KPL/MK Meta-kernel for the BepiColombo dataset release v0.4.0 ========================================================================== This meta-kernel lists the BepiColombo SPICE kernels providing test and optionaly, measured data. Usage of the Meta-kernel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This meta-kernel lists the BepiColombo SPICE kernels providing coverage for the following mission period: Summary for: ../spk/bc_mcs_mct_50034_20181016_20251205_v02.bsp Body: MERCURY PLANETARY ORBITER (-121) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 2018 OCT 16 01:54:54.782 2025 DEC 05 01:03:38.943 Summary for: ../spk/bc_mpo_mlt_50037_20260314_20280529_v01.bsp Body: MERCURY PLANETARY ORBITER (-121)* Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 2026 MAR 14 15:41:49.985 2028 MAY 29 14:32:10.384 Summary for: ../spk/bc_mmo_mlt_50038_20251220_20280305_v01.bsp Body: MERCURY MAGNETOSPHERIC ORBITER (-68)* Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 2025 DEC 20 09:18:27.711 2028 MAR 05 08:03:07.611 Reading the comments of the binary SPK and C-Kernels is very helpful to understand the implemented SC position and orientation. You can use the following NAIF command line utility to extract that information from the kernels: > commnt -r bc_mpo_sc_*.bc The kernels listed below can be found at: It is recommended that users make a local copy of this file and modify the value of the PATH_VALUES keyword to point to the actual location of the BepiColombo SPICE ``data'' directory on their system. Replacing ``/'' with ``\'' and converting line terminators to the format native to the user's system may also be required if this meta-kernel is to be used on a non-UNIX workstation. Implementation Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is recommended that users make a local copy of this file and modify the value of the PATH_VALUES keyword to point to the actual location of the BepiColombo SPICE data set's ``data'' directory on their system. Replacing ``/'' with ``\'' and converting line terminators to the format native to the user's system may also be required if this meta-kernel is to be used on a non-UNIX workstation. ------------------- This file was last updated on Jan 16, 2016 by Marc Costa Stja (ESAC/ESA). This file was created on September 22, 2016 by Marc Costa Sitja (ESAC/ESA). \begindata PATH_VALUES = ( '../..') PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'KERNELS') KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( '$KERNELS/ck/bc_mpo_hga_sot_default_20180317_20500101_f20150124_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/bc_mpo_magboom_sot_default_20180317_20500101_f20150124_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/bc_mpo_mga_sot_default_20180317_20500101_f20150124_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/bc_mpo_mgaboom_sot_default_20180317_20500101_f20150124_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/bc_mpo_sa_sot_default_20180317_20500101_f20150124_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/bc_mcs_sc_sct_cruise_50034_20181016_20251205_f20150124_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/ck/bc_mpo_sc_slt_nominal_50028_20260314_20280529_f20150124_v01.bc' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/fk/' '$KERNELS/ik/bc_mpo_bela_v03.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/bc_mpo_mertis_v02.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/bc_mpo_mgns_v01.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/bc_mpo_mixs_v03.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/bc_mpo_phebus_v00.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/bc_mpo_serena_v00.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/bc_mpo_simbio-sys_v02.ti' '$KERNELS/ik/bc_mpo_sixs_v04.ti' '$KERNELS/lsk/naif0012.tls' '$KERNELS/pck/de403_masses.tpc' '$KERNELS/pck/earth_000101_160528_160307.bpc' '$KERNELS/pck/earth_070425_370426_predict.bpc' '$KERNELS/pck/earth_latest_high_prec.bpc' '$KERNELS/pck/gm_de431.tpc' '$KERNELS/pck/pck00010.tpc' '$KERNELS/sclk/bc_mpo_fict_20150124.tsc' '$KERNELS/spk/bc_mcs_mct_50034_20181016_20251205_v03.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/bc_mpo_mlt_50037_20260314_20280529_v01.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/bc_mmo_mlt_50038_20251220_20280305_v01.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/de432s.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/earthstns_fx_050714.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/earthstns_itrf93050714.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/estrack_v01.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/new_norcia.bsp' ) \begintext End of MK file.