v00.ti | |-- bc_mpo_bela_v01.ti | |-- bc_mpo_mertis_v00.ti | |-- bc_mpo_mgns_v00.ti | |-- bc_mpo_mixs_v00.ti | |-- bc_mpo_simbio_v00.ti | |-- bc_mpo_sixs_v00.ti | `-- bc_mpo_sixs_v01.ti |-- lsk | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- former_versions | | `-- naif0010.tls | `-- naif0011.tls |-- mk | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- bc_v010.tm | `-- former_versions | |-- bc_v00.tm | |-- bc_v01.tm | `-- bc_v02.tm |-- pck | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- de403_masses.tpc | |-- earth_000101_160528_160307.bpc | |-- earth_070425_370426_predict.bpc | |-- earth_latest_high_prec.bpc | |-- former_versions | | `-- pck00009.tpc | |-- gm_de431.tpc | `-- pck00010.tpc |-- sclk | |-- aareadme.txt | |-- bc_mpo_fict_20150124.tsc | |-- bc_mpo_fict_svt1a_20160816.tsc | `-- former_versions | `-- bc_mpo_sclk_20150124_fake.tsc `-- spk |-- aareadme.txt |-- bc_mmo_mlt_esc_df_50028_9133mmo_250102_270319_v01.bsp |-- bc_mpo_mct_esc_df_50025_6681mcs_180417_241218_v01.bsp |-- bc_mpo_mlt_esc_df_50027_9217mpo_250327_270612_v02.bsp |-- de430.bsp |-- de432s.bsp |-- earthstns_fx_050714.bsp |-- earthstns_itrf93050714.bsp |-- estrack_v01.bsp |-- former_versions | |-- BC-ESC-DF-50025_6681MCS.bsp | |-- BC-ESC-DF-50027_9217MPO.bsp | |-- BC-ESC-DF-50028_9133MMO.bsp | |-- bc_mcs_DF50023_6037MJD_t9d5_cruise_traj_20141215.bsp | |-- bc_mcs_df50021_6236mjd_cruise_traj17_20150225.bsp | |-- bc_mmo_DF50012_8781MJD_orbit_traj_20140725.bsp | |-- bc_mmo_df50012_8781mjd_orbit_traj_20150223.bsp | |-- bc_mpo_DF50011_8848MJD_orbit_traj_20140725.bsp | |-- bc_mpo_df50017_8866mjd_orbit_traj_20150223.bsp | |-- bc_mpo_mlt_esc_df_50027_9217mpo_250327_270612_v01.bsp | `-- de405.bsp `-- new_norcia.bsp 16 directories, 77 files Appendix: Release History =========================================================================== September 22, 2016 v0.1.0 This first release includes the last snapshot of the BepiColombo dataset in ftp://ssols01.esac.esa.int/pub/data/SPICE/BEPI/misc/kernels/ Since the file name update includes a change in the versioning strategy the former version of the FK files and the IK files have been also modified. The dataset has been updated with the new ID for BEPICOLOMBO MPO from -69 to -121. The new file name convention has also been applied. A ‘bug’ has been discovered in the MPO SPK. The problem was caused by my SPK production script considering the fractional seconds part of time-tag as milli-seconds instead of micro-seconds. This has been corrected. End of text file.