BepiColombo SPK files =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes the contents of the kernels/spk directory of the BepiColombo SPICE data server. It was last modified on Sept. 6th, 2023 by Rafael Andres Blasco, ESAC/ESA. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this directory or its contents, please contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 References and required readings -------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``SPK Required Reading'', NAIF Document Brief Summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE SP-Kernel files for the BepiColombo mission, including mission analysis, nominal and operational spacecraft trajectory SPKs, generic planetary and satellite ephemeris SPKs. File naming conventions -------------------------------------------------------- Naming Scheme for BepiColombo spacecraft SPKs: The naming scheme for the BepiColombo spacecraft SPKs is: bc_SC_TYPE[_ID][_DESC]_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_vNN.bsp where SC acronym of the spacecraft: mpo: for the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) spacecraft; mmo: for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) spacecraft; mtm: for the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) spacecraft TYPE Data type, where a reference to the originator of the data, the type of data and the and the reference period is provided. This is a three letter acronym. The first letter defines the file originator: s: Science Operations Center; m: Mission Analysis; f: Flight Dynamics; the second letter defines the reference period of the data: c: Cruise phase; l: Science phase Long term; m: Science phase Medium term; s: Science phase Short term; o: Undefined; the third letter indicates the type of data p: Predicted data; r: Reconstructed data; t: Test data; ID mapping to the original file product IDs as defined per an ICD document (optional); DESC description of the original reference file of any particular of the original file (optional); YYYYMMDD coverage start and stop times in TDB (required); NN version number, starting from 01 (required; e.g. 01); The naming scheme for the BepiColombo spacecraft center-of-gravity SPKs is: bc_SC_cog[_ID][_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD]_vNN.bsp where SC acronym of the spacecraft: mpo: for the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) spacecraft; mmo: for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) spacecraft; mtm: for the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) spacecraft ID mapping to the original file product IDs as defined per an ICD document (optional); YYYYMMDD coverage start and stop times in TDB (optional); NN version number, starting from 01 (required; e.g. 01); The naming scheme for the BepiColombo spacecraft structures SPKs is: bc_SC_struct_vNN.bsp where SC acronym of the spacecraft: mpo: for the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) spacecraft; mmo: for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) spacecraft; mtm: for the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) spacecraft NN version number, starting from 01 (required; e.g. 01); The naming scheme for BepiColombo Schulte vector points SPKs is: bc_mpo_schulte_vector_vNN.bsp where NN version (required; e.g. 01); Naming Scheme for Generic Planetary Ephemeris SPKs The naming scheme for generic planetary SPKs is: deNNN.bsp where NNN DE version (required; e.g. 421); Naming Scheme for ESA ESTRACK ground stations SPKs The naming scheme for ESA ESTRACK ground stations SPKs is: estrack_vNN.bsp where NN version (required; e.g. 01); Naming Scheme for NASA DSN ground stations SPKs The naming scheme for NASA DSN ground stations SPKs is: earthstns_itrf93_YYYYMMDD.bsp where YYYYMMDD product creation time (required); Naming Scheme for BepiColombo science frames origins SPKs The naming scheme for BepiColombo science frames origins SPKs is: bc_sci_vNN.bsp where NN version (required; e.g. 01); Naming Scheme for JAXA Deep space stations SPKs The naming scheme for JAXA Deep space stations SPKs is: earthstns_jaxa_YYYYMMDD.bsp where YYYYMMDD product creation time (required); Current SPK Kernels Set -------------------------------------------------------- bc_mmo_mlt_XXXXX_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MMO test trajectory for the science phase. This trajectory is delivered by Mission Analysis in the format of an OEM file or by file containing tabular ASCII information. XXXXX refers to the CReMA/Working Paper ID of the original trajectory file delivered by Mission Analysis. YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD indicates the coverage of the SPK. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mmo_cruise_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains Mercury Magnetosphetic Spacecraft (MMO) relative position with respect to MPO in order to bind MMO to the MPO trajectory. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mmo_slt_extension_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MMO test trajectory for the extended science phase. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mmo_struct_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MMO spacecraft structures positions that apply during all the mission. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_cog_NNNNN_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO spacecraft center-of-gravity (CoG) as delivered by the ESOC Flight Dynamics. It is important to note that the MPO trajectory SPK files provide ephemeris information for MPO (-121) and refer to the CoG. This file provides provides the position of MPO_SPACECRAFT (-121000). Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_cog_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO spacecraft center-of-gravity (CoG) history. It is important to note that the MPO trajectory SPK files provide ephemeris information for MPO (-121) and refer to the CoG. This file provides provides the position of MPO_SPACECRAFT (-121000). Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_fcp_NNNNN_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO spacecraft operational Sun centric ephemeris for the Cruise, Venus and Earth Flybys phases. This files contain both reconstructed and predicted data. This files should be considered final for the data period it covers. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_fcp_Venus2SwingbyMTP_NNNNN_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains the sliced ephemeris of the MPO spacecraft as delivered by the ESOC Flight Dynamics for the period of the 2nd Venus Swingby. This file contains position data for the BepiColombo MPO spacecraft, 'MPO', relative to Mercury in the 'J2000' frame. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_mcp_50034_20251205_20260314_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO test trajectory for the mercury orbit insertion phase. This trajectory is delivered by Mission Analysis in the format of an OEM file or by file containing tabular ASCII information. 50034 refers to the CReMA/Working Paper ID of the original trajectory file delivered by Mission Analysis. 20251205_20260314 indicates the coverage of the SPK. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_mcp_50041_20181019_20251219_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO test trajectory for the cruise phase. This trajectory is delivered by Mission Analysis in the format of an OEM file or by file containing tabular ASCII information. 50041 refers to the CReMA/Working Paper ID of the original trajectory file delivered by Mission Analysis. 20181019_20251219 indicates the coverage of the SPK. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_mlt_XXXXX_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO test trajectory for the science phase. This trajectory is delivered by Mission Analysis in the format of an OEM file or by file containing tabular ASCII information. XXXXX refers to the CReMA/Working Paper ID of the original trajectory file delivered by Mission Analysis. YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD indicates the coverage of the SPK. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_prelaunch_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO trajectory for before the launch in order to have coverage before launch. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_schulte_vector_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO spacecraft structures positions involved in the Schulte vector computations. These apply during all the mission. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_slt_extension_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains the ephemerides of the MPO spacecraft (BEPICOLOMBO MPO) propagated 2 years, starting from the last state at 2028 MAY 29 14:02:03.177 UTC extracted from the Mercury phase test orbit provided by Mission Analysis. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mpo_struct_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MPO spacecraft structures positions that apply during all the mission. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mtm_cruise_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) relative position with respect to MPO in order to bind MTM to the MPO trajectory. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_mtm_struct_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains MTM spacecraft structures positions that apply during all the mission. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). bc_sci_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that contains draft position information for the Science frames origins for BepiColombo mission. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). de432s.bsp SPICE SPK file containing JPL planetary ephemerides version DE432. Created by NAIF, JPL. earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp Contains ephemeris data for NASA DSN stations relative to the terrestrial reference frame label 'ITRF93'. This file was released the 14th of July 2005. Created by NAIF, JPL. estrack_vNN.bsp SPICE SPK file that defines the position for each of the ESA ESTRACK ground stations, as seen from the center of the Earth, in the topocentric frame defined in the corresponding ESTRACK FK. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). earthstns_jaxa_YYYYMMDD.bsp SPICE SPK file that defines the position for each of the JAXA Deep space stations, as seen from the center of the Earth, in the topocentric frame defined in the corresponding JAXA FK. Created by the ESA SPICE Service (ESS). Other directory contents -------------------------------------------------------- aareadme.txt This file. Particulars -------------------------------------------------------- Nothing to report. Kernel File Details -------------------------------------------------------- The most detailed description of the data in a binary SPK file is provided in metadata included inside the comment area of the file. This information can be viewed using the utility programs COMMNT and SPACIT included in the NAIF Toolkit. End of aareadme file.